Chapter 2:To the future they go

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Previously on "What if:Goku Black was Goten"

Goku powers up flaring his ki has he charges at Goku Black who waits for him with his own ki flaring out has they collided their fist but Black has the more strength so he breaks through Goku's fist and punches him in the face but Goku doesn't give up has he fires a small point blank ki blast at him

Goku Black: *clenching his chest while moving back* Yes! this is what I've been looking forward too

Goku: *rubs his right cheek* Man you truly our strong the question is how much more power are you hiding

Goku Black:More then you can imagine so let's get even more serious! *starts powering up*

This sudden power up surprises all those that were there has Goku Black was beginning to get even more serious but in the midst of Goku Black is stop and force pulled back towards where the wormhole is


With Goku Black he stops himself in front of the wormhole that he can in through has he tries to escape its grasp

Goku Black:It'

He looked around seeing the two beings that are still sat down and four other individuals there but then he spits it Trunk's time machine so raising his right hand he fires a blast at the machine destroying it


The heroes returned to capsule corp has trunks sees what Goku Black had caused glaring at him has Black smiled wt him and then turned towards Goku

Goku Black:Until we meet again Goku!

Has then he gets pulled in the wormhole has it closes one's his in Trunks quickly flies down to check on the time machine and one's he did he saw that it was truly destroyed

Trunks:No *hits the metal* I'll get you back for this Black! I swear!!

But from one future guy we go to another has in the future the wormhole Goku Black came on through still lays there until it pops out Goku Black who's in his base form clinching his chest with smile and heavy breathing

Goku Black:Perfect *pats* I have gained even more strength from this but now *starts descending down to the ground* I must rest

And from descending he began to fall has Goku Black lands on the ground exhausted and tired has he falls asleep there

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The future devastated once again even after the hard fought battle against the Android duo 17 and 18 but now destroyed once again thanks to Goku Black who is no where to be seen has the only thing that can be seen is huge craters, destroyed buildings, cars, corpses, tanks, guns but surprisingly trees and nature like areas have been unscathed by this devastation for some reason

Vegeta:So this is the future Huh?

Caught by the sudden voice of the Prince of all saiyans we turn towards the front yard of capsule corp where we find Trunks, Vegeta and Goku standing there looking at the destruction Black caused

Trunks:Yeah. . . . . . . .welcome to my home

Goku:Sorry this had to happen to you Trunks

Trunks: *waves it off* It's fine I believe I speak for everyone in saying we're used to this

After that the heroes split off from one another Trunks with Vegeta went to go find Mai's body while Goku on the other hand wondered around the destroyed city with thoughts on his mind

Goku:Hmmm *mind* just who is this Goku Black? Ever since our battle I've had this feeling like I know him no it's not that or maybe it is graagh dang brain can't remember things that have happened *looks up to see explosive shells heading right towards him* EEEHH!?

But lucky for him Trunks come in with his sword and slices all four explosive shells in the air an once he sheaths his sword they all explode in the air before they could even hit Goku who laughs has Vegeta watches with a smile but then they turn to the sound of guns cocking has they look to the right and see a group of soldiers there guns aimed at Goku

Soldier 1:This is for our friends! Take this!


Before they could shoot Goku the voice of Trunks calms everyone down has the soldiers look back in shock seeing their commander still alive and well by the looks of it

Trunks:That is not Goku Black! hold your fire

Soldier 1: *moves up his goggles* Commander Trunks!? *turns to one his comrades* Hey you remember the battle at Mango hill? This is the guy that hit good hits in on Black

The happy soldier runs towards Trunks while the soldiers in shock salute at his presence

Soldier 2:Sorry sir!

Soldier 1:Trunks I wanted to thank you for that time welcome back to the resistance

Soldier 3:Trunks!

A soldier runs up to Trunks presenting a white board in front of him

Soldier 3:Can I have your autograph?

Soldier 1:The he*l are you thinking man! at a time like this!

Soldier 3:B-But

This continued has the soldier tried to get his autograph but were denied of such request has it wasn't even the right moment later after vouching for Goku saying his not actually Goku Black the trio went into the resistance base where Trunks had a heart warming reunion with Mai and so they help the surviving citizen and together the four went back to the surface


Mai:I haven't seen everyone like that in while thank you so much

Goku:It's a little to early to start thank us don't you think? peace won't ever return not until Black is gone

Mai: *nods* your right *turns to trunks with worried look* will you be fighting has well?

Trunks: *turns to her with serious look* Yes

Vegeta:No sadly he will be spectating


Vegeta:I'll be the one fighting Black all on my own

Goku:What!? Vegeta that's no fair I didn't even get to finish my battle with him last time

Vegeta:To bad I've already made my decision and that's final

Goku:Hey! at least let's do a rock papers scissors match

Vegeta:Tsk! fine but I don't want you whining after I beat you

Trunks and Mai sweat drop has the see the two battle hungry saiyan adults stand in front of one another with they're right hand out front has they begin their game

Goku/Vegeta:Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!

Goku throws paper and Vegeta throws scissors giving him the win


Vegeta:Okay now there's no point in deciding who fights

Trunks:But father please! allow me to fight Black first

Vegeta:Haven't you heard what I've just said boy?

Trunks:I know but please this is my world my responsibility like you said and *clenches his fists* with the new strength I've gathered I wish to try and end this before it even begins father so please I allow me to go first

Vegeta looks at his son with determination in his eyes and even though his pride saiyans tells him to ignore this his pride has a father wishes to see how well he does

Vegeta:Alright fine! you get to battle him first but once I see the situation things getting difficult for you I'll step in

Trunks: *smiles has he nods* Okay I understand

Vegeta:Good then let us go it would seem it's time we find the clowns doubleganger

Goku:Alrighty then let's go


Vegeta and Goku fly off first while Trunks gives one more glance to Mai before flying away leaving the resistance leader to watch in hope has her friend flies towards the danger that is Goku Black but the question now is

Vegeta:Hmph! where's Black?

Goku:Yeah I expect he'd be the first thing we see here

Trunks:He might still be healing after his battle with you Goku

We now find our heroes in the front yard of capsule corp has they wait for their opponent to arrive only to literally have nothing in the last six minutes

Goku:Hmm maybe

Vegeta:Whatever it is don't let your guard down he could appear at any second

???:And has you wished! I have answered!

The trio looks open the sky has they see a swirling dark green tornado descending down in the sky has yellow lightning surround it has it flew down far away from them but still infront of them

Dispersing the tornado away high above in the sky Goku Black can be seen flouting above the trio has they stare in surprise catching that he was unscathed and un injured Goku Black looks like when they first meet him

Goku Black:Trunks good see you've returned home and with *sees Goku and Vegeta* guest hmph! this should be fun reunion

Trunks:It's over Goku Black! this time! I'll make sure I put you down for good!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Goku Black:Tsk! my name is not Goku!! and if your so inclined into dying already Trunks *descends down to the ground* then allow me to start this battle

Trunks clenches his fist and raises his ki gad he transforms into his super saiyan form taking out his sword has he stares at his opponent

Trunks:Bring it on Black

Goku Black smirks has he lets out a warriors roar before dashing straight towards Trunks who lets out a scream himself has he lunged towards Goku Black with his sword raised has he goes to slash Black from above he dodges the swing and kicks Trunks to the side sending him skidding on the ground but his stops himself with his sword that he stabs on the ground allowing him glare at Goku Black who smiles at him

Goku Black:Come!

Gritting his teeth Trunks does has he says and dashes towards at Goku Black swinging his sword at him but the evil version of Goku is dodging each slash that is until Trunks misses a slash which Goku Black sees has an opportunity to strike but is missed placed has Trunks surprise kicks him pushing Black back before firing a bunch of ki blast that Goku black takes head on smokescreen covers where he is has Trunks readies himself with his sword has when he sees a shadow in the smoke disappear he gets on the defensive when out of nowhere he blocks a ki encased fist from Goku Black who kicks Trunks sword away making the time traveler lose his weapon

Goku Black:No sword *kicks him in the face sending him back* no hope *fires a huge ki blast at him*

Trunks: *rolls on the ground before getting on one knee* I would't say that! *fires a "burning attack" ki blast*

Both ki blast collided with one another has they exploded on impact to one another causing another smokescreen to appear in between the two fighters who lose sight of one another but quickly banish the smoke away once they charge at one another landing a strong hit on each other before they split up and flew up to the sky has shockwaves of the impacts of there collision are seen in the sky while that happened the two saiyans of legend watch the battle go on

Goku:Wow! look at them go Trunks sure did train well for this

Vegeta:But of course after all once you train under the Prince of all saiyans the chances of your strength increasing are but sure to happen

Goku: *sweat drops* Okay yeah? if that's what you think

Vegeta:But enough about that did you notice how Black reacted to Trunks when he called him by your earth name

Goku:Yeah what could he mean that his not me?

Vegeta:This secrets must be discovered soon but who knows maybe when it's my turn I'll make him spill the beens

Goku:Yeah guess will have to wait

Back to the fight fist collide then legs and then fist again has their ki's follow they're moves heading straight down to the ground once they land Trunks attacks first going for a kick

Double kicking Black who blocks both of them before landing a hit on his gut forcing him to be stunned in the air has it's not over has Black then knee kicks Trunks in the stomach making him vomit some blood before being launched away

Black:This is starting to become fun!

Trunks:Grrr *punches the ground before standing up* is this all but a game to you! Black!

Black:Hmm yes you could say it is I sometimes see this has cat and mouse game you're all the mouses while I'm the cat trying to eat you all *smiles sinisterly*

Trunks:You sick bastard! *charges at him* I'll kill you!

Black:You'll try *blocks his punch* and you will fail miserably *knees in the stomach again has he makes him stay in the air a little before*

Landing a kick on the left side of his waist Black sends the anger and injured Trunks back but lucky did him he stabs his feet on the ground allowing him to not go any further back but his body still moves down has he breaths heavily

Trunks: *pats* Just how? *pats pats* did you get this strong?

Black:Oh don't worry that smart head of yours Trunks even if I were to explain it you would still have a hard time beating me and comprehending my power

Trunks: *inhales and exhales* Then I guess I'll have to step it up a bit in my part

Black:Hmm? and what would you be implying with that

Trunks:This  aaaaaaaaaAAAAAaAAAAaHH *ki began to burst out his super saiyan increasing in power*HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Trunks goes beyond his saiyan forms has he goes pass super saiyan one, second grade, third grade, super saiyan two and into the one and only

Super saiyan 3 his eyebrows disappear and his golden hair grows longer has more small sparks of electricity appear around him while he stares at Goku Black who is just smiling

Black: *smiles* Amazing you've reached super saiyan three

Trunks:Yeah and I'll beat you right here! and right now! no more wasting time this ends now!!

Black:heheheheHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Do you truly believe that do you!! because your not the only one with a high level of super saiyan's power HAAA!!

Bursting into a golden light Black enters his super saiyan form but this time it's different his eyes are more serious and his spiky hair becomes even spikier has he enters a form that goes before super saiyan 3

Super Saiyan two smirking at Trunks Black yellow ki is surrounded by electric sparks that flow all around him



Vegeta:This energy it's so high above the charts that Gould even match or even go beyond Super saiyan three maybe even reach?


Black:Is it not marvelous Trunks *chuckles* I will say you had me nervous if I didn't reach this form before today I would have had a much harder battle against you but now *gets in a stance that is similar to Goku's* let us continue our battle


Both super saiyans dashes towards one another has they collided fist that send a huge shockwave all around them has the floor below them become a crater and everything else around them flew away or was destroyed

Black:Good a worthy challenge!

Trunks:Let's go Black!

Changing up both began to try and hit the other one has they stood in a stand still in the middle of the crater landing hits on one another with

With small shockwaves being send out after every hit and every block Goku Black and Trunks don't pay attention to they're surroundings only focusing on one another has they keep landing v hits and block each other's attacks that is until Trunks knees Goku Black on the side and then punching him in the face pushing him back a bit

Trunks:I can't forget this *stomps on the ground making his sword fly up spinning before he quickly grabs the hilt and gets in a stance* now even more ready

Goku Black:Aaaaah that neatly sword of yours quite the interesting one it is I will tell you that

Trunks:Yeah and it will be the one to bring your demise I hope you realize that! *lunges towards him*

Trunks goes to slice Black who dodges the sword that almost cutted him has he barely almost could not dodge but luckily he did has he side dodges one and then ducks under the next quick slash allowing him to sweep his legs and then blast him point blank but the attack doesn't hit Trunks has he had disappeared and reappeared a few feet away behind Black launching an energy air slash at him Goku Black quickly flew up has he dodges the attack but he dodges another one which almost couldn't dodge has he looks down he sees Trunks firing a bunch of energy air slashes

Trunks:Take this Black!

All energy air slashes go right towards Goku Black who appears a small ki ball on him aiming it down at Trunks and his multiple of attacks

Black:Childs play Trunks!

Firing a barrage of ki blast at each of the energy air slashes both sides collided with one another creating a huge smoke screen that covers the middle of their ranged battles with Trunks he looks closely and readies his sword has then he sees three ki blast come out of the smoke he quickly takes care of them by slashing each one with his sword pouting the opposite direction but his attention is taken away again once he sees Black come out the left side of the smoke screen his hand holding a ki

Black:Take this!

He fires a ki blast at Trunks who descends down quick enough to dodge the attack has he throws his sword at Black like if it were a boomerang last time it work this time it didn't has it returns back Trunks sheathing it in its sheath has he sees Goku Black channeling an attack that was between his hand a dark spherical ball appeared

Black:Ka! Me!

While charging Vegeta and Goku watch carefully at what happens next more Goku than Vegeta has the warrior from earth looks at Goku Black with great curiosity and interest has it happens again his vision changes from Black to a familiar son of his in they're super saiyan 1 form charging a kamehameha but his vision goes back to Black doing this

Goku: *mind* No it can't be that it's impossible

Black:HA! ME!

Trunks:Oh crap baskets


A dark Kamehameha was fired at Trunks who was almost not able to dodge the attack but surprisingly he dodge it but more surprises came has Goku Black somehow motions his hands to bend the kamehameha and make it go directly at Trunks


Black:Your dead!

Trunks has no other choice but to stop the attack with his bare hands which he does but the attack still pushes him back which go him to hold on in the ground has he grit his teeth


Black:It's over Trunks! your time is finally up!

Trunks:Gggrrrrggrrr *mind* No not yet! I won't let this be the end!!

A burst of energy surges from Trunks has he's ki raises his power allowing him to move forward has he pushes back the dark kamehameha surprising Black


(A/N:Stop song here)

Bursting in a yellow light an explosion surrounds the area where Trunks stands has the Dark Kamehameha stops and the yellow explosion from Trunks disappears Goku Black lands on the ground has he breaths heavily from such a moment

Black:That was *pats* quite *pats* interesting *inhales exhales* Phew the question is has he truly fallen?



Goku Black turns around in surprise has he sees Trunks there standing scratched up but still standing while he charges his attack a Masenko


Putting himself in a defensive state Goku Black takes on Trunks Masenko head on has smoke covered where he stood Trunks on the other hand was panting a lot has he goes back to base form after using to much power in super saiyan 3

Trunks:Take *pats* that! *pats and falls on his knees* you Goku knockoff!

Black:What you call me!

Popping literally out the smoke in his super saiyan 2 form Goku Black goes dashing at Trunks his fist railed back and ready to do the final blow but a savior a appears in the form of Vegeta who kicks Black in the face sending him back towards sone ruble

Vegeta: *lands in front of Trunks while looking at the direction he launched Black* No one hurts my baby boy and gets away with it


Vegeta:Rest up Trunks *powers up and goes into his own Super Saiyan two form* allow me to handle this

Trunks: *eyes showing nothing but a surprise expression and happy son* Alright good luck to you Father *falls to the ground unconscious*

Vegeta walks a bit before stoping a few meters away from the ruble that had Goku Black which bursted into a flashing yellow light showing a breathing heavily super saiyan Goku Black that goes back to his base form has he spotted Vegeta

Black:Vegeta *glares* your gonna pay for that

Vegeta:Yeah I don't see that happening I believe my son has done enough damage to you that thus will be nothing but a walk in the park

Black:Alright then but if you believe super saiyan two will be enough to take me down than your wrong

Vegeta:Hmmm maybe your right maybe I should beat you to pulp for making my son suffer and basically killing my wife of this time

Shadowing himself in a blue light Vegeta goes from super saiyan 2 to

Super saiyan Blue has a smirking and proud Vegeta points at himself has he declares to Goku Black

Vegeta:Allow me to introduce you to Super Saiyan Blue that power has evolved beyond the gods and the power that will give me edge in destroying you for good Black

Black: *mind* So this it the form master spoke of the one that had tarnished the name of the gods and the one he said to be careful of and the one I would find use for evolving *out loud* impressive Vegeta but quit talking *spreads his arm open and smiles evilly* show me your power!

Vegeta: *chuckles* If you insist

Vegeta dashes at Goku Black with great speeds Blavk himself does nothing but cross his arms in an x shape formation of defense has one punch from Vegeta sends Black flying back and crashing through four destroyed building walls but his not done

Vegeta:This is what you brought upon yourself!

Continuing his assault Vegeta kept up the punches landing numerous hits on Goku Black while the continue to go pass many walks and rocks that were placed in their way that until Black crashed into a wall this time it doesn't break it cracks but Vegeta not giving Goku Black a second to react he kicks him down towards the ground making a crater that destroys and pushes everything away while also breaking Black's defense

Black: *mind* I'm definitely feeling that!

Vegeta:Stop acting like a coward! and fight me like a true saiyan!! *goes for the punch*

Continuing his rapid punches each time the crater begins to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger has layers could be seen being formed after each punch

Vegeta:Is this truly what Kakarot and Trunks are afraid off!!? I feel insulted

Black: *mind* Hehehe just you wait

Continuing his punches Vegeta doesn't realize that his actualky helping Black out

One eye even through all the punches opens from Black has a smirk can be seen on his face this is taken notice by Vegeta who stops has he moves away from Black

Vegeta: *mind* What the he*l did I just feel

Black:Awww~ but why you stop Vegeta

Slowly begins to get back up with surprisingly no scratches on him even do he has a hard battle with Trunks before and received a quick beating from Vegeta Goku Black still stands

Vegeta:What the!?

Black:Oh well I must thank you Vegeta I really should has now you've allowed me to unlock an even further power I had lock away in me *clenches his fist* let me show you!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Yellow electricity and pink aura surrounded Goku Black has he's ki exploded into a pilllar that reacted the green clouds in the sky surprising Vegeta has he stares at the change Goku Black goes through

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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