8- Atem's awakening

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

8- Atem's awakening

Dark power poured out of Atem as the rider screamed in pain as his body began to transform into something unnatural. Out of the corner of Merik's eye he could see a ghostly figure whom appeared to be dressed as a dark magician standing there as if observing what was happening.

*Is it possible that the prophecy is about to come true?* Merik asked himself mentally. Merik thought back to what his master Dartz, the one whom trained him to become the sorcerer supreme had told him.

"On a stage of death, light and dark shall breathe as one. A dark magician will help unfold the seal to the darkness of old. If evil stands in the way, you must find a way to defeat it in order for the light and dark to merge as one. That way the two powers combined can defeat the ultimate darkness that has yet to show it's self. Friends and allies shall unite under a powerful spirit all bearing a scared mark to help destroy the ultimate evil that threatens the world." Merik could feel his right wrist burning as a mark began to magically appear beneath his wrist. The symbol looked like a pyramid above a stencil design of an eagle as its wings were stretched out to the side of the pyramid. (AN: think of the legend of zelda's triforce eagle symbol) Merik could feel his power growing stronger as he managed to dispel the summoning spell circle that Centurious summoned up. Centurious's eyes went wide when Doctor Strange managed to break the circle. What surprised Centurious even more was Atem's transformation. Atem's hands became pure bone much like a skeleton's hands. Atem's eyes became all blood red with no visible irises and/or pupils. Atem's fangs fully lengthened as the jewel in the center of his forehead glowed. Two sets of wings had ripped out of Atem's back, one set was a pair of white angel feathered wings and the second set was a pair of black reptilian demon wings. The flames that had surrounded Atem's head became much darker and more wild than before. Sharp bone spikes ripped out of Atem's knees and elbows as parts of Atem's face began to show some of the bone void of all skin and muscle. Slowly Atem began to stand up right glaring at Centurious.

"Evil..." Atem snarled as his voice sounded more ghostlier than normal. Centurious summoned forth his undead demonic mummy horde to attack Atem. Atem spreaded open his wings barreling straight through the horde as they all collapsed into dust. Atem had moved so fast that Merik never truly saw what the spirit of vengeance did to them. Atem grabbed Centurious picking the man up from the ground slamming him hard into the celling. Atem's eyes glowed as flames shot out of Atem's eyes into Centurious's eyes. The penance stare forced Centurious to scream as he endored every evil act that he had ever committed in his life time. Atem then sank his fangs into Centurious's neck draining the man dry before he dropped him causing the now dead man to fall like a sack of bricks. Atem let out a long ghostly howl which echoed through the chamber before he landed on the ground. The mysterious figure that had appeared had vanished without a trace.

Merik made his way back up to his feet hoping that somewhere buried within the eerie figure that stood before him laid either Atem and/or Yugi. Atem turned sharply realizing that he wasn't alone. The good doctor became afraid that the spirit of vengeance might attack him again.

"Do...ct...or...?" he asked struggling with his voice as the transformation suddenly reversed its self quickly as Yugi collapsed onto his hands and knees breathing hard. His whole entire body shook wildly. Merik ran up to the young teen seeing flecks of red in his Amethyst eyes and a pair of sharp vampire fangs.

"Help...me..." Yugi stated weakly. Merik seemed to know what he had to do as he took out a small dagger from his pants slashing open his wrist offering the bloody wrist to the teen. Yugi took the the wrist without having any second thoughts as he sank his newfound fangs into Merik's wrist. As Yugi feed, Merik used his magical powers to obviate the teens pain. Once the teen had his fill, he slowly began to drift off into sleep. Merik levitated the teen and the mystic motorcycle after opening up a portal back to his homestead. After everything that he had been through, Merik was looking forward to a nice long hot bath, hot meal, and warm bed.

Yugi dreamed remembering back to the time when he was Atemu. His real self was no different than how he looked today except for he had crimson red eyes, a maroon trim around his tri-color hair, extra golden bangs which were spiked up looking like lightning bolts against his black hair, and Egyptian tan skin. At times when he either got angry or used his powers, a pair of black demonic wings would rip out of his back. He could remember earing the nickname 'Angel of Death'. He saw how he begame pharaoh and his battle against Centurious that had cost him his life. He witnessed his deal with the angel Uriel as he became two separate entities. Everything seemed to become clear to Yugi as he now remembered what happened to him or rather to his ancient self Atemu whom was now Atem the spirit of vengeance, the Dark Rider.

"Yugi, in extreme circumstances try not to use my full power until we become totally whole. I should also tell you that there is a prophecy that I had just remembered Uriel tell me about. On a stage of death, light and dark shall breathe as one. A dark magician well help unfold the seal to the darkness of old. If evil stands in the way, you must find a way to defeat it in order for the light and dark to merge as one. That way the two powers combined can defeat the ultimate evil that has yet to show its self. Friends and allies shall unite under a powerful spirit all bearing a scared mark to help destroy the ultimate evil that threatens the world." Atem stated as he removed his right glove to show his human host the symbol which was on top of his hand as a similar mark in the same exact place appeared on Yugi's hand. "I also know that these same people also have a mystical item that connects to our past life. These items are much like Caretaker's eye. Yugi we have to find these people and these items as quickly as possible. I already know that Caretaker possess one of them that leaves six more to find. These are a total of seven items in total one for every person that is tied into the prophecy. You must be careful Yugi, things are about to become much tougher for the both of us." Atem stated before vanishing back into the void.

When Yugi awoke he hardly recognized where he was. Yugi slowly sat up as his body was riddled with pain as he found that he was thirsty for one thing, blood. He could sense that he wasn't alone in the room.

"Ah...your finally awake. Please refrain from moving around too much while I get master Merik." stated the man as Yugi's vision began to clear he could see a bald headed Chinese man standing by the doorway. Yugi watched as the man left the room coming back several minutes later with Merik.

"Hello Yugi...how do you feel?" Merik asked. Yugi hissed for them to both stay back. Yugi could clearly see the symbol that Atem had shown him in his dream on Merik's right wrist as he held a odd looking rod in his left hand which looked similar to Pegasus's eye. Merik was one of the people that Atem had told him about. "It is all right Yugi, you are at my place." Merik stated stepping closer to Yugi.

"No...stay back...don't want...to hurt you..." Yugi hissed as he looked at Merik, his eyes shining in a dark crimson color that it was taking most of Yugi's control to hold back his blood hunger. "Find Caretaker. Pegasus will know what to do." Merik seemed to understand the teens rambling as he and the other man proceeded to leave the room.

"Master what shall we do?" asked the bald headed Chinese man.

"We find this man Paradox. If we wish to truly help Yugi." replied sorcerer. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door. "Paradox am I expecting company?" he asked as the Chinese man shook his head no as they both went to the front door. When they opened the door they found a man dressed like an undertaker as his long white hair covered half of his face.

"Can I help you?" asked Paradox as the man simply smiled.

"I believe the question should be how I can help you?" the man stated showing the same mark that Merik had on his left hand while moving back his hair to reveal a golden eye which matched Merik's rod.

"Are you Caretaker?" Merik asked as Pegasus nodded his head yes. "Then please enter friend, I shall bring you to where Yugi is right away." Merik stated as he and Pegasus went to the room that Yugi was in. The Caretaker knew everything that had happened to Yugi as he knew that the young teen had a very long and hard trial ahead of him.

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