Chapter Fifteen

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A sudden feeling of nausea woke me from my sleep, opening my eyes I quickly made my way out of the tent before depositing what was once in my stomach all over the ground. A rather panicked Herobrine rushed from the tent and to my side, shoving him away out of instinct I placed a hand against a tree to steady myself as my world swayed beneath me.

"Are you alright!?" He fretted his white eyes wide with confusion and shock, giving a nod I inhaled sharply trying to stop myself from throwing my innards up again.

"Just dandy," I huffed resting my head against my hand and closing my eyes, in a way the darkness helped with my new killer headache.

"Best you fetch Karina," I heard Ender suggest, with a hurried pace Herobrine took off and I opened an eye to glare at the towering Ender Dragon. Within minutes Karina and Herobrine returned, despite wanting their help I refused to let either of them near me.

"We can't help you if you don't let us," Karina grumbled her arms crossed, glaring at her I turned and almost fell over if it wasn't for Ender catching me with his massive head.

"I don't need help," I snarled barely managing to keep myself upright, my sudden temper change startled them both.

"Aria don't be like this, we are trying to see what caused this," Herobrine tried to reason taking a step closer, narrowing my eyes I sent a warning glare towards him which stopped him in his tracks.

"I don't need help from you, I don't need help from anyone!" I spat feeling my blood begin to boil, I wanted their help but whenever they got close I only felt worse which in turn caused my sudden change in temper.

"Aria please, whatever is wrong with you might be serious," Karina pleaded coming closer, sending a quick blast of purple flame towards them they backed up rather quickly.

"I don't need help! I don't need..... I don't....." I began but found myself trailing off as I collapsed to my knees, knowing something was off Ender prevented them from rushing to my aid. Looking at my hands I found them shaking beyond control, thinking over things I began to panic.

"I.... I did.... he.... I...... I ruined everything..." I sobbed putting my head in my hands as tears began to run down my face, the memory of Arkain's death replayed itself over and over in my mind to the point it felt like torture. Without any form of control I felt myself slipping from my own grasp on my mind, lowering my hands I stared blankly at the ground slowly becoming aware of what was wrong with me.

"No matter what......" I heard someone whisper in my ear, I knew that voice like I knew who it belonged to.

"I'm so sorry..." I sobbed quietly, looking up slightly I felt my heart break when I saw him standing before me although barely visable I knew he was truly there.

"Don't be sorry, you have something great within you and you must protect it, I served my purpose by your side and I died for you, if I could, I would not change a thing, don't be sad, I will be with you until the end," he soothed his voice a mere whisper on the wind, within the blink of an eye he was gone.

"I have to go," I rasped my voice a mere whisper, standing up I looked down at my hand before throwing down a blast of magic creating a portal I had not seen since I had first arrived in this Realm. Glancing back at the others I could see the panic in their eyes, closing my own I made my way through the portal before it closed shut behind me sealing me in the Realm I had long since left behind. Looking around at the endless darkness I felt at peace, making my way towards a large Obsidian Pillar in which had once been the resting place of my long lost dragon I climbed my way to the top before sitting down. I couldn't return home, not until I found the one thing that gave me true peace.

**Time Skip**

A year seemed to pass by without me really noticing, time in the End was almost non-existent due to its endless darkness. In that time I had given life to a daughter, her hair was a deep shade of purple like my own aside from one white streak that went from the front down the side almost like a fringe. She had one white eye and one deep purple eye and her skin was as pale as cream, together we sat in that darkness without a word said yet we knew exactly what the other wanted. With a sigh I left my pillar knowing that at last it was time to return, if they remembered me or if they didn't it never truly mattered. Summoning a portal I looked down at the young child in my arms before giving a sigh, no matter what happened my main concern now was the safety of my offspring. Making my way through the portal I let my eyes look around, aside from there being a small city built around a towering castle nothing had truly changed. The feeling of nearby creatures caused me to hide myself, although my daughter was young she could feel the need not to make her usual squeals of joy whenever something happened.

"Are you sure you felt something come from here, over the past month your ability to sense magic has dwindled," a familar voice huffed, the sound of an annoyed grumbled told me his companion wasn't too happy about the insult.

"I may be getting older but I know when a large magic exposure is nearby, maybe you are losing your senses you daft fool!" They snapped back, backing up slightly I tried to keep myself as hidden as possible without making noise. Placing her down softly I back up further, when noticing I wasn't there anymore I felt myself tensing as she let out a shrill squeal alerting whoever was nearby of her presence. Using my magic I teleported to a nearby hill overlooking the clearing I had been near, looking down at where I had left here I noticed the two familiar people picking up my beloved daughter. When one of them looked up however I felt their gaze lock with my own, within moments he was a safe distance behind me. Panicking I began to teleport short distances trying to get away but like a wolf he followed determined to figure out just who I was, after a few minutes I felt myself beginning to weaken and when I came to a dead end I found I barely had to strength to stand.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He snarled a warning hanging heavily on each word, closing my eyes I made sure my face was hidden beneath my hood.

"Answer me! Why would you leave a child in the forest!?" He snarled again this time coming closer, with a swift gesture I threw him backwards with a blast of magic and with my last remaining strength hauled myself away into the dense shrubbery of the forest above us where I collapsed in a rather nicely hidden tree hollow. I didn't want to leave my daughter but with me she would only get hurt, anyone who cared for me or knew me only seemed to get hurt. With a heavy sigh I rested my head against the back of the hollow, closing my eyes I prayed that my child would be alright with her father even if he didn't know he was her father.

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