Chapter Eight

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Night after night I had been having nightmares, in a way it felt like my mind was trying to make sure I knew a possible outcome of every choice I made. Shuddering I sat looking out into the rain, it was the end of my second month with Jacob and Karina as they tried fo fix my broken mind. With a sigh I curled my knees closer to my chest, Herobrine had made regular visits to keep me updated on the situation with my troops and their state. For the most part I thanked him for the charm as it had done as he had said it would, fiddling it in my fingers I continued to gaze out into the rain hoping my armada had found shelter as Endermen never really liked the feeling of water against their skin and after living amongst them for so long neither did I.

"You've been sitting out here for hours, anything bothering you?" I heard Jacob question behind me, for a moment I was silent until he sat down beside me just out of the rains reach.

"Just thinking, after all when it rains it's all I can do, who knew that after living with Endermen for over a hundred years could affect the way you remember rain," I chuckled softly my eyes never leaving the distant hills, shaking his head slightly Jacob shrugged.

"I haven't lived that long so I can't say I know, either way I am curious, a month ago we could barely drag you out of bed but since you've been having these nightmares it's hard to even get you to sleep, if you need anyone to talk to Karina and I are here for you, and Herobrine whenever he's around," Jacob offered, tensing up I gave a sigh.

"You wouldn't understand them," I sighed closing my eyes, a hand on my shoulder caused me to tense further more.

"You would be surprised," I heard another voice pitch in, turning my head I noticed both Herobrine and Karina had joined us.

"Alright, I guess it doesn't hurt to try, for the past month I have been getting nightmares, each different but also in a sense the same, every night I am frozen to the spot as I watch everyone I care about die one by one before my eyes, every night they all say the same thing, they all say I have to run, whenever I turn around I am struck by a blade before I am jolted awake gasping for breath, every night I endure the pain only to suffer when I wake, I don't understand what my mind is trying to tell me but I do know that if anyone hurts the ones I call family they won't escape with their lives," I explained looking out into the rain again, for quite a few moments everyone was silent.

"Maybe a break to see your friends won't hurt, plus the council can't really stop us since we are trying to help you past your corruption," Jacob pointed out, glancing sideways at him I gave him a thankful nod. Looking back out into the rain I couldn't help but worry, if anyone had hurt Arkain and the others I would never forgive myself.

**Time Skip**

For days I suffered from nightmares, every night became far more scarier than the last. Every night I was so afraid to sleep incase one day I woke up and it wasn't a dream at all, with a sigh I forced myself to get up from where I sat just outside the cabin. Glancing back at the ageing wooden door I began to make my way into the forest to hopefully practice alone, arriving at our usual area I stood in the middle and closed my eyes letting my mind sink into its pit of focus. Opening my hand I began to summon some of my magic not daring to open my eyes as I manipulated it before at last allowing it to fall softly to the ground, taking a deep breath I opened my eyes and noticed instead of withered plants like most other times I tried this particular task a few rather lovely purple roses had sprouted from the ground. Closing my eyes once more I began to meddle with my magic as I continued to seek that peace within my mind I had never known before, lowering myself to one knee I placed my hand on the soft grass before allowing soft shockwaves of energy to ripple through the soil allowing things to sprout and grow. The more I did this the more I began to think of all those joyful moments I had experienced throughout my life, the moment a twig snapped I shot upright and opened my eyes losing my focus causing my magic to vanish and my feeling of peace to leave me.

"I see you've found peace within your mind, our next step is to try and intergrate you amongst large crowds, I have a few friends who can help with that but I need you to be ready first," Jacob praised, nodding I glanced around at the now plant filled clearing with awe.

"Alright, I still don't understand why you are trying to help me but hey, not every question has its answers," I agreed giving a half hearted shrug, in all honesty I couldn't shake the feeling od resent I had towards them for trying to help me.

"I will have Karina send word to them, oh and before I forget, Herobrine was looking for you, he said to meet him by the cliffs," Jacob informed before turning and vanishing into the forest, with a sigh I located Herobrine before using my magic to teleport by his side.

"What's up?" I questioned glancing sideways at him, when he closed his eyes with a sigh I knew something was wrong.

"I'm leaving Aria, I have a few things to settle further north, I'm not sure how long I will be gone but if you ever need me just look at the charm and say my name, if I can I will return," He sighed before opening his eyes to look at me, looking out over the valley I couldn't help but feel a tinge of betrayal at him leaving.

"Alright, but Herobrine, before you go, just know that no matter what happens, I will stand by your side," I whispered, to my surprise he put a hand on my shoulder with a look of gratitude. Before I could comprehend what I was doing I enveloped him in a hug, for a few moments we stood in silence before I pulled myself back.

"Stay safe Aria," he soothed before turning, in a flash of light he was gone leaving me standing alone on the cliff edge.

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