Chapter 3:Super Saiyan Rose

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Previously on "What if:Goku Black was Goten"

Vegeta:Is this truly what Kakarot and Trunks are afraid off!!? I feel insulted

Black: *mind* Hehehe just you wait

Vegeta launched a barrage of punches that hit Goku Black on all areas but Vegeta doesn't realize that his actualky helping Black out

One eye even through all the punches opens and from Black a smirk comes into play taking notice by Vegeta who stops his assault moving away from Black

Vegeta: *mind* What the he*l did I just feel

Black:Awww~ but why you stop Vegeta

Slowly begins to get back up with surprisingly no scratches on him even do he has a hard battle with Trunks before and received a quick beating from Vegeta Goku Black still stands

Vegeta:What the!?

Black:Oh well I must thank you Vegeta I really should has now you've allowed me to unlock an even further power I had lock away in me *clenches his fist* let me show you!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Yellow electricity and pink aura surrounded Goku Black has he's ki exploded into a pilllar that reacted the green clouds in the sky surprising Vegeta has he stares at the change Goku Black goes through

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Trunks opens his eyes

Trunks:Huh? Father?

Trunks slowly but struggling a bit started to get up but lucky for him help came for hi has Goku helps him get back up


Goku:Wow! Trunks that was quite the amazing show of strength I'm impressed *smiles*

Trunks:Thank you but tell me Goku where is my father? has he defeated Black yet

Goku:Oh *gets a serious look has he turns towards the pillar of light* Not it exactly

Trunks looks at where he's looking at and his eyes widen in fear seeing the pink pillar of light reaching the green skies above them what's worse for him it's realizing who's showing this much power

Trunks:No It can't be! this can't be his energy! can't it!?

Goku:Yeah it is what's worse is that I think he just reached god ki


Scared and Surprised Trunks looks at Goku who shows calmness but it is a facade to hide he's worries has for Trunks his mind shows him the first fight he had with his father after returning to the past seeing him in his blue state while he was only in SSJ third grade and SSJ2

Trunks:But how could Black unlock super saiyan blue that's not even the right color

Goku:Hmm I think there's more to this guy than what we're seeing Trunks

Trunks:Huh? *turns to look at him* what do you mean

Goku doesn't say anything has he keeps his eyes trained on where the pillar of pink energy is has it is seen to be dying down has we go with Vegeta who stands there with a surprised look on his face his opponent Goku Black how's now evolved his power to reach the level that he is on maybe even more than what he has

Vegeta:W-What is this power?

With Goku Black his glowing light that surrounds him dies down has we see him standing there with pink energy coursing through his body, his eyes showing the same color has different his eyebrows and spiky hair has his transformed into something that has reached the level of Super Saiyan Blue

Black:Well? *smirks that turns into a smile*

Goku Black achieving this new power he speaks in a British accent for some reason saying his first words are while lifting his right up a smile placed on his face

Black:What do you think of this color? Is it not beautiful?

Vegeta:What sort of bullshitting bullshit is this!!

Black:I don't know what you mean Vegeta I thought you be excited

Black:I mean you wanted a challenge well I'm giving you one so to test out my durability I am letting you have a first move

Vegeta:Another pummeling is that it?

Black:Well? do you think you'll be able to damage me?

Vegeta:I'll make you regret your cockiness!

Vegeta lunges towards Goku Black who doesn't move taking on the gut punch from Vegeta that's sends him flying back going through two buildings has we head back with Goku and Trunks who try to get a sense on the situation

Trunks:Tsk! I don't like this it's been to quiet over there

Goku:We just gotta wait a little Trunks we can't just rush in there right now trust your father

Trunks:I am! but Black is crafty and very powerful one small mistakes equals your death when fighting him!

Goku:Hmm then let's at least see how the fight going only intervene if necessary

Trunks:Thank you Goku now let's go!

Before they could the sound of something exploding or being destroyed is heard has the two see a cloud of smoke an out of it comes out Super saiyan Blua Vegeta who was in a defensive stance


Goku:Waig but where's Goku Black

Receiving his answer Goku Black pops out the cloud of smoke and charges at Vegeta with a kick which Vegeta dodges taking this chance to attack has he hits Black with a barrage of punches

Goku:Well would you look at that I think he's got it handled

Trunks:Yeah *sighs in relief* I guess you were right I was worrying for nothing

Goku:Let's not get to comfy

Trunks: *nods* Yeah

Both look on up seeing that Vegeta is landing all of his hits on Goku Black who seem very calm with all that is happening to him

Vegeta: *sending a barrage of punches* Is this your power!? fool you are no match for me

Uppercutting Goku Black in the chin making dramatically stay floating from the hit has Vegeta rails back his right arm ready for a final blow

Vegeta:Now to end you!

Black:................*smirks* Oh Vegeta

Quickly making a ki sword in his right hand Goku Black stabs Vegeta in the chest stunning him and making him look shock at what just happened

Black:It would seem that you were the one being cocky all this time all you did right now was fall into my trap now die *gets his sword of his chest*

Vegeta turns back into base form abc falls down onto the ground supposedly dead after being stab in the chest a shock Trunks quickly goes back into reality and flies quickly towards his father

Trunks:Dad *starts to check him* father please wake up *feels something poking his shoulder* Huh? *looks up to see Goku with a Senzu been*

Goku:Give this to Vegeta Trunks I'll handle the rest from here

Trunks: *takes the bean* Are you sure Goku? don't you need my help?

Goku:Hey! *starts to walk away* You and Vegeta had your fun now it's my turn

Trunks looks on ahead has he sees Goku clenching his fist has then blue light begins to surround him like Vegeta disappearing like small blue particles has he transforms into his Super Saiyan Blue form

Black:Oh? Another one trying to pretend they're a god

Goku:Mock me all you want Black but that's not stoping me from enjoying this battle

Black:Battle hmm a battle between super Saiyan's blue and my version of your form

Goku:What? But you can only reach the power of blue if you have super Saiyan's god so are you telling me that—

Black:If I have super saiyan god? Why yes yes I do *smiles* I have not used it because I don't see fit in using it

Goku:But how!?

Black:Hehehehe *places a finger on his lips*I'll never tell but what I will tell is that I'll be titling this form has SUPER SAIYAN ROSE

Goku:I don't care what you call it so how about we kick back what we fail to finish before*gets in a fighting stance*

Black:So be it *gets in a similar fighting stance*

Goku gets another vision from this has when seeing Goku Black in this stance reminds him so much of himself doing the same thing has he sees a shadow of himself over Goku Black but he quickly shakes his head letting out a war cry has he creates a small crater when he jumps up and starts flying towards Goku Black who flies down towards him

Goku/Goku Black:HA! *collided their fist*

From one punch they quickly go to a dozen has the two look a likes start clashing fist after fist creating small shock waves that are shown to be different from one another has when Goku hits his shockwaves are normal but Black's are pink when colliding but back to the fight they move way from one another has Goku fires a barrage of ki blast at Goku Black who creates a ki sword slicing all of them which creates a smoke screen that Goku uses for a surprise attack

Goku:Take this!

Goku tries to hit Black but he dodges his punch so he tries to slash him but Goku dodges his attack has well or did he?—

—Back down Trunks watches the fight with curiosity and awe has he sees an even match happening

Trunks:They look to be evenly match in power

Vegeta: *weakly* The-they are n-not

Trunks:What? *looks down at him*

Back at the fight a small cut can be seen on Goku's orange shirt has Goku Black only missed by an inch Goku looks on at this in shock but his thoughts were interrupted when Goku Black kicks him in the face sending him flying down but he stops himself when reaching the ground has he looks on up seeing that Goku Black is descending to the ground disappearing his sword has the energy goes back to him

Goku:Your not holding anything back are you?

Black:True I mean I want nothing more than your death so I'll end this quick

Goku:Don't expect does results

Black:Will see!

Goku Black dashes towards Goku landing a strong punch at him Goku block it with his arms crossed has an x in front of him but it still made him drag a bit on the floor has he lunges at Goku Black with a punch ready

Getting two blocked punches in but missing the third one Goku Black decides to fly up with Goku following him

Goku:Hey! Why you running? I thought we were fighting!

Black:Oh we are *dodges an uppercut* your just not proving to be the challenge I was seeking!

Goku Black punches him in the stomach making him shriek down a bit before getting punch in the head and then kneed in the stomach has Goku Black fires four ki blast at him

Goku:Gah! Huh? *sees the ki blast* Wow! *dodges one and blast the other two has he deflects the last one* that was close

Black:Face my blade!

Out the smoke cloud appears Goku Black with his ki blade out has he goes to stab Goku but he nearly dodges the attack so Black start slashing at fast speeds which make Goku start dodging in panic but cuts began to appear on him while dodging

Goku: *mind* Gotta do something quick!

Black: *mind* I have you right where I want ya
Goku!! *out loud* DIE!!

Goku Black was going for the kill having the perfect shin at ending Goku's life has the warrior in orange had no escapes from this attack but lucky fir him salvation arrive in the form of trunks

Trunks:Burning Attack!!

Firing a huge burning attack at Goku Black the villain quickly changes his target an uses the ki sword to destroy/cut the ki blast from Trunks allowing Goku to use instant transmission an move away from Black

Black: *looks at where Goku was* Tsk! coward

Trunks:I'm not done with you yet Black! *takes out his sword* HAAAAAAA!!

Trunks lunges at Goku Black with his sword

Trying to slash him Goku Black easily dodges the swing has not just that one the dodges all the other eleven slashes from Trunks has still with his ki sword out he blocks the last slash from Trunks

Black:You fighting me now is hopeless Trunks my power now far surpasses yours

Trunks:I don't care! *moves back and sheaths his sword* I'm not giving up! HAAAAA!! *turns super saiyan*

Black:Alright then I'll indulge you in our battle *disappears his ki blade allowing his ki to coarse around him has he lotions Trunks to approach* come at me you fool!

Trunks grits his teeth and charges at Goku Black who dodges the first punch and then dodges the kick has quickly spins and punches Trunks on the side pushing him away a bit but he doesn't give up has he quickly goes to punch Goku Black who blocks his punch and then with his knees blocks Trunks double kick has he quickly grabs both his legs an flip tossed Trunks away from him

Black:Well that's taking care of him now where is?—


Black: *catches Goku's fist*Found you

Gut knees Goku making him spit out some blood has Goku Black then sledgehammers him down to the ground

Black:I expected more from you!

Trunks:Expect this!

Turning around to see a super saiyan trunks screaming while charging at him all Goku Black dies is

Punch him in the face and then in the stomach punching him back it doesn't stop has Goku Black charges at him from the side

Kicking him in the back of the head making him go towards where Goku is struggling to stand up has both warriors after the smoke cloud clears look up to see Goku Black charging another Dark kamehameha


Goku:Trunks! *quickly starts charging a kamehameha*

Trunks:Right! *charges up a ki blast*



One dark kamehameha vs two quick ki blast both collide with one another but Goku Black's was stronger far much stronger has it goes through the duo's blast and hit them head on covering them in a huge pink dome explosion that creates then a smokescreen which one it disappears it shows the two still standing with a ki barrier in front of them

Black: *mind* Using a barrier at the last second smart *slow claps has he says to them* Good job good job you stop the attack from killing you I'm impressed truly I am

Trunks:Ggrrrr stop toying with us Black!

Black:Oh but aren't you just enjoy this Trunks? because I sure am *chuckles* or it could be just the saiyan side in me

Trunks:Saiyan side? are you saying your a hybrid!?

Black:Hmm? well look here someone actually figured it out


Goku Black happy expression went serious has he looks from Trunks to Goku who looks up at him seriously

Black:You haven't figured it out?

Goku:Figured what out?

Black:.  . . . . . . . . . . .Hehehehehehehehe hahaha HaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oooohh~ how could I forget that you are but just an idiot with the mind of a perfect warrior I thought you figured it out by now you know

Trunks:What are you trying to amply here Black!?

Black:Quite the simple question Trunks but I'll counter attack with my own question *lands on the edge of a roof* who do you think I am?



Black:I am not Goku if not I despise Goku with all of my heart *looks at Goku directly* I have now surpassed you in power and have finally gotten out of your shadow by unlocking this power surely you must of gotten the pieces Goku I mean if I'm not you who am I?

Goku: *mind* Gotten the piece? would that mean that he is—

Images of the past began to appear on him has he remembers his shadow hovering over Goku Black?, the vision he had of Goten firing a kamehameha in ssj, the other vision he had of his youngest son in ssj, what he said before starting his fighting with Trunks and the words his mumbled when they first meet combining all that in his mind Goku sees one person on the edge of that roof his youngest son Goten smiling at him happily but then it shows Goku Black in Super Saiyan Rose smirking down at him has his eyes widen when finally knows who this is

Goku:No it-it just can't be!!

Goku Black?: *chuckles* Oh but it is the truth you know it is. . . . . . . . .dad


Goku:No I just won't accept this!! that can't be you! right? *looks up at ???* Goten?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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