Chapter 4

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Zelda's POV
After what seems like forever, we both headed back to camp, but a thought crossed my mind over and over. "Link, how do I sleep if he is just bound to enter my head again?", I asked, my voice shaking from the previous events. Link pondered my question for a moment before replying, "I- I don't know... But I promise I won't let him harm you." As I lay down in the grass, I said, "Thank you." Link started to walk away when an idea struck me. Dark Link only enters our dreams when we are alone. What if we were together?

"Link? He only enters our dreams when we are alone. What if we were together?", I asked, curious if my idea would work. He turned around to look at me and smirked, asking, "What are you suggesting, Princess?" I glared at him, mentally face palming. "Don't even go there. I am not suggesting anything! One, you need to get your mind out of the gutter, two, I'm really not in the mood, and three, we aren't married. Do I need to go on?", I reasoned, hoping he wasn't going to be absolutely stupid at a time like this.

He started laughing and through his chuckles, he said, "Oh my Goddesses, Zel, I was just joking." I glared daggers at him one more time before warning, "You better have been joking, or I'll-"

"You'll what?", he interrupted. I thought for a moment before threatening, "I will not give you hugs." His eyes widened in shock as I tried to hide my giggles. "No need to go to extremes here!", he said as he walked over and lie down beside me. I started to relax as he wrapped his arms around me, and for the first time in forever, I felt safe.(AN: frozen fans, don't even :p)

Time skip to morning
I awoke to a cool breeze and birds whistling happily without a care in the world. And then the realization hit me. It worked. Dark Link did not invade my mind! I couldn't hide the smile on my face; we will be free from that demon plaguing our dreams. I looked at Link, who was still holding me tightly and saw his bright blue eyes open slowly. He gave me a small grin and said in a low husky voice, "Good morning, my love." I blushed slightly and whispered, "Good morning. And the plan worked. He didn't come into my thoughts."

He smiled triumphantly and said, "That's great! Now he won't be able to invade our minds." I nodded with a smile to match his on my face. Now we could finally plan on how to defeat Dark Link once and for all.

Time skip 2 days later in Zelda's dream
"You're clever, my beauty. I guess there's a reason for you to have the Triforce of Wisdom after all." I looked around my pitch black surroundings and saw glowing red eyes glare at me from the darkness. No. Not again! I swallowed hard. "What do you want?", I asked, venom dripping from my words. "Oh nothing, really. I'm just giving you some good advice. It's a lot less fun to be a lone wolf.", he stated.

I looked back into his blood red eyes, puzzled by what he meant. "What is that supposed to mean? Is this some kind if riddle?", I asked. He chuckled and said, "You will see soon enough, Princess. Now wake up so the fun can start!" Before I could question anything else the darkness faded and my nightmare shattered before me.


My eyes shot open in panic and looked around for his burning stare. Nothing but the faint glow of early morning light. I looked up at the sky, seeing that dawn was just scraping the horizon. I sighed, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I silently removed Link's arm from my waist and got up as quietly as I could and stood up. My thoughts were jumping around in my head. How was he back in my thoughts? The trick was working until last night... And what did he mean when he said, "It's a lot less fun to be a lone wolf."?

I needed to clear my head. Maybe a short walk to the creek would work... I grabbed a stick and wrote a small note in the dirt for Link so he doesn't freak out if I'm not back by the time he wakes up. When it was finished, I started walking towards the creek, taking in all the beauty the early morning brought. Birds sang and made a beautiful melody with the help of the sounds of the leaves rustling with the wind and the steady sound of trickling water. When I got to the creek, I sat down on my knees near the edge of the land and dipped my hands in the cool water. I cupped my hands to trap as much water as I could, and brought them to my face, splashing it.

I felt the cold left over droplets start running down my face, leaving refreshing trails against my skin. "Hello, my dear" I jumped up, knowing that voice all too well. I turned around, only to come face to face with that monster. "What do you want?", I asked, my voice shaking slightly. He smirked as he started to walk in a slow circle around me. "Oh, nothing much. It's just that you didn't acknowledge my warning. You went off alone." My eyes widened, finally knowing what he meant. His words echoed in my mind. A lone wolf.

"Maybe I was wrong about the whole Triforce of Wisdom thing.", he laughed. I was screwed. "Link!", I screamed, praying that he could hear me. I opened my mouth to scream again, but one of Dark Link's hands clamped over my mouth as the other held his blade to my neck. His icy breath sent a shiver down my spine as he whispered in my ear, "I suggest that you not try that again, Princess. It will not end well for you. Do you understand?" I slowly nodded, being cautious of his sword pressing against my throat.

"Good. Come quietly as my prisoner and there will be no need to harm you or your lover." I gasped. No. Not Link. I nodded once again. "You'll do anything for him. It's really quite amusing, Princess.", he said with a sly smirk as he removed his hand from my mouth. "There's one more thing I require before we leave though." I turned my head so it faced him and asked, "And what would that be?"

"A taste if your blood." My eyes widened and I gasped in pain as his blade sliced through my flesh and I felt the warm liquid ooze down my neck. He put his icy lips against my skin, making me shudder as he started to drink from my wound. I couldn't stop him, for fear of that monster hurting my love. It was probably over quicker than it seemed, but it didnt make the desgusting situation any better. He lifted his now bloody face from my skin and said, "Everything is set into motion." Just as he stopped speaking, I heard a scream that turned into a howl not far from where we stood.

My breath lodged in my throat. I really hope that is not what I thought it was. "Oh yes! I almost forgot! Remember that riddle I gave you?", he asked. I nodded, not able to speak. "Well, now your precious Link is literally a lone wolf!", he cackled. Not again. Oh Link...

What have I done?

Heeyyy my Strangers! If you're confused, the whole blood drinking thing will make sense soon, m'kay? Sorry it took so long to update. It was a loooonnngggg day yesterday. But here's the chapter! Remember to vote and comment! Well, that's all for now. Ilysm! Stay Strange!

♡ - Em

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