Chapter 5:Terrible news in returning to the past

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Previously on "What if:Goku Black was Goten"

the smoke begins to clear out has all heat next is laughter from Goten Black

Goten Black:Hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

After a bit he stops has he dust himself off and quickly takes flight has he goes to find his three victims

Goten Black:Running away now while we were actually just enjoying our fight! disappointing! truly it is!!

Then he spots a glowing spherical object beginning to flout so Goten Black slowly flies towards where it is and while he could destroy them right there but he doesn't do that all he dies it stare at it and he wasn't the only one Goku alone from the time machine looks up at Goten Black worried about what happened to this version of his son but does Goten Black show the same expression


Just stares evilly at the trio while they teleport out of other future and into the past leaving Goten Black alone with his new unlocked power

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We open up with capsule corp has we see a group of individuals there to be waiting for something or someone has then their attention is taken up has they all see the time machine descending down in front the group has when the cockpit open's Goku, Vegeta and Trunks come out

Trunks:We survive and luckily we were able to escape back to your timeline father

Vegeta:Yes. . . . .luckily

Goku:. . . . . . . . . . . .

Goku remains silent has he looks down to the ground but this quietness does not go unnoticed by the other two warriors has Trunks looks at Goku worried while Vegeta keeps his serious look



Trunks:Umm Goku?

Goku kept on ignoring Trunks calls making him worry more has Goku was in deep thought very deep thought of the events that have happened

Goku: *mind* Just how how could this have happen my little boy turned into monster no this can't be his future it just can't it doesn't make sense at all there has to be a better explanation to all of this I just can't accept this I can't!


Goku:Huh!? *snap back to reality and appears a fake smile* oh sorry guys *fake chuckle* just got lost in my mind

Vegeta:We can see that and we know why

Goku's fake smiles turns into a frown has his gaze turned from them towards the ground feeling guilty of the events that have transpired

Goku:Did-did I do this? did I create Goten Black?

Trunks:What? No that can't be true Goku whatever happened to Goten wasn't your fault

Goku:I appreciate what you say Trunks but *stands up* he's hate his entire being was caused by me I just know it his or why us what I gotta find out

Vegeta:Well at least your not getting weakened by this so how will you talk to that brat of yours of the future if all he wasn't is to murder you

Goku:I don't know but I will find a way

Trunks:Alright just know me and father *hears his father's "HMPH!"* will help in anyway we can

Goku:Thanks guys

They nod to him and were about to make they're way towards the capsule Coro building but their attention is taken when hearing the voices a two people


Getting the trio's attention the look on to see Goku's and Vegeta's sons has they run happily towards their fathers

Son Goten and Trunks Briefs

The two boys reach they're fathers and hugged them both individually

Kid Trunks:Good to see you back dad

Vegeta: * looks down at him seriously before petting his head* Good to see you too Trunks

With Goten and Goku

Goten:You okay dad? that fight you were in had to have been hard if your this hurt?

Goku:Hehehe yeah it was but *hugs his son tighter* I'm just glad to see that your fine

This surprise Goten but he smiles quickly has he hugs his father back with the same love and care but while they had their moment Future Trunks and Vegeta look at the two and knowing what Goku is going through they think he needs this


That is when two new voices came running in has the wives of the two saiyan come running in towards their respected husbands


Bulma: *hugs Vegeta* Glad to see that your back in one piece hon

Vegeta:Come on woman was they're any doubts from you thinking I wouldn't return?

Bulma: *smiles* Not one bit

Vegeta smiles at her but no we go with the son's family has we see Goku's wife checking the injuries that he had receive from his battle

Chi chi

Chi Chi:How did you get all this cuts and hits Goku are you trying to make me worry about you even more!

Goku:Heheheh sorry Chi Chi but *sigh* our opponent wasn't the easiest to defeat nor was he push over *frowns in remembering who it is*

Chi Chi: *notices his sad expression* Goku? what happened? who is this Goku Black fellow that you were fighting? and how did he do this to you?

Goku:Well you see—


Before Goku could even continue his sentence the attention is taken away has the families look on to see two individuals that were standing there waiting for the trio to return one of this beings was the god of destruction of universe 7


The other was his angelic assistant and master of the god of destruction plus the new master of Goku and Vegeta


Beerus:I am sorry to interrupt this wonderful family reunion but I would kindly like to know if you have taken care of the threat hmm?

Trunks: *sigh* Forgive us lord Beerus but no Black is still alive and even stronger than before

Vegeta:And with discovered something even worse

Whis:Hmm? what could you be referring to Vegeta?

Vegeta:Not here we must speak in a more private location away from the boys

Kid Trunks/Goten:Huh?

Goku: *pats his son head* Don't worry Goten it'll be quick so just wait here with Trunks while we talk

Goten:Umm okay dad

Trunks nods his head too understanding has the group of adults then started to make their way towards the balcony of capsule corp where there they see two other figures that were waiting for them


(Nerfed) Son Gohan


Piccolo: *opens his eyes* Hmm?

Goku: *waves at them* Hey Gohan

Gohan: *smiles* It's great to see that your back Dad but are you okay you look pretty—

Goku:Beat up? yeah but don't worry just a quick Senzu bean and I should be alright but doeacking of beans *looks at piccolo* mind passing me one Piccolo

Piccolo: *takes out a Senzu bean* Here *throws it at him and Trunks* you too Trunks

Goku: *catches it* Thanks *eats it*

Trunks: *catches it* Thanks

Beerus:Now come on tell us what happened with this Goku Black guy

Vegeta:For starters we found out that Black is not exactly the clowns evil clone or doubleganger from the future


Trunks:It's true the true identity of this man is not who we thought it was someone *looks back at Goten and kid Trunks playing* that we wouldn't have expected

The others still confused by this look at where Trunks was looking at and they see Kid Trunks and Goten playing but then their gaze is completely focused on Goten so that's when they're eyes widen in shock


Chi Chi:No no No! that not true that can't be true *looks at Future Trunks* you cannot expect me to believe that my boy my baby is this sort of monster

Gohan: *serious stare* You better have prove of this Trunks because this sound to good to be true

Bulma:Yeah I mean look at Goten how can he be this sadistic battle hungry black clothes wearing saiyan

Goku:Has impossible has it is their not lying guys *looks at them with a sad look* Goku Black is Goten but from the future

This makes the three be shocked even more has they get the confirmation from Goku which he said it with truth and honesty thus makes Chi Chi build up tears

Chi Chi:No no my baby turned into a monster how how could this happen

Gohan: *looking down* Goten

Trunks:But you know it might not be this Goten that turns into Black

Chi Chi/Gohan/Goku:Huh? *they look at him* what do you mean?

Whis:Aaaah I see what you are implying Trunks do you believe that this Goten Black is not from a future of this timeline but from another

Trunks: *nods* Yes if could be that because I just don't see this Goten *points at Goten* turn into that Goten so the only thing that comes to mind is an alternate timeline

Beerus:Hmm yes I see what you mean the question to ask right now would be how did that Goten acquired a time ring

Piccolo:Maybe he meet the Kai from universe ten and got it from him

Gohan:That would makes sense but it doesn't explain the fact that Goten turns into Black that's still not an answered question

Chi Chi:I don't care about this time ring I just want to know why my baby turned into a bully

The group discussed the situation of the time ring and Goten's transformation to Black but one person did not join Goku he only look on up to the sky wondering himself his own thoughts

Goku: *mind* What are you going now Goten? what could you be doing now?

In the future

Heading to the future we are brought to a forest a very beautiful and peaceful forest that seems to not have been touched by the destruction that Goten Black brings but what can be seen here is a cabin a wooden and small cabin in the distance

Getting close to it we are brought to nice and calming balcony of the cabin has one person can be seen there drinking tea while enjoying the peace

Goten Black

He sat on a small chair with his eyes closed has he enjoyed drinking his tea that until he moved the cup away from him and putted on the table

Goten Black: *satisfying sigh* Nothing but a nice and beautiful morning with a dash of a nice cup of tea this truly feels like it's going to be a great day

A nice and actual smile appears on Goten Black's lips has he closes his eyes and lets the wind blow passed him has when it stopped he opened his eyes and look on up towards the sky feeling like someone is talking about him

Goten Black:Hmm *chuckles* ooooh father dear father of mine I know what your wondering right now and don't worry I'm not bringing punishment on this fools I'll let them have this peace for today don't worry *chuckles*

Chuckling again has he wonders what his father doing right now training?, planning?, discovery?, eating?, spending time with his younger self?, or doing naughty things to his mother? all this questions with no specific answer to any of them but he knows one thing he will try to uncover more about him

Goten Black:Huh?

Goten Black happy demeanor turns to that of confusion has feels something no someone in this timeline that is very powerful

Goten Black:Is that? no it can't be them that have only been gone for a day they wouldn't be returning any time soon then could this be—yes *smiles* it's him his here good

Standing up has he quickly powers up to super saiyan rose

Goten Black:It would seem it's time to train right master *flies away* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Laughing evilly in the distance Goten Black makes his way towards the destroy city has there he will find the one he calls master

Back in the present

We're back with Goku was we see him all healed up with a neat pair of gi has he sits on the couch of his house wondering more about his son than ever

Chi Chi: *walks into the room* Goku would you mind— *sees the state he is in and frowns* oh Goku

She walks towards her husband and sits down beside him comforting him because right now she can see he is in pain

Chi Chi:I know it hurts knowing this honey but you can't let it hurt you

Goku:I know but I just feel guilty like I feel like I'm the cause of his change

Chi Chi I know but you have to remain strong so you can save him


Chi Chi:Goku I want you to promise something

Goku:What is it Chi chi?

Chi Chi:Promise me that you will save our son from this path of darkness promise me you will bring back the happy boy we raised to become a great man

Goku: *looks at her before hugging her and then smiling* I promise I will not give up until I bring back Goten I'll even bring him back here home so we can all be a family

Chi Chi: *smiles* That's what I like to hear

The two stayed like that for while enjoying each other's company has Goku has now declared that he will not give up until he gets his boy back but does king of him

Back in the future

Goten Black: *pats pats pats* ughggggrrrrr come on!

Goten Black:I feel it I know I do I feel power beyond the one I already have I just can't seem to reach it

???:Do not let this thoughts cloud your judgment Goten the power will unleash when the time is right you just gotta wait for the right time

Goten Black:Yes of course master I just feel that if I unlock this power I could potentially destroy those mortals even faster than before

???:Just wait my student just wait your time will arrive but now we must continue your training your enemies will return soon so be ready

Goten Black: *nods* Right and when they do *smiles evilly has he powers up*

Goten Black:I will show them nothing but oblivion!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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