16- snowblinded

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

16- Snowblinded

Yugi and his grandfather first went to the graveyard where Yugi's parents were buried clearing up around the grave sight and placing a new plastic flower wreath. Mr. Moto saw someone that he recognized as he went to talk them leaving Yugi there. Yugi touched the gravestone of his parents somewhat shocked when he saw a ghostly image of them. Yugi had his mother's tri-color hair and his father's deep Amethyst eyes. Both of his parents smiled at him bowing their heads. This brought tears to Yugi's eyes.

*They say that they love you and are proud of you. They always knew that you were destined for greatness but, never pictured this.* Atem stated as he appeared by his host's side. Blood tears streaked down his face as what Atem had said sounded exactly like what they have always told him while he was growing up. *Yugi are you all right?* Atem asked in concern as Yugi wiped away the tears from his eyes.

*Yeah. I just didn't realize how much I really missed them.*

*What we are seeing is a remembrance of their memory. It is a power that I have as I can see and hear those whom I am close to.* Atem stated.

*Thanks for this Atem.* Yugi replied as he wiped away the rest of his tears before his grandfather came back over. The ghostly images of Yugi's parents and Atem disappeared.

"Yugi, I was just told that those ice ruins had shown up again. Several archaeologists have gone missing." stated Yugi's grandfather.

"Grandpa don't tell me that you are actually thinking of going to those ruins. Grandpa I hate to say this but I have a bad feeling about that place. It has cost my parents their lives and who knows how many others."

"I understand your concerns Yugi but somebody has to investigate what is happening at this sight." Yugi knew that his grandfather wouldn't listen to reason as once his mind was set on something, there was no way to talk him out of it.

"Fine....we will go but at the first sign of trouble, we are getting out of there." Yugi stated as he didn't want anything to happen to his grandfather.

MEANWHILE.....Duke had made it to the lab sight that had grafted the adamantium onto his skeleton. A flood of memories pounded in his mind of what he had been through. He remembered that he wasn't the only mutant there as there was others. He could remember one being called Snowblind. Duke could partly remember going to some old ruins that laid within ice.

*Duke, you should go and investigate those ruins. There has been strange mutant activity around there. I am sending Storm up to your location.* stated a voice mentally within his mind.

*Thanks Professor. By the way call me Wolverine. The one whom you tole me about found me and explained a few things. The dog tags that I wear read the name Wolverine. I think that this shall be my codename.* Duke thought as he knew that the mutant whom was talking to him mentally could pick up his thoughts.

*I will let the X-Men know. I would like to meet this person as he seems different from anything that I have ever sensed before.* stated Professor Xavier. Duke seemed to understand what Professor Xavier meant. Yugi was and seemed human but Atem was something else. For the two to be one in the same was hard to believe. If Duke hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that it was possible.

*I will be sure to tell him if I see him again.* Duke replied before he began to make his way to the ruins.

AT THAT PERCISE MOMENT.....Snowblind held the humans that came to investigate the ice ruins hostage. He seemed to be waiting for someone in particular. Snowblind had also managed to capture the ones whom were ultimately responsible for creating him to be a living weapon. Snowblind could remember another mutant much like himself whom there refereed to as Wolverine. After they had graphed adamatium onto Wolverine's skeleton, he proceeded to destroy the lab. Snowblind never said a word to anyone as he looked like he was lost in his own thoughts.

"Nothing you will do can harm Wolverine as he possesses skills and powers that is beyond your comprehension!" stated one of the scientists.

"I have my own plans for Wolverine but he isn't my maid target. My master wishes for me to stop a being known as the Dark Rider whom also answers to the name of Atem." replied Snowblind. The scientists looked at him in confusion as he never turned to them when he spoke. The scientists began to wonder just what Snowblind was up to.

MEANWHILE....Yugi drove his grandfather up to the ice ruins. He could feel an odd power coming from inside of the ruins.

*Yugi, I don't like this feeling. Please be careful.* Atem told him. Yugi could sense and feel Atem's concern. It was rare for the spirit of vengeance to feel any emotion this strong even through his host's body. Yugi stopped his bike several feet away from the ruins as a wave of emotions hit Yugi all at once.

"Grandpa I don't like this. Something about this place doesn't feel right." Yugi stated. They could see someone approaching them as if seemed that they had come from out of the ruins.

"Finally you have come. Now I can please my master by killing you before I can focus on my main target. I honestly expected you to be different Atem but I won't question my orders." stated a man whom almost looked all white. Mr. Moto was confused by what this man was talking about while Yugi appeared shocked. Snowblind simply moved his arm as ice and snow slammed into Yugi and Mr. Moto. This separated Yugi from his grandfather. Mr. Moto was buried next to the mystic cycle as Yugi was buried several feet away. Atem reacted quickly after they buried him as he used his powers to transform the mystic cycle into his hellcycle. He had to keep Mr. Moto alive until he could get to him. Atem partially had to force the transformation over Yugi to keep him from freezing to death. It seemed that Atem's hellfire couldn't melt the ice and snow that had buried them alive.

*Yugi stay with me. I know that this hurts but it is the only way to keep you alive.* Atem stated mentally as he tried to keep his human half awake.

MEANWHILE....Duke could feel like something was wrong. He could feel the mark that Yugi also had burning red hot against his skin. Duke's enhanced senses could smell blood and ash buried underneath the ice and snow. Without even thinking twice, Duke's adamantium claws extended out of his knuckles as he began to dig to find his friend. His claws cut through the ice and snow like a hot knife through butter as he found Yugi in half of Atem's form nearly clinging to life.

"Hey kid wake up....come one open your eyes!" Duke snarled. Yugi gasped for air as he opened his blood red eyes. Sharp fangs protruded from his mouth.

*Wolverine you must feed him some of your blood.* yelled Professor Xavier mentally. Duke did as the professor instructed slicing open an artery in his wrist feeding Yugi his blood. The healing properties of Duke's blood brought Atem around forcing the spirit of vengeance to take over Yugi's body but the transformation wasn't complete.

"Thanks Wolverine. Hurry Mr. Moto is still buried alive." Atem replied weakly. Duke could smell a nice refreshing breeze coming in.

"Storm down here!" Duke yelled out. The African-American woman with long white hair landed down next to Duke. "Stay with him, I am going after the other." stated Duke. Duke had to act fast as his adamantium claws dug through the ice and snow making his way down to Mr. Moto and Atem's hellcycle. Once Atem saw that Mr. Moto was safe and sound, he transformed back into Yugi loosing complete consciousness.

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