26- Zanathos strikes

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

26- Zarathos strikes

When Yugi regained consciousness, he noticed that he was in Merik's mansion. Something felt different as if something had changed but he couldn't figure out what it was. Yugi's body and entire being was sore and in pain. Yugi let out a long low moan too stiff and sore to even move.

*Yugi I am sorry. I shouldn't have given into my darkness. It is just when I saw your grandfather and you getting hurt my rage and anger consume me. It seems that you and the others helped me by banishing the darkness that exists within me.* stated Atem in sorrow.

*So that's what feels different. It seems that we have completed some more of the prophecy. It seems that all we have left is to defeat Zarathos. Atemu, I hate to ask this but what is Zarathos after besides the medallion of power?* Yugi asked.

*That's the first time that you have actually called me by my true name Yugi. But it seems that Zarathos wants also my power and the seven mystic items. With my power to summon and fuse with the Gods of the shadow realm, Zarathos would be unstopable. Plus remember what Caretaker said about part of Zarathos's power being sealed within the medallion of power. Part of his power along with the original spirits of vengeance power became mine as a host for the medallion of power. During dark times when I faced against Centurious, I locked away a dark forbidden power within the seven mystic items. Part of that darkness was also a part of me that I have been fighting against for centuries.* replied Atem.

*Atemu do you think that we even stand a chance against Zarathos?* Yugi asked.

*To tell you the honest truth Yugi the battle could go either way. All we can do is give it our best.* Atem replied Atem honestly. Yugi could hear someone enter in the room. He turned his head to see Paradox come in the room.

"Ah your finally awake Master Yugi. I shall inform Master Merik and Master Pegasus. They were very concerned about what happened. If you are hungry, I have a cup of blood for you." the chinese man stated. Yugi could tell from the smell that the cup was filled with innocent blood.

*It's all right to take it Yugi. Innocent blood shall help us recover our power faster than those we usually feed upon.* Atem told the teen. Yugi slowly sat up taking the cup of blood from Paradox.

"Thank you." replied the teen before the chinese man turned leaving. Innocent blood filled Yugi's senses as it had a far stronger taste then what he was used too. A couple of mintues later Paradox returned with Merik and Pegasus. "Please tell me how is my grandfather doing?" Yugi asked the sorcerer directly.

"He is alive. I was able to heal some of his more serious injuries. He was the most worried about you." replied Merik.

"Yugi-boy I want to speak to Atemu directly. I want to give him a peace of my mind." stated Pegasus.

"Don't! He already feels bad because of what happened. We ended up completing another part of the prophecy." replied Yugi knowing that Atem did feel really bad about the whole thing. Pegasus looked at the teen surprised. He never heard the teen take such a tone with him before.

"All right then Yugi-boy. Once you regain some of Atemu's powers we will move you to the graveyard." stated Pegasus as Yugi nodded his head.

MEANWHILE...Zarathos snarled sharply when he felt both Deathwatch and Snowblind being killed. Once again Atemu had slipped through his fingers. This left Zarathos with only one option, to face the Midnight Sons directly. Even though he was out numbered, he would not back down without a fight.

"I will have all that I desire Atemu!" he growled gathering up his power together getting ready for the final confrontration against the Midnight Sons. He was bound and determined to have the prophecy fail. But he needed time. His full power since he had been reborn through the mother of all demons Lillith, has been slowly recoperating and gathering together. Soon he would be able to strike against the Midnight Sons.

AT THAT PERSICE MOMENT...They moved Yugi to the graveyard. Yugi and Atem was healing faster then thought possible. It didn't take Yugi too long to get used to the feeling of his new body. Yugi could feel the difference right away as it seemed that he could usee some of Atem's incredible powers as if they were his own. Yugi felt more complete then ever before. Even in human form, Yugi was beginning to feel comfortable as his wings no longer bothered him. Some of Yugi's natureal abilites became much stonger and heightened. It took Yugi a while to learn how to control these abilities. It seemed to Yugi that he had finally gotten used to the transformations and changes that he had been through since Atem had become a part of him.

SEVERAL DAYS LATER...Yugi left the graveyard completely back to normal. Yugi was a bit grateful that his grandfather never saw Atem's darkness. Yugi felt like there was more that he should be doing to get ready for the battle against Zarathos. A disturbing thought came across Yugi's mind. Seto was the only one in the group who was completely human and had no supernatural powers like the others. The scales which he possessed only told him if a person was truly evil or good.

*Atemu why didn't we realize this sooner? I am not gonna loose my friend because of some propecy. Isn't there something we can do?* asked Yugi mentally.

*From here not really. We would have to go and see Punisher in order to do it.* replied Atem. Yugi quickly grabbed a few things together bolting out of the door. He managed to tell his grandfather that he was going out. Yugi then drove off heading to Las Vegas.

KAIBA CORP...Yugi entered the Kaiba Corp building a couple of hours later. Atem opened up the full capapbilities of the hellcycle as fast as possible. Atem could feel Zarathos's powers growing stronger. No doubt the others could feel it as well. When Yugi entered the building the new receptionist told the teen that he has been expected and to go right up. Yugi did that heading straight up to Seto's office. Yugi knocked on the door before the door opened to reveal Roland.

"Please come in Master Yugi. Master Seto has been expecting you." stated Roland. Yugi just nodded hiss head as he entered into Seto's office finding Seto at his desk with the mystic scale.

"Yugi, I had a feeling that you were coming. What is up?" Seto asked.

"Besides the fact that we came to the realization that you are the only one whom is completely human with no special power. Atemu told me that he could do something but we had to come here to do it." replied Yugi getting a questioning look from Seto. Seto knew that his friend was concerned about loosing him during what was going to happen. Even if Seto was human he could feel Zarathos's powers rising as the mystic scale was going crazy. Before Seto could say anything, Yugi transformed into Atem.

"Punisher you may feel a sharp surge of power." Atem stated. Seto nodded his head as Atem weilded his power to his hands and into Seto. A rush of hellfire flowed itno Seto Kaiba as it was over in an instant. "Now you have a power similar to my hellfire which you will be able to channel through any weapon you use. (much like Blaze's power when he channels hellfire through a shotgun)" Suddenly the two mystic items began to glow white as they could feel Zarathos surfacing. Finally the final battle of good verses evil had come.

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