24- old enemies

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

24- old enemies

AT THAT SAME MOMENT...Deep within a cave Deathwatch and Snowblind were kneeling in front of a figure whom was shrouded in darkness.

"You two have failed me time and time again. Atem still lives as he has found the seven items that are needed to defeat me." snarled the voice. The voice was tunderous and deep that it sounded inhuman.

"Please forgive us Lord Zarathos, we under estimated his abilities." stated Deathwatch.

"Enough I don't wish to hear it. You are both to work together to drive Atem into the darkness. If he gives into his darkness, it will be far easier to swade him to our side." stated Zarathos.

"Howw do we do that my lord?" asked Snowblind. Dark laughter errupted as a dark spikey figure stepped forward. Its body was pitch black as it had no mouth or nose physical on its face as it stared at the two men through blood red eyes. Its long black tail snaked around its body threatening to lash at anybody who got near him.

"Please tell us Blackheart what plan you are cooking up in that wicked mind of yours?" asked Zarathos.

"Simple Lord Zarathos. We attack someone that Atem cares for. It is known that the spirit of vengeance resides within a human host. Attack either the host or somebody that the host cares for. It is bound to drive Atem angry and loose control." replied Blackheart. Both men looked at the demon surprised.

"Blackheart how is it that you know that Atem resides within a human host?" asked Deathwatch.

"Have you forgotten whom my father is? Mephisto knows things that your human minds can not comprehend." replied Blackheart.

"Then it is decided. Blackheart you will help both Deathwatch and Snowblind. I do not want you back if you fail me." snarled Zarathos.

"Of course Lord Zarathos." replied the three as they left the cave.

MEANWHILE...Atem, Yugi Moto, and Solomon Moto were enjoying there peace and quite. It gave both the spirit of vengeance and the human host time to contiplate the meaning of the prophecy and how to go about completing it.

"Lets break it down into pieces." stated Atem.

"The first line states that on a stage of death, light and dark shall breathe as one." stated Yugi.

"That has come true twice all ready. The first time when we faced Centurious in my temple and the second time after summoning Sliffer the sky dragon where I nearly lost you." replied Atem.

"According to Merik the second line had also come to past as well. He told me that he saw a dark magician back in your temple." stated Yugi.

"All right the following verse states that if evil stands in the way, you must find a way to defeat it in order for the light and dark to merge as one. This interns also goes for the next verse." stated Atem.

"Friends and allies shall unite under a powerful spirit all bearing a scared mark to help destroy the ultimate evil that threatens the world. Part of this had been completed as we had gathered all seven together. So the second part to that will come true when we face Zarathos." stated Yugi.

"Now comes the second half that Uriel told us about. Some of it doesn't make sense to me. Like the part of the prophecy shall complete as the power builds." stated Atem.

"Possibly it may have something to do with your fight against the ultimate evil." replied Solomon scaring Yugi as he growled at his grandfather. "Sorry was this a private conversation?" asked Solomon,

"Not at all Mr. Moto. I welcome all views on this prophecy." Atem replied. "The next line says that even though the journey is long, don't give up. It has been a long journey to even get this far. Not once as either Yugi or I given up. Which throws off the next line."

"Items and friends shall come closer together in order for the darkness to beat. This combines with the next line that says we will need everyone's help in order to succeed. This part possibly will happen during the battle with Zarathos." stated Yugi.

"This throws out the following sentence. The next line says to use the changes that we have been through for our advantage in the end." replied Atem.

"It sounds like because things keep changing for you both and your body is still changing that you have to use these changes to help you." replied Solomon.

"Once mind, body, and spirit are joined together, nothing will seem impossible with the help of a few friends as the Midnight Sons shall rise again. Could the Midnight Sons be the name of the group that you are gathering together Atem?" asked Yugi.

"Could be but what about the part of mind, body, and spirit joining together? It doesn't make sense because it is next to impossible for seven people to join their minds and bodies together into one. Maybe their spirits but not their minds and bodies." replied Atem.

"Possibly in the end that part of the prophecy will make sense." replied Solomon.

AT THAT PERSISE MOMENT...The three men neared the cabin, Atem could sense that something was wrong as without saying anything Atem disappeared giving Yugi the signal to transform back to his human form. Yugi did this quickly before the three men came up to the cabin. The minute that Yugi saw both Snowblind and Deathwatch, he knew that it meant the thet trouble.

"Grandpa, RUN!" Yugi shouted out as he couldn't allow anything to happen to his grandfather.

"Sorry human but we know whom and what you are! Snowblind do it now!" snarled Blackheart. The mutant Snowblind created hundreds of medium sized ice spears directing them in the direction of where Yugi and Solomon where running. The ice spears zipped through the air managing to leave fairly deep cuts in Yugi but it seemed that the spears weren't meant to kill Yugi as there true target was Yugi's grandfather. Yugi watched in horror as the ice spears ripped through his grandfather's body as the old man went down in a bloody mess.

*No not grandpa...anybody but him!* Yugi cried out as the three men laughed wickedly.

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