Chapter 4:Goten?

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Previously on "What if:Goku Black was Goten"

Goku Black happy expression went serious has he looks from Trunks to Goku who looks up at him seriously

Black:You haven't figured it out?

Goku:Figured what out?

Black:. . . . . . . . . . . .Hehehehehehehehe hahaha HaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oooohh~ how could I forget that you are but just an idiot with the mind of a perfect warrior I thought you figured it out by now you know

Trunks:What are you trying to amply here Black!?

Black:Quite the simple question Trunks but I'll counter attack with my own question *lands on the edge of a roof* who do you think I am?



Black:I am not Goku if not I despise Goku with all of my heart *looks at Goku directly* I have now surpassed you in power and be finally gotten out of your shadow by unlocking this power surely you must of gotten the pieces Goku I mean if I'm not you who am I?

Goku: *mind* Gotten the piece? would that mean that he is—

Images of the past began to appear on him has he remembers his shadow hovering over Goku Black?, the vision he had of Goten firing a kamehameha in ssj, the other vision he had of his youngest son in ssj, what he said before starting his fighting with Trunks and the words his mumbled when they first meet combining all that in his mind Goku sees one person on the edge of that roof his youngest son Goten smiling at him happily but then it shows Goku Black in Super Saiyan Rose smirking down at him has his eyes widen when finally knows who this is

Goku:No it-it just can't be!!

Goku Black?: *chuckles* Oh but it is the truth you know it is. . . . . . . . .dad


Goku:No I just won't accept this!! that can't be you! right *looks up at ???* Goten?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Goku and Trunks look up in shock at the reveal of this Saiyan's identity has it is non other than the second son of Goku he's youngest boy

Goten Black(SSJR)

Goten Black:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hos does it feel father huh!? how does it feel knowing that your living legacy has become your strongest opponent

Goku:No! this can't be! it doesn't make any sense how can it be you Goten!

Goten Black:Hehehehe it is quite the simple answer father but knowing that small head of yours only knows about fighting I don't see you figuring it out

Goku:Tell me Goten!

Goku looks seriously a Goten Black he just can't believe this is real his own son turned against him worse turned into a monster who only seeks battle and death Trunks on the other hand is confused and in thought thinking of how this could have happened

Trunks: *mind* Goku's right this can't be real Goten was never really born in this time and to make this even more off the one I've been fighting now feels nothing like the Goten I meet in Goku's time

Goku:Why turn into this son what forces you to become this monster

Goten Black:Sorry but that information can only be given to you if you beat me right now but let's face it *cracks his neck* you don't stand a chance right now

Goku:Tsk! Akright then if that's it takes to know the truth I'll do it

Goten Black: *smiles evilly* Excellent

Goku:Join when you can Trunks I'll go in first! *powers up and charges at Black*

Trunks:Wait Go—*sees him flying at Goten Black* too late I guess *mind* back to what I was thinking maybe this Goten isn't from here nor is he from Goku's time maybe—

Goku in his super saiyan blue form charges at Goten Black who powers up as well has he blocks his fathers punch and the attacks with his own which Goku stops so they begin to through a barrage of punches at one another while souring up to the sky has small shockwaves can be seen from their clash while Trunks watches on still continuing his thought process

Trunks: *mind* Maybe he's from an alternate timeline but that would mean the time machine but then that would also mean someone or maybe even himself had to have access to time machine but Goten didn't even have a time machine when he went to the past—


An explosion brings Trunks attention towards the sky has he sees dust cloud where out of it comes out Goku and Goten Black

Goten Black:You can't escape me!

Goku:I'm not trying too!

Goku lands on the ground has he blocks Goten Black's punch and then point blank blast him in the face which does nothing has out the smoke Bkack's hand grabs Goku's face allowing him to throw the saiyan of earth towards a destroyed store has he crashed into it Goten Black then fires  five ki blast at where Goku is

Trunks: *mind* But it still doesn't add up since he doesn't have time machine but maybe that time ring mister Whis and Lord Beerus mentioned could be the key of his time traveling we'll have to on cover more this later

Back to the fight things seem quiet has Goten black stares directly at where he tossed his father only to have his eyes widen when he sees Goku about to fire a kamehameha

Goku:Kamehame HA!!

He fires a huge blue beam at Goten Black who reacts quickly has he jumps upwards to the sky dodging the kamehameha that hits a destroyed building destroying it even more has above Goku he sees Goten Black spinning before he fires a ki ball at Goku who uses instant transmission to teleport out of there an above Goten Black sledgehammering him which sends Black down to ground where he plants his feet and boost himself up an towards Goku uppercutting him before turning his ki into a blade surrounding his right hand

Goten Black:Dance my blade!

Goten Black begins to rapidly slash at Goku giving him many cuts on his skin abs his clothes making Goku himself vomit a bit of blood and while Goten Black grinned like mad man has he prepared to strike him down

Goten Black:No more mercy for you father today you die! for good!!

Goku: *mind* what? D-Da*m

Goten Black aimed to slash his head off but before he finish off Goku Trunks intervene has with his sword he blocks Goten Black's and then he blast him away with a ki blast

Trunks: *turns to look at Goku*Goku are you okay?

Goku:Well heheh I'm losing blood right now but I say I'm fine

Trunks:Do you have a back up Senzu?

Goku:Yeah just need to—

Goten Black:Nog so fast!!


The two warriors look on ahead has the see Goten Black rocketing towards them with his blade ready to slash Trunks which would not be able to block the attack fast enough

Goku:Trunks look out! *pushes trunks out the way*

Goten Black:Predictable!

While Goku did save Trunks from this attack he did not a count for his injured self

He was to stop the blade from getting him and while he did dodge a bit of his sword with just one leg he throws Goku away Trunks returning to the fight charges with his sword but Black intercepts his sword and then blocks his charge

Trunks:Why attack is huh!? what did we ever do to you!!

Goten Black:Oh you didn't do nothing in your view but my master sees evil in your actions Trunks that gives me enough reason to attack you

Trunks:What!? Master!? Who are you talking about Goten!? What happened to you!?

Goten Black:You haven't beaten me so no answer!

They push each other away from one another

Trunks: *mind* can't hold back here Gotta hit him with everything I've got *out loud HAAAAAA!!!!!

Leading out a mighty battle cry Trunks goes from supersaiyan to supersaiyan 3 his hair gets longer and his ki began to surplus him in a golden glow with small sparks appearing on him

Goten Black:A foolish choice Trunks

Trunks:It'll be enough !

Trunks dashed towards Goten Black going for an above slash which Goten Black blocks but is still send flying down to the ground crashing into it creating a crater but Trunks doesn't stop has he charges up a ki blast


Firing a Masenko at where Goten Black is a huge explosion replaces the smoke has Trunks lands a few feet away from the smoke his serious expression change to surprised expression has he sees a shadowy figure begin to walk out the smoke and it was Goten Black

Goten:If that was your best *wipes the blood away* I am very much not impressed with you if it was Trunks

Trunks:Grrr at least it left a few scratches on you

Goten:And that is all you'll get Trunks scratches while I on the other hand

Goten Black quickly dashes towards Trunks at incredible speeds that he could not react too has he receives a strong gut punch which makes him spit out some blood and get send flying back and crashing into a wall

Goten Black:Get results

Extends his hand forward has he fires a big ki ball at where Trunks is

Goten Black:Very well results

Goku:That's enough Goten!


Goten Black:Hmm?

Black turns to his left and sees an injured Goku super saiyan's blue there holding his right arm with his left while breathing heavily Goten Black finds this amusing has he chuckles a bit

Goten Black:This is a sight I've always loved seeing after each of our battles you so weak and injured while I so strong and powerful

Goku:Please son you have no relation to this time so leave them alone you have nothing against them

Goten Black:Huh? is that what you think? I mean how would you know? Huh!? you were barely there! even so I may not have nothing against this mortals but my master does

Goku:Your master? who are you talking about Goten?

Goten Black:Ooooh don't worry about him father I mean don't worry about him yet


Goten Black:Like I said don't worry about to much pops *goes back to base form* you should worry about yourself more

Without even giving him a chance Goten Black charges at Goku punching him square in the face sending him flying back into a destroyed buildings wall making gasp a little bit before Goten Black strikes again

Landing a strong kick on his chest before jumping back and firing a barrage of ki blast at Goku who gets hit by all of them creating smokescreen while it's added

Goten Black:Get a taste of my wrath!

After the smoke clears Goku is seen in his base form and on his knees has he hears footsteps approaching him he looks up to see a sinister looking smile coming from Goten Black who stares down at his father like a psychopath quickly wanting to end they're prey right then and there

Goten Black:Once again I've bested you and like before *appears a dark and purple ki blade* you will die

Goku: *struggles to get up but was able to glance* Please tell me Goten what did I do to make you so sad please! tell me!

Goten Black:Hmmmmm you know what *disappears his ki sword* before I end you let me indulge in what happened in my timeline

Vegeta:Big Bang!!

Before Goten Black could even begin his story he quickly turned around and looked up only to see Vegeta charging up a Big Bang attack


Firing the blast towards Goten Black who quickly goes on the defensive he is only hit by a distraction has behind him without his knowledge Trunks in SSJ3 flies in and picks up Goku quickly taking him away from the explosion of the blast the Big Bang attack creates when colliding with Black has the trio reunite

Goku:Wait! Stop! He was about to give me the
answer I needed!

Trunks:I'm sorry Goku but you'll have to get them another time it's time for us to retreat

Vegeta: *regroups with them* Quickly to the time machine!

Trunks:But what about Mai and the others

Vegeta:They'll be fine Black doesn't know they are there so they'll survive let us make sure we are prepared for when we return

Trunks:. . . . . . . .okay

Back with Goten Black  the smoke begins to clear out has all heat next is laughter from Goten Black

Goten Black:Hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

After a bit he stops has he dust himself off and quickly takes flight has he goes to find his three victims

Goten Black:Running away now while we were actually just enjoying our fight! disappointing! truly it is!!

Then he spots a glowing spherical object beginning to flout so Goten Black slowly flies towards where it is and while he could destroy them right there but he doesn't do that all he dies it stare at it and he wasn't the only one Goku alone from the time machine looks up at Goten Black worried about what happened to this version of his son but does Goten Black show the same expression


Just stares evilly at the trio while they teleport out of other future and into the past leaving Goten Black alone with his new unlocked power

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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