Chapter 13

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I wake to my alarm and I groan and sit up and grab my phone turning it off and stretch

"Zombie Boy, time to get u-" I pat next to me and turn and see and empty spot

"The fuck?" I say to myself and I swing my legs to the side and stand up

I finally notice his phone on my night stand with a note

Watch Video?

I take the note off and unlock his phone and it was in his gallery

He takes a bunch of photos of me when I'm not looking. What a cute fucking weirdo.

I see one video and I click it and see Nico sitting on his bed in his room

"Katsuki...I made a promise to you that I would tell you if something happens...well this is me keeping that promise."

"Shigiraki is the reason Percy had that heart attack. I don't know how but he has been visiting me in my dreams. He told me that Percy was a warning. If I don't join they'll kill Hazel and you...I can't lose her...and I can't lose you." didn't...

"So I'm joining the League. But I'm not on their side I'm gonna take them down from the inside out. I'll end this once and for all. I'm going to protect UA and all of you. I'm not from here but my time here this is the closest place I've had to a home. And I'm going to protect my home, my friend, my"

Nico no. Fuck no you didn't.

He took a deep breath and wiped his tears falling

"I love you Katsuki. We've been together for only a month but I love you...I'll take Shigiraki down and die trying if I need to...protect Hazel and Percy for me...I love you."

He sobbed and ended the video and I throw his phone on the bed

"Fuck! No fuck!" I punch my wall and kick it slide unto the floor gripping my hair careful fuck why are doing this to yourself

"Kacchan?" I hear I look up and Deku is looming at me wide eyed

"Nico...Nico left..." I whisper and his eyes widen and I point to my bed and he goes grabbing the phone and watches the video

Listening to it again as he watched it and tears brimmed my eyes

Calm the fuck down why are you reacting like this

Deku suddenly hugged me for the first time in years he hugged me and I hug him back

"Why am I acting like this?" I ask and he pulls away

"Kacchan you love him. He put himself in a dangerous situation and you acting this way just shows how much you love him." Deku whispers and I wipe my eyes and look at him

I love him?

...I guess my feelings for him are strong I just never thought I would care so much for another person after what went down with deku those years ago...

Deku's right...I'm in love with Nico.

And I'm going to fucking tell him.

I get up and Deku does too and I open my closet grabbing my hero suite

"Take that video to Aizawa. Tell him I went looking for Nico" I say and his eyes widen

"Wait what? Kacchan I-" he starts but I turn to him glaring

"If it was fucking IcyHot what would you do?" I snap and he steps back and gets quiet

"That's what I fucking thought. Give me 5 minutes. Tell him whatever you need to fucking tell him so you aren't in trouble." I say changing into my hero suit and he looks looks away sighing

I open my window and suddenly I turn and look at him

"I never told you this. But I'm sorry for everything I've done up till now. I hope when I get back we can be best friends again Izuku." I say and his eyes widen and goes to speak but I jump out and blast myself out the window better be okay... because I'm coming.

And if you a so much goddamn trouble.


I stare at the ceiling adjusting my glasses taking deep breaths

They locked me in this cell, they have sense not to trust me but this did put nic in my plans but that's fine.

I hear footsteps and I sit up and see Dabi at the gate of my cell

"Get up. Boss wants you." He says and I glare at him and stand up as he unlocks the cell door and I walk up to it

"Wears my sword?" I ask and he ignores me and shoves my bag in my hands

"We went through your bag. Everything left in it is what you can keep. Lucky for you we didn't take much of your shit. Just the sword and the knife." He says and I glare at him putting my bag on

He walks me up the stairs and we are in silence for a minute before he spoke

"Why didn't you let him kill them. He was gonna drop you and go on for a new plan if you didn't crack." He said and I look at him

"I'm not gonna let him kill my sister. Or Percy, who is like my brother. Then he also dragged in Reyna." I said and he scoffs

"So noble. Like every fucking hero." He says and I stop in my tracks and he turns

"I didn't say you could stop." He says and I glare at him

"For the longest time I was no fucking hero. I was on my own. Neglected, I lost everything." I say and he raises an eyebrow

"Then why?" He asks and I realize he doesn't know much about me at all.

How much has Shigiraki confinded in them?

"I finally stopped hiding. Found people that could help me. You asked me why I did this? I'm a brother. And brothers down let their siblings down, they fight for them even if it means death. I've lost my eldest sister, I'd be dam if let my younger sister die. Or Percy or Reyna as they are like my brother sisters too. So I'll do whatever you guys say as long as it means there safe." I state

I saw something in Dabi's eyes flicker. Like a memory or something and he shakes his head

"Stop bitching and go." He said. Quieter this time and it makes me wonder what happened to him

We make it up the flight of stairs and into a room and I see the rest the League in there and I swallow thickly as nerves hit me

"Ah. Isn't it the man of the hour? Welcome!" Shigiraki says and gestures me to a chair

"I'll stand." I say and he remakes the hand on his face.

Oh wow. He looks a bit different then I imagined...he's a lot younger then I thought he was.

"Look, you joined us Nico. To keep your sisters and 'brother' alive. Plus that hot headed boyfriend of yours. You will need to do as we say. Act how we are. First step is to be..friendly with us." He says and I clench my fists and sit in the chair

"He's a feisty one. He's so friendly!" Twice says and I raise an eyebrow

"He's so cute imagine what his blood taste like?" Toga says and I inch closer to Dabi and Shigiraki

Messed up as it sounds I trust them more then her.

"As you may know this is Dabi. I'm the leader of the League Shigiraki. Blood thirsty is Toga, man in black over there is Twice, he has a personality deal. And man in the ask in the corner is Mr. Compress. You know Kurogiri." He says and my eyes lock on Kurogiri

The ticket.

"Honor to meet you Nico." He says and I nod silently and I feel Shigiraki eyes burning a hole through my skull and turn to him

"What do you want?" I ask and he smirks at me

"Tell us this. Have you killed people before?" He asks and I froze a little

Have I...what?

"You're a Greek Demigod...Son of Hades specifically. Have you killed a person?" He asks and their eyes locked on me

"There's a difference between the people I've killed. And the people you've killed." I say and he looks at me

"So you have? What's the difference?" He asks and I turn to him completely

"I've been at war. With people trying hurt my friends, and go against the world and harm innocent people in the process. You kill people to kill them. If their in your way you kill them." I say and he leans down and he is an inch from my face

"Picture this, a child abandoned on the street. Looking for a hand to take and save them. But not one, not even a hero would take the hand." He says and I look at him

"If it was me...I would have taken you by the hand. Sometimes good things...come to those who wait." I say and he stands up.

"I'm tired of waiting. Let's see what you got. Or did I waste my time on you?" He asks and I felt a competitive feeling fill me and I stand up

"Try me." I challenge and he smirks

"Oh this will be fun."


My phone goes off again and I turn it off taking the battery out and and tuck it away

If I was a evil boyfriend stealing mastermind where would I hide out?

I look around running out of breath. I've been blasting around this city for 4 hours and I haven't seem a trace of Nico.

I land in front of a building and my knees buckle and I collapse on the ground

I feel someone lift me up and hold me up and I glance and surprise filled me

"Genist?" I ask and he smiles a bit and looks up

"You landed in front of my agency." He says and brings me inside

"No- I need to keep looking..." I say and he puts me in a chair in his office

"For your boyfriend? Aizawa already called all the agencies to keep an eye out for you or him." He says and tosses me a waterbottle

I chug that almost completely then look at him

"Your not taking me back." I state and he sits in his chair looking at me

"I'm not. I'm not telling Aizawa I have you, I actually plan to help you." He says and I look up

"Really?" I ask and he nods and smiles

"You finally care about someone more then yourself, you aren't the same Katsuki Bakugou I remember. You're different and with that I will help you find him." He says and I hesitate

"I flew around this whole city and didn't see a thing. I don't even know where to start." I say and he types in his computer then turns the screen to me.

"We start here." He says and I lean and my heart stopped

I never wanted to go back here...and neither did Genist

"Kamino?" I look up at him and his hmeyes darken




Genist is going to help Katsuki?

What does Shigiraki want with Nico?

Do you guys want to see Dabi go from Bad to Good?

Let me know in the comments!

Anyways I love you all so much and I will see you in the next chapter!


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