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(Fluff/Spice. Thought I give them a little break before things get serious next couple chapters )

Hazel, Frank, Piper, and Jason and Reyna where the only ones not Frosting covered so they took Damien and Reyna stayed to watch Coach scolded us about acting like fools

He gave everyone a personal scolding. Percy how he should act like he knew better. Annabeth how she did know better, Leo should be handling the ship, Naruto should not act like a dumb blond, Itachi was too old for this

(I'm picturing short saytr buff half human half goat man screaming at Itachi. Its hilarious)

To Sasuke, he didn't yell at him like the others just said he shouldn't have started it

When he got me he just looked at me and walked off

I raised an eyebrow at that and looked at the others confused

"Hedge has a soft spot for you especially since you have kid." Reyna said and I gave a surprised look

"Wait then what about Sasuke! Why didn't he get chewed out?!" Leo asked looking appalled

"Oh that? Yea Sasuke gained Hedges respect by taking role as  Damien Father. Remember Hedge just became a Dad he takes it seriously" Reyna said and Sasuke looked surprised but shakes hid head

"How about we clean up?" He said and I agree and grabbed the broom but was snatched out of my hand

"You take a shower we can handle this birthday boy" Sasuke smirked and I rolled my eyes and go to the kitchen to grab a rag to help but that was snatched out of my hands by Naruto

"Sasuke right we got this Nico, clean up yourself okay" he says with a grin

"I don't know whether to be grateful or annoyed" I mutter and walk to my room

I hear them laugh at my antics as I walk away

I get to my room, since Leo gave us a suite it had a private bathroom so I grab Sasuke clothes declaring his where better and went to the shower and got undressed and turned the shower on getting in

Washing off the frosting and cake all over especially out of my hair felt amazing and soon i just stand there enjoying the hot water

I hear the sink faucet turn on and I pull the curtain back a little covering my body and Sasuke was shirtless and had hid head dangling in the sink trying to wash out the cake and frosting

I frown a little knowing he wasn't going to bug me about the shower for my sake

"Sasuke?" I call but big mistake

He hits his head on the light hanging above the sink and my immediate reaction was to reach out but I slip and start to fall but Sasuke with his ninja reflexes grab my forearm holding me up

We stare at each other wide eyed my body still somehow covered by the curtain still

"You okay?" He asks and I nod

His wet hair plastered on his forehead came my attention and the words came out of my mouth
"Do you want to join me?" I asked and he blushed

That's a first

I embarrassingly realized how it might sound and back tracked

"I uh mean if um if you want to um b-be-because your dirty also and you don't have to wait and i um d-do-don't m-mind you know what nev-" lips meet mine and shut me up

He pulls away chuckling looking amused

"Nico its fine I'll join you give me a sec" he says and kisses my head

I pull back into the shower my face on fire and take a deep breath to calm myself

"I am calm" I mumble to myself taking a shaky breath

I feel a hand gently rub down my arm and a kiss to the back of my head and my breath stopped

I didn't even hear him come in

Sasuke rubbed my arms and  shoulders not say a word seeing I was tense

I closed my eyes and leaned back against his chest relaxing feeling the hot water over us

"I thought you where cleaning" I asked trying to break silence

"They kicked me out too" He chuckles and I snorted

"Serves you right" I said as he runs his hand through my wet hair

"Honestly I am not complaining" He says quietly and I sigh liking the feeling of him messing with my hair

I bite my lip and take a deep breath turning around and resting my forehead on his chest and he kisses the top of my head rubbing my back

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are" He asks and I shrug

He lifts my chin up causing me to look at for the first since he got in

He has soft look. The look I only seen him give to me but I saw he had a hurt look in his eyes right now

"Nico you are the most beautiful, strong, incredible guy I ever met, I wish you could see what I see." He says to me with an intense look

"What do you see?" I whisper and he smiles

"I see a man who has gone through many tough challenges, who has fought the strongest monsters and won, I see a man who lost everything and still is able to create a life for himself. Nico I know you have self confident issues and dysphoria. But know you are man. Whats between your legs does not say what gender you are. Your a man your MY boyfriend and your a father. And I love you so much" Sasuke said and I throw my arms around his neck and he wraps his around me holding me close so glad we where under water so he could not see my tears

"We are totally wasting hot water" I mumble and he chuckles at me

"Oh well" Sasuke says looking down at me and pulls me into a kiss

I melted into this kiss, kissing back passionatly, he pulls me closer and my chest is against his but I feel content in his arms and safe

He breaks away and kisses my neck and I blush darkly

He pulls away and puts his head on mine looking into my eyes

"I'm here for you" he whispers softly

My mind flashes to the prophecy and I glance away

"I know" I whisper and I hear him sigh and I glance up and he looks like he remembering something but looks back down and just smiles

We wash each others hair enjoying each others presence and finally leave

I change into the clothes I stole from Sasuke and I hear him laugh when I put the shirt on

"So that's where that shirt went" He says and I laugh awkwardly

He looks at the shirt and smiles "I really like my clans symbol on your back. One day I am gonna make it official" He says happily

I give a small smile and turn away it dropping

That's probably not gonna happen Sasuke

He seems to feel my mood change and grabs my hand causing me to look up at him

"Nico I know your not telling me something" He said and I flinch

He frowns at that "Don't react that way I'm not mad" He says softly and I relax

"I just need you to know, I am here for you. I love you so much and I will be right by your side" he says and I look down

That's the point Sasuke. I can't have you by my side when this happens

He makes me look at him and he sees my eyes misty and he looks pained and kisses my forehead

He out of no where picks me up bridal style and takes me to the bedroom and lays me in the bed

"Stay" he says kissing me real quick and jogs out of the room I sit up curiously

Comes back 10 seconds later with Damien in his arms and puts him in my arms and gets in bed with us

He lays next to me smile down at us

I hold Damien up and face him towards Sasuke

"Say hi daddy" I say making Damien hand wave

I swear Sasuke got heart eyes and takes Damien hand and kisses it

"Kon'nichiwa musuko" Sasuke says quietly and gently taps Damien head with 2 fingers I look at him surprised

"You called him son" I said and Sasuke smirks impressed

"You know Japanese?" He asks with a laugh taking Damien

"I know many languages I traveled a lot" I say and he chuckles

I smile softly when Sasuke held Damien up gently kissing his forehead

"I love him. Blood or not he is my son" Sasuke says and I smile and hold my phone up taking a picture of them

Sasuke raises and eyebrow and I lean in showing him the phone

He eyes widen seeing himself and Damien

"We have cameras in Konoha but we don't have something like this" he says looking at the picture and smiles softly

I lean close flipping the camera around selfie mode and told him to pose

He holds Damien between us and we both kiss each side of Damien face and I snap a photo

I laugh and smile widely looking at the photo making it my lock screen 

I feel someone staring at me and I look up and Sasuke is smiling

"You know for a big tough Uchia you smile a lot" I smirk and he shakes his head

"Tch" he smirks and I raise an eyebrow

"I guess I have something to smile for now" He says and and I sigh

"Cheesy doof" I say and he leans in poking my forehead with 2 fingers making me rub my forehead

"Why did do that, you did it to Damien earlier" I ask with a laugh

"Growing up it was Itachi way of saying I love you to me" He said I smile

"Thats adorable" I said laying on my side

Sasuke laid Damien between us and Damien fell asleep

I kiss his forehead and stare at my son and my eyes grow watery and a tear falls from my face

Leaving you is gonna be the hardest thing I will have to do

I feel Sasukes eyes on me and I hear him sigh

"Baby why are you cry-" He was cut off with Naruto barging in Itachi trying to stop him and Percy behind both of them

"Naruto the bab-" but Naruto cut him off

"Nico di Angelo don't you even think about going through with that prophecy" He says coldly and my heart stops

"What prophecy..?" Sasuke asks sitting up quickly his hand on Damien gently so he doesn't accidentally move him

"Naruto don-" but I was cut off

"Hades gave Nico a prophecy about how to defeat Kronos. But a sacrifice has to be made. Damien or Nico have to die. And Nico was going to sacrafice himself!" Naruto says he looked upset

Sasuke head whips to me his eyes looking like they put things together

"Nico is this true?" He asks seriously

I look at Damien and I sigh



Cute chapter. With a serious ending.

How will Sasuke react to this?

How dead is Percy for letting this slip?

Will there be another way?

Find out in the next chapter of!

The Darkness In Our Eyes

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