13- blood bath

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

13- blood bath

Atem drove fast getting Blackout's victim to the hospital using almost all of his powers to keep the person alive. He had to feed and recovers his spent energy so he made a quick stop to the graveyard feeding upon a grave robber since he knew that Caretaker was elsewhere.

*Atem what's troubling you?* Yugi asked mentally after Atem was done feeding.

*The teen whom attacked us. He moved like a vampire, looked like a vampire, and had a vampire's strength as well as the eyes. So why is he saying that we are the vampire behind these attacks?* Atem replied.

*I know that doesn't make sense to me either but if you remember you were the first good vampire that possibly existed in the world. Do you think it is possible that he could be a good vampire?* Yugi asked.

*It could be possible but even the strangest thing is that he seemed also human at the same time. I have to say that this person definitely has me intrigued.* Atem replied before driving off to the meeting place.

The goth teen stood in front of the neon sign waiting for Atem. Something about the rider left him intrigued. He wanted to learn more as it seemed that the spirit of vengeance knew more about what was going on. He sensed the rider's presence as the rider drove up the side of the building.

"Did the human make it?" he asked Atem when the rider got off of his hellcycle.

"The human will live. As I told you or rather my human host has told you, I am the spirit of vengeance...the name is Atem. My human host answers to the name of Yugi Moto."

"Bakura Ryou...known to most as Blade, the vampire hunter." answered Bakura.

"Let me guess...the brutal killings caught your attention and you came to stop the vampire. But what made you believe that I was the one behind these attacks?" asked Atem.

"Nothing led me to believe that it was you. I am sorry about attacking you before...I kind of jumped to conclusions." replied Bakura.

"Perhaps we can help one another out Blade. We know the identity of the one behind these attacks as it isn't the first time we have tangled with him. The vampire's name is Blackout." stated Atem.

"I have heard of him as he has left a string of murders through out many cities and states. Whom knows if he is the vampire that I am looking for." replied Bakura as he played with a small handsized object that looked Egyptian in design. Atem's eyes widened even more when he saw it.

*Atem is that what I think it is?* Yugi asked mentally appearing by Atem's side.

*Yes it is Yugi. That is the mystic ring, another item from our ancient past which means that Blade is indeed one of our allies.* replied Atem.

"What on Earth are you two talking about?" Bakura snarled. Atem looked at Yugi almost shocked. Nobody has clearly heard them when they communicated mentally as Bakura was also clearly seeing Yugi while in spirit form. Atem gave Yugi control over their body allowing the teen to explain everything.

"No wonder why you two smelled like a vampire. I had no idea that there were other good vampires out there." replied Bakura, after he had learned from Yugi what was going on and everything from the prophecy and the vampire teens connection to all of it.

"Bakura, can you tell us why you are hunting down vampires and why you seem much like a vampire but also human?" asked Yugi as Bakura let out a long sigh. He sat down on a nearby edge still playing with the mystic ring.

"It all started before I was even born. A vampire had attacked my mother while she was pregnant with me. The sudden blood loss caused her to go into labor early. My mother died giving birth to me as I was born half human and half vampire. I have all of the vampiric powers and none of their weaknesses except for one and that is for blood. I vowed to kill the vampire that killed my mother and created me." replied Bakura.

*Another avenger. How old are you actually Blade?* asked Atem mentally.

"Twenty-five." he replied.

"But you look no older than me." Yugi stated in shock.

"Thanks, I will take that as a compliment. Now shall we find Blackout before he kills again?" Bakura asked as Yugi nodded his head.

Both teens drove through the city looking for any signs of the killer Blackout. Where ever blood had been spilled, Bakura was able to sniff it out. They seemed to be driving around for almost an hour before the medallion of power began to glow. Yugi slammed his hand down onto the glowing gas cap as the mystic flames surrounded him and the bike transforming them both into Atem and his hellcycle. Atem kicked his bike hard as Bakura jumped onto the back as the Dark Rider rode hard and fast as overhead they could see Blackout leaping from roof top to roof top.

"Come on Atem. Try to keep up. Only more will die by the end of tonight." Blackout laughed.

*Hang on Blade!* Atem snarled mentally as his bike shifted into a faster gear as the roar of the bike matched the rider's anger as he drove faster keeping an eye on Blackout. The disfigured vampire led the two heroes to the wharf hiding in a warehouse. Atem's bike came to a skidding halt as the two vampire heroes scanned the area.

"You know that it is possibly a trap." hissed Blade.

"I am aware of that but one way or another, Blackout will go down tonight!" snarled Atem as the flames on his head danced in anger. The two heroes entered the warehouse aware that they were not alone. There were perhaps a hundred or a thousand ghouls surrounding them, all of Blackout's victims had been turned into mindless slaves. Both Atem's and Blade's fangs lengthened in anger.

"Welcome gentlemen to your chamber of death. You two have been a thorn in my side for too long as I will take care of you both here and now!" snarled Blackout as he snapped his fingers as the horde of undead ghouls attacked both Atem and Blade. Both heroes fought using what weapons that they had on hand. Atem used his mystic chain and hellfire to destroy the ghouls. He didn't dare use any of his magic as he was struggling to keep control over his blood lust and his anger. Blade fought as he could sense that something was wrong with the spirit of vengeance, he clearly recognized the symptoms that Atem was having as he let out a curse mentally.

"Atem pull back now before you go into a blood thrall. You won't be able to help anyone if you go into a thrall." snarled Blade.

"Only have one chance...I am willing to risk a thrall in order to stop Blackout." replied Atem.

*Atem are you certain about this. I know how dangerous this is. It feels like something forbidden is about to be unleashed from us. It is the same feeling as that time with Centurious so long ago.* Yugi stated.

*Yes Yugi it is the same power that we used back then. This time is different than that time. Since our bond isn't complete yet, we may pull this off.* replied Atem as the power began to build with inside of him. *Blade do me one favor after this is over with feed Yugi some of your blood. Two others are coming to help me and Yugi. Yugi this will force the change of our body even more so, I appologize in advance for the pain that this will cause you.* Atem stated mentally as the thrall took control over him undoing Atem's form transforming him into his natural true form that he and Yugi had unleashed back in Egypt.

Atem moved quickly as blood splattered everywhere as the ghouls looked like they had exploaded drenching the rider in their blood as he flew at top speed at Blackout who couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"What in the world are you?" he asked as Atem flew grabbing the white vampire smashing through the roof of the warehouse.

"I am your death." snarled Atem as he sunk his fangs into Blackout's neck just as the sun began to rise causing the vampire to scream as the sun began to blister his white skin. Atem drank until he could drink no more as Blackout's corpse became a pile of ash. Atem let out a ghostly howl as he transformed back into an unconscious Yugi as the teen fell from the sky. Bakura ran catching the teen in his arms before he hit the ground. Bakura acted quickly as he sliced open a vein in his arm feeding the unconscious teen his blood. Yugi's eyes snapped open quickly as he shoved Bakura away from him screaming in pain as a pair of black demonic looking wings ripped out from his back. His ears lengthened to a point as his fingers also lengthened into claws. Yugi's once Amethyst eyes had become blood red as his fangs lengthened. The young teen then curled up into a ball crying tears of blood.

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