Chapter Thirteen

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The sound of early birdsong and light shining into my tent made me awaken with a groan, it wasn't until a presence beside me moved that I realised I wasn't alone. Opening an eye I found my face beginning to burn as I recalled last nights events, ever so carefully I climbed out of bed and slipped on some clothing trying my best to ignore the spine tingling white eyes looking at my back. It had been almost a month since our victory over the Realm and things were already going about as usual, there had been a few Endermen young born in the past few days which was a good sign that things were beginning to settle. Herobrine had also managed to sweet talk his way into sleeping in my tent which had led to last nights rather exciting events, running a hand through my hair I became aware of a half asleep ex warlord putting his arms around my waist.

"Stop waking up so early," he complained, turning my head slightly I caught a hint of amusement in his glowing white eyes. With a soft giggle I shoved him away gently before throwing a random pair of pants at him, letting out a chuckle he put them on.

"Stop your complaining you big baby, I have things to attend to, you might have led an army of undead once but you travelled at night and slept by day, meanwhile my army and I prefer the early mornings to late afternoons, now get a shirt on and hurry up or I'm leaving you here," I teased playfully, with a defeated huff he pulled a shirt over his head before following me outside. Thankfully the others were still asleep so we could avoid questions for now, as quietly as possible I made my way towards the under construction castle. Ender had gone to the End Realm to make sure things stayed in order there since the End was the origin of the Endermen and without the Realm's existance my loyal followers would cease to exist, placing a hand on the fine bricks I couldn't help myself but imagining how it would look once finished. The sound of small soft footfalls to my left caught my attention, looking over I only just managed to scoop my arms down in time to catch a clumsy Endermen child.

"Sorry Queen Aria," it mumbled looking down as if it had done something wrong by tripping over its own feet, giving a soft smile I lifted its chin.

"Don't worry little one, you did nothing wrong, you are young and still getting used to how your body works, soon enough I believe you will become a fine young Endermen," I soothed my eyes softening as its eyes widened with wonder, placing the youngster on the ground I watched as it raced back the way it came probably eager to tell its mother what it had gotten up to.

"I can't tell whether to be impressed or amused," I heard Herobrine tease beside me, turning I punched his shoulder lightly before letting out a soft chuckle.

"Shut up, the young are our future, without them why else would we truly exist, without them we would wipe ourselves out completely, without them would we truly ever know love?" I sighed looking into his eyes, for a few moments we stood looking over the beginnings of our empire.

"Are you alright your highness's?" I heard a soft voice questioned behind us, turning my head I found myself locking eyes with a young pale silver Endermen. For a moment I felt frozen to the spot, he looked so much like his father did and it always made me remember the true reason this youngster would never know his father and it always made my heart break.

"Of course little one, what are you doing up so early?" I cooed kneeling down to pick him up, glancing over at Herobrine I forced myself to look into the youngsters eyes and face my inner demons.

"I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake my mamma, I know you guys always wake up early so I thought I could come see you, mamma told me you knew my papa better than anyone else so aside from the fact you are my King and Queen I know you are both good people," he explained with a yawn, closing my eyes I forced myself to give the little one a soft smile as I opened them again.

"Your father was very brave, he died fighting for us all, and looking at you I see that same strength and courage he had always shown in the time he had walked amongst us," I rasped forcing the tears to stay away, with a nod he looked over to Herobrine his large purple eyes taking everything in.

"I forgot to introduce myself, I appologise your highness's, my name is Arkan," he greeted seemingly unaware of my mask, tickling his chin gently I placed him down.

"It's about time you returned to your mother Arkan, but thank you for coming to see us, you are always welcome to come and see what we are up to if you see us around," I stated as he began to make his way towards the cluster of tents, once he was out of sight I allowed my mask to falter and the tears began to pour.

"Shhhhh, it's alright," Herobrine hushed as he pulled me close and rested his chin on my head, closing my eyes I let my heart out as quietly as possible knowing it was better to cry it away now than to show the others how badly the battle had destroyed me.

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