Sasuke Vs Hunter

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I glare at Hunter as he stares at me and began to smirk

"Why don't we wager a little something," he says and I scoff

"Like I would make a bet with you," I say and he rolls his eyes

"Either way Nico and everyone leaves," Hunter says and I hesitate. I  know this is most likely a trick but.

"What do you mean" I growl at him

"If I win you have to stay but they can leave, If you win you all can leave," He says

I look at Nico and he shakes his head

I know not to trust him but instantly a plan pops into my head

"Deal," I say and he smirks and waves his hand and locks Nico and Naruto in a cage and that's when I realize I don't see Itachi

I glance around and I see him in a high place in the cave he puts his finger on his lip and I turn away

"Ready?" He asks and I smirk

I activate my Sharingan and he looks taken aback but cackle

"You think changing your eye color is gonna save you?" He asks and I smirk

"Scared?" I mock and he growls and attacks me

I dodge out of the way and trip him and he falls but jumps up and goes to strike me with his sword but I dodge and strike with mine cutting his arm in the process. He hisses in pain and I take this moment to pin him down and force him to look into my eyes putting him in a painful genjutsu


Seeing Sasuke pin him down made me jump down to Thanatos who looks at me

"Flames are the only thing able to break the chains," He tells me and I nod

"Fireball Jutsu," I say as I quickly do the hand signs and blast the fire at the chains which snap them off him

He looks at me gratefully and then glares at Hunter

"I will teleport all you back up there, you guys don't need to be around for what will happen next" He warns me and I nod and run over to grab Sasuke off

"We have to go," I say and he nods and kicks hunter and grabs Naruto and Nico

"Wait Damesan!" Nico says and when Thanatos tries to teleport us he couldn't

"What the hades," He says and Nico glares at him but rolls his eyes

"I have his powers blocked idiots," a somehow calm Hunter says standing up

"And only I can unblock him" he smirks

I feel anger rippling off Naruto and Sasuke looked at him and Naruto nods

"Guys get back," Sasuke says


Naruto was gonna use the nine tails to scare Hunter

But I needed to make sure everyone stays back. The nine tails and Naruto still have a shaky relationship at the moment

Itachi seems to have got the hint as usual and we all got far

"What is this pathetic dumb blond gonna do huh!?" Hunter says cackling

Nico snorts "If I know anything about blonds, it's best to watch your back" He smirks

"Shut up you wanna be man Nicole!!!" Hunter snaps

With that naruto lost it

And all Hell broke loose

What are you guys doing here its the end of the chapter?

Fine you caught me its not the end🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The minute he insulted Nico I was done and unleashed Kurama

I don't have this under control yet but Kurama made a deal with me he wouldn't hurt anyone to a serious point and let me control what to do with his chakra

And with that I attacked Hunter

He fell to the ground shocked but got up and tried to stab me with his sword and I caught it and snapped it in half and pushed him to the wall with such strength

He got up wobbling and grabbed a Kuni he saw on the ground and lunged at me and I grabbed his hand

"Dumb blond," he says smirking

And that's when I feel something stab my chest

Sorry y'all it's short I know but I hope you like it and enjoy

And oh no he stabbed naruto!!!

Will he be okay????

Check back next time on

Darkness In Our Eyes

Love y'all!!!!!

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