Chapter 12

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I've stayed the night in Katsuki room the last 2 nights, I didn't have any nightmares and the first time I've slept peacefully in a very long time

Which is ironic considering the situation

Percy and I did talk about hear Shigiraki voice and I told him that until we figure out what to do we will just keep an eye on Hazel

The last 2 days went by in a huge blurr I remember school going under strict lock down, the idea surfaced about Percy's heart attack being caused by the League which worried me if what I'm doing will be discovered but no one has said anything

Right now I'm in my room packing my stuff and I hear a knock on the door and I throw my bag in my closet before I go and answer

"You need to see this." Hazel says she sems enotional and I frown worried and anxiety spiked through and I follow her down stairs as the elevator was out of order

We finish and I see my classmates around something and Hazel whistles and they all back up.

My heart stopped and happiness and fear filled me at the same time

"Nico do Angelo you are so dead." Reyna says marching over and she punched me in the arm

"Ow! The hell?" I say and suddenly she pulls me in the hug and I hug her back

"You try to leave without telling us I swear to the gods Nico your a idiot." She says and I take a shaky breath

"I'm sorry okay. Wait how are you here?" I ask stepping back and Percy steps up

"She appeared in the the vortex thing like us we thought the League was here and she is suddenly jumping through with sword and battle armor" He says and she smirks

"Annabeth told me everything, the minute I saw it I grabbed my armor and jumped through." She states and the rest the class looked at her shocked

"The League wanted you, but why bring you here?" Deku asks and I look at her

But the answer was loud and clear to me.

Another friends life is on the line Don't think about betraying us.

That's why the League brought her here.

"If we get a hold of Kurogiri we will be able to send you guys home." Aizawa says

"Or another travel quirk if we find someone." Present Mic says walking up and pats my shoulder

"I'm not going." I say suddenly and I cover my mouth

I didn't tell Percy or Hazel that yet.

"Wait what?" Percy asks and Katsuki suddenly is by my side

"I want to stay here." I relent and Katsuki glanced at me with some surprise but he looked releived

He knew I was considering it. After I take down Shigiraki and we find a way back I'm staying here.

"Nico why the Hera would you stay here? Your a demigod." Reyna says and Percy glances between me and Katsuki and Hazel grabs Reyna arm

"Reyna I don't belong there it's not you guys at all but why should I stay in a place that doesn't feel like I belong?" I say and she looks down right offended

"Are you stupid? What about Percy, Leo...what about Hazel? You're just leave your sister? You finally have a sister again." She says and I flinch back and Hazel gasps

"I think you need to back the fuck up." I hear Katsuki stepping in front of me

"Who the hell are you?" She asks not backing down and everyone in the room backed up feeling the tension rise

"Bakugou." Aizawa warns and Katsuki waves him off

"I'm his fucking boyfriend. And I get it your worried about him but he is old enough to make his own choices. If he wanted to move back we could have figured it out heck maybe I'd move there after graduation. But I wouldn't fucking belittle and bully him into staying and use his sisters against him like that. So stop being a bitch and start acting like a good friend. He considers you a sister to him but your not acting like one" He snaps and my jaw dropped

No one...ever spoke to Reyna like that before.

Percy and Hazel back up nervously and everyone noticed and kinda did the same

Aizawa stood back watching his hand on his scarf

Reyna stared at him in surprise and looked at me and pushed past Bakugou

I expected to her to slap me but she embraces me into a hug

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone that far I'm just...I'm gonna miss you." She whispers and I smile a bit and hug her back tightly

"I'll miss you too. Once we figure all this out I'll visit." I assure her and she nods and sighs and turns to Katsuki

"Your the first person to stand up to me. And it was in the defense of Nico. I respect that." She smirks and puts her hand out and he smirks and takes it

She pulls him down and whispers in his ear and he look slightly nervous but chuckles

"Got it." He says and I raise an eyebrow and push my glasses up my nose

She glances at me and sees the glasses and smiles sadly

"I like those." She says and I smile a bit and Aizawa clears his throat

"Are we going to keep getting more of your friends?" He asks and I laugh nervously

"I sure hope not..." I say and he nods and looks at everyone

"Go back to your activities. di Angelo come with me." He says and I glance at Katsuki and Reyna and follow Aizawa

Oh shit...

We go into his office and I sit at his chair and he leans against his desk

"di Angelo...are you 100% sure this is the past of your friends? I know it's not your fault and your friends seem fine but the head of the heroes commsion doesn't like how more and more outsiders keep coming." He says and he looked quite annoyed at the Heroes Commission

I hope he hasn't got any backlash from this...

"This should be the last person I know exactly why they sent her here. It's a warning." I say and he tilts his head curiously

"How so?" He asks me curiously and I hesitate

"Shigiraki...gave me a warning. Reyna is like an older sister to me. Sending her is basically a threat, another person close to me will get hurt." I say and he seems to understand

"I see. Well we won't let nothing happen to them. They are under protection of the heroes of Japan" He says and I nod but felt uneasy

I leave tonight. I hope you'll protect them still

"Thank you Aizawa." I whisper getting up and he clears his throat and I look up and he tosses me something

"I don't know what your up to. And your aren't gonna tell me but this is an emergency alert button in the shape of a pin. Click it and it sends us your location." He says and I look at it

It's a pride pin.

I smile and look at him and he smirks

"Thanks." I say and he nods and I hear a knock at the door and it open Shinsou was there

"Dad I- oh shit." He says seeing me and Aizawa sighs

"Its fine Toshi come in come in." He says and Shinsou walks in and glances at me

"We haven't talked much, Hitoshi Shinsou " He says bowing and I bow too

"Nico di Angelo." I say and he smiles abit

"I know who you are. You're the one who is with Bakugou. Everyone in the school knows about you now." He laughs and I blush embarrassed

Geez...didn't realize that.

"Don't scare his Hitoshi. Anyways, thank you di Angelo. Your dismissed." Aizawa says and I nod and wave at Shinsou and leave

"You get chewed out?" I hear and I jump and turn and Katsuki was leaning agasint the wall

"Don't scare me like that" I say punching his shoulder and he chuckles

"My bad Zombie Boy. But actually did he chew you out?" He seems curious and I shake my head

"No the Heroes Commission is worried about the sudden increase of outsider coming through because of the League." I explain and we walk

"Its not like you all chose to come here...well I guess that new chick kinda did but she didn't ask the vortex to show up. She's scary." He says and I laugh

"Reyna? I would hope so she leads an entire Roman Army. She has robotic dogs that literally will tell her if you lie to her face and will attack you the moment she tells them." I explain and he shivers

"I don't want to get on her fucking bad side." He says and I snort

"She's a good friend. Like a sister to me, you stood up to her though and she finds respect in people standing up for the people they care about." I explain and he wraps his arm around me

"I don't back down." He states and I smile a bit and I notice we are in the elevator and he clicks the roof

"Why the roof?" I ask and he smirks at me a bit

"We haven't had much alone time." He says and I raise an eyebrow and we are at the top floor and we head up the stairs to the roof

He opens the door and I walk up and the sun was setting and I see a blanket laid out and a basket in the middle

"You did be cliche and make us a roof top picnic." I grin looking at him and he shrugs smirking a bit

"Maybe. Shut the hell up." He says and I laugh and we walk over and sit down

"So have we decided the roof is our spot?" I ask him and he shrugs."

I guess so." He chuckles and he pushes the basket to me and I raise an eyebrow

"Open the damn basket." He says and I smirk and open it and my jaw drops

"How the hell did you find out about this?" I ask looking at him and he chuckles

"I asked Percy." He says and I blush embarrassed and pull out the chicken nuggets and fries and a bunch of other foods

"I forgot you guys had McDonald's here." I said and he snorts

"Its not as popular as it is in America." He says and I see some Japanese items and look at these curiously

"I haven't heard of these before." I say and he gestures me to take a bite

Teriyaki burger

I take a bite and immediately I sigh at the taste

"That is really good" I say and he chuckles and takes grabs a napkin wiping the corner  of my mouth

I look at him and my heart does a few flips and I sigh

Leaving is gonna hurt so bad

(Just realized how you guys don't know how long Nico has been in that world. I do random skips, Nico has been there almost a month and a week. Been with Katsuki for a month. Now your updated)

"Zombie Boy?" He asks and I look up and he is frowning

"What?" I ask worried I did something wrong.

"You've been having this spacey look all day." He asks and I shake my head

"Sorry been just not feeling that well today." I say and he gives me a suspicious look

"If something is happening you promised you would tell me remember?" He reminds and I nod quickly

"Yes and I will tell you." I say and he nods slowly

Not directly

"Let's enjoy this okay? Thank you for planning this." I smile and he pulls me close  to him

Enjoy this moment.

(Time Skip to the night)

It's 1am and I carefully slide out of bed out from Katsuki arms and dress up putting my binder on and black clothes on and leave my phone on his nightstand

With a note that says WATCH VIDEO

I walk out and go to room and grab my back pack and I put on that pin Aizawa gave me

Just in case

I look at the pictures on my dresser and take a deep breath and climb out the window

I climb down and duck into a corner seeing the camera move and I step into the shadows

I soon shadow travel and land into the park  and I look around

"Oh you showed up?" I hear and I turn and see Shigiraki, Dabi, and Twice

"Didn't give me much of a choice now did you?" I snap and they shrug and Shigiraki steps up

"Well, you're here and you will do everything we say unless you want your close friends to-"

"Die? Yeah I know I'm not gonna risk it.." I say and Dabi chuckles

"You short tempered. Do what we say and we'll get along nicely." He says and I grip my fists

"Well come with us...partner." Shigiraki says and Kurogiri appears and the vortex thing appears too

They motion me to go in first and I step up and turn looking back at the UA building in the distance

I got this.

I turn back and jump in


Woo! Another update! This is getting interesting.

Hope you all enjoyed reading! What do you guys think is on the video Nico left?

How will Nico take do Shigiraki? If he can take down Shigiraki and the league.

A lot to take in with this chapter but anyways I love yall!


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