9- discovering new allies

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

9- discovering new allies

Pegasus used his mystical golden eye to heal Yugi's wounds and to feed the teen some of his own blood in order to quench the teens newfound thirst. After a while the teen seemed to come back around.

"Hey Yugi-boy, how are you feeling?" asked Pegasus. Yugi slowly moved blinking a few times, he then rubbed his hand through his hair a few times. His body wasn't as sore as he somewhat felt. He could also taste a coppery substance in his mouth. It took Yugi a little while to comprehend what had happened. "Earth to Yugi-boy, are you in there?" Pegasus asked snapping his fingers in front of Yugi's eyes.

"Sorry Pegasus...I guess that I lost myself in my own thoughts. I will be all right. I just had to think back for a second trying to make sense of things." Yugi replied sitting up right.

"I take it that Atem has explained everything that is going on and what he needs you to do now?" asked Pegasus as Yugi nodded his head.

"He told me about all of it, the items, the prophecy, the mark, his past, his deal with Uriel, all of it. He told me that I had to find allies whom hold mystical items similar to your golden eye and whom all bear this mark." Yugi replied showing them his right hand as the mark magically appeared on his right hand. "I know that you are one of those people and so is Merik. Which leaves me to find the others but, I have no idea of where to even begin." stated Yugi.

"Just follow you instincts Yugi-boy. Both the good doctor and I know about the prohecy and I know that only Atem knows how to use the power contained in these items. If you and/or Atem ever need our help, Atem knows how to reach us so don't hesitate in calling us. If you happen to over use or use too much of your power, you will find yourself craving blood. Atem will know what to do to relieve the blood hunger." replied Pegasus. Yugi nodded his head that he understood and was a bit grateful for the older man's help. Yugi didn't know much about Pegasus or how it was that he exactly knew so much about Atem. The teen figured that sooner or later Pegasus would tell him. Before leaving Merik's mansion, Yugi thanked the sorcerer supreme for his help back in Egypt. Yugi found it hard to believe that Merik was several years older than him and that he was a skilled doctor, had graduated college at a young age, and that he had as much power as the spirit of vengeance himself. Yugi began to wonder if the others were about the same age as him.

Yugi drove his mystic motorcycle back home making a stop at the graveyard where Tea's grave was. Old feelings returned to him as he placed his hand onto the gravestone. He missed seeing Tea's smile and missed her cheerful taunting. So much has changed since then for Yugi that he knew that there was no way that he wouldn't stop until those whom were responsible for Tea's death felt the pain that they had inflicted on others.

"I promise you Tea, I will not rest until I complete what I have to do. I will bring your killers to justice, I promise." Yugi stated as he could feel warm tears streaking down his face. Just beyond the gravestone stood Atem the spririt of vengeance whom shared his body. The spirit of vengeance said nothing as he just simply bowed his head. Yugi wiped away his tears leaving the graveyard with renewed energy. He never felt this good in his entire life. *Why is it that I feel this way?* Yugi questioned to himself.

*It is because graveyards hold a special power that heals me and renews me with energy. It doesn't even have to be the graveyard here in Domino City. It can be any graveyard. Remember back to the first night, I had brought you here when I was near exhaustion. It was the first time that I have had a human host and I needed to replenish my energy.* Atem told Yugi mentally. Yugi now understood a bit better finding that there were still certain things about Atem that even he didn't know about.

Yugi arrived home as he unpacked what he had brought with him to Egypt as he knew that his grandfather would ask him how his trip went. Yugi then took off for his college campus after changing his clothes as he planned to withdraw for the remainder of the year in order to deal with the things that he needed to do with or for Atem. Yugi had not set plans for his future as he had originally planed to go into archeology like his grandfather but, with his ties into the past, he was unsure of what to do now. He hand only a few classes left to get his degree. But one year wasn't going to change much but it would give him enough time to get his life straightened out. After that Yugi decided to go to the public library to read some back issues of the newspaper. Maybe something there that would help him figure out where to go. As he read the paper one headline caught his attention.

'Guardian Devil Saves Teens Life.' Yugi read more to find out this supposed devil resides in what is is referred to as Hell's Kitchen and that this person calls himself Daredevil. This Daredevil has also stopped a number of crimes and saved a few people.

*What do you think Atem?* Yugi asked the spirit mentally.

*It is worth a good look. This Daredevil sounds like an avenger to me. There is a good chance that he could be the one of the ones that we are looking for.* Atem replied.

LATER THAT NIGHT...Yugi drove through the city streets of Hell's Kitchen. He could feel a strong cry of the innocent blood and for vengeance that it was almost consuming him.

*Yugi I am taking over but not completely. You can't handle this not yet.* Atem stated as he pulled Yugi into the void taking over the teens body. It wasn't a complete transformation as Atem took control over Yugi's body as no noticeable changed happened to the young teen.

*I am sorry Atem. I never expected for something like this to happen.* Yugi replied weakly.

*I know Yugi. You will often find that there are many places like this in the world. In those places it would be best if I take control. When our body becomes whole again, it should be easier for you to decipher the difference for telling when I am needed. If I am ever truly needed, the medallion of power will activate.* Atem stated placing his hand onto the gas cap.

*So how do we find this Daredevil?* Yugi asked back mentally. Atem just laughed as he continued to drive down the city streets.

MEANWHILE UP ABOVE THE CITY STREETS...a figure dressed all in red lept from roof top to roof top his senses were on overload as he listened to the sounds coming from the street below as he could hear the sounds of sirens He could almost feel the heat from a building on fire.

*Not again!* he cried as he lept faster heading towards the disturbance. *Lately there has been too many of these kinds of things happening in my town. These people have to be stopped once and for all but I am alone and I can't do this by myself.* thought Daredevil.

MEANWHILE DOWN BELOW... Atem noticed the medallion of power glowing drawing him to help the innocent.

*Hang on Yugi!* Atem stated slamming his hand down onto the gas cap completing the transformation into his other self as the mystic motorcycle also transformed into his hellcycle as he drove faster heading towards the call.

Daredevil was the first to arrive at the sight of the burning building. He entered the building picking up the sounds of people crying out for help. The flames felt unnatural to him as he lept over the burning debris and carefully ducked out of the way of the falling debris. He made his way towards the sounds finding at least five young kids all huddled together. Daredevil walked up to them placing his hand in theirs.

"Stay close to me everyone!" he yelled over the raging inferno. He lead the children out slowly as his heightened senses alerted him to the danger ahead of him. Daredevil cursed out loud as he now laid trapped with the scared children as part of the building collapsed in front of and behind him. Suddenly, he could feel the flames shifting away from them. Daredevil looked up seeing Atem before him as his all hazel brown eyes with no visible pupils widened. Even though Atem made no sound, Daredevil was clearly seeing the rider as clear as day. *This is impossible. I am blind, I can only see outlines of people when they make any sound or are surrounded by sound. So how is it that I am seeing this person?* Daredevil thought to himself mentally.

"Move!" hissed Atem as he studied Daredevil. He wore an all read trench coat like shirt with two dark red capital D's on it as the collar stood upright, tight red leather pants, and a half devil face mask that surrounded his upper face. His sandy blond hair looked bushy like a dog's tail as he had all hazel brown eyes with no visible pupils. Atem spread his powers out even further controlling the flames. *This is not normal fire, this is the demonic flames of Hell.* Atem thought to himself. "Go get those kids out of here. I will hold the fire back!" Atem snarled. The Daredevil nodded his head as he lead the children out of the building safely. Atem snarled as he bent the flames on Hell into himself demolishing the flames before the surge of power blasted him out of the building into a nearby alley. The dark rider was forced to transform back into his human form before he had lost all consciousness.

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