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Taehyung stood gazing at the bakes he made, that he put to be designed on its curves and sides with coloured sparkles.He fliped his hair and ruffled to the orders he scribbled.Suddenly the door opened he saw a familiar girl walking holding a bag as usual and a mask, he remembers the day he caught her with her rude attitude,  and now he witnessed her again.But he gazed her actions closely,  he went to her table as usual.

"A capouchino please".

He bowed and left, but when he got her scent his eyes lit up, and came to conclusion, she is no other women he doesn't know, she is the girl he offended and involved in a conflict in the club with his hyungs, Kim Sarah.

He pretended that he doesn't know her, her familiar actions, familiar dressing style, hairstyle and her physical features  and his mindset made him belived, its Sarah.
That doesn't mean he stopped his thoughts of her, when he tried to get in his line, he had an unusual energy that made him stopped kissing her deeply.That moment turned him to plan other things that she will not expect.

He went to kitchen hall, and saw Jungook and Jimin were busy with their works, he smirked seeing how he was frustrated at the moment to prove what she was.Putting his hands at pocket and he leaned to his stool on his counter, he even didn't bothered about telling his plans to Jimin and Jungook.He fixed his eyes on her, and that moment itself, she quickly turned her body to him and became aware of the trick he playing on her.

She showed tensed signs, and she knows she doesn't want to stay here, she grabbed her bag and phone and she left to her car on all of sudden, means Taehyung couldn't get the situation through his mind why she got up and left.The plan didn't worked yet, and he failed.He didn't know why.The cafe became stressed as usual.He sighed and let out all frustration in his cafe design.

Meanwhile Namjoon tapped on his phone, and news on missing of young girls popped up, and yesterday's event of Taehyung came into his vision, same as Taehyung and they were devils too, bu Namjoon wasn't aware of the fact.His thoughts get splashed into nearby files she kept last day, of the design project afer the party.He kept gazing on the designs she drew by her clients, they were extravagant and couldn't stand among other local designs that the other companies provided to the fashion world.


Sarah walked through the office corridor greeting the people she met, and smilling with her lips drawing a  horizontal smile that she ever tried to pick up in her life, as a busy business lady in such a young age, she couldn't find her love life ever, that she dreamed of in her childhood.

It was easy for her to pick a Mr.perfect from Seoul but none of the man she met couldn't pay any effect for her heart.

It was on the other side of her life that she left long ago, but now she found some cute boyfriends whom she met as her business partners, and others who kept her irritated by their strange behaviours and actions, 'Taehyung'.

She decide to visit the cafe from tomorrow and following days, whether her instincts on their devilish acts true or not, and how long will they keep it up on her.

Today she decide to visit Namjoon for making their friendship more thicker, and find about the clues that she trying to dig on Taehyung and his creepy cafe, including Jimin and Jungook that give her certain mindset that they were from different worlds opposite of her.

She greeted Namjoon winningly but he kept starrin her like a different way that he was not used to her.

She waved her hand making him aware of her presence.

"What you thinking deeply this much?"

"Want to hear".
He asked sipping the  coffee and wiping his hands with a tissue.

"Yes, I would like to".
Her eyes sparkled with curious assumptions that she waited for to hear.

"Why you and Taehyung get into such a conflict in the club last day, I meant what was the cause of it."

Her lips and cheecks trapped in his questions making her wonder why he asked about it.

"It was nothing serious, Taehyung was just a drunk ass there, it never affected me anyway".

He asked again.

"Yes, why Namjoon, you seem tensed a little bit today".

He stood up from the chair and moved to her chair putting his arms on the armrests of the chair, he trapped her, in his arms, her face showed a worried emotions, her hands start to sweat and he spoke not taking his eyes from her eyes.

"As from my IQ I guess he has fallen for you ".

Her mouth instantly got covered in a speedy motion but that sentence made her confident and she chuckled pushing his arms that trapped already.

"Never, if he has fallen it will be a wrong movement,  and even we are not that close to fall"..

He chuckled again making her confused, she grabbed the bag to leave, but paused when she heard Namjoon words.

"Love has no time, it can happen for a seconds."

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