Chapter 53: Collect This.

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In Undertown, the Kineceleran kids are playing a game of soccer as an excited crowd watches.

ML-E: Over here!

The ball is kicked over to the goal, but Ben swoops in and starts dribbling the ball.

Crowd Member: Go! Go, Ben! Go!

Just then we see Danie come in as Ben passes the ball to her and Paulina slides in and takes the ball with her.

Ben: Woah Paulina, where did you learn to play soccer?

Paulina: With my Papa, I'm pretty good at it.

Suddenly, Rook slides in front of her, taking the ball with him. Paulina and Danie pursue Rook.

Paulina: Whoa, Rook! Where'd you learn to play soccer?

Rook: At the Plumber Academy.

Rook takes off.

Ben: You really went in for the electives, huh?

Danie: This is Rook we're talking about.

Paulina: Not in a bad way of course.

Ben: True.

Ben activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Kickin Hawk.

Ben: *As Kickin Hawk* Kickin Hawk's gonna rule at this!

Ben rushes towards Rook and knocks him, Danie, and Paulina aside, taking back the ball.

Danie: Oh no fair!

Paulina: Babe I hate to admit it but I don't think there's a rule where you use aliens in soccer.

Danie: Dang it.

Ben does a U-turn, sending the ball towards the other goal.

Ben: *As Kickin Hawk* Check it out!

Ben kicks the ball, almost hitting the goalie, who ducks just in time. The ball misses the goal, rebounding off two vendor stalls before smashing through the door of Pakmar's glass shop.

Ben: *As Kickin Hawk* *sliding across the ground* Goooooal! *notices damage* Uh-oh.

Pakmar's shop begins to visibly crack, and soon crumbles down. Pakmar emerges from the dust, coughing. He promptly faints. An alarm is then heard ringing, catching everyone's attention. They all look at the nearby bank, from where Solid Plugg bursts through the glass doors, money in tow.

Hokestar: Look out! That bank-robbing Sporemax is robbing the bank! Oh, whatever shall we do?!

A tall, muscular, green-clad man drops down from above.

Fake Ben 10: Have no fear, citizens of Earthville! Ben 10 has arrived!

The crowd cheers for Ben 10.

Paulina: What the…?

N-8: He's here! He's here! Check him out! It's the real Ben 10!

Crowd Ben 10! Ben 10!

N-8: The real Ben 10 is here!

Kickin Hawk reverts back to Ben.

Ben: *Confused* Um... hello?

Solid Plugg: You will never defeat me, Benjamin Ten Tennyson of Earthville! Sporemax the Solenoid is reborn!

Fake Ben 10: The reason and being of every particle of my body says I won't sleep till your reign of evil has ascertained its doom!

The crowd continues to cheer.

Ben, Danie and Paulina: Wha?

Fake Ben 10: Situation classification- extreme! Extreme times call for extreme responses. And nothing that walks the streets of Earthville more extremely than...

Ben's doppelganger shapeshifts his body into a new form.

Unitaur: Unitaur!

Unitaur's singular tire screeches and he rockets forward.

Ben: What is this? Another alternate timeline or something?

Paulina: Maybe it's an alternate dimension?

Danie: *Checks* Nope, same timeline and dimension.

Rook: I understand your confusion. You have never seen the actual Extranet program. You have only heard tesser-bursts of the audio.

Ben: I heard every syllable of that, but it never turned into words.

Danie: He means that you only heard the Ben 10 show on the radio but you never saw it in person.

Ben: Ohhh…

Rook: And this is The Ben 10 Show. And that is Ben 10!

Paulina: He looks like someone from an 80s barbarian cartoon.

Danie: Right?

Unitaur: Golden oranges, deploy!

Unitaur's horn opens up and shoots small orange balls at Solid Plugg, which bounce off of him.

Solid Plugg: Ha! You forget that Sporemax has a nigh-invulnerable-n-ness factor of 8!

Unitaur: *Gasps* This calls for drastic action!

Unitaur comes to a stop and transforms back into Ben 10.

Fake Ben 10: Time to boost my blood vessels with Hokestar's improved miracle elixir! *pulls out the elixir* Now 100% Screegit-free! *winks*

The crowd continues to cheer. Ben then notices Hokestar holding cameras, recording the event.

Ben, Danie, and Paulina: Hokestar?!

The doppelganger downs the elixir, causing him to belch. His muscles and head then increase mass, appearing stronger.

Fake Ben 10: Yeah! That hit the spot! Now... *to Solid Plugg* do you feel lucky punk? It's a "yes" or "no" question. And I won't take "no" for an answer!

Solid Plugg: Let us dance, hot shot!

The emblem on Solid Plugg's sashes begins to glow, and the fake Ben 10 jumps on his head, wailing on him. Ben, unimpressed, activates the Omnitrix.

Ben: Well, as long as it's my show...

Ben transforms into Arctiguana. He freezes the lookalike's forearm, surprising him.

Fake Ben 10: Huh?

Ben walks into the camera's frame.

Hokestar: Noooooo! Cut! Cut! Cut!! My boy, you ruined the scene!

The fake Ben 10 frees himself from Arctiguana's ice. He checks a hand mirror.

Fake Ben 10: Oooh! This crazy fanboy almost iced my hair! *sighs* This is why I hate location work.

Solid Plugg: *to Hokestar* Boss, I'm glad you called "cut." When I say "Let's dance," should I do a couple steps? I've been taking samba classes. *dances*

Hokestar: *to Arctiguana* Ooooh! You see what I have to deal with? All because you wouldn't endorse my elixir! I'm left with no choice but to pay real money for the real Ben 10.

Ben: *As Artiicguana* I'm the real Ben 10.

Hokestar: *gasps* I meant the famous one! B-d-b-d-but I might be able to write you in. Y-y-y-yes, indeed. *laughs* And... rrrrrrrolling!

Everyone gets back in place as Arctiguana approaches the imposter Ben 10.

Fake Ben 10: *to Arctiguana* Y- uh- y-you... are... my away-team leader gone rogue! You must be stopped by my faithful sidekick!

Hokestar: *from offscreen* Brilliant! Gwevin attacks!

Simian, dressed like both Gwen and Kevin, arrives on the scene.

Paulina: What the…?

Simian: *chitters*Ooh-ooh-ahh! Hang on, Ben!

Ben: *As Arctiguana* Simian?

Simian: Gwevin the space chimp will make short work of this away-team leader gone rogue! Ooh-ooh-ahh!

Simian shoots webbing from his tail, sending Arctiguana to the ground. Simian pounces on him.

Simian: I know this all seems strange, but you have to trust me. I'll explain later. *chitters*

Ben: *As Arctiguana* Trust you? Last time, you stole a DNA repair gun and sold it.

Danie: And sold my Ultimatrix, and even my intimate underwear collection and my car!!

Paulina: He did what?!

Simian: Yeah. Crazy universe, huh? Now, please, it's just a TV show, but I need the work. Make it look good. Sell it. Sell it. *jumps back* See you in school, sunshine!

Ben unleashes a freeze ray from his mouth, making the webbing brittle. He then easily breaks free.

Ben: *As Arctiguana* Hokestar!

Hokestar: Stay in character!

Arctiguana prepares another freeze ray, but the lookalike quickly morphs into Unitaur. He pokes Arctiguana in the rear with his sharp horn, sending him flying.

Unitaur: You're rolling... *chuckles* ...with the big dogs now.

Ben  hits a wall and falls into a dumpster. The crowd cheers as Unitaur rolls over to Sporemax, shifting back to his Ben 10 form.

Fake Ben 10: As for you, Sporemax...

The fake Ben 10 tries to lift Solid Plugg, but is only a little successful.

Solid Plugg: You are too late. Already, my techno-organicytes are weakening the Earthville freeway overpass.

Crowd: Oooooooooh!

Solid Plugg: Soon, they will eat through the overpass, the freeway, the cars, and the entire universe!

Hokestar: Cut! Ho-ho! Wonderful, my lads!

The crowd cheers again. Ben emerges from the dumpster with a banana peel on his head, having reverted from Arctiguana.

Ben: The universe?! He was robbing a bank!

Simian Next location, Plugg- quickly. Thank you! *throws his wig at Solid Plugg* *to Hokestar* Time to make the lunch money, yeah?

Hokestar: Oh, by all means!

Hokestar's shop opens up, revealing oodles of merchandise.

Hokestar: And now, you beautiful Ben and Jen 10 fans, for the most modest of fees, you can have your picture taken with the real Ben 10! *chuckles*

The crowd cheers. The fake Ben 10 poses for photos with E-N, ML-E, DJ and N-8. Ben, meanwhile, investigates his double's gauntlet, adorned with Omnitrix symbols.

Ben: Huh. It's not an Omnitrix, a Unitrix, Ultimatrix, Spectertrix, or a Nemetrix. So what is it supposed to be?

Fake Ben 10: *scoffs* Look, kid, I know who you are. I didn't make Ben 10 a household name just so your little "hero" thing could steal my thunder.

Ben: But you're based on me!

Fake Ben 10: *scoffs* Maybe once, but we've really run with this. You should come up with a new name for yourself. It's confusing!

The fake Ben 10 signals to keep the line moving, which Ben failed to take notice of. An annoyed resident of Undertown pushes him aside.

Rook: No clipping the line, Ben.

Danie: Cutting the line.

Ben: Wait! What- what are you doing?!

Rook: We are getting my picture taken with Ben 10. This is the way I imagined you before I met you.

Ben: What's really going on here? It can't just be a TV show.

Rook: Why is that?

Ben: 'Cause Simian told me it's just a TV show.

Danie: And that makes me worried, and gives me an urge to knock him out and turn him into an arachnichimp coat.

Ben: Still mad about the underwear thing?

Danie: All of them! He took all of them, Ben!! ALL OF THEM!!!

Paulina: *Lays her hand on Danie shoulder* Calm down, Danie! You're gonna have a panic attack!

Danie: I AM CALM!

Danie starts whimpering in anger while looking back at Ben.

Paulina: *comforting Danie* Shh-shh-shh. There, there.

Hokestar waves goodbye to ML-E, having sold her one of his plushies, and Simian walks up to him.

Hokestar: Ah, brilliant haul! *chuckles* Now to the surface.

Meanwhile, the fake Ben 10 practices his acting.

Fake Ben 10: Lips, teeth, tip of the tongue. Lips, teeth, tip of the tongue. *inhales and exhales* Feel the hero. Feel the hero. *shakes head* Rrrrrrrr! *inhales deeply* It's payback time!

The crowd cheers. The doppelganger, Simian and Hokestar all make their way to Bellwood.

Ben: *to Rook, Danie, and Paulina*  Come on.

They pursue the trio.

On the overpass, the crew has blocked traffic with a spaceship, as they record the next scene. Solid Plugg jumps onto one of the cars.

Solid Plugg: Ha ha ha. Now my plan will come to fruitition.

Solid Plugg presses a button on a capsule, unleashing small red sparkles. The fake Ben 10 enters the scene.

Fake Ben 10: Your fruity plan is going nowhere, Sporemax!

The fake Ben 10 shapeshifts his body again, into a red alien with gigantic hands.

Slapstrike: Except to slappy-town! *claps hands together, creating a loud sound* Thanks to Slapstrike!

Slapstrike pursues Solid Plugg through the crowd of cars. Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook arrive on the scene in the Proto-TRUK, and Ben quickly dials in and transforms into Diamondhead, and Danie turns into Fourarms and Paulina turns into Humungosaur.

Ben: *As Diamondhead* *sighs* This is really getting out of hand.

Danie: *As Fourarms* Now they're getting out of hand?

Paulina: *As Humungosaur* I think they were getting out of hand the moment they employed Simian.

Solid Plugg speedily avoids Slapstrike, who tries to carefully navigate around the vehicles.

Slapstrike: N-nothing gets out of these hands... hahaha! For I am Slapstrike! Evil, beware my five-finger discount of justice!

Slapstrike attempts to hit Solid Plugg, who avoids the slap. He instead hits a fuel truck, causing panic.

Simian scales a pole and watches from afar, as Slapstrike starts to freak out.

Slapstrike: Aaaaah-ha-ha!

Slapstrike runs away as Ben, Danie and Paulina survey the damage.

Rook: Everyone!

Ben: *As Diamondhead* We see it.

The leaking fuel truck starts to tip over.

Driver Help! Heeeelp!

Ben digs his arms into the ground, causing crystals to rise up. Two constructs form a slide, allowing the fuel truck to slide to safety while Danie and Paulina get the truck to safety. The driver recovers, slamming his head on the car horn.

The bystanders cheer for the trio. Meanwhile, the Ben 10 Show's crew watches. Hokestar turns his cameras back on Slapstrike and Solid Plugg, who both suddenly remember they were still recording. Slapstrike jumps back.

Slapstrike: Your plans... failed, Sporemax. Due to, uh... my planning!

Ben jumps onto the overpass and reverts back to normal and Danie and Paulina join him.

Slapstrike: Uh, because I always plan... *claps hands together* ahead.

Slapstrike transforms back into his Ben 10 form and turns to the real Ben.

Fake Ben 10: Uh, nice... assist... *chuckles nervously* away-team leader gone rogue. *motions a high five*

Ben: No! No! No!

Danie: You put real people in real danger.

Paulina: Not cool! That is not what Ben would do! Well… most of the time.

Ben: Hey! *Sighs* Whatever, *grasps the fake Ben's hand, hurting him* I'm putting a stop to-

Hokestar: Oh, cut, cut, cut, cut!

Fake Ben 10: Oooooh! Simian! No recurring role for this guy! He's one and done!

Ben rips out some of his hair in frustration.

Fake Ben 10: I don't take guff like that from a supporting player!

Paulina: Supporting player?! He's the real Ben 10! Ohoho that's it, fakey is going down…!

Danie: *Hugs Paulina* Baby no, he's not worth it.

Paulina: *Sighs* You're right, you're right.

Simian: Hey, I hear ya, big guy. What you say goes. Why don't you head back to the ship, for a little bit of rest? You did great.

The fake Ben 10 continues walking towards the ship.

Fake Ben 10:.Lips, teeth, tip of the tongue. Lips, teeth, tip of the tongue.

Solid Plugg: *to Rook* Hey, Plumber! Help me collect up all the organicytes while they're still microscopic. They get too big and, well... (chuckles) you know.

Rook: You used real techno-organicytes for the show?

Solid Plugg: *dumbfounded* They make fake ones?

Close by, Ben confronts Simian and Hokestar.

Ben: Why do you even need to shoot here on Earth?

Hokestar: Simian's idea, my boy. He felt that having the real Ben 10 on the hero Ben 10's Earth *chuckles* would play better.

Danie: Of course he did.

Rook: *from offscreen* Um, Ben? girls? If you have a moment...

Ben: Now what?

A rumbling is felt as a street lamp falls over. Ben, Rook and Solid Plugg look down a hole in the overpass created by the techno-organicytes.

Simian:  Okay, yes, Earth was my idea, but it's just too confusing. We're really jumping the Root Shark this time.

Hokestar: Well, I should say so. (chuckles) No wonder all the previous producers went mad.

Simian And once viewers are done with this kind of show, you never get them back.

Hokestar: Oh, my land! How ever will I turn a profit at this?

Simian Too bad you can't do some other big promotion, like a pie-eating contest or something like having Ben 10 sign the planet in letters that can be seen from Andromeda. That would be a amazing! *shrugs* Oh, well.

Hokestar: Solid Plugg! Get me a marker! No- a box of markers!

A view of Earth is seen. A shutter closes, a reopens closer to the planet. This repeats until a view of a glacier can be seen, with the words "BEN TEN" engraved on it. The picture further zooms in, revealing the fake Ben 10 to be painstakingly signing the glacier.

At the ground level, Hokestar and Simian watch the fake Ben 10 finish his signature.

Fake Ben 10: Ugh! This is so beneath me. At the very least, I should be getting paid. (throws marker into a pile of other discarded markers)

Hokestar: *gasps* You want to get paid?! This is promotional! If we are cancelled, dear boy, you will never work again!

Fake Ben 10v What? I shall have you know, I studied with the drama beasts of Kolat Zundermung! I brought Vulpimancers to tears with my performance of Old Smeller. Vulpimancers- no eyes- to tears!

Hokestar: Ugh, Zundermung. *scoffs wheezily*.Indeed.

Hokestar walks off, and Simian speaks into his earpiece.

Simian: It's me.

An ominous silhouette listens in from space.

Simian:  All set. Come and get it.

Simian's client makes a move. Engulfed in flames, they blaze past several planets.

Back on Earth, the Proto-TRUK lands, and Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook confront the trio.

Ben: Aha! I knew you'd be- *notices signature* ...signing Greenland?

Danie: More like forging Ben's signature.

Fake Ben 10: *scoffs* That doesn't make sense. *to Simian* Why would you call in a local hero?

Simian: Oh, *chuckles* I didn't call him.

Paulina: Then who did you call?

The fireball hones in on Greenland, releasing small devices in the process.

Simian: Here comes the guy I called.

The fireball finally lands, creating a small explosion. Simian's client speaks.


The fire soon subsides, revealing Simian's client to be a rather small, green humanoid sitting atop a floating chair.


Collectimus begins maniacally laughing, and accidentally slams his fist down on his chair, causing his voice to lose its filter.

Collectimus: *coughs and recomposes* I, Collectimus, have come to collect planet Earthville, now signed by the Ben 10.

Ben looks back at Simian, and then to Collectimus.

Ben, Danie, and Paulina: Seriously.

Collectimus: Seriously. *chortles* I have come to claim it!

Collectimus activates the devices he had released, which all link up and form a cube around Earth.

Ben, Danie and Paulina: *to Simian* You sold the Earth?!

Simian: Don't judge. You wouldn't believe what signed collectibles go for. *hoots*

Ben: I hope you're proud of yourself, Simian.

Simian: A little. *Gets punched in the face by Danie* Oof!

Danie: That was my underwear collection!

Paulina then kicks Simian in the nards making hoot in pain.

Simian: *In pain* What was that for…?!

Paulina: That was for selling my girlfriend’s underwear!

Collectimus: Lucky for me that your receding glaciers left a nice open spot for the signature. *giggles*

Ben: You can't just collect the Earth!

Paulina: Yeah! That's against the law! *Brief pause* Uh, Rook, Danie is it against the law?

Danie: It is sweetie.

Rook: And there are several galactic statutes against planet-poaching. Collectimus, you and Simian are under arrest. *draws Proto-Tool*

Fake Ben 10 & Hokestar: No!

Fake Ben 10: We can't recast Gwevin again!

Collectimus: Besides, I'm... *giggles*....not too worried about galactic law. I'm not from around here.

Collectimus slides a card into a slot in his chair's arm. It activates two laser guns, which fire on Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook. Rook  jumps towards the signature and uses the bow function of the Proto-Tool to shoot projectiles at Collectimus. Unfazed, Collectimus inserts another card, instead activating a shield to deflect the attack.

Rook dodges the deflection, much to Collectimus' dismay.

Collectimus: Careful! You'll smudge the signature!

Ben: Whoa! Collectimus! H-hey, can't we just sit down and grab a smoothie or something and, you know, talk this out?

Paulina: Yeah, like rational beings?

Danie: And maybe we can work something out.

Collectimus: A blended beverage? With the real Ben and Jen 10?!

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook look at the doppelganger, who is hiding behind a glacier alongside Hokestar and Simian.

Fake Ben 10: Situation- extreme!

Ben facepalms and Danie and Paulina shake their heads in dismay.

Paulina: Dude, don't just… don't.

Fake Ben 10: To the blended-beverage complex!

Collectimus: Allow me!

Collectimus inserts another card into his chair, which emits a bright, pink light. It then engulfs everyone in a large puff of pink smoke, teleporting them all away.

In Bellwood, citizens fret over the Earth being captured. Suddenly, a puff of smoke appears above a Mr. Smoothy establishment, having teleported the gang. Everyone falls to the ground, but Collectimus remains airborne on his chair. They get up.

Hokestar: Oh! Y-y-y- I-I-I'd be more than happy to obtain the smoothies. *chuckles nervously*

Collectimus observes the surroundings.

Collectimus: Mm-hmm. Uhhhhhh-huhhhh! Well, everything seems to be in fine to very fine condition.

Collectimus looks skyward towards the Mr. Smoothy sign.

Collectimus: I like the old sign better!

Ben: Huh. You know about that?

Behind Ben, Danie, Paulina ,and Rook, the fake Ben 10 reverts to his normal Lenopan form to scratch his rear end.

Collectimus: Of course! I'm the biggest Ben 10 fan that ever existed. *sighs* I just wish this world was a little... darker... grittier.

Fake Ben 10: Whew! Did you ever have an itch so bad, you had to switch to your real butt *chuckles* just to itch it?

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook look blankly at him. The fake re-assumes his usual Ben-like form and digs in his ear. Ben turns back to Collectimus.

Ben: Then you also know that I'm the real hero and this guy's just a Sludgepuppy who turns into pretend aliens.

Danie: Woah bro!

Fake Ben 10: *gasps* Hey! That term is derogatory!

Ben: What's the big deal with the word "Sludgepuppy"?   I have cousins who are Sludgepuppies.

Danie: Yeah uh, Ben you don't wanna use that term around other lenopans.

Fake Ben 10: She's right, it's a very offensive slur.

Ben: Really? Wow. Sorry. Okay, a few... Lenopan cousins.

Fake Ben 10: Well... okay... then.

Meanwhile, Collectimus sorts through his cards. Simian hops onto the arm of his chair.

Simian: Yo, Collectimus, we did have a deal, yeah?

Collectimus: Oh, please forgive me. Of course! The money is in your account.

Simian: *checks phone* Tops. Now let me off this rock. I don't want to get collected along with it. You know what I'm sayin'?

Collectimus: Oh, no. *gleefully* You get a card of your own.

Simian: Oh, no. *hoots*

Paulina: You done this to yourself.

Simian jumps off the chair and makes a run for it.

Collectimus: I've already got the first 12 Gwevins. And I am a completist.

Ben: As much as Simian deserves whatever's coming to him-

Ben activates the Omnitrix, Paulina and Danie do the same, and Rook tries to draw the Proto-Tool, but both are stuck to the ground by pink goo released by Collectimus' chair.

Collectimus: My chair is beyond anything known in the universe! You cannot defeat me!

Collectimus continues his pursuit of Simian. He places a card into his chair, which shoots a laser. Simian jumps onto a car, but is pulled in by the beam. A card emerges from the chair's slot, depicting Simian in his Gwevin costume.

Rook: Bralla Da.

Ben, Danie, and Paulina: Totally.

Collectimus: And, Ben 10, I think you know what this means! *flaunts Simian's card*

Fake Ben 10: Aaaaaah-haaa-aaaa! *sobbing* I am so scared! This is more jeopardy than an actor can take! $continues sobbing*

Nearby, Ben manages to free his left forearm and right hand from the goo and so do Danie and Paulina do the same. He attempts to activate a transformation and so Danie and Paulina.

Ben: It's like that stuff Ball Weevil makes!

Rook, Danie, qand Paulina: Which explodes!

Paulina manages to transform into Astrodactyl, freeing herself, Ben, Danie, and Rook from the goo just before it explodes.

She flies at Collectimus, swinging a whip at him, which Collectimus dodges. Meanwhile, Rook and Danie climb the Mr. Smoothy sign. They drop down onto Collectimus' chair.

Rook: Halt, in the name of galactic law!

Danie: And this planet isn't for sale!

Collectimus angrily presses a button on his chair, causing it to fly and spin around rapidly.

Rook and Danie: Aaaaaah!

Collectimus: Get off, get off, get off, get off! It's mine, mine, mine, mine, miiiiine!

Paulina, and Ben fly towards the chair as Rook and Danie are finally forced off it, slamming into Paulina and Ben and sending them both to the ground. Paulina and Ben revert back to normal.

Fake Ben 10: *sobbing* Make it stop... please! Please, make it stop.

Collectimus ponders how to frame the fake Ben 10 on his blank card.

Ben: He's a collector. And me and Ally  dealt with collectors before.

Danie: Um, hey, Collectimus! You got the Earth- hands down. But there's something better we can offer you in exchange.

Collectimus: I doubt it!

Ben: I could let you have an Annihilarrgh.  A detailed replica, anyway.

Paulina: Or a Mark 12 Techadorian Multiblaster, never fired.

Collectimus: Ho-hum.

Ben: Well, then, how about a... rearview mirror made out of Tetramand Taydenite?

Hokestar pops up from behind a car, accompanied by Solid Plugg.

Hokestar: Ooooh! *chuckles*

Collectimus: No! You have nothing I want. See, it's not really the planet that's valuable. It's the connection with the world of Ben 10!

Ben: Wait. I'm connected to the show. I'm a... sort of prototype.

Paulina: And I'm a variant.

Danie: So am I.

Collectimus: Deal.

Ben and Danie: No deal.

Collectimusv No deal?!

Danie: Not when you can have an original Ben 10 t-shirt.

Ben pulls up a photo of his 11-year-old self on his phone. Collectimus gets a closer look.

Collectimus: Huh. That is kind of the inspiration for what Ben Jr. wore in the movie "Power of the Secret Time Race"! But I'd need the entire outfit in pristine condition.

Ben: For the Earth. Deal?

Ben holds out his hand, and Collectimus spits on his before shaking hands. He then inserts another card into his chair, putting a countdown display of three minutes above himself.

Collectimus: But you have exactly three minutes to deliver the pristine outfit, or the Earth is forfeit. Ha ha!

Rook: You already shook hands.

Collectimus: By all means, call a cop.

Ben activates the Omnitrix and transforms into XLR8 offscreen and Danie turns into Fasttrack.

Ben opens the closet in his room and Danie enters too.

Ben: *As XLR8* Okay, old clothes... old clothes... old clothes...

Danie: *As Fasttrack* *finds box of old shirts* Perfect!

Ben notices a red stain on the shirt.

Ben: *As XLR8* Oh!

We are shown Ben five years prior to Omniverse. He takes a bite out of a hot dog, and gets the ketchup on his shirt.

Ben: Aw, man!

Back in the present, Ben throws the shirt aside and retrieves another one, with another stain.

We again see five years prior to Omniverse. Ben takes a bite of a hamburger, but his shirt is stained by the ketchup.

Ben: Aw, man!

Back in the present, XLR8 nervously digs into the box again. He finds one that appears clean, but he turns it around and finds yet another stain.

We once more see five years prior to Omniverse. Ben takes a bite of a pizza slice, but his shirt is stained by the cheese.

Ben: Aw, man!

Back in the present.

Ben: *As XLR8* Pristine condition is gonna be harder than I thought.

Danie: *As Fasttrack* You think?

At the Mr. Smoothy outlet, Collectimus counts down the final minute.

Collectimus: 60 seconds! 59... 58... 57...

Rook nervously looks around for Ben and Paulina nervously looks around for Danie

At the Plumber Headquarters, Ben opens a closet containing his shirts, among other things. He and Danie  starts digging through the contents.

Ben: *As XLR8* Commendations, insignia, blaster, blaster, blaster...

Danie: *As Fasttrack* *holds up strange object* Ew. Don't want to know.

Ben: *As XLR8* Aha! Yes! *holds up shirt* Thank you, Grandpa!

At the Mr. Smoothy outlet, Collectimus nearly finishes the countdown.

Collectimus: Four...

Ben: *As XLR8* We got it!

Collectimus: Three... Two...

Ben and Danie rushes onto the scene and reverts back to normal. Ben holds up the shirt. Collectimus smiles and inserts a card, capturing the shirt.

Collectimus: Wonderful condition! *giggles* Nice doing business with you. Bye-bye! *laughs maniacally*

Collectimus ascends to the skies, and the devices around Earth disconnect, freeing the planet.

Rook: Perhaps we should do something to save Simian.

Ben: Nah. He'll talk his way out of it- eventually.

Paulina: Well all I can say is that spidermonkey deserved it.

Fake Ben 10: I, uh... *clears throat* I want to thank you for the assist. *chuckles* Uh... a job well done by all the Ben 10s.

Hokestar: Oh, easy for you to say! You don't have the headache of recasting Gwevin! *notices Rook and Paulina* Oh, oh, ohhhh! Those cheekbones, that- that pallor! Have you ever considered an acting career? Oh, you could be Ben 10's sidekicks!

Rook: Thank you, but I would not enjoy being the new Gwevin.

Paulina: *Hugs Danie’s arm* And I'm already Danie’s sidekick and girlfriend.

Fake Ben 10: Well, Ben, um... I learned a lot about being a hero today.

Ben: And I learned a lot about actors.

Fake Ben 10: *chuckles* Yes, I suppose so. If there's any way we can thank you, your sister , and Paulina for saving the, uh... you know...

Rook: The Earth?

Ben: How about you start going by your own name instead of mine?

Deefus: It's Deefus. Deefus Veeblepister!

Hokestar: "Veeblepister." *laughing*

Hokestar breaks down as Ben shrugs towards Rook and Danie does the same towards Paulina. Solid Plugg walks in, drinking a smoothie.

Solid Plugg: Oooh! Smoothie brain freeze!

Next: Chapter 54: Catfight

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