17- battle of ice and snow

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

17- battle of ice and snow

When Yugi regained consciousness he found himself in the hospital as blood was being directly transfused into him though Duke. Yugi slowly sat up seeing that he didn't recognize the other two people that were in the room with him and Duke.

"Where am I?" Yugi asked as he took out the needle that was in his arm.

"The local Canadian hospital. And don't worry about your grandfather, he is safe. I have placed him in a deep telepathic sleep. My name is Professor Charles Xavier or Professor X if you wish to refer to me by my codename. This is Ororo Munroe we call her Storm." replied a bald headed Caucasian man whom sat in a wheelchair. The tall slender African-American woman with white hair and blue eyes simply nodded her head (AN: I decided to keep Storm how she appears in the comics and in the series instead of placing one of the Yugi characters in the role since she will be only making a brief appearance). "You all ready know Duke Devlin." added Professor Xavier.

"Thanks to you Yugi, I know have a codename. Call me Wolverine." Duke replied with a smile on his face.

*It is thanks to Wolverine's blood that we are alive. His blood has an unique healing properties.* Atem told Yugi mentally.

"We have to go and save those people that Snowblind still holds hostage." stated Yugi as he knew that they were still alive.

"I agree with you there Yugi Moto. Normal humans aren't meant to survive out there for long. We have to save them before it is too late." added Professor Xavier. Without so much as a second thought, Atem had taken over Yugi's body. It was becoming far easier for the two to switch bodies.

"What troubles me is that mutant. He had the power to control ice and snow. Not even my hellfire could melt it. It seems to me that his main targets are myself and Wolverine. He claims that he is working for his master." Atem stated.

"You must be the spirit of vengeance whom resides within Yugi Moto's body." stated Professor Xavier. Atem nodded his head yes.

"You may call me Atem." Atem replied.

"Storm, Wolverine I suggest that you accompany Atem. Storm your mutant ability may prove useful. I shall stay here and look after Yugi Moto's grandfather." Both Wolverine and Storm nodded their heads that they understood.

The three traveled back up to the ice ruins as Atem drove his hellcycle with Wolverine sitting behind him dressed in a yellow and brown costume (AN: it is the costume that Wolverine wears in the X-Men series and comics but instead of the yellow and blue colors I chose his original colors of yellow and brown). Storm flew over head dressed also in her full costume. Atem was deep in thought. Something about that mutant troubled him. It would seem that none of his other abilities may prove useful except for his fusion ability and there was only one creature that may prove strong enough to stop Snowblind. But Atem didn't want to chance using that power unless it was extremely important. It was a power far stronger and more dangerous than his usual fusions.

"You have been really quite Atem. Something is troubling you and it ain't Snowblind. What's up?" asked Wolverine.

"Just weighing a few options. One which I hope that I don't have to use for it may actually kill my human host." Atem replied weakly.

*Atem which ability is that? I thought that I have seen all of your powers.* Yugi asked mentally.

*You have seen and experienced all of my powers but one of my powers which I have been holding back with. As you know I can fuse with creatures that exist in the shadow realm. The thing is that there are also three very powerful gods that used to exist in Egypt whom also exist in the shadow realm. I can also call upon these gods to fuse with me but their power may prove too much from you to handle. There is also a part of me that you haven't experienced yet as it is your light that keeps it in check. The power of darkness that lies with inside of me. This is the reason why they call me the Dark Rider.* Atem replied. Yugi never imagined that Atem was still keeping things from him. Yugi could feel Atem's concern about using these abilities.

"Heads up, it seems like we were expected!" shouted out Storm. Atem's bike came to a skidding halt as Storm landed besides the two heroes. Both Atem and Wolverine got off of the bike as the adamantium claws lengthened out of Wolverine's hands.

"I sware you must have the devil's luck Atem. But at least this time you have brought Wolverine with you. Now I can kill two birds with one stone." stated Snowblind with a wicked grin on his face. With a single swift movement ice and snow moved pelting the heroes. Storm stepped forward raising her arms as her eyes turned all white with no visible irises and/or pupils. The ice and snow stopped turning back against Snowblind. The look of shock stretched across Snowblind's face as he was surprised that there was another whom could control ice and snow.

"Go Wolverine and Atem, I will hold him as long as I can. Get those people out of there!" Atem's hellcycle roared as the two heroes entered the ice ruins on the back of the hellcycle.

They entered the ruins finding the people trapped within a layer of ice.

"Allow me Atem!" stated Wolverine as his adamantium claws made short work of the ice barrier freeing the trapped humnas. Atem used his power to transform his mystic motorcycle into a car big enough for everyone to fit in it.

"Get in this will get you to town safely." Atem stated as he directed the mystic motorcycle to get the humans out of there. Once the humans were out of harms way both Atem and Wolverine left the ice ruins to return to help out Storm.

Storm was able to keep Snowblind busy long enough for Wolverine and Atem to do their job. Both Storm's and Snowblind's powers seemed evenly matched. Snowblind didn't even seemed bothered that his hostages had gotten away. Snowblind continued to pelt the three heroes with ice and snow not letting up.

"Prepare to die Atem and Wolverine!" snarled Snowblind as the ice turned into sharp spears. Atem stepped forward forming a shield of hellfire to stop the projectiles from hitting them. He poured every bit of power into the flame making it as hot as possible. If this kept up, they would never defeat Snowblind because they have been on the defensive ever since they have first encountered Snowblind.

*Forgive me Yugi but it seems that I may have to use that power that I haven't been fully using. But I must warn you that if I do fully use this power that it may end up costing you your life.* Atem told Yugi mentally. Yugi could understand the reason to why Atem was telling him this. The spirit of vengeance didn't want to risk Yugi's life not when they have come so far. Only one mystic item and ally remained. Of course they still had the prophecy to complete.

*Do it Atem. Don't worry so much about me. We all have to make whatever sacrifices we can to stop those whom threaten the innocent. We can't allow evil to win.* replied Yugi mentally.

"Storm, Wolverine....I am going to use the fullest extent of my powers. This will leave me severely drained and my end up killing my human host. Do what you can to keep my human body alive." Atem stated as he took a long deep breath letting it out slowly. "I call upon the ancient gods of the past that exist within the shadow realm to come forth and to fuse with me allowing your power to become my own. I call upon the ancient dragon of the skies, come forth Slifer the Sky Dragon!" stated Atem. The jewel in the middle of his forehead glowed as the sky began to darken. Lightning clashed overhead as from out of the storm clouds, a large red dragon began its decent. Slifer let out a fearsome roar bearing its sharp teeth that resided within its two mouths. "Destroy the evil that stands before us with your awesome power!" Atem stated as the sky dragon obeyed the spirit of vengeance commands as two blasts shout out from its mouth. The blasts hit Snowblind hard but somehow the mutant was still alive.

"This isn't the end of this, we shall meet again!" Snowblind snapped as he disappeared in the snow. Slifer let out a terrible roar disappearing back up to the heavens. Atem panted hard dropping down onto his knees as all of his power was depleted. But how long could he hold on for as he could begin to feel his human half slipping away. He knew that Caretaker won't be happy with him for doing what he did. It would have been easier for Atem if he had all seven mystic items gathered together as he had somewhat completed part of the prophecy. But the circumstances being what they were, it couldn't have been prevented.

*Hang in there Yugi!* Atem told the teen mentally before he collapsed transforming back into Yugi.

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