Chapter Fourteen

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The days seemed to fly by far too quickly, Ender had begun to stick closer to me then I would normally consider normal for him but for now I ignored it. Leaving my tent I found my eyes falling upon the almost build castle, Arkan had begun to make himself useful as in his words he was trying to make sure he made his father proud. Whenever I looked at the young Endermen he was always doing something to help another, whenever I saw him I felt like Arkain was still serving by my side with his undying loyalty. Heaving a sigh I was about to make my way down towards where the others slept when a large black scaly tail blocked my path, turning my head in confusion I stared into Ender's eyes as he let out a low growl.

"What has gotten into you these past few weeks Ender?" I huffed narrowing my eyes, moving his head closer I placed my hand on his snout.

"Your safety is my main concern Aria, although Herobrine and the others protect you with their lives they do not yet see how much you need it, now more so than ever," he grumbled pulling his head back, for a moment I assumed his words meant my broken state of mind but I also felt like he was saying something else at the same time.

"I don't need protecting, I might have lost a dear friend but that doesn't mean I will be broken at one wrong step," I snapped, with a defeated groan he moved his tail allowing me to continue on my way despite the fact he stuck close by. Snaking my way through the tightly packed tents I made my way towards my future castle, in a way it wouldn't be the same without Obsidian and Arkain but I knew for both of their sakes I had to be strong. Placing my hand on the smoothe stone I closed my eyes remembering all the good times I had spent with Arkain before I defeated the old End King and before I became the queen I was now, in a way I could almost hear him teasing me about my behaviour.

"Are you alright your highness?" Came the curious voice of young Arkan, turning my head I opened my eyes and nodded.

"Yes little one, just remembering the past, can I tell you something little one?" I questioned turning around to face him fully, when he came closer I knelt down looking into his curious purple eyes.

"Of course your highness," he stated placing his small hand on mine, giving him a soft smile I silently vowed to make sure he never had to suffer like I once did.

"Back before I had become a Queen your father had been a very close friend of mine, at one point I even loved him, but, when I defeated the End King after he challenged me, I pushed him away, sometimes I regret my actions but now I see why fate has given me Herobrine, without your fathers sacrifice I never would have seen just how much pain my old ways were causing everyone, without Herobrine I never would have been able to see past my fears and move on, Arkain was a fine Endermen and now he lives on in you, each day I watch you and each day I see him in you, if he is truly watching us I am sure he would be very very proud of you," I sighed closing my eyes as I recalled those old days, the feeling of small and gentle arms wrapping around my shoulders caused me to open them again to see Arkan had given me a hug.

"I might have never met my father your highness but I know that you wouldn't lie about him, from what the other Endermen say about him I know he was loyal to his last breath, I might be young but because of the Endstar we understand most things at young ages, but thank you your highness, I know my father would be thankful for your kind words, I also know he gave you a fragment of his soul, to be honest your highness, I can sometimes see him walking beside you, I never point it out because everyone would think I was trying too hard to imagine him but I truly see him, every time I see him he seems happy," Arkan huffed his large purple eyes filled with determination, standing up I gave him a thankful smile.

"Thank you Arkan, I know one day you will grow to be just like him, and I know that when you are old enough you will make a fine general just like he was," I rasped brushing a stray tear from my eyes, with a nod he turned and left and in a way I almost wished he was my own.

The endless silence seemed choking as I stood there before him, for so long he had been my only friend and in a way I had begun to feel strange whenever I was around him.

"Is anything bothering you Aria?" He questioned tilting his head to the side as we walked through the darkness of the End, with a sigh I stopped and turned to him thinking over what I was about to say.

"You have always been a great friend to me Arkain, out of all odds you have stood up for me and defended me in my weakest moments where most would have shunned me, after all this time I have gotten to know you I guess I just want to say that to me you feel like more than a friend, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you Arkain," I blurted out quickly looking down at my easily the words fell from my mouth, for a few moments it was dead silent before a gentle hand lifted my chin.

"Do not feel embarassed Aria, despite us being so different we are quite the same, don't feel like your emotions are one sided for I too love you," he soothed his soft eyes burning into my own, a rather pleasent feeling spread through my chest as I pulled him down to my height and wrapped my arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"No matter what happens and what I say I will always love you," I promised closing my eyes enjoying the feeling of the moment, a soft sigh escaped him as he returned my hug.

"No matter what happens I will always stay by your side," he vowed, after a few moments we parted and continued our walk but this time in a rather joyful silence.

Shaking the memory from my mind I gave a sigh, oh how long ago that all felt now that he was no longer here. Thinking over everything I felt a large pit of regret strike my heart like a double edged blade, I loved Herobrine with all my heart but it was Arkain who had stolen my soul.

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