Chapter 6

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The riders flew on and on, the time dragging on at a snail's pace. They flew for a day and a half, resting upon the mysterious towers of rock which loomed out of the sea. Eventually they came to an island.

"Look! Land!" Heather's shout shattered the silence into a million invisible fragments(A/N Sorry, I just couldn't resist it), snapping the riders sharply out of their stupors. They swooped down, breaking through the clouds and revealing the island below.

It was a very pleasant looking tropical island, with a forest covering half, and what looked like a small white and yellow hill the other. Astrid pointed to the hill.

"Let's investigate that!" She exclaimed, and they shot down towards it, Toothless in the lead. He landed, sniffing it, the others not far behind. It didn't take long for him to fly away, visibly agitated, to explore the forest.

It was then that the Night Fury and Deadly Nadder appeared, nearly crashing into the group.

Hiccup's POV

I followed Skytrimmer, or Yellow Lightning, full of questions. How did she get away was just one. As I ran through the undergrowth, following her, I saw a glint of light in front of us. We grew closer... Closer...

I nearly barrelled into a blonde-haired girl and a Deadly Nadder, not unlike Sky. I rolled head-over-heels, desperately trying to stop before I knocked them down, whereas Sky flew away. Great. I skidded to a stop just before I hit them, and slumped to the ground, tired and shocked. My left leg throbbed terribly, I must have sprained it.

"A... A Night Fury." I heard mutterings around me, and saw a group of people, vaguely familiar people.

A rather fat boy with pale yellow hair, with a tall slim girl with raven-black hair standing very close to him. A boy and a girl with mischievous grins who looked like twins stood next to a Zippleback. They seemed to be fighting.

Another black-haired girl with a Raincutter next to her and a stocky black haired boy who simply emitted ego stood near to each other, occasionally looking at each other. Then there was the blonde-haired girl. She was the most familiar. I was so sure I had seen her before.

I tried to stand, but my leg exploded into agonising fire, and I fell down emitting a roar of pain.

"Poor thing, I think he broke his leg!" Blonde-hair was on one knee beside me in an instant. I looked down, my leg was at a horrible angle. Curse it.

"We should splint it." Raincutter-girl spoke up. She dived off the way I had come from.

"He looks an awful lot like..." Blackhaired boy spoke up, but he was quickly silenced by a glare from blonde-hair.

"Snotlout..." Slim-blackhair hissed. Snotlout fidgeted uncomfortably.

Raincutter girl was back with two large sticks. She fished around in her saddlebags and brought out a length of strong string.

"What we really need is dragon-nip." Said blonde-hair.

"In case you haven't noticed, Astrid, we don't have any." Said Snotlout with a grumpy attitude. Astrid. That rings a bell, but what bell?

"Shut up, Snotlout." Growled Astrid. She gently put the sticks on either side of my leg, and put her hands around the bone.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, and squeezed hard to realign the bone. I only remember a flash of burning, blinding agony before I passed out.

I feel I'm drawing this book to a close, but I may make this a trilogy. Let's see!

Aquila out.


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