Chapter 3

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Zelda's POV
I gasped in shock. No, he couldn't be back... could he? I looked at Link; I could tell he was worried about me and the rest of Hyrule. "What are we going to do?" He shook his head saying, "There is only one thing I can do, my love. I have to kill him. It's the only way. Besides, there was something... different... about him; I fear he has gotten a new power, judging by the way he was able to enter my dreams. Now that he is free, he can probably go into anyone's mind." My heart started to beat out of my chest. He could control me if he wished. It makes me cringe at the thought of what he would do to me if I was under his spell... "So he can enter my thoughts now?", I questioned. Link nodded in reply. Then a terrifying thought crossed my mind.

If he can control anyone, then he could take control of Hyrule with ease. My eyes widened as I said, "Link, I must go back to the castle!" He grabbed my left hand as I begat to turn around saying, "No! Zelda, that will be the first place to look for you. We have to run until we know how to defeat him." I shook my head in protest and argued, "But my people-" Link interrupted by countering, "Will be safe if their princess is away from harm." I looked up at him and whispered, "We can't run forever." He wrapped me in his arms and said in a hushed voice, " It's the only way."

"But where will we run? Hyrule doesn't go on forever.", I stated. Link walked me to Epona, who needed medical attention, and lifted me on, saying, "I honestly don't know, but we need to be far from the castle. Just stay with me and hopefully we will be fine." I nodded. As we started to ride over the Bridge of Eldin, I took a glance at my beautiful Hyrule, not knowing if I will live to see it again.

Time skip
3 Days Later

"Link, can we rest? I think we are all exausted.", I said, gesturing towards his mare. He nodded as he slowed Epona down and looked around for a place to set up camp. We had no clue where we are, and we couldn't see the castle through the many trees surrounding us. Link flicked the reigns to the right and said, "I found a small field surrounded by trees on all sides that is near a small creek. We should be safe there." When we got there, I hopped off of Epona to check her now bandaged wound. It was slowly getting better, but not by much... I looked up to see a small green field with small bits that were covered in pink or yellow from wild flowers. It was small and quiet here, which I prayed meant we were safe for the time being.

"Zelda, I will be right back; I'm just going to get firewood.", Link called as he walked out of the field and into the woods. I started unpacking the few supplies we had, creating less work for later. He returned a few minutes later and created a small fire that was large enough to give us warmth, yet small enough not to give away our position. We ate the small bit of food we had found/killed as dusk fell. When i finished, i collapsed in the grass, and before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep.

"Zelda! Come here!" I opened my eyes, hearing Link call my name. I looked at the sky, seeing millions of stars and a full moon high above. At least there is some beauty within all this chaos... "Zelda!", he called again. "Where are you?", I shouted back. "I am by the creek. Come here!", he yelled once more. I got up off the ground and went into the darkness of the woods and away from the pale moonlight.

I eventually arrived and saw none other than my love waiting for me. "You called?", I asked with a smile. I didn't even have time to blink before he wrapped me in his arms and whispered, "I love you, you know that?" I giggled and replied, "Yes I know, and I love you too." He flashed a small smile then bent down and lightly kissed my forehead, making me feel my face slowly heat up. Maybe... Maybe there was some good within our living nightmare...

Link's POV
I awoke to my hair standing on end, a queasy feeling in my stomach. Something's not right... I immediately sat up, scanning the dimly lit field for my love. She wasnt there. My stomach jumped into my throat as I called, "Zelda?" No answer. I stood up in the ghostly light, my heart beating faster. "Zelda?!" Again, there was no reply. My instincts kicked in and I grabbed my sword, bow, and quiver filled with twenty arrows.

I dashed into the darkness of the forest and called, "Zel! Zelda where are you?!" As I ran around the woods, I heard my love's voice giggling. If she's laughing, she might not be alone... I ran towards her beautiful voice, praying to Nayru she was safe. When I found her, she was unharmed, but she was in the arms of my inner demon. "Hey, brother. Look, she loves me now.", he said arrogantly as he pulled her close, stroking her silky bronze hair. I could only stare in shock. No, she doesn't love him; it's a trick! It has to be...

I gripped my sword tighter, saying "No. She would never love someone as heartless as you." Dark Link chuckled darkly and said, "I wouldn't be so sure. The little beauty willingly said she loved me. You should have heard it. She sounded so sence-" I couldn't take his meaningless words any longer, so I fired an arrow, piercing his shoulder. He gripped the arrow and let out a scream of pain. While he was distracted, I ran to Zelda, her face filled with worry and confusion. I gripped her hands and stared into her eyes, pleading "Zelda! It's me, Link. Come on, Zel you have to fight it!"

Dark Link heard me and shouted, "No! Zelda, darling. I'm right here." He pushed me out of the way, knocking me to the ground and grabbing Zelda's waist. Anger boiled inside me as I leaped at him, my blade ready to slice him. He let her go and blocked my attack. Now we were locked in battle, both of us on edge for the other's next move. "Zelda, please! Open your eyes!", I screamed over the clashing of my blade against my shadow's. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. Her face was twisted in confusion and fear; she knelt to the ground clutching her head and let out an ear piercing scream.

Both Dark Link and I forgot about each other for the moment and we both stared at her, curious at who she picked. When she stood, we both ran to her, but my shadow got there before I did. "My dear, I say we finish him off.", he said, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Don't touch me!", she shouted, blasting a globe of light from her right hand. It hit him in the middle of the face and he staggered back, bringing his pale hands to his face and howling in pain. He looked up at us and said, "I'll be back. You just wait!" And he was gone.

I looked at Zelda, who came towards me quickly. When she was within my grasp, I engulfed her in a hug, never wanting to let her go. "Link, I- I'm sorry. My mind was weak. I tried to get away a- and I couldn't and-" I interrupted her sobs and said, "My love, you are the opposite of weak. You saw through his spell and saw he was an imposter. You are not weak." I felt her head nod as she cried, and we stood there for a while, not wanting to let go, for fear of what would happen when we did.

Heeyyy my Strangers. I added a little Zelda POV in there for y'all, so you're welcome :)

Anyway, I really appreciate the support you are all giving this story. I'm glad ya like it! But that is all for now. Ilysm!!! Stay Strange!

♡ - Em

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