Chapter 17

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The island, as it turned out, was not the most ideal place to stay.

It seemed alright at first, as Hiccup swooped in to land over a beach made of white, soft looking sand.

Not so soft feeling, however, as Snotlout Ruffnut and Tuffnut soon found out as they plummeted down out of Hiccup's grasp.

"Hey, wa-" Snotlout began as he fell, but was quickly cut off by a sharp connection with the beach.

Hiccup laughed in his dragon-y way and carefully deposited Astrid down before landing gracefully on a large rock and smiling in the Toothless way only Night Furies can.

"Well. Now what?" Astrid said, being the only non-dragon member of the party who had not been winded.

"Wha-was-tha-for?" Snotlout wheezed, staggering to his feet. Hiccup cocked his head on one side, then began to write.


Snotlout, still unable to do anything but wheeze, did not answer.

"Well? Now what?" Astrid asked more insistently.

I DON'T KNOW. Hiccup scratched. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

"First, we should find a source of water," Astrid stated, looking around her. To either side there was beach that stretched out for miles around. Further into the island was grass and conifer pines, and behind was the sea.

SHALL I LOOK AROUND? Hiccup scratched.

"Yes. Good idea." Astrid agreed.


"I'll have you know I'm not heavy at all!" Tuffnut shouted indignantly. Hiccup rolled his eyes as much as was possible in the circumstances, then flopped rather unceremoniously over his rock.

"We should start by trying to build a fire." Astrid instructed. "Ruffnut, Tuffnut, go to the forest and get some wood. I know it's a long way, but just be quick." The Twins complied with uncharacteristic quietness.

"Now then, Snotlout. You're always boasting about being strong. Prove it. Dig a deep hole in that sand, not too deep but deep enough so it can safely hold a fire."

"My pleasure." Snotlout flexed his muscles and got to work.

Hiccup was still basking on his rock when Astrid turned back to face him.

"Feeling any better?" She asked, knowing that hardly any time had passed. But they needed to know the lay of the land, and the sooner the better.

Hiccup lifted his head wearily and moaned.

"I know you're tired," Astrid said gently. "But it's vitally important that we know the island. When you've looked around, I promise you can rest as long as you want."

Hiccup moaned again but nodded wearily. Heaving himself upright he took off with a few beats of his heavy wings.

Each beat was like lifting lead. Every breath scraped at the inside of his throat like sandpaper. Every moment he remained in the air was painful, yet Hiccup forced himself to continue hovering there, looking around the island.

The place seemed to mainly consist of grassland, with the small conifer forest, or more of a small scattering of trees, they had seen earlier near the west edge.

Wait. Was it all getting closer?

Yes, it was. Faster.

Suddenly Hiccup realised he was forgetting to beat his wings. He tried flapping them wildly but it was no use, the ground was looming closer... closer...

The last thought that crossed his mind before impact was 'oh no, not again.'

Did anyone get the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference? Bowl of petunias and sperm whale? No? Ah well.

Sorry I missed yesterday, but I did actually post this. I then looked and it had saved it as a draft... :( stupid thing. Well, better late than never!


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