Chapter 54: Catfight

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On Khoros, Looma Red Wind is taking on numerous Tetramands. Gorvan goes in for a punch, but he is swiftly knocked aside and into two guards. Bahrvad tries to attack next, but he is socked in the face. Looma grabs his airborne leg and swings him around before tossing him aside. Gorvan tries to land an attack once again, as does another Tetramand, but both are easily dispatched by Looma. Several more Tetramands try to dogpile her, before she throws all but one of them off her. She keeps the remaining Tetramand in a headlock.

Looma: Is that the last of them? So I have fought everyone on Khoros, *punches remaining Tetramand in the face* and none is worthy of my hands in matrimony?! Never before has a Tetramand princess reached the age of ascension un-betrothed!

Looma sits on her throne.

Looma: Looma the first will be Looma the last! A pitiful spinster with only dozens of pet Bharthaks to keep me company.

Looma slams her fists against the arms, cracking them.

Looma: No! Anything but that! I shall marry the only Tetramand in the entire galaxy to ever defeat me. By Tetrus' fist, this princess is willing to settle!

In an Incursean spaceship, countless Incurseans are lined up single-file for Attea.

Attea: No.

A blaster is heard from off-screen, and the next Incursean steps forward.

Attea: No.

The Incursean is heard screaming, again off-screen. The next Incursean proceeds, nervous.

Attea: Are you kidding me?

The Incursean is taken aside by two Incursean guards holding blasters.

Attea: I am the mighty Attea, conqueror of worlds, soon to be crowned high sovereign, grand empress, et cetera, et cetera of the whole Incursean empire! How am I supposed to make an iron-fisted impact at my coronation with one of these stringy weaklings by my side?! *begins angrily kicking her oversized throne*

Major Glorff tries to speak up, but is cut off.

Attea: The only Incursean who was ever man enough turned out to be a human!

Raff tries to speak up, but he is also cut off.

Attea: That settles it. There's just one Incursean in the universe who's even close to being worthy of me.

Back on Earth, Ben, Danie, Paulina, Rook, Ester and Rayona are watching a movie on a triple-date. The man in front of Ben gets up from his seat. Ben chows down on his snack, while Danie and Paulina share with each other.

As the gang continues to watch the movie, with Danie and Paulina  cuddling each other, a dissatisfied Ester looks back at Ben and crosses her arms. She then gets an idea.

Ester: Achoo! *to Ben* It's awfully chilly in here.

Ben, oblivious, shoves his jacket in Ester's face.

Ben: Here you go.

Ben continues to watch the movie, and something exciting in it occurs.

Ben: Yea-yeah!

Ester gets another idea and pretends to yawn in an attempt to put her arm around Ben, but he bends forward, enthralled in the movie. She falls over and Danie stretches and helps her up.

Ester: Thanks Danie.

Danie: Anytime.


Rayona: *to Rook* Are you sure Ben is from this planet? He does not seem to understand its courting rituals at all.

Rook: Yes, he is. And yes, he does not.

Ben: *Whispering* Is this the greatest movie or what?!

Ester: *Sarcastically* What.

Ben: Shh. Movie.

Danie and Paulina saw this and nodded at each other.

Ben: *Gets his ear pinched by Danie* *Hush tone* Oww, ow ow… Ally?

Danie: *In a Hush tone* Ben, remember what I told you before we got here and taught you about dating, pay attention to Ester, not the movie.

Ben: *In a hush tone* *Remembers* *Danie let's go of Ben's ear* Ohh… yeah, *To Ester* Sorry Ester, you uh, wanna cuddle?

Ester was a bit surprised by this but took this chance.

Ester: *Smiles a bit* I'd love that Ben.

Ben and Ester hug and cuddle each other as Paulina picks up Ben's sweater and gives it to him and signals to him to give it to Ester.

Ben: And if you're feeling cold… *offers his sweater*

Ester: *Smiles* Thanks Ben.

Ben: Anytime. *To Danie and Paulina* Thanks girls

Danie and Paulina: Anytime.

Danie and Paulina go back to cuddling each other as they then make out quietly.

Rook: *to Rayona* How are you enjoying this triple date?

Rayona: Well, I find these "Sumo Slammers" somewhat interesting, and I am impressed by Ally and Paulina teaching Ben on courting rituals, but I do not care for the felines under the chairs.

Rook: I think the Earth expression you are looking for is, "Let the cat out the bag." If so, you're misusing...

Rayona points to Rook's legs. He looks down, only to find a cat. It meows and runs towards an old woman's purse, taking her wallet and making a getaway. Rook leans forward.

Rook: Ben, Ally.

Ben and Danie: Shh! *whispering* we're in the middle of something.

Rook: Is this what is meant by the term "Cat Burglars"?

Danie: There not actual cats Rook, it's just an expression.

Ben: Yeah, dude, seriously, you're ruining the-

Rook points at Ben's food, which is being eaten by another cat.

Ben: Hey. There's a cat in here.

The cat fishes through the coat of the man who was sitting in front of Ben and takes his wallet.

Ben: And it just stole the guy in front of me's wallet. Come on, Rook. What are you just sitting there for?

Danie: Yeah It's hero time!

Ben and Danie pursue the cat.

Rook: *Groans* Excuse me, ladies.

Rook also leaves.

Ester: *to Rayona* Ben's probably gonna turn into some awesome creature out there.

Rayona: While Rook executes some dazzling acrobatics and marksmanship.

Paulina: And Danie is probably gonna turn into an ultimate alien or into her hot anodite form.

Ester, Paulina, and Rayona follow the boys and Danie, outside.

Outside, the gang finds the culprit behind the thefts. The cat gives the wallet to her.

Ben: Nyancy Chan.

Rook: In retrospect, she would be the logical suspect.

Danie: And the most obvious.

Nyancy: Ben Tennyson and Ally 11! The hair balls in my saucer of milk!

Ben and Danie: Um, ew?

Danie: This'll just take a second.

Ben: Yeah, Nyancy doesn't even have any powers.

Ester and Paulina: Except one.

Ben: Any real powers. Cat control doesn't count.

Danie: It kind of does.

Ben: Does not.

Danie: Does too. Even though it's a lame power.

Rayona: It does sound adorable, though.

Nyancy: *snuggling her cat* It is. Attack!

Three cats start hissing and running towards the gang.

Ben: Ooh, I'm so scared! Wildmutt's just gonna chase you up the nearest tree, you know.

Danie: And so is Blitzwolfer.

Ben activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Rath and Danie turns into Blitzwolfer. They both roar, sending the cats back to Nyancy.

Nyancy: *pleased* Kitty!

Ben: *As Rath* Let me tell you somethin' crazy cat lady who's making me miss the best part of "Sumo Slammers VI: The Dark Side of the Mawashi"! And cuddling with Ester the Kraho, leader of the Kraho, and Rath’s girlfriend, Rath is gonna…

Nyancy's pupils transform into slits, suddenly putting Rath in a hypnotic trance.

Ben: *As Rath* ...Do whatever you command.

Danie: *As Blitzwolfer* Oh that's not good.

Nyancy: Aw! Who's a good pussycat?! *scratches Rath's chin*

Ben: *As Rath* Rath's a good pussycat!

Nyancy: *petting Rath* Yes, you are. Woogie-woogie-woogie! *points at Rook, Paulina Danie, Rayona and Ester* Now sic 'em!

Ben menacingly turns around to face the rest of the gang.

Ester: What are you doing, Ben? Don't listen to her.

Rayona: This is becoming less adorable.

Rath rips a fountain out of the ground and chucks it at them. Ester pushes Rook and Rayona aside.

Ester: Look out!

Rook and Paulina: Ester!

Ester, legs appear to be crushed under the fountain, but she easily recovers thanks to her stretchy limbs. Ben then starts running towards the gang.

Nyancy: Faster, pussycat! Meow! Meow!

Rook steps in front of Rath, wielding his Proto-Tool in its tonfa mode.

Rook: I do not want to harm you, Ben.

Ben attempts to slash at Rook, which he dodges.

Rath: Mousey!

Danie: *As Blitzwolfer* Ben! Snap of it!

Rook and Danie strikes Rath.

Ben: *As Rath* Why, you little...

Ben stabs at the ground, which Rook and Danie again avoids. Rath goes in for another attack, hitting Rook and sending him into a nearby building. Rayona and Paulina vault over Rath, landing on his back and pulling on his face.

Ben: *As Rath* Ow! Not the whiskers! Ow! Ow!

Rook: Rayona!

Danie: *As Blitzwolfer* Paulina!

Rook shoots a grappler at Rath, which wraps around his torso.

Ben: *As Rath* Hey, mean mousey whose girlfriend from back home is visiting Earth for the first time, and doggy who's girlfriend is super cool, GIMME THAT!

Rath pulls on the rope, reeling in Rook and Danie alongside it

Nyancy: Attaboy, tiger! Now, who's the bestest kitty-witty in the whole wide world?

Ben: *As Rath * Rath is the bestest kitty-witty in the whole wide world.

Ester: *to Rook and Danie* The cat lady. If we can knock her out, Rath's mind will go back to normal, right?

Danie: *Changes into her anodite form* Yeah.

Rook: As normal as it ever is.

Nyancy: Save me, my pet!

Ben: *As Rath* Okey-dokey!

Ben. slides in front of Ester, but she goes between his legs. Nyancy braces herself, but Ben  catches Ester's leg. She stretches her leg, and Rath pulls it back, throwing Rayona and Paulina  off of him.

He further pulls on the grappler, knocking down all three of his opponents. Nyancy watches as Rath ties them up using Ester's limbs.

Rook: What are you doing?

Nyancy: *jumping on Rath's back* Such a good kitty. Let's get you some yummy num-nums!

Ben: *As Rath* Yummy num-nums!

Rath, Nyancy and her other cats leave.

Ester: We've got to save Ben.

Paulina: At least it can't get any worse from here.

Suddenly, Looma's ship lands, and Attea rolls up in her Incursean War Wheel. They exit their vehicles.

Looma & Attea: I have come for Ben Tennyson.

They look at each other.

Looma & Attea: I have come for Ben Tennyson!

They look at each other again.

Looma & Attea: I have! I-

Attea: Ben Tennyson come for I have! Ha! In your face! *to the gang* Well, where is he?

Rook: You just missed him.

Paulina: Who is the girl Fourarms.

Danie: Looma Red Wind, Kevin's fiance, then Ben's fiance, and *sighs* It's complicated, let's just put it at that.

Later, with Danie’s help, Ester finishes untangling herself from Rook and Rayona.

Looma: *to Attea* I, Princess Looma, claim Ben Tennyson in the name of the Royal House of the Red Wind.

Attea: Well, you're too late. I already claimed him in the name of the royal me!

Ester: *To Looma* You already had your chance with Ben, and you blew it!

Looma: I know you. Aren't you that steamy runt I invited to my wedding?

Ester: Invited? You call ransacking my village and kidnapping me an invitation?!

Danie: And Ben told me the wedding was canceled, remember?

Attea: Yeah, so hit the road, sister.

Ester: You should talk, Princess Attea!

Attea: Soon-to-be empress.

Ester: The only reason you didn't destroy the Earth was so that you could betray and depose your own father.

Attea: Yeah. Those were good times. *Gets smacked upside the head by Danie* Ow the back of my head!

Danie: That was for sending my brother into space!

Ester and Danie  glares at Attea and she glares back.

Rayona: I do not know who you are, and I do not care. But we all seem to be seeking the same thing. Would it not make the most sense to combine our efforts to recover Ben from the criminal cat lady?

Looma & Attea: What criminal cat lady?! *to each other* Stop copying me!

Rook: Rayona, might we speak in private?

They step away as Looma and Attea continue to argue.

Rook: I think the safest course of action is to separate those two volatile warriors before they come to blows and destroy any of Bellwood or any of us.

Rayona: And I think we can use all the help we can get.

Rook: You do not realize what Attea and Looma are capable of.

Rayona: Are they capable of helping us rescue your partner so we can resume our date before I have to leave the planet?

Paulina: And we do need help, since you know, Rath’s species believe everything can be solved through violence and are incredibly aggressive.

Rayona: She makes a good point, Blonko.

Rook reconsiders the suggestion and looks back at the group.

Rook: As Rayona said, the most logical course of action is for us to work together toward our common goal.

Ester and Danie: Fine.

Looma & Attea: Fine.

Rook: Fortunately, time is on our side. Nyancy Chan considers herself a master cat-related villainess. She will want to carefully plan a crime befitting her chosen theme.

Rook's Plumber Badge chirps and he picks up.

Dispatcher: Robbery in progress at 220 Argit Boulevard in Undertown. Crazy cat lady and giant tiger with anger-management issues.

Rook: Or she could just go on a spontaneous crime spree.

Attea: He's mine!

Looma: He's mine!

The princesses quickly run to their vehicles and leave.

At Pakmar's Yarn Emporium in Undertown, Rath and Nyancy make their escape by rolling on top of a giant yarn ball. Pakmar's shop is destroyed in the process.

Pakmar: MY YARN! *faints*

The two continue their rolling, causing panic across Undertown.

Ben: *As Rath*  Listen up, large ball of yarn! If you think you're too big for Rath to handle, think again!

Attea then appears, intercepting their path with her War Wheel. Rath loses his balance, causing himself and Nyancy to fall to the ground. The yarn ball bounces on his head, over Attea, and into a vendor stall. Attea gets off her vehicle.

Attea: I, Princess Attea, general, scion, and teen supreme, soon-to-be high empress and sovereign-

Looma's ship suddenly appears and she hops out.

Looma: I, Princess Looma of the Royal House of the Red Wind...

Looma extends an open palm, which Attea overlaps with her own. Looma stops her speech to do the same, which is then copied by Attea.

Ben: *As Rath * This is getting outta hand!

Looma: *to Attea* You think you can get the upper hand on me?!

Attea: Take your flabby four arms and get out of here!

Looma: Flabby?!

Looma tries to punch Attea, which she avoids. She goes in for another, but Attea leaps onto a vendor stall, jumps off, and kicks her in the face repeatley before jumping back. As they continue to duke it out, Rath and Nyancy escape with the oversized yarn ball.

Nyancy: Attaboy, Mr. Fluffykins!

Rath: Meow! *chuckles*

Later, in Pakmar's Yarn Emporium, Rook and the others are lecturing Looma and Attea.

Rook: I cannot overstress the importance of coordinating our efforts. You need to stay focused.

Looma & Attea’ *pointing to each other* She started it!

Danie gets ticked and back hands both of them as they wince in pain.


Looma and Attea shake in fear as they hug each other for comfort.

Loom and Atta: Y-y-yes ma’am.

Ester: *sing-songy* You're in trouble! *Sees Danie still ticked and flinches* Woah, heh okay easy Danie.

Paulina: *Hugs Danie* Shh, shh calma mi amor, it's okay, we'll get Ben back soon.

Rook's Plumber Badge chirps again.

Dispatcher: Cat lady and loudmouth tiger sighted on Spaceman's Wharf in Undertown. Approach with caution... and/or kitty litter.

Looma and Attea get up to find Nyancy and Rath, but Ester stretches above them and blocks their way and Danie gets in front of them too.

Ester: *wagging finger* Ah-ah-ah! As a team, remember?

Looma & Attea: Mnh-mnh. Oh, whatever./I don't really do team, okay? *Sees Danie glaring at them* We mean yes!

Rayona: *to Rook*  Is it always like this around here?

Rook: No, it is usually much, much worse. And usually Ally never loses her cool. This is the first time I ever saw this enraged.

On a boat at Spaceman's Wharf, Ben is reeling in a large fish. He successfully pulls it out of the water.

Nyancy: Yes! My babies will eat like kings!

Ben: *As Rath* Yummy num-nums!

Rook: Nyancy Chan, cease your criminal activities at once!

Rook, Danie, Paulina, and Ester pilot a speedboat towards Nyancy Chan. The fish lands in the water, creating a massive splash. Attea watches the scene from the shore, using her Incursean Blaster. Nyancy's boat speeds off with the fish in tow, piloted by three cats.

Rook, Danie, Paulina, and Ester continue their pursuit as Looma and Rayona follow them from the other side of the Wharf.

Nyancy: Since when is fishing a crime?

Rook: It is... not. But mind-controlling my partner to fish for you is! *points dramatically*

Danie: And my best friend!

Nyancy: Speaking of mind-control, *to Rath* get them, Mr. Fluffykins!

Ben: *As Rath* Let me tell you somethin', lady! Your wish is my command and all, *picks up Nyancy and sets her down* but Rath is not entirely comfortable with being called "Mr. Fluffykins!"

Danie: Thank you!

Ben leaps onto Rook and Ester's boat, nearly overturning it. Ester lands in Rook's arms.

Rook: You have got to fight this, Ben. Remember who you are.

Ben: *As Rath* Who I am is Mr. Fluffykins! And don't you forget- ooh, what's that? Whoa!

Ester uses her hands to mimic a butterfly and distracts and Danie makes some butterfly constructs to also distract Rath. Looma jumps down from a rooftop, onto a bridge, and finally onto Rook, Danie, Paulina, and Ester's boat. She grabs and restrains Rath from behind.

Looma: Gotcha! Stun him, Attea!

Attea: Stun him? This is an Incursean Blaster, thank you very much. Incurseans don't do stun.

Looma: *grunting* Just fire it, then!

Attea shoots at Rath, unleashing a pink blast that takes the form of a frog. It makes a ribbiting noise and flies towards Rath. Ester, Danie, Paulina, and Rook jump off the boat, as Rath throws Looma into the frog's gaping mouth. Underwater, the frog is seen detonating.

On the shore, everyone has regrouped.

Rook: Our efforts thus far have been less than successful.

Attea: Thank you, Magister obvious.

Rook: Which is why I've requested some specialized equipment.

Danie: Specialized equipment?

Molly Gunther drives onto the scene in a small Plumber vehicle.

Molly: Here you go, Blonko, courtesy of Blukic and Driba.

Molly tosses a device to Rook.

Rook: Does it work?

Molly: They said to tell you, quote, "Absolutely, probably, maybe."

Molly speeds off.

Paulina: *Sarcastically* Well that's reassuring.

Ester: What is that thing? It won't hurt Ben, will it?

Rook: Absolutely not... probably, maybe.

Rayona: Not helpful, Rook.

Rook: Sorry. It is a remote control of sorts for the Omnitrix. If we can get within range, it will force a timeout, turning Rath back into Ben.

Ester: And that'll free him from Nyancy's mind-control.

Looma:But we've been one step behind this Nyancy nuisance all evening.

Attea: So, what? We just keep chasing them all over town? Good plan, fuzzy.

Rayona: No. We take the battle to her.

Paulina: And we know where they're going.

Rook: Rayona and Paulina overheard where they were going.

A flashback is shown.

Nyancy, her cats and Rath make off with their catch.

Nyancy: Now, that's a good boy, Mr. Fluffykins! Now grab dinner, and let's go home!

Rayona peeks out from behind some crates.

The flashback ends.

Attea: Ooh, sneaky. I'm beginning to not hate these two so much.

Rayona: If we hurry, we can rescue Ben, hand Nyancy over to the human authorities, and still have time for a romantic stroll.

In a warehouse, Nyancy, Ben and numerous cats are lounging about. Ben  has a paper bag over his head.

Ben: *As Rath* Rath has had it up to here with you, brown paper bag! You think you're better than me?!

Nyancy:.What should we steal next, my darling? A solid gold litter box? 3,000 kilos of catnip?! *laughs*

Rook: Your feline felonies are finished!

Rook drops in from above, followed by Ester and Attea. Looma, Danie, and Paulina burst through the warehouse's doors, followed closely by Rayona.

Nyancy: Oh, Mr. Fluffykins! Tear them apart!

Ben jumps at his opponent, but slams into a support beam due to his vision being obscured. He flails around until he trips on a ball, sending him to the ground. Nyancy takes the bag off of his head and crumples it.

Nyancy: Now go get 'em, tiger!

Ben  growls as Ester presses a button on the remote control, which fails to work.

Ester: Absolutely, probably, maybe?

Ben: *As Rath* Rath doesn't know what you mean by that, but I wanna play! Give it here!

Ester extends her arm to ascend, avoiding Rath. He tries to jump up at her, but he is intercepted by Looma and Paulina, as Four arms .

He recovers, throwing her into a cat tower. Attea readies her revolver, but Rath slices it into thirds and laughs. She jumps back.

Attea: You'll pay for that, Ben! I mean it! That was an expensive weapon.

Danie: Not the time, tea.

Rath laughs again but is suddenly distracted by a dot on the floor. It moves around as he tries to capture it.

Ben: *As Rath* Ooooooh! Hey, come back here! Now I got- huh? Where'd you go?!

Ben fails to capture the dot, which is revealed to be a laser emitting from Rook's Proto-Tool.

Ben: *As Rath* Lemme tell you somethin', little ret dot, which is curiously devoid of mass or volume-

The dot re-appears on Rath's pectoral, and moves to his Omnitrix badge.

Ben: *As Rath* Gotcha!

Ben slams his badge, reverting him back to normal

Ben: Oh, man. Thank you, Rook. I don't know how much more cutesy cat talk I could take.

Ben activates the Omnitrix once again and transforms into Blitzwolfer. He howls.

Ben: *As Blitzwolfer* *to Nyancy* Now I get to shut you up and shut you down!

Blitzwolfer chases Nyancy, who narrowly avoids his lunges.

Attea: Now that he's back, Tennyson's mine.

Looma: I was engaged to him. I have dibs.

Ester jumps in front of the two princesses.

Ester: He's my date, and our date's not over.

Danie: Yeah and I say Ester is a perfect girlfriend for Ben. *To Looma and Attea* You two only like Ben for his aliens while Ester here likes Ben for himself and not his aliens.

Ester: Aw thanks Ally.

Attea: *scoffs* Doesn't matter, anyway.

Looma: You're right because...

Looma & Attea: Tetramand armada is here to back me up./My Incursean armada is here to back me up.

Looma and Attea look back at each other. Meanwhile, Ben  chases Nyancy Chan into her giant ball of yarn. He looks up and sees through an opening in a roof that an Incursean spaceship is present. Ben reverts back to normal

Ben: Oh, man.

More Tetramand and Incursean ships surround the warehouse.

Rook: *to Rayona* This is what it is usually like around here.

Paulina: Oh crud.

Attea: Give it up, Looma! Ben's mine!

Looma:  Call off your puny fleet, Attea! I claim my right as his former betrothed!

Ester: Are you two crazy? You don't even like him!

Ben: Uh, excuse me, ladies, thanks for your help and all, but I'd like to get back to my date.

Danie: Same here.

Ester and Paulina: Thank you.

Looma: No! You must fight for your love!

Ben: Huh?

Ben dials in and transforms into Terraspin. Looma braces herself as Terraspin starts blasting a powerful wind. Attea, meanwhile, escapes the wind's reach as Looma is slightly pushed back. Attea runs behind Terraspin, Rook, Danie, Paulina,  and Rayona.

Attea: Ha! Some warrior!

Rook, Danie, Paulina, and Rayona look back at Attea.

Attea: Hmm?!

Rook speaks into his Plumber Badge.

Rook: Rook to Plumber HQ. Despite the presence of two heavily armed armadas, the Earth is not under attack. Repeat- not under attack. Ben Tennyson is just having girl problems.

Ben: *As Terraspin* Don't blame me.

Attea steps backwards and hits her foot against the remote.

Attea: Hello!

Attea fiddles with the device, and it yields a positive sound effect. Terraspin then transforms into Bullfrag.

Ben: *As Bullfrag* What? *notices his transformation* Whoa! Hey, what gives?

Everyone looks back at Attea.

Attea: You give... up.

Ben backflips over to Attea.

Ben: *As Bullfrag*  *croaks*  Funny. But no chance.

Ben kicks the remote out of Attea's hand and into the air.

Attea: Hey!

Rook: *to Plumber Badge*  The situation is hardly serious. See for yourselves.

Rook faces his Plumber Badge towards Bullfrag and Attea, who have begun fighting.

At Plumber Headquarters, many Plumbers are watching the scene unfold from a large monitor. One Plumber facepalms while another disappointedly shakes his head and leaves.

In his cell, Milleous watches the fight on a screen.

Milleous: That's my girl! *sniffles* She could do better than that ape, though.

Attea jumps onto a nearby box and tosses the remote between her hands. However, she quickly jumps away as Ben  lashes his tongue at the box, destroying it. As she runs away, he grabs her leg with his tongue, tripping her and causing her to drop the remote. Looma catches the remote, using it to transform Ben into Four Arms.

Ben: *As Four Arms* Oh!

Looma: That's more like it!

Ben: *As Four Arms* I'm not liking where this is going.

Paulina: Should we get involved in this?

Danie: Nah, this is Ben's problem, not ours.

Paulina: Good point.

Looma and Four Arms lock top arms, staring each other down. Four Arms attempts to grab the remote from Looma's bottom arms, but she tosses it between them. Distracted, Ester is able to steal the remote from Looma.

Ester: Why doesn't it just have an "off" button?!

Danie: Blame the Galvans who made it.

Nyancy Chan frees herself from her massive yarn ball and jumps on Ester.

Nyancy: I want my Mr. Fluffykins back! *snatches the remote*

Ester: Hey!

Ester tries to nab the remote, but Attea flips over the two and takes it for herself. Meanwhile, Looma socks Ben in the stomach, causing him to double over. As she is about to hit him over the back, he transforms into Bullfrag.

Looma: Ew! Gross!

Looma kicks Bullfrag across the room.

Ben: *As Bullfrag* Attea!

Attea: Yes, Bullfrag, my love?

A cat leaps into the air and steals the remote from Attea. It gives it back to Nyancy, who transforms Bullfrag into Rath.

Ben: *As Rath*  Listen up, all of you!

Looma grabs Nyancy.

Ben: *As Rath*  If you girls keep trying to change me-

Looma transforms Ben  into Four Arms.

Ben: *As Four Arms*  -into what you want me to be instead of what I am-

Attea steals the remote back from Looma and turns Ben  into Bullfrag.

Ben: *As Bullfrag* -I'm gonna hurl!

Nyancy tries to take the remote back, but she is able to keep it. Looma then grabs her arms and successfully takes it. Nyancy grabs onto Looma, and the three start fighting on the floor as Ben rapidly transforms.

Ben: *As Rath’ You're-

Ben: *As Four Arms* -over-

Ben: *As Bullfrag* -loading-

Ben: *As Rath* -IT!

Ben faints as he reverts back to normal, and the remote starts smoking, catching the girls' attention. Rayona takes the device and presses a button on it, causing the remote to combust.

Ben: LET ME TELL YA SOMETHIN'- uh... oh.

Ester: *hugs Ben* Aw!

Paulina and Danie: Aww…

Ben hugs Ester back.

Looma, Attea & Nyancy: *disappointedly*  Aw!

Looma then notices Attea and Nyancy sitting on her and promptly boots them off.

Rook: *to Nyancy* You have the right to remain... de-clawed.

Nyancy: But who will take care of all my babies?

Rook: They are also criminals, so they are coming with you.

Attea: *to Looma*  If you think I'm gonna be the only Incursean in history crowned empress without an emperor, you've got another thing coming!

Looma: I must be wed before my ascension ceremony!

Danie holds onto Paulina and stomps her foot on the ground making the Earth shake and making the others lose their balance as everyone looks at Danie.

Danie: That's what all this is about? Listen to yourselves. You both defeated Ben at some point or other. Neither of you need some trophy guy hanging on your arm. You're both strong, capable women and leaders on your own. And it's high time your four-armed and froggy followers, respectively, well, respected that.

Looma: Those... are wise words, Danie Benton.

Attea: Yeah. I don't need some skinny wannabe hoggin' my spotlight.

Looma: *laughs* Of course you do. You are clearly more in need of a man by your side to make you look powerful. You take him.

Attea: Me? Oh, I'm already plenty regal enough. You take him.

Ben: Uh, that's not quite what I-

Looma: He's yours!

Attea: I don't want him!

Looma: Neither do I!

Attea: Well, don't try to pawn him off on me!

Rook: Sorry to interrupt. Would you mind commanding your armadas to stand down?

Attea: Yeah! Sure! Whatever!

Looma: My armada shall stand down first!

Looma and Attea angrily grumble at each other.

Outside, the princesses get in their vehicles and speed away, clashing with each other as they leave sight. Ben, Danie, Paulina, Rook, Ester and Rayona gather outside as the ships leave with their leaders.

Danie: I… am so confused and angry… but I don't know why.

Ben: What just happened here?

Rook: I... am not sure.

Ester: *hugs Ben's arm* Makes perfect sense to me.

Rayona: *hugs Rook's arm* And me.

Paulina: *Hugs Danie’s arm* And me.

Nyancy Chan, now handcuffed, appears.

Nyancy: Me, too!

Ben and Danie: Who asked ya?

Ester: Don't be so grouchy, Mr. Fluffykins.

Paulina: And Ms. Fluffykins~.

Rayona: The important thing is, there's still enough time to get back to our triple-date.

Ben: Awesome! I can't wait to see Sumo Slammers VI again! *Sees Danie giving him the look* And pay attention to Eater too.

Ester: Race ya!

Ester starts running, and she is followed by Ben. An iris closes in on Nyancy Chan.

Nyancy: Pbbbbt!

Next: Chapter 55: Return to Forever

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