Chapter 1:Goku Black?

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"Goku meeting Goten while some might not see change others would has it all takes one single moment to change everything

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Goku and Goten meeting each other for the first time was one of the sweetest moments that could have happened in their life but what if that didn't go like it originally happened

No embrace, no complements, no fatherly love and most importantly no other acknowledgment other than

Goku:Wow you look like me!

What if in another world same has the original but with a slight change that this action this words affected Goten through out his life growing up until he got fet up with that he became something that his father would have become if he did not hit his head"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Our story opens up outside in middle of the day where things seem peaceful in a very familiar location around and large area surrounded by yellow buildings that is owned by Capsule Corp

But from the front we go to the back of building the backyard you could say where we find some figures there talking to one another while two separated sit on beach chairs but back with the main group one person in particular is talking more a certain blue haired time travel and son if the prince of all saiyan's

Trunks Briefs

Sword sheathed on his back and wearing clothes that look like they've seen war here we have Trunks talking amongst his allies about a new threat

Trunks:Maybe there's a chance now with your help and my father we could take down Black before things get—


Everyone stops has Trunks face goes from hope to shock has clouds above them start to become darker and everyone began to look up has they see a black hole opening up and shadowy figure coming out of it

??? 1:What the?

??? 2:What is that?

??? 3:Hmm?

??? 4:Hmm~?

??? 5:Huh?

??? 6:Is that a?

Questions began to surround the individuals minds has they look at the wormhole that had someone in it has the person start coming into view and one's his out surprise and shock came in has the figures is shown to be

Goku Black

Goku Black:Wow *looks at the time ring* looks like master was right I just went through time amazing

Mumbling one part of those words Goku Black turns his attention towards all those who were watching him with shock looks, surprise looks and a glare which comes from Trunks who looks up at Goku Black with nothing but hate


Goku Black: Hmm? *spots Trunks and smiles sinisterly* Found you Trunks *smirks*

The people that were there question his arrival but also comment his identical look towards someone they know but two individuals question his ring and how he got it but with all this questions rising Trunks is the first one to confront this mysterious individual

Trunks:W-What is this!!? How did you even get here!?

Goku Black:I don't exactly understand it myself but I should ask you the same thing that machine of yours work well but it would seem that your aftermath has also brought me here too or maybe is that you just keep crying out my name that your wish has been granted *sinister snicker*

Trunks:I'll show you!

??? 7:Don't

He was about charge at him but someone stops Trunks has said man turns towards his father the prince of the saiyans and one the strongest in the group


(A/N:And don't forget to watch the two chapters of "Hero no more but god" which show you the reader has Vegeta going against heroes and villains now back to the story)

Vegeta stare sternly at his son who is shock at his fathers request to not battle his enemy

Vegeta:Your not strong enough to beat him


Moment ends when they feel someone heading straight towards Goku Black has everyone looks up and see a spiky hair, orange clothes wearing individual that everyone knows

Son Goku


Goku:Heheheheh you snose you lose pal! heheheheh

Continuing his laughter until his at Goku Black's level Goku stares at his soon to be opponent has both Goku's stare at each other with Black turning towards him completely

Goku:Wow this a little freaky it's like looking at myself in the mirror

Goku Black:Hmph! *mumbles* bastard just like the first time we meet

Goku:You say something?

Goku:Huh? *shakes his head* nothing nothing but tell me *smiles evilly* how are you Goku! your looking quite well for a man who's supposed to be dead

Goku:Hmm? that maybe in your future but not here *smiles* although I don't know who or what you are *he takes on a fighting stance* Trunks say your strong let see if that's true

Goku Black:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ooooohhh Goku you have no idea the type of power I possess hehehe

Energy flows into Goku Black's left hand has he fires a huge ball of ki towards Goku who's surprise has he blocks the attack but it still stands has it pushes Goku out of capsule corp air and into the waste lands has he crashed into a mountain with the ki ball exploding on him has a smoke screen covers the area where he ended up Goku Black smirks has he flies towards where his opponent went with others watching seriously after a little bit of flying Goku Black reaches where Goku was has the smoke that covers him disappears showing him stuck on the mountain

Goku Black: *mind* Look at you..........we haven't even started our battle and your already pummeled into the side of a—

Goku: *looks up with a smile* Hehehehehehe man your not so bad but you can do better than that can't you?

Goku Black:But of course hehe you haven't even seen one bit of power I posses but it is truly a pleasure to have you scale my power

Goku:That so well let's get serious HMMM!!

With a quick flash of light Goku goes from base form to his Super Saiyan 2 form from the start

Goku Black:Oooh? Interesting super saiyan 2 from the start not even gonna give me a true warm up

Goku:Don't act cocky because you haven't anything yet from the real deal Goku Black

Goku Black:Tsk! Goku Black? lower me to his shadow why don't you trunks

Goku:What do you mean by that?

Goku Black:No no do not worry about  just mind me and my thoughts

Goku:Hope you don't get distracted because it's my turn to show off

Goku charges at Goku Black who laughs has both warriors clash at one another has their battle commenced clashing they're fist has they then began to attack and block one slither at great speeds but Black was able to trip Goku km the air by kicking his leg which gave Black the chance to attack but his attack was caught in between Goku's legs

Goku Black:What?


Goku moved his body down was using his legs he throws Goku Black straight towards ground while Goku began to fire a barrage of ki blast at him has when Black landing gracefully on the ground he look up only to see the ki blast heading straight for him but did he move? no he just took them straight on as the explosion creates a huge crater that is seen by four of the warriors who followed the two Goku's and those who remained back at Capsule corp but then they all see a flash of black energy has the smoke disperses and Goku Black stands there with no scratches on him and happy expression on him

Goku:Hmm! *smiles*

Goku: *humming chuckle has he looks at himself* HAHAHAHAHA Yes this is it the power that he holds so brutally it's just outstanding heck I'll say his even stronger then the Goku I killed 

Goku: *raises a brow* What do you mean that you killed me?

Goku Black: *looks up at him with a smile* Oh don't worry that stupid little head of yours about my thoughts let us just return to the fight hehehe HA!

Unleashing powerful ki from his body surprising everyone that watch has the black ki that surrounded him began to die down has it fused with his body showing Black with his ki surrounding him

Goku:Wow guess we do have some similarities fighting someone who's strong gets you hyped too

Goku Black:Oh do not compare me with either you or that race of brutes I may enjoy battle but *glares* I will never be like them or you

Flying up to his level Goku Black and Goku stare at one another has they we're about to begin their next clash

Goku Black:That power you hold is the only good thing your warrior race has ever produced and while I hated I would like to feel that closed up

Energy disappearing Black dashes towards Goku who defends himself has Black start throwing some punches with a smile on his face has he start throwing fast punches at his opponent

Goku Black: *hits his elbow before hitting his wrist* HE He hehheheHEHEHEHEHE! *starts increasing the speed in his punches*

Goku can now only dodge and block has Goku Black is sending a barrage of punches that keep getting faster and faster has he continues starting to make things harder for Goku and the time has Goku Black roared has he lands a punch on his gut stunning Goku before he was kick on the shoulder sensing him flying back but he stood himself before going anywhere

Goku Black: *raises his left arm* Take this! *fires a bunch of ki balls at him*

Goku began to fly around has Black kept firing while following Goku's movements has the saiyan from earth can only sighs his opponents attacks while he laughed like a madman but he was able to fly up towards him and uppercut Black who dodges the punch and lunges towards Goku has he goes for the punch Goku dodges it and starts sending a barrage of punch on black who blocks them has he sends his own so both were landing hits on one another but while Goku was taking damage Goku Black was taking on his punches like if he was a tank smiling with satisfaction on his face while both warriors kept landing hits on one another so Goku moved back and goes to kick Black who blocks his kick has he goes to punch him Goku blocks his attack after that they collided they're elbows then their fist and finally

Both land a punch at one another has even in that state both Goku's kept they're eyes on each other not loving it away by any second has they stay floating like that for a few seconds before

Goku Black: *smirks* Hehehehehe

Goku: *smirks* Hehehehehe

Both slowly began to move their fist away from each other has they smiled at one another finding their battle quite enjoyable if they weren't lying

Goku:What are you trying to find out Black?

Goku Black:Oh?~ and what could you mean by that Goku? because I could ask you the same

Goku:Oh I'm just killing time

Goku Black:Really then allow me to show you a bit more of my power I'm quite enjoying this myself

Goku Black's smile went serious has he clenched his fist and clenches his body has a yellow light began to surround him while he shouts out a powerful scream

Goku Black:aaaaaaaAAaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Yellow flames bursted out him has his hair began to rise up like Goku's and after a few more seconds Goku Black transforms into a Super Saiyan with his eyes glowing green and his hair glowing with a yellow light

Goku Black:Let's see how you handle this? *smirks*

In the distance Vegeta, Trunks and the other two warriors watch in surprise at this Goku Black's super saiyan form has they sense his ki

Trunks: *shock* What!?

Vegeta: *surprise* He is but in super saiyan one and yet he can reach the level of super saiyan three in that form!

Back to the fight Goku stares in a surprise and for some reason proudly at Goku Black who's smirk went to smile has he stares at his opponents form
which let him had a quick vision of someone else in that form Goku is confused has he sees Goten in his super saiyan form but his vision went back to seeing Goku Black so he shakes his head

Goku Black:What's wrong is the power I posses truly that mesmerizing to you Goku?

Goku:No but I'm surprise just in super saiyan you could match me at super saiyan three

Goku Black:And will you go that far?

Goku:No let me scale you a bit before that *gets in a fighting stance*

Goku Black:Alright then—

Goku Black disappeared surprising Goku has he gets serious while looking his surroundings but is too late to realize that someone hid behind him

Goku Black:—Your funeral 

Goku Black fires a point blank ki blast at Goku sending him flying straight but he stops himself has he turns around and fires a blast at Goku Black who's flying at him has he dodges his attack he readies another huge ki ball

Firing it quickly at Goku who catches it but was almost not able to hold it has he quickly deflects it by throwing up towards the sky so he then powers up flaring his ki has he charges at Goku Black who waits for him with his own ki flaring out has they collided their fist but Black has the more strength so he breaks through Goku's fist and punches him in the face but Goku doesn't give up has he fires a small point blank ki blast at him

Goku Black: *clenching his chest while moving back* Yes! this is what I've been looking forward too

Goku: *rubs his right cheek* Man you truly our strong the question is how much more power are you hiding

Goku Black:More then you can imagine so let's get even more serious! *starts powering up*

This sudden power up surprises all those that were there has Goku Black was beginning to get even more serious but in the midst of Goku Black is stop and force pulled back towards where the wormhole is


With Goku Black he stops himself in front of the wormhole that he can in through has he tries to escape its grasp

Goku Black:It'

He looked around seeing the two beings that are still sat down and four other individuals there but then he spits it Trunk's time machine so raising his right hand he fires a blast at the machine destroying it


The heroes returned to capsule corp has trunks sees what Goku Black had caused glaring at him has Black smiled wt him and then turned towards Goku

Goku Black:Until we meet again Goku!

Has then he gets pulled in the wormhole has it closes one's his in Trunks quickly flies down to check on the time machine and one's he did he saw that it was truly destroyed

Trunks:No *hits the metal* I'll get you back for this Black! I swear!!

But from one future guy we go to another has in the future the wormhole Goku Black came on through still lays there until it pops out Goku Black who's in his base form clinching his chest with smile and heavy breathing

Goku Black:Perfect *pats* I have gained even more strength from this but now *starts descending down to the ground* I must rest

And from descending he began to fall has Goku Black lands on the ground exhausted and tired has he falls asleep there

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