12- encounter with a vampire hunter

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

12- encounter with the vampire hunter

It took Yugi only several days to solve the mystic puzzle as it was the size of Yugi's fist. He made it into a keychain in order to keep it by him at all times. Slowly he was getting used to some of Atem's powers as he was grateful that he hasn't had any cravings for blood. At times when Yugi slept, he had dreams of when he was Atemu. Yugi could even begin to feel their bond becoming stronger but their body still hadn't become whole yet. Yugi wondered why his grandfather had Atem's puzzle as he knew that his grandfather had no idea of what the object actually was. Yugi hung the upside down pryamid puzzle on his key ring along with several keys that he had. Yugi had still no idea or clue of what power the mystic puzzle contained but he felt better always having it close to him.

A week had gone by as there had been news that there has been a number of vampiric type attacks happening all over Domino City.

*Damn that Blackout, hasn't he had enough blood to satisfy his hunger yet or is he trying to call me out?* Atem asked mentally. He didn't recieve any reply from his human host as Atem could feel that something was wrong. *Yugi are you all right?* asked Atem as he appeared in spirit form standing besides his host body. Yugi's face was extremely pale as his fangs lengthened and his eyes had specs of red in them. *This isn't good. Blackout's string of attacks is starting to affect you.* Atem snarled mentally as he had no choice but to take control over Yugi's body. It wasn't a complete transformation much like the time that they were in Hell's Kitchen. *Hang on Yugi, I am bringing us to Caretaker. I don't know how much longer you can hold out against this blood lust.* stated Atem as he bolted out the door towards his mystic motorcycle.

Atem drove quickly towards the local graveyard where Pegasus lived and worked at. Atem arrived within seconds almost crashing into several mausoleums unable to hold onto Yugi's form. He crawled towards Tea's gravestone as he could see Pegasus running over towards him.

"Atem what's wrong?" he asked in concern.

"Yugi....blood lust.....can't control....." Atem snarled before he was forced to give Yugi back control over his body.

"Help....us.....Pegasus...." Yugi moaned before he lost consciousness.

MEANWHILE....A white spikey long hair teen drove into Domino City as the most recent news reports had caught his attention. The teen was driving a blood red Harley Davidson motorcycle as he was dressed in skin tight black goth clothing. He wore a pair of Rayband sunglasses over his eyes. He stopped at a local newpaper stand picking up the current newpaper.

'The bloody body count continues to rise. Once again several victims have been found drained of all of their blood with two small puncture wounds found only on their necks. It is led to be the work of vampire. Some people believe that it maybe the work of the Dark Rider named Atem. But police are skeptical because the rider has never harmed any innocent people since he ahd first appeared. Police are seeking any information in order to catch and stop this killer.' he read. The goth dressed teen then turned to the store owner to pay for the paper.

"Anything else I can do for you today?" asked the owner.

"What can you tell me about this Dark Rider?" asked the goth teen.

"Some believe that he is a legend, an avenger for the innocent. It is led to belive that he only appears when innocent blood has been spilled. There is something definately strange about the rider as he looks like a ghost with a hair of fire and glowing red eye. I don't believe that he is the only killing people but rather somebody else." replied the owner. The goth teen thanked the owner as he then left the stand.

*I hope that these people whom live here is right about the Dark Rider. But, if this is truly the work of a vampire then I will have to find and kill them regardless who it is.* the teen thought to himself as he drove off into the city.

AT THAT PERCICE MOMENT....Yugi had come around as he litterally felt like Hell. He let out a low guttered moan as his entire back hurt.

"Yugi-boy, good of you to rejoin us." replied Pegasus as the teen slowly moved to sit up.

"Pegasus what's happening to me?" he moaned as his voice sounded different than normal.

"Your body is changing taking on certain aspects of Atem's original body. Plus with Blackout's killing spree, you are experiencing your first blood lust. If you and Atem don't stop him soon then you might go into a blood thrawl and unfortunately neither mine nor Atem's powers can help you out if that happens." Pegasus replied. Yugi moaned again knowing that this was only a small sample of what was going to happen when his body totally became a part of Atem.

"Pegasus....I want to tell my grandfather the truth about all of it. Atem, the bike, everything. I am not certain how much longer I can hide it from him." Yugi stated.

"You are certain about this Yugi-boy, never before has anything like this ever happened before. Granted I have no problem but this isn't for me to decide." replied Pegasus.

*Caretaker, I don't think the elders have any right to interfear with Yugi's choice. Besides, you know full well that I have some say in this matter. Even if the elders don't agree, I want Yugi to tell his grandfather about me.* stated Atem.

"Atemu, both you and I know that we can't do anything without the elders concent. Let's just hope that they are willing to listen. I will make the connection in the meantime you two have to stop Blackout." replied Pegasus.

Yugi proceeded to leave the cementary just as it was getting dark.

*I can't believe that we have been out this long.* Yugi replied mentally.

*Sorry Yugi. But this may work out to benifit us. Now the hard part comes to finding Blackout.* replied Atem. Yugi kicked stated the mystic motorcycle driving off into the city. As Yugi drove around the city, he noticed the symbol on his right hand glowing. This forced Yugi to stop the motorcycle.

*Atem it seems that one of our allies is close by.* stated Yugi just before the medallion of power on the bike began to glow.

*Yes....I sense it. Right now we have other duties to attend too.* Atem stated as Yugi placed his hand onto the glowing gas cap changing into Atem.

Atem drove off following his senses to find Blackout leaning over a human.

"Blackout!" Atem snarled leaping off of his hellcycle with mystic chain in hand. Blackout shoved his victim at Atem laughing as he lept away.

"Come on Atem, come and catch me. Or the body count will continue to rise. And all of their blood with be on your hands." Blackout replied before he disappeared into the night.

"Dam you Blackout!" Atem snarled as he looked at the victim in his arms. The person was alive but just barely. This person had a fifty percent chance at survival. As Atem turned around he found himself face to face with a white haired pale Caucasian teen dressed all in black. The teen stared at Atem through his blood red eyes. The teens fangs lengthened as he charged at Atem with sai's in hand.

"I knew that you were the one behind this. Prepare to die vampire!" hissed the teen.

"Wait....this isn't what it looks like!" Atem snarled as he avoided the sai's with Blackout's victims still in his arms. Atem noticed the glowing symbol on the teens left wrist. Atem knew that this was all just a big miss understanding. "Please listen to me, this person is still alive and I can save them if you let me." snarled Atem.

"Why should I believe a vampire like you?" asked the teen.

*Because he is telling the truth. Atem is a spirit of vengeance. Blackout is the vampire that has been attacking people, not us.* Yugi yelled out mentally as Atem turned his back towards the teen allowing the sai's to sink into his back. The teen stared wide eyed as Yugi appeared in spirit form next to Atem.

"Be grateful that I am the one in control of this body and not my human host." Atem snarled as he dug the sai out of his back.

*Atem will you be all right?* asked Yugi in concern. Atem didn't reply as he went over to the hellcycle. Yugi's spirit form vanished as he knew that the spirit of vengeance needed to save the human that he held in his arms.

"If you want answers to what is going on then meet me within an hour at the top of that building." Atem snarled pointing to a building with a huge neon sign that could clearly be seen showing a local company name 'Rex Industries.' The goth teen just nodded his head agreeing to meet Atem later on. The teen could feel that Atem wasn't evil and he had clearly seen a ghostly image of a human teen. There was more to this than meets the eye and he was going to find out what it was.

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