Chapter Seven

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A week had passed since my training had begun, Herobrine had come to observe what we did but I knew there was another reason for him doing it aside from learning his enemies next move. Most of my training consisted of teaching me to control my anger and emotions and use them to try and create a good outcome, for the most part they weren't effective but sometimes it got through to my head. Each time I felt like my mind was beginning to comply to their methods memories would drag me back into my isolated shell, with a sigh I slumped onto the ground in defeat after attempting to create a ball of light which had quickly turned to shadows after the memory of the attack on my kingdom had flooded to the surface.

"This is useless," I huffed in annoyance, with a sigh Karina and Jacob (the stranger) made their way over.

"Giving up won't help Aria, you need to be able to block out your memories if you want to improve, there is only so much we can do to help but if you won't keep trying out methods are in vain," Jacob stated helping me to my feet, sending him a glare I brushed my hair from my face.

"You should have just let the council have my head, it would have been so much easier on us all," I sneered brushing dirt from my legs, after a quick glance at each other they both gave another sigh.

"We couldn't let the council do that, if they get their hands on both the Endstar and the Witherstar even they won't be able to handle the corruption both give when combined, the council might control the city but with that much power it would only destroy it," Karina stated, rolling my eyes I pulled a final strand of grass from my clothing.

"Fine, but the day that council makes another mistake I won't be so kind and I WILL kill them," I warned before making my way back towards the cabin, a hand on my shoulder made me stop as Herobrine gestured for the others to go on ahead so he could speak to me alone.

"I may not be the best with words or the wisest of men but I do know from experience that you are no ordinary Queen, for years I have watched you lead the End People, you may act cold and heartless but you care for them, I may not have enjoyed your dragons company after the End Watchers used one against me in battle and every day I blame myself for his sacrifice, now that you are in this mess I only blame myself further, but at the same time, this could be what your soul was trying to achieve, whenever I see you and the other two training I can see how hard you are trying to focus without old memories coming back to bother you, being good isn't exactly my choice of options but maybe it might also settle some scores we have with the council, so I'm going to give you something that could help," he explained before pulling out what looked to be a charm of sorts, taking it carefully from him I put it around my neck.

"What does it do?" I questioned looking at him cautiously, gesturing for me to follow him he was silent for a few moments.

"During times where your mind is trying to focus it will block your memories until you want to remember them or until you stop focusing," he huffed his eyes focused on the forest ahead, thankfully Jacob and Karina trusted us enough to let us talk in peace.

"Thank you, for everything," I muttered before giving him a nod of thanks, to my surprise he actually gave a half smile. Arriving back at the cabin we said our goodbyes before I went inside, Jacob and Karina cast me curious glances when they saw the charm but I shrugged them off as I headed for my room. Once inside I sat down on my bed and began to fiddle with the charm, after a few moments I began to realise I had started smiling and in a hurry I stopped myself finding it foolish of me to be showing such a weakness. With a sigh I laid down staring up at the ceiling, after what seemed like an eternity I finally slipped away into a restless state of slumber.

**Time Skip**

A feeling of panic spread itself through my body, the sounds of their screams echoed around me as I opened my eyes to find myself standing amongst a crowd of my troops all fighting against what I could only assume to be humans. To my horror I found myself unable to move, looking at the chaos before me I watch with wide eyes as a blade pierced Arkains chest. Letting out a choked scream I was finally able to move, racing through the crowd of pained cries I collapsed by his side lifting his head up so I could look him in the eyes.

"Run...." he wheezed before his gaze darkened and he was gone, resting my forehead against his I stood but when I turned to run I collided with something and fell backwards. Before I could react a blade came swinging towards me, holding my arms up I braced for the pain to come.

With a jolt I sat up gasping for breath, the sound of my door slamming open only made my panic rise.

"Are you alright!?" I heard Jacob fret, holding my chest I tried to calm my racing nerves.

"Y-yeah....... just a nightmare...." I rasped closing my eyes as I tried to forgot the horrid dream, the feeling of arms embracing me only made the tears start to flow. I had lost so much already, how much more did I have to lose before the world had its fill of me.

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