You Guy's Are Loud

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I wake up to Damien crying but as I go to get up Sasuke pushes me down gently

"Sleep, you still have his milk in some bottles?" he mumbles and I nod

"Fridge you need to warm it though" I say and he nods

I rub my eyes and I hear noises from the commons

Sasuke appears with a baby bottle and Damien in his arms feeding him

"What is that?" He asks and I shrug

And follow the noises peaking around the corner and my eyes widen

Sasuke comes up from behind me and I push him back

"Lets go back to the room" I say awkwardly and he raises and eyebrow

He puts Damien in my arms and I sigh as he walks around the corner

"Sorry Naruto.." I mumble

He froze right there eyes wide

Naruto and Itachi where making out on the couch, Naruto straddling his lap

Sasuke backs up slowly

"Back to the room" He says and I laugh quietly following him

I close the door and turn to Sasuke who is grinning

"You don't seem surprised?" I asked quietly putting Damien in the crib he fell back to sleep quickly

"No Naruto...kinda told me already" He said and I smile

"So that talk went well" I said and he nodded

"Yea." He said and we hear them walk down the hallway heading to bed

I look at the clock and it was 1am I yawn a little

Sasuke pulls onto the bed on top of him and holds me close

I blush darkly and hide my face in his chest and he chuckles

Little warning. Mention of Binders and breast size growing

"So do you know how long you have to be without your binder" Sasuke asks quietly and I sigh

"I injured myself a bit from the time in Tartarus and its gonna be a week before I can. Even longer since I need to order new ones because my old ones are small for me now plus breast feeding" I mumble quietly and Sasuke kisses my head

"Your manly and handsome with or with out" Sasuke says to me causing me to relax in his arms as he rubs my back

Little warning over

"Your amazing" I mumble snuggling and he chuckles quietly

"Your like a cat" He says and I stick my tongue out and he leans in kissing me causing me to squeak

He pulls away and I was red and he smirks

"So dam cute" He mumbles and I just hide my face in his chest

"Out of curiosity how old is Itachi?" I ask leaning up

"21, he is 5 years older then me and Naruto. But Naruto is 16 age of consent and 5 years isn't a bad age gap its still small. So they will be fine" he says surely and I nod

"It didn't matter too me. You and I are 2 years apart. Well kinda " I said laughing at the last part and then something crossed my mind

"What is today's date?" I ask and grab my phone

Oh yea I need to show Sasuke about phones

I look at my phone and today was January 29th

"My birthday was yesterday, and Damien was born yesterday" I laugh a little and Sasuke chuckles

"Guess he was your birthday gift" He said I smile

"Yep he was." I said and Sasuke smiles

"15 huh?" He said and I laugh

"Actually I am 80" I said and Sasuke looks at me and then he seems to remember

"Dang guess Naruto and Itachi age gap is nothing compared to ours" he jokes and I start laughing and hide my face in his chest to quiet it

"Well it took me awhile to figure it out but yeah I am actually 80 but physically and mentally I am 15" I said calming down

(So Percy Jackson fandom listen up. I took some time to research. Time frame in Titans curse is 2007. Nico was physically and mentally 10 but he was born in 1932 so he was actually 75 and in Tower of Nero which is almost time frame this book is kinda set he is 15 so add 5 years and bam 80)

"Well your cute for an 80 year old" he comments. This causes me to snort

"Your in a flirty mood" I acknowledge

"Well a month and a half of our relationship was literally in hell so I need to catch up on stuff" He said

"You should see Percy and Annabeths. They where together for 2 months before Percy went missing and put in Camp Jupiter by Hera and he was gone for 8 months, then when they are finally together they have to come rescue me. While Percy and everyone does that. Annabeth gets thrown on a life or death quest and when we try to save her Percy and Annbeth fall into Tartarus" I said and Sasuke eyes are wide

"Well then I should not complain." He states and I chuckle

"I promise Percy to lead them to the doors of death. He was holding Annabeth so she wouldn't fall. He could have saved himself but he promised they would never be apart again and let go of the edge with her" I said remembering and Sasuke makes me look at him

"And you did and you did the same for us" He said and I smile at him

"So we need to celebrate you 15th/80th birthday" Sasuke said and I shake my eyes wide

"No we do not" I said and Sasuke laughed a little

"When did you last have a birthday party?" He asked me

I hesitate thinking "I was 10" I said

"So 75 years ago" He said and I groan

"It doesn't feel like it though. 75 years in that casino felt like a week" I said and he rolls his eyes

"5 years then, it doesn't matter how long you deserve a party. We should celebrate you." Sasuke states and I just plop my head on his chest

"Bed time we can talk in the morning" I said snuggling in his chest again

"It is morning"

"Not this early"

"Its 2am"


(Time skip several hours later)

I wake up in a bundle of blankets all warm and I stretch sitting up

I see no sign of Sasuke or Damien which causes me to frown

I change into a sports bra since that's the best I could do at the moment and throw on Sasukes shirt that had the Uchia symbol on the back since I didn't pack as many clothes like he had and headed to the commons

I hear talking and I turn the corner it got quiet and then

"Happy Birthday!" They yell and Damien cooed loudly causing Hazel to aw at him in her arms

"Sasuke Uchia" I groan but the smile on my face showed no irritation

He walks to me smirking "your a deep sleeper, the only time you stirred was if Damien made a noise so I had to take him out of the room" He said he noticed the shirt and smiled

"I like seeing that symbol on your back" He says and I smile a bit

"Happy birthday Neeks!" Reyna says pulling me into a hug which I return

"Thanks Rey" I said and she socked my soldier

"Don't call me Rey I am not a Star Wars character" She said and I look confused

"Star what?" I ask and she stared at me

"Oh right you don't know what that is" She said causing Jason to laugh

"What time is it?" I ask patting my pockets for my phone

"2pm" Said Frank and I chuckle

"You like to sleep" Itachi said and Naruto laughed making me raise an eyebrow at them

"And you guys are loud" I said and that made them freeze for a second and Sasuke burst into laughter

Naruto was red and Itachi was quick to save him from embarrassment and questions 

"Piper made a cake from the cornucopia thing lets have some" He said jumping up and going to the kitchen

"Hey wait, I thought we where gonna do presents?" Piper said running after him

I snort at them and give Naruto a thumbs up

Hazel comes over with Damien and I snatch him up and coo at him

"You know he was born yesterday meaning we share the same birthday" I said and Annabeth laughed

"Well isn't that something" she said and gently ruffled Damiens hair

"His hair is thick" she commented and I snort

"I think that's the only thing he got from Hunter my isn't thick at all" I said shaking it

"Yea, but he is almost identical to you. Sasuke you have black hair too and he has Nico eyes. Honestly you guys look like his biological parents" Said Reyna

Sasuke looks at Damien and smiled

"Guess your right" he laughed

Percy grabbed Annabeth and pulled her to a corner and they start to talk and it look serious

I give Damien to Sasuke and walk over

"Hey you guys alright" I ask and they look up

"Kronos. Even though he doesn't have the help of Hunter and Tartarus anymore he still out there. Good thing though he can no longer go to the ninja world. But he has took some ninjas from the sound village back to our world, I spoke to Chiron. Kronos so far hasn't infiltrated camp but they noticed spies around the borders" Annabeth said and Percy runs his hands down his face

My throat goes dry as memories from me and my fathers talk comes to

Sasuke leaves and my father goes serious

"This war with Kronos isn't gonna be like the one 2 years ago" He says causing me to frown

"Unlike Luke who still had some conscious of right and wrong, Octavion does not he does not care he has gave Kronos his soul and mind and body" Hades said and I shake my head

"Did freeing Thanatos do anything?" I ask and Hades nodded

"Yes he can no longer control dead. Weakening his armies, unlike what we hoped Thanatos can not put him back" My father said agitated

"Then what's gonna happen?" My Father sadden and handed me a paper

"Read the prophecy, I have been hiding it for a long time" He said and I frown taking it giving him Dami
en and open it

"Read aloud" he said quietly

"Fight of old shall happen again

First day of spring shall it began,

During war, different worlds collide

Assistance this world will provide

Son Of Hades must make a choice

His life or his child's must end in order for peace to rejoice"

My voice falters on the last line and I stared at my father

"How long have you had this prophecy" I demand standing up

"Before you where born, I received it from the old oracle, I didn't think about it until your mother was pregnant, I worried but Bianca was born and then when she got pregnant I worried again but....I biologically received another daughter, it wasn't until after your mothers death at the age of 10 when I realized this was gonna be about you" He said quietly seeing Damien go asleep in his arms

I stared at my baby "I am going to die?" I ask and he sighed I swore I saw his eyes get misty

"You or Damien, but I knew what your choice was gonna be, mine would be the same, if I was in your shoes, but...I am hoping there is another way but until you find a way know this. If the worse happens you have a place on my council and a room in my palace" He said and I took a deep breath

"Thank you" I whisper and I take Damien from his arms

He looks at me "I am so proud of you" He says and disappears

"Nico?" a voice calls snapping fingers in front of my face

I blink and Annabeth looked relieved

"You okay man you zoned out for a sec" Percy says concerned

"I need to talk to you guys, my father visited me yesterday" I whisper and that their attention so we walked to the other room

I told them what I said and Percy eyes went misty

When I finish he shook his head "Nico we will find another way" He said and I gave a meek smile

"I know but, don't tell Sasuke, don't tell anyone" I said and Annabeth frowned

"They need to know" She said sternly and I shake my head

"I want Sasuke and Damien in Konoha, Sasuke won't leave if he knows there is a chance I am gonna die, Hazel will try to intervene and everyone else will try to focus on me, I might tell Leo because he knows the sacrafice" I said and Percy grabbed  my shoulders

"Leo had the physician cure! You shouldn't even be discussing this you just had a kid you should be resting" Percy stated desprate and I glare shrugging him off

"I know I had a kid, I am doing this for my kid. I am fine" I said sternly


"What would you do if it was Estelle?" I said and he froze

(That's Percy little sister)

"Nico that isn't fa-" Annabeth started but I cut her off

"Your step brothers?" I asked and she faltered

Percy tightened his grip but let me go a tear sliding down his face

"I would choose myself also" He whispered

"Me too" Annabeth said with a grim expression

"Imagine how feel, I won't get to see my son even grow up" I whisper and Percy shook his head

"We will find a way" He said as if he was positive

I smile meekly and Annabeth took a shuddering breath

"Dry up, I think that enough talk. This is your birthday party" She said changing the subject

Percy wiped his eyes and we walked back in same time Piper, Leo and Itachi came out with with a cake with a ton of candles and 2 of the with the number 15 in the center

"There are 80 Candles on this cake, 2 of them are the numbers 1 and 5, get it!" Leo said and Piper smacked his head

I snorted "ha ha" I said but I smiled wide

"Percy we need you on stand by if this goes south" Frank mutters and Percy snorted

I grab Damien and sit in chair in front of the cake "You where born yesterday this is your birthday party to" I say to him and Damien cooed at me grabbing my finger

Leo put a tiny cupcake in front of us with with one candle lighting it

I look up surprised and he smiled at us glancing at Percy and Annabeth

You told him already...

"Have a birthday with him" Leo whispered and went

"Aww Leo you made one for Damien?" Hazel giggles and Leo plasters a smile

"Well like Nico said this is his birthday too" He says

"How will he eat it though?.." Frank asked

"Shh thought that counts" Hazel said smiling

"The candles are melting" Sasuke said and I snicker

"Oh right, and 1 and a 2"  Leo conducts and I roll my eyes

They start singing causing me to blush

When they finish I close my eyes and make a wish

I wish I could live to see Damien grow up

I blow out the candles and Damiens cupcake and they cheer

All of a sudden frosting was smeared on my face and I froze in shock

Sasuke snickered at my face licking frosting off his fingers

Reyna takes Damien from my arms and walks out of the room sensing what was about to happen

I grab a handfull cake and shove it in his face

Sasuke looked surprised "oh you wanna play that way" grabbing more and putting it in my hair

"Okay you guys calm down" Annabeth said before getting hit with cake

She turn and Percy smirked "my bad Wise Girl" he said innocently

She grabs some throwing it at him and he looked at her wide eyed "My bad seaweed brain" she laughs

And soon a cake war broke out and everyone was throwing cake at each others

Naruto and Itachi where just shoving it in each others faces while everyone else just throws it at each other

Sasuke and I slipped on cake and fell down laughing and he leans over kissing me

"Happy Birthday" He smiles and licks my cheek where frosting was and I roll my eyes blushing

"Hey baby" He said and I look up and he looks at me softly

"I know we will have challenges to face. And I know we will have times ahead, but I will be by your side every step" He said and tears brim my eyes

He frowns wiping a tear that fell down my cheek smearing frosting

"Nico are you oka-" I cut him off with a passionate kiss

He was surprised but kissed me back

We kissed for a few seconds before pulling away

"I love you" I whisper and he smiled at me

"I love you too" He smiles

I hear a cough and Reyna is standing above us with Damien

"Here is your child" She said handing him to us and Sasuke had his hand around my waste and Damien was in my arms and we just looked down at him

I hear a click of a camera but don't look up

"And I love you more then anything" I whisper to Damien

I will protect you with my last breath

Chapter is done I hope you enjoyed

What do you think about what's happening?

Do you think can find another way?

How should the fight with Kronos happen?

Find out in the next chapter of!

The Darkness In Our Eyes

Wow this chapter has 3012 words!!

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