19- an old friend

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

19- an old friend

After Yugi was one hundred percent better, Uriel left the same way that he appeared in. Shortly after that Professor Xavier, Storm, and Wolverine left. Caretaker handed back Yugi his puzzle as well as a fingerless glove for his left hand. Both the medallion of power as well as the mystic symbol were now branded on his hand.

"I hope that you plan to tell your grandfather now before it is too late Yugi-boy. Even without the wings, it is far to noticeable that you aren't human any more." Pegasus stated bluntly.

"Do you know which room he is in Pegasus?" Yugi asked. Pegasus nodded his head as Yugi grabbed his things leaving the hospital room.

*Yugi with the medallion of power branded on your hand, you will no longer have to rely on the mystic motorcycle for our transformations. I will help you control your blood hunger as much as I possibly can. But you are certain that you want to do this?* asked Atem mentally.

*I am certain Atem. It is the only thing that I have been certain about.* Yugi replied as they entered Yugi's grandfather's room. Solomon Moto packing up his belongings. Pegasus closed the door standing with his back against the door.

"Yugi is there something wrong? Who is this with you?" Solomon asked looking at Pegasus with a questioning eye.

"He is a friend. Grandpa there is something important that I need to tell you. You might want to sit down for this as it may come as a shock." Yugi replied. Solomon did as the teen told him as Yugi took a long deep breath letting it out slowly. Solomon looked at his grandson wondering what was so important that had his friend guarding the door. "Grandpa do you remember the day that I showed up at the hospital covered in blood when you discovered that Tea had been brought in critically injured?" Yugi asked as Solomon nodded his head yes. "Well that night my life had forever changed. Things have changed so much for me since that day that now, I am no longer human. With inside of me lives a powerful spirit of vengeance named Atem." Yugi stated before he transformed into Atem. The look of shock stretched across Solomon Moto's face as Atem transformed back into Yugi. "This person whom is with me has been helping me through this as he knows the most about who and what Atem is." stated Yugi as Pegasus nodded his head. Solomon sat there unmoved silent at what the teen had just told him. Yugi waited for his grandfather to say or do something. Finally Solomon Moto got up walking over towards Yugi slapping the teen hard across the face. Tears were in the old man's eyes. Yugi rubbed his red cheek a bit surprised by his grandfather's reaction.

"How long Yugi have you been hiding this from me? When were you planning to tell me? I want to know everything...no more lies." Solomon yelled as tears streaked down his face.

"Grandpa, I am still the same person that you took care of all this time regardless about what has changed. I have only been hiding the truth from you since that day. The reason to why I didn't tell you before is because..." Yugi stated trying to hold back his own tears.

"He wasn't allowed to. We had to get permission from the elders in order to tell you. Normally only those who ally themselves with Atem are permitted to know the truth, When Yugi felt that he could no longer keep the truth from you, he asked to speak to the elders. Be grateful that they allowed him to tell you." stated Pegasus bluntly.

*Caretaker watch your tongue. I will not allow you to speak to him in such a way. It is my own dam fault for waiting so long.* Atem hissed mentally. This shut up Pegasus quickly which almost caused Yugi to laugh.

On the way back from Canada Yugi proceeded to fill his grandfather in on things. Yugi felt better that his grandfather now knew everything as he no longer had to hide anything from him. Now Yugi and Atem could focus on the task on finding the last mystic item and ally. Once home the mystic cycle took on its regular form.

"It might take me a while to get used to all of this Yugi. I mean mystic items, super powered beings and spirits, ancient beings, and you being half vampire. I don't know how much my heart can take." Solomon stated with a slight chuckle.

"I promise to go easy on you grandpa. Perhaps the only thing that hasn't changed is my feelings for you." Yugi stated as he checked the mail. He was surprised to see that he had received a letter. Yug hardly ever got any mail. "Here's your mail grandpa." Yugi stated opening his letter. The stationary was very professional as it was from a company as the main logo was of the capital letters K and C in the form of a dragon. Yugi recognized the logo instantly.

"Yugi whose the letter from?" Solomon asked.

"Seto Kaiba." Yugi replied as he read the letter. Yugi had met Seto when they were kids at an dig funded by Seto's father. Since Yugi and Seto were the same age they befriended each other and have been friends ever since. By the end of high school Seto moved to Las Vegas Nevada in order to take over his father's company and to take care of his two younger brothers Mokuba and Noah. Yugi hasn't heard from Seto since then even when he had learned that Seto's brothers were killed.

'Dearest Yugi, I know that I haven't written in a long time as no doubt you have heard about Noah and Mokuba being killed. I have heard about Tea. My deepest sympanties go out to you. To the reason why I am writing, well...I could use some friendly advise and a friend to talk to. I feel like the walls are closing in all around me as I can't seem to trust anyone within my own company. I always remembered how good you were with advise as I could also use your help. If you are free, could you please come to Nevada. I will be willing to pay your way, just give me a call. Thanks. Your friend always, Seto Kaiba.' As Yugi read over the letter something in his gut told him that he had to find out what kind of trouble Seto was in.

"Grandpa, I am going out and I might not be back for a few days." Yugi stated not even bothering to unpack.

"What's wrong Yugi?" asked his grandfather. Yugi handed him the letter that Seto wrote him.

"I have to find out what kind of trouble Seto is in. In more than one way I might be able to help. I owe it to him as a friend." stated Yugi honestly.

"Yugi just promise me that you will be careful and don't do anything reckless. And that goes the same for the other person within you."

*Me reckless? Yugi am I really that bad?* asked Atem mentally.

*Sometimes you are.* Yugi replied mentally. Atem laughed mentally in the back of Yugi's mind as Yugi hugged his grandfather before leaving. *At least now I don't have to have my grandfather worrying about me.* Yugi stated mentally as he started up the mystic motorcycle.

It took Yugi three days straight tto drive to Nevada. He was surprised that he needed very little sleep and to eat. Was it because of what he was now? When he hit the Las Vegas strip, he could feel the cries of the innocent but neither the medallion of power on the bike nor in the palm of his hand reacted to indicate that new innocent blood had been spilled.

*Your learning to better understand when I am needed. So tell me a bit about your friend.* Atem stated.

*Seto and I met each other at an archeologial did that was being funded by his father. Since Seto and I were the same age, my grandfather wanted me to keep Seto out of the way. I hardly ever played with kids close to my own age. Seto and I got along really well so we became friends. We went to the same school up to high school when he left to take over his father's company. Seto and I used to keep in touch until his younger brothers Noah and Mokuba were killed.* Yugi told him mentally just as they pulled into the Kaiba Corp main building parking lot. Yugi parked his bike and then headed inside.

Yugi walked up to the receptionist area as she was busy taking calls. She held up a single finger as she answered a phone call.

"Kaiba Corp, please hold." she stated switching the call to hold and then hanging up on the caller. "Can I help you?" she asked Yugi.

"Yes, I am here to see Seto Kaiba." he answered. The receptionist answered another phone call placing the call on hold and then hanging up on them.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked. Yugi didn't get a chance to answer as she once again took a call, placing it on hold, and then hanging up. She then turned her attention back towards Yugi.

"No I do not but, I do have a letter..." The receptionist wasn't paying attention as she answered a call doing the same routine again as she took Yugi's letter and ripped it up to shreds.

"Seto Kaiba is extremely busy and doesn't have time to see guests whom don't have an appointement." she stated rather rudely.

*No I can see why Seto wanted me to see me and why he was so concerned about his company.* Yugi thought to himself mentally as security guards came up to him. The receptionist told the security that Yugi was being rude and that he was demanding to see Seto Kaiba without an appointment. Yugi wasn't one to snapp or to yell at someone but he was so tempted. As security surrounded Yugi, a loud voice told them to stand down. The security guards turned to see Seto Kaiba approaching them. The security guards obeyed Seto's commands as the receptionist rolled her eyes.

"This is a special guest. I have been expecting him to show up. By the way Miss Karington, you are fired." stated Seto. Seto was a rather tall slender teen with short dark brown hair, sky blue eyes, and fair Caucasian skin.

"What for?" she asked.

"You know perfectly well why Miss Karington. Taking phone calls and hanging up on them, being rude to guests, and those are only a few of the things that I have witnessed." Seto stated as he pointed to the camera. "Security will escort you out." Seto stated as he signaled for Yugi to follow him. As Seto turned around Yugi could see the mystic symbol that was on his back right in the middle of his shoulder blade area, which indicated that Seto was one of Atem's allies. The look of shock stretched across Yugi's face as Seto lead him towards his office. Atem knew that Yugi was concerned over how his friend was tied into all of this.

Once they reached Seto's office he turned smiling at his friend.

"Yugi what in the world are you doing here?" Seto asked as he hugged his friend. Yugi returned the jesture.

"You wrote to me asking me for my help." Yugi replied. "I can see why after what happened with that receptionist." Seto offered Yugi a seat as he sat down behind his desk.

"That's only the tip of the ice burg. I can use someone I trust right about now. The only person that I have that I trust completely is Roland." Roland was Seto's guardian and aid as he took care of Seto when he was younger. Yugi wasn't surprised when Seto said Roland's name as his only trusted confidant. "So how long are you planning to stay Yugi?" Seto asked.

"Not really sure yet. I hadn't even had a chance to register into a hotel yet." replied Yugi.

"Don't bother with a hotel. I got plenty of room at my place." Seto stated. Yugi knew that no matter what he had said Seto would demand it. They did have a lot of catching up to do.

"Thanks Seto. How have you been since the last time that we talked?" Yugi asked as the two talked for a while catching up on what happened since they last saw each other.

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