25- Atemu's darkness

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

25- Atemu's darkness

Upon hearing the laughter of the three villians and seeing Solomon Moto fall in a bloody mess, rage and anger burned within Atem as he forced the change expelling Yugi from his own body. Dark flames errupted around and from Yugi's body as Atem's true form began to materalize. But he didn't look like he usually would as the flames that surrounded his head appeared much darker almostt black. His once white angelic wings turned black. Atem's appearance almost looked demonic as it seemed that his transformation wasn't over with. A long reptilian like tail ripped out of Atem's back with a long razor scythe at the end. Two dark brown demonic horns began to emerge from out of his skull as a third red demonic eye began to emerge when the jem on his forehead vanished. Atem was no longer. Atemu's darker half had emerged through. Yugi whom was forced from out of his own body watched the horrific transformation that Atem went through. This felt similar to the time when they were at the temple fighting against Centerious. But this power felt much darker and almost evil. When Yugi tried to remerge with Atem's body his spirit was sent flying back engulfed in dark flames. Yugi felt such pain that he had never felt before. The pain from his transformation into part of Atem's form didn't compare to this. The dark spirit of Atemu hissed and snarled at the three whom stood before him.

"You will pay with your lives for what you have done!" the dark spirit growled at them before he flew at the three villians faster than the eye could see. Yugi could feel a familiar presence enter the area as he turned to see Merik and Pegasus. Pegasus must have sensed it as the doctor turned sorcerer began to help Yugi's grandfather.

"He is alive but just barely. Caretaker can you stop him?" asked Merik. As they both watched in horror as Atemu attacked the three villans in a manner that seemed unlike him. It was like his rage and anger mixed in with his blood thrawl all at once. They watched as Atemu killed off Deathwatch by ripping him in half sending blood and guts flying everywhere. Even though these three possibly deserved to die but the manner in which they were killed in was not like the Atemu they knew. Yugi could feel dark magic flowing into his body as the demon Blackheart tried to turn Atemu to his side. Dark hellfire errupted from Atemu killing and utterally destroying Snowblind.

"No I am no match for Atemu's darkness. Possibly the only one whom can stop him is Yugi-boy." replied Pegasus. Yugi knew that he had to do something to stop the demon from swaying Atemu.

*Atemu stop...this isn't like you. You are a force for good. Grandpa is still alive. Please remember who and what you are!* Yugi cried out wrapping his arms around Atemu. Dark flames tried to consume him but Yugi would not let go no matter how much pain he was in. *Atemu fight it. You can't allow yourself to succumb to the darkness!* Yugi shouted out as a bright white light began to errupt from his body as Yugi's body began to transform into an angelic angel. It was the first time that Yugi had ever called Atem by his true name. Yugi seemed the exact opposite of the form that Atemu had taken. Light and dark blazed together as the mystic items that were present began to glow. *ATEMU!* shouted out Yugi as his body and light absorbed and merged into Atemu's body. The demonic form of Atemu could feel and sense Yugi's guiding light as he could also feel six others adding their powers into the mix. The demon Atemu howled screeching as he battled for control.

*No more demon. I will not again succumb to the darkness of my soul. Leave me NOW!* Atemu's good half snarled at his darker half. Change ravished Atemu's body driving the demon out of him and banishing the darkness that he has been battling against for centuries. The horns, tail, and eye disappeared as the flames that surrounded his head returned back to normal. The black angelic wings had turned back to being all white. Atemu had returned back to normal as another part of the he prophecy had just been completed. The items and friends had come close together to help Atemu beat his own darkness. Without seven of them helping him he might not have succeeded. Both Yugi's mind and body completely fused and joined together with Atemu's spirit as the two finally became one. Atemu turned towards Blackheart once his form had completely returned back to normal. "Tell your father Mephisto that he shall never have me. The darkness that had once existed in my body and soul is completely gone. Neither Mephisto nor Zarathos shall have my power or the medallion of power!" snapped Atem forcing Blackheart to leave before Atem could attaack him. Atemu then turned to see both Merik and Pegasus taking care of Yugi's grandfather. A wave of relief ran through his body and mind knowing that the old man was in good hands. Atemu transformed back into Yugi as the young teen lost complete consciousness falling unconscious. Now the hardest part of the prophecy still remained...defeating and stopping Zarathos.

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