11- revelations

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

11- evelations

The two heroes traveled up to the top of the building to a huge and spacious office, the door was wide open as if expecting the heroes.

"Come on in boys, I have been expecting you. I never thought that the demon Azmodeus could ever be defeated." stated a thick husky deep voice. The two heroes entered finding a huge bulky Caucasian man dressed in a fine business suit sitting behind a huge oak desk. A low snarl escaped from Atem's lips as his fangs lengthened. This man reeked of death even though he may have never killed any innocent people, he was still connected to their deaths.

"Kingpin, your crime spree ends here. You will no longer threaten this city." snapped Daredevil.

"You would love to see that happen my dear devil but I can't have you ruin my carefully laid plans." replied the Kingpin as he flicked a switch that was on his desk. A secret hatch opened up below the Kingpin as he vanished dropping inside of the hatch. Huge explosions ripped through the building as it began to collapse onto the two heroes. Atem reacted quickly grabbing Daredevil running straight through the window. The two heroes began to fall from the fifty story building as Atem spread opened his demonic wings catching Daredevil in his arms flying them both down to the ground as the building behind them collapsed. Atem cursed mentally knowing that he and/or Yugi had a lot of explaining to do. He had told Yugi not to use this kind of power but, he couldn't afford to die or allow anyone to be killed. So of course he had no choice but to use that power. Both men landed safely on the ground as Atem let go of his hold on Daredevil. Joey was a bit surprised seeing Atem's true form fully manifested. It was the same image that he had been seeing ever since he first met the rider.

"Atem what in the world are you? What is going on?" Joey asked as he stepped closer to the rider.

*NO STAY BACK!* yelled out a young voice mentally stopping Joey in his tracks. Suddenly Atem fell onto his knees transforming back into Yugi Moto. The young teen breathed hard pushing his power and hunger down trying to gain control over his body.

*I am sorry Yugi, I had no choice. I had to use that power to save us.* stated Atem mentally.

"That's all right Atem." the teen whispered as he slowly got up looking at Daredevil whom was possibly wondering what had just happened. Yugi then let out a long sigh. "I know that you have a lot of questions but we should go elsewhere to talk." Yugi stated getting onto the mystical motorcycle which was still in the form of Atem's hellcycle. Joey seemed to understand that standing in front of a burning building wasn't the best place to be in front of right now. Daredevil climbed on in back of Yugi as the two drove off into the night.

Once they found a safe place to talk, Yugi ran his hand through his tri-color hair wondering where to even begin, he finally let out a long sigh.

"I know who you truly are Daredevil or shall I say Joey Wheeler. I knew from the first time that we actually met at your place. I know that you are a bit confused about Atem and certain things that are going on. So I will try to explain everything to the best of my ability." Yugi stated as he began to pace around. Joey was a little bit surprised that Yugi had figured out his secret identity when nobody else has yet. Yugi told him about how it all began with him becoming Atem, the prophecy, the mystical items, all of it. Joey watched at the teen paced spilling out his guts telling Joey that he was connected to the prophecy, the symbol, and the mystic item that he holds. After he was done, Yugi let out a long sigh as he stopped pacing around. "Now it is your turn Joey to explain a few things. How is possible for a blind teen to fight crimes as a hero?" Yugi asked as Joey stood up taking off his face mask.

"It isn't possible Yugi, remember how I told you about the accident. I had just witnessed my father whom I worshiped doing something that was unbecoming even for him. He was hitting up businesses for protection money. I ran crying almost getting ran over by a truck that was carrying hazardous chemical that blinded me. The chemicals had an adverse side effect, with my other senses heightened, I developed a type of radar sense that allows me to see without seeing. My father tried to correct what he had done by bringing down the crime lord, the Kingpin only to loose his life in the process. I swore to myself that I would use my newfound abilities to stop this Kingpin." stated Joey. Atem was right about one thing, the others were definitely avengers and so far his allies seemed to be close to his age except for of course Pegasus.

"No doubt that this Kingpin has his hands in a lot of dirty deeds. I wonder if it is somehow tied into what happened to me. It seems that you have your hands full with what happens here in Hell's Kitchen just as we do in Domino City."

"Sounds like it Yugi but, thanks for you help. It maybe a while before the Kingpin can start up his operations again. But I will always be there to stop him." replied Joey. The two then shook hands as Yugi told the blind teen that if he was ever need of Joey's help in the future that Atem knew of a way to connect his allies. The two then parted ways as Yugi drove back to Domino City.

*He seems like an all right person.* replied Atem mentally.

*Are you certain that it was all right for him to keep that key even though it is yours?* Yugi asked back mentally.

*When I am in need of the items they will come back to me. It is best if our allies hold onto the mystic items for now. I know that we will need them to complete the prophecy in order to stop the ultimate evil.* replied Atem.

*Just how many items are there?* Yugi asked.

*Seven. Each one is unique and different. I forget what the items are but I do remember that each one looks Egyptian in design.* So far they both had found three items and three allies. Which would mean that every ally they had also had an item. That meant that they still had four left to find.

Yugi arrived back home to find his grandfather there.

"Yugi, you are back early. How was your trip?" he asked.

"It was interesting. Hey grandpa, have you ever heard of a pharaoh named Atemu? It was his temple that was discovered." Yugi asked. His grandfather scratched his chin thinking.

"I have heard rumors about him being an immortal pharaoh capable of incredible power. It was believed that he also drank the blood of human beings. Now there are only rumors. But if he was truly immortal, he wouldn't have passed away at such a young age. It is not really known just how it is he exactly died. So he tends to be a complete mystery to all archaeologists and historians." his grandfather replied with a questioning look in his eye.

"I wish I could have more time to find out the truth. A huge sand storm came and reburied the temple. I don't think that Atemu wants the truth to be discovered." Yugi replied quickly. His grandfather couldn't tell that Yugi was lying about what happened in Egypt but he needed to know what the older man knew.

"Oh before I forget Yugi....happy birthday." his grandfather stated handing the wide eyed teen a present. Yugi had totally forgotten that it was his birthday with all that was going on in his life. His birthday was the last thing on his mind.

"Thanks grandpa." he replied taking the package opening it. Inside laid pieces of a golden Egyptian puzzle, one of the pieces had the same eye design he had seen on both Pegasus's eye and Merik's rod. Yugi's eyes widened even further not expecting one of Atem's items to turn up in his lap.

"It is something that I gave to your father a long time ago. Neither him nor I could ever figure out how to put it together. I remembered how good you were with puzzles so I feel that you should have it." his grandfather stated.

"Thanks grandpa." Yugi replied before he headed off to his room.

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