Chapter 5

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I'm back in action! And with much better writing, bucket loads of inspiration and a way shorter haircut. (Sorry, a bit out of place, but I've never cut my hair before and it's exciting!) So, on with the story!


Hiccup stared at the long black tail in front of him, letting the full horror of the situation sink in.

My tail. He thought blankly. I have a tail? He looked round, extending his wings. Okay, so now I have wings too. If I have wings, then I can fly! He leapt into the air, flapping with carefully coordinated strokes.

Up, down, up, down... Hiccup flapped harder and harder, the ground was looming closer... closer... He screamed, but all that came out was a dragon's roar. He hit the ground with a thud. He lay there for a few minutes, wondering whether it was worth getting up. His joints ached so... Sharpshot landed on his head, convinced he was no threat.

"Big flash thing crash, big flash thing crash!" He chirruped in a vaguely sing-song way.

"Hey!" Hiccup growled. Wait... I can understand them now?

"You've been talking to me all the time, didn't you notice? Big flash thing crash, Big flash thing crash!"

"Oh, shut up." Hiccup growled, standing up and shaking Sharpshot off. "Great. I've just turned into a dragon, with no idea how to turn back, on an unknown island with a dangerous wild dragon!" He said to the world in general. Except he just made incoherent roars.

"Aaaaargh!" Hiccup roared in anger and in sadness, and the skies reverberated with the terrible, tormented sound. He flopped to the ground, spent, and hot dragon tears slid down the sides of his face.


3 Days Later

"They fly today!"

The entire village of Berk was in a buzz of excitement, the intrepid Dragon Riders were venturing out beyond the Archipelago, and into the unknown. Astrid was now fit to fly, having recovered at a phenomenal rate on Brigitta's lotions and potions, and Stormfly was happy for the exercise, having been riderless these past few days. All in all, it was a time of celebrations and excitement.

Astrid patted Stormfly's beautiful aquamarine nose and sighed. This was it. They had copied the Dragon Eye's map out once each for every separate Dragon Rider, so if anyone got separated they would know where to go. They had spent the last day in a frenzy of preparation, packing, readying, preparing...

"This is it, girl. Into the great beyond!" Astrid swung herself into the saddle. "INTO THE GREAT BEYOND!" She hollered, and soon the other Riders took up the cry,

"THE GREAT BEYOND!" Stormfly leapt into the air, closely followed Toothless (with his Autotail), who in turn was closely followed by all the other dragons. The villagers cheered at the sight.

"Let's go!" Astrid pointed to the east horizon, and the dragons and riders swooped off, into the unknown.


3 days. 3 horrible, lonely, bone aching days. Hiccup trudged despondently through the forest. I haven't even found Sky, he thought morosely, and blew a little plasma at the ground. It left a burned, blackened mark, but did not catch fire. Just as well, he thought.

"Look, Chirruping Yellowblue! Look, Chirruping Yellowblue!" Sharpshot's annoyingly singsong voice floated through the undergrowth, and Hiccup turned towards him irritably.

"Wha..." He trailed off, his mouth continuing to move soundlessly.

Skytrimmer was flying towards them, looking much the worse for wear. Fighting the urge to fly, for he knew it would result in his crashing, he ran towards her.

"Skytrimmer! Skytrimmer!" He rowed up to her, trying to attract her attention. She looked down at the mention of her name, and, seeing Hiccup, spiralled gracefully down to him.

"I have not seen you here before, Speeding Death. Why, pray, are you here?" She spoke languidly and with an air of confidence.

"Sky! How are you alive?" Hiccup panted, out of breath from his running. " "

"Sky? Why do you call me Sky? I am Yellow Lightning, a Rainbow Beak. Known to the more... Unsophisticated -" She jerked a wing at Sharpshot, " - Dragons as a Chirruping Yellowblue." She finished her monologue and ruffled her wings with an air of satisfaction. "Pray tell me why you are here now, strange Speeding Death."

"I... Was stranded here, and I cannot fly. Will you help me?" Hiccup shuffled, a little embarrased.

"Come." Yellow Lightning sped off, into the rising sun. Hiccup followed quickly. Somehow, he trusted her.

I'm back! Did you miss me?

Of course you didn't, you've all got your own exciting lives and stuff going on! Never mind, more stories here for you, created in 3 hours of hard writing!

I'll be on a new schedule(I know, I'm changing it all the time, but life is very busy and I don't know when I'll have the most time for writing.) of Mondays and Fridays. Bye Dragonites!

Aquila out. (I think that's here to stay now, don't you?)


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