Chapter Twelve

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The feeling of a gentle hand on my shoulder caused me to awaken with a jolt, out of fear I teleported myself across the fuzzy room aware that I was still in my albino Endermen form. Using a hand I steadied myself on the wall next to me as I tried to make sense of the situation, as my eyes began to focus I noticed Karina and a few other witches and mages of all species standing in shock at my swift reaction.

"Easy your highness, we don't want to hurt you," Karina soothed, taking a deep breath I looked them all over cautiously.

"Where is everyone else?" I rasped closing my eyes, memories of the battle flooded my mind and only now did my transformation make sense to me. The white orb Arkain had given me was a part of his own soul which when called upon would give me the form of a white Endermen, opening my eyes I looked straight at Karina expecting my answer.

"They are all down the hill, Herobrine and Jacob are doing their best to keep everyone calm but your fellow Endermen have been distrusting of them after the battle, when Arkain died it hit them hard, and I can see it hit you even harder, perhaps them seeing you might bring order back amongst them, oh and before I forget, Rasak sent word for you, he said he has begun building his new kingdom in his half of the Realm like you both agreed," Karina informed, heaving a sigh I took a few steps before allowing myself to calm and for my body to begin its shift back to normal. Once it had done so Karina handed me some clothing which I put on eagerly, once dressed I gave myself a quick look over before making my way down the hill.

"Why can't we see our Queen!?" I heard one of my Endermen snarl, from an annoyed sigh I figured Herobrine was sick of answering this question.

"She is in an unstable condition, us panicking will not help her condition," he huffed back, making my way out from behind the tree I was hiding behind I caught everyones attention. Seeing me up and walking around had looks of relief spreading across the faces of all like a wave, taking a deep breath I began to approach them unsure of how my own mind would react to possible outcomes of the situation.

"Thank our ancestors you are alright my Queen," the Endermen that had been arguing with Herobrine sighed with relief, nodding to acknowledge his words I watched as my troops began to surround me with whispers of relief and praise at my strength to pull through such odds. Turning my gaze to Herobrine I nodded towards him before gesturing to the small hill nearby, with his returning nod I began to follow him towards it.

"Why is everyone acting like I almost died?" I questioned turning to face him, from the way his gaze softened slightly I figured there was a story behind it.

"During the battle you used alot more energy than anyone thought possible, when your body shifted it used even more and that final blast that burned the entire city to the ground almost killed you, if Karina, a few of your Endermen and I hadn't found you and began to try and heal you the moment we found it possible you would have lost your life, to be completely honest Aria, everyone would have fallen apart if you had," Herobrine explained, moving closer to him I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I couldn't leave you all behind so easily, especially you, plus ever since your return and your confession towards me I've been meaning to ask you something, in all my years as a solo Queen I've never truly felt torn every time someone leaves, whenever Arkain left I knew he would return to me, although I worried for him I knew he would come back even to whisper his last words, when it came to you however I felt betrayed when you left, when the council tried to kill me I thought I was going to die alone in that forest, I hated you so much for leaving me that when you returned I lashed out, when you confessed it made me realise my true reason for hating you, I had felt betrayed because I was afraid, I was afraid you would leave my side for some other Queen, that day my heart spoke over my mind and I realised just how much you meant to me, so now here we stand, and now, I am here to ask, will you rule by my side as King of the Ender People?" I sighed looking into his eyes, for a few moments he was silent but before I could react to his movements his lips collided with mine if not gently but to my mind it felt like a fire that I needed more of and when he pulled his face from mine I was left with my heart pounding in my chest.

"I will always be by your side, and I will always love you," he whispered his forehead leaning against mine as he closed his eyes, for a few moments we stood there before we backed away.

"Thank you, now let us go inform our people of their new King," I huffed still unable to shake the fluttering feeling in my chest, with a nod he followed me back towards where both Endermen and other creatures were mingling and chattering excitedly. Seeing us they turned their gazes up to where we stood waiting patiently for my next words, glancing at Herobrine I sighed as he nodded and turned my gaze back towards the others below.

"Friends, family, today I announce the dawn of our new Era, today I no longer rule alone, a Queen alone is a Queen who fights for her people and must weep alone when they fall for her, we have avenged our fallen and now we shall live here, and here I also name your King, Herobrine has been both mentor and dear friend during my times of need, with the death of Arkain I hope he approves of my choice, without Arkain or Herobrine I would not be the Queen you have all grown to follow, if you accept him as your ruler than these words shall become so," I called out my eyes looking over each individual, for a few moments all was silent before roars of approval came from below. Closing my eyes I sent a silent thanks to wherever Arkain may wander, without his sacrifice there would have been no true victory.

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