Masquerade Ball

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Hi! I'm a new writer and I want to know what you think of my poems. please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy reading this and that you will take a minute to look at my other poems and stories too. thanks for reading! :)


I believe that our little world

Is like a masquerade ball

Sequins gleam and feathers fly

Couples twirl around a polished floor

We each wear a colorful mask

And painted smiles fill the room

Everything is gaudy and bright

Showing nothing of our true selves

We pretend we are perfect

We ignore the cracking masks

The fading paint of our smiles

We cannot ignore it much longer

The fading allure of the ball

Disappearing into nothing

But we wouldn't know what to do

Without all of our masks and finery

So we continue to pretend

That this masquerade is all there is

That the reality is not real

And we fool even ourselves

Painting on smiles and wearing masks

Putting on makeup to hide our scars

And living in a foolish fantasy

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