10- playing with fire

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

10- playing with fire

When Yugi awoke he found himself in a place that he didn't recognize. His head throbbed in pain as voices of the innocent pounded his ears. Suddenly he could feel this warm wave of relief flood his body.

"Thanks Atem." he replied in a whisper slowly sitting up. Yugi took a better look of his surroundings almost knowing that he was in someone's house. Suddenly the door to the room that he was in opened revealing a bushy sandy blond hair teen. He wore a pair of sunglasses over his eyes as he had a seeing eye cane in one hand and a tray of food in another. "Are you the one who brought me here?" Yugi asked slowly moving off of the bed. His muscles felt stiff as they protested from the movement.

"You shouldn't move around too much. You took quite a beating. How in the world did you end up in that alley?" asked the stranger as he spoke with a slight New York accent.

*You don't want to really know the answer to that.* Yugi thought to himself. "I don't really recall. I remember a fire and everything else is a blur." Yugi replied lying. Little did he know was that this person whom stood before him could tell that Yugi was lying. "I guess that I owe you one..."

"The name is Joseph Wheeler but call me Joey...and you are?" the blond asked moving over to the bed placing the tray of food down onto the bedside table.

"Yugi Moto." he replied ashamed that the teen couldn't see but then again how could he known that Yugi was unconscious in the alley. *There is something strange about him, he looks familiar.* Yugi thought to himself as he could feel his right hand growing warm as he noticed Joey winching in pain as he grabbed his left shoulder. Yugi's eyes widened quickly as placed on Joey's key rind was an odd looking Egyptian style key which was the size of a cell phone. In the back of Yugi's mind the image of Daredevil overlapped Joey's as the two looked alike, as their images meld into one. Joey Wheeler was Daredevil. Yugi gasped silently as his hand returned back to normal.

"Well Yugi...feel free to rest up here, if you need anything don't hesitate in calling me." Joey stated before leaving. Yugi could clearly see the mark glowing underneath Joey's clothing on his left shoulder.

Yugi laid back down letting out a long sigh.

*Yugi am I right to assume that we have found another ally?* Atem asked as he appeared before the teen in spirit form.

"It seems so but I don't understand how a blind teen like Joey can be Daredevil." Yugi whispered.

*I don't understand it myself but when you thing about it, our other allies all possess incredible powers. The same could be possibly be said for Daredevil.* Atem replied.

"Atem why don't you ever call them by their true name?" Yugi asked as the spirit of vengeance shrugged his shoulders.

*Old fashioned, I guess. But that fire wasn't a natural fire. It was started by a demon.*

"Are you certain?" Yugi asked as Atem nodded his head yes.

*My powers can only effect Hellfire not normal fire. It is the same flames that crown my head and the bike. Those flames at the building were of the same nature as my own. This was how I could bend them and absorb the flames before the fire overloaded us and sent us flying into the alley. I was then forced to change back into you.* Atem stated.

"Meanwhile I can't let Joey know that I know who he is since he doesn't know that I am you and vice versa."

*Exactly. We will have to play possum in order to get some information about our new found friend.* Atem replied disappearing as Yugi helped himself to the food that Joey had brought him.

NEXT MORNING... Yugi found Joey in the kitchen as he was cleaning up.

"Yugi?" asked the blind teen when he heard footsteps behind him.

"How did you know it's me and not someone else?" Yugi asked.

"Simple, I live alone and there is no one else here." Joey replied as he turned off the water reaching for a towel that hung nearby.

"Joey can I ask how it happened?"

"I saw something terrible as I ran out into the street crying, I didn't see the truck carrying chemicles until it was too late. It was the last thing that I saw ever again." Joey stated not going into full detail. Yugi could tell that there was more to the story but he wasn't going to press Joey for answers.

"Sorry to hear that. Anyway...I should be going. I have things that I have to look into and do while I am here. I hope that our paths can cross again sometime."

"Yes, I would like that!" replied the blind teen as he showed his guest to the door.

LATER THAT NIGHT...Joey lept from roof top to roof top still trying to figure out the deal behind the fiery entity that helped him out yesterday night. Suddenly he could hear a loud monstrous roar of a motorcycle driving closer as the building that he was on shook.

*It's not possible!* Joey thought as he looked over the side of the building. He wasn't the only on looker as people shrieked at the Dark Rider riding his hellcycle vertically straight up the building. Joey's eyes widened as they could once again clearly see the fiery entity and bike as clear as day. Joey backed up a few steps as the rider came to a stop before him. Joey took out his nunchaku's ready to fight the entity if he needed to. He could feel his left shoulder burning as he glared at the entity. Atem slowly got off of his bike smiling at the Daredevil.

"There you are. You are a very hard person to find Daredevil but I knew that I would eventually find you." stated the fiery entity in a ghost-like voice.

"Who in Hell are you?" Joey snarled at the rider.

"I have many names Daredevil, I am known to some as the spirit of vengeance, to others as the Dark Rider, but my true name is Atem. I have come to seek your help." replied Atem. Joey could hear the honesty in his words as he lowered his guard finally.

"Why me?" he asked.

"You know this city better than I do and I can sense that our goals are the same. You want to stop these fires where as for me, the innocent whom have died cried out for justice. And plus I know something about the fire that you don't." replied Atem.

"I am listening."

"These fires have been deliberately set. The flames are closely related to my own. They are the fires of Hell. There is a demon behind these attacks." replied Atem.

"And you know this how...?" Joey asked. Atem smiled flicking open the palm of his hand as fire danced in the middle of his palm. Joey walked over towards the flames as it felt familiar to last nights fire but much different. The flame didn't seem to harm him at all. Joey turned to Atem with a questionable look as Atem dispersed the flame.

"My hellfire can not harm the innocent, only the guilty and evil. This is how I know that last nights fire was caused by a demon. I have read about you so I know that you are one of the good guys." Atem stated.

"Last nights fire wasn't the only one that has been happening in Hell's Kitchen. There has been numerous fires like that one happening all over the place. Mostly then happen to large buildings and companies that refuse to sell to a crime boss known to most as the Kingpin. I would have stopped him if I knew more about him so, I have been trying to bring him down through his many crime syndicates." stated Joey.

"Obsessively this Kingpin is leaving a trail through this demon as I think I can trace down where they are." replied Atem as he straddled his motorcycle. "Get one, we have a date with a certain crime lord." Joey smiled as he sat in back of the rider as the two drove the side of the building off into the night.

Joey hung on for life as it seemed that Atem knew how to handle the motorcycle. Atem stopped suddenly in front of a huge empire looking type of building. Atem could almost smell the stench of evil from the building. Daredevil got off of the bike as he could feel something sinister inside of the building.

"This is the place." Atem hissed.

*This Atem can definitely give my radar senses a run for its money. This place doesn't feel right. I wonder what it is that Atem is sensing?* Joey thought to himself when he noticed a slight change in Atem's personality. Joey felt around the building finding a secret passage way into the building undetected. Atem followed the blind hero as Daredevil lead them carefully around the traps careful not to spring any one of them. They made their way to the main lobby where Joey could feel familiar hot flames surrounding them. Alarm bells went off as Joey shuttered, his super sensitive hearing couldn't handle the noise as it brought him to his knees. Atem's jewel in the middle of his forehead began to glow as he summoned forth a creature from the shadow realm.

"Mage of silence, use your powers to silence all of the noise but speech." Atem cried out as a being suddenly appeared obeying Atem's commands as all the sound was blocked out before the being disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.

*How could he have known?* Joey thought rising back up to his feet. Vibrations of the floor alerted him to the hundreds of ninja guards along with one demon had surrounded him and Atem.

"Azmodeus, I knew that I recognized that hellfire. Once again you are selling yourself to the highest bidder." snarled Atem.

"Atem...you know me too well. I was paid a considerable amount to stop you and the devil from getting to my employer." snarled the demon whom was short and chubby, had three glowing all yellow eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils, and red skin as he summoned forth his hellfire. Both Atem and Daredevil moved before Azmodeus had a chance to release the blast at them. Atem knew that he could easily stand on equal grounds with the demon but, he needed to keep the demon's fire from hitting Daredevil and burning down the building.

"Creatures from the shadows answer my call. Fuse with me and allow me to use your power as my own. I call upon your help...Hitoma Soul!" Atem shouted out a fire ball with a human face appeared fusing into Atem. "Don't you know Azmodeus the saying that goes...play with fire and you are bound to get burned." Atem snarled drawing upon the forces of the fire being he had fused with and his own hellfire. Even Azmodeus's own flames were turned against the demon. Daredevil seemed to be handling himself against the ninjas as he had taken out quite a few. *He isn't bad for a blind man.* Atem thought to himself as he turned the tide, his flames danced incinerating everyone but Daredevil as Atem then undid the bond with the shadow creature. "Come on...we still have the boss to deal with." Atem hissed as Joey nodded his head.

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