The Cave

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Sasuke Pov

I was punching the wall of the but outside seeing red

"That fucking piece of shit thinks he can hurt my Nico" I seeth and I feel someone grab my shoulder and I smack the hand away

"Naruto not right now," I say trying not to snap

"Naruto just went inside with Damesan" I hear the voice of my brother

I bite my lip "what do you want" I ask my voice shaky

"I get your upset.." He begins but I cut him off

"I'm more than upset I'm livid, he never deserved to go through so much pain! He deserves the world! He does not deserve this!" I yell and Itachi stares at me

"You love him right," He asks and I froze

Do I?

I've only known him for a few days but I'm willing to die for this man and he is strong and independent and brave and insanely attractive and...

"Yea I do," I say my face flushing, and Itachi smiles at me

"Well right now your boyfriend is upset and feels alone so how about you tell him that," Itachi says as he pokes my forehead with two fingers

I look at him remembering he did that to me as a kid and I smile at him

"Thanks, big brother," I said and run inside

I go up to the door and open his door and see him hugging a pillow crying quietly and my heart broke at the sight and I close the door quietly and walk over and sit down on the bed and put my hand on his back

"Are you mad at me?" Nico asks quietly sniffling

I frown and grab his hands and pull him up and he sits up and hugs the pillow and looks down but I tilt his head up and he looks at me embarrassed

"I'm mad at Hunter, not you, you did nothing wrong okay you're the victim. I was just upset at the situation and the fact you went through that." I say quietly and smile at him and kiss his head

Nico looks at me and lets the pillow go and hugs me tightly clinging to me

"Thank you" he whispers

I hug him back "hey Nico?" I asked and he hums and pulls away looking at me

"I love you," I say to him and his eyes widen

"You do?" He asks like it was the strangest thing to hear

"Yea I do I love you a lot" I smile and he stares at me and then kisses me passionately

It catches me off guard but I kiss back and put my hands on his waist and he pulls away and looks at me

"I love you too," He said blushing and I smile

"As cute as this is we need to head out" I hear a voice

We look up and see Naruto smirking at us

We jump away both of us red as can be

"Oh just wait until I tell our friends," Naruto says as he turns around Itachi is there giving naruto a look

"You know I don't think it's very nice to tell people their business," he says giving naruto a look with a scary calm face

Naruto gulps "got it," he says and walks away

Itachi gave us an amused look but said nothing about what happened

"We need to leave Damesan said he has an idea of where they could be keeping Thanatos," he says and walks away

I kiss Nico and then hop up and take his hand

"Where in this together," I said and he squeezes my hand

"Together" he repeats and we walk outside and Damesan looks at us

"Okay so there is this cave that recently has been guarded by a titan I believe that is where they have been keeping Thanatos," Damesan says beginning to walk as the 4 of us follow

"Do you think Hunter will be there?" Nico asks quietly avoiding eye contact with everyone besides Damesan

I clench my Sword

I will personally take him on if he is

Damesan gives Nico a soft look "I'm gonna be honest. Most likely he is I believe he is the one who set it up" Damesan says and Naruto speaks up

"What do you mean?" He asks the question we all wanted to know

"He has shown up at my cottage before asking me to help him something to get back at the gods, I declined and he has come back a few times to convinced me which he fails at" Damesan explains

Nico looks like he was thinking of something

"Nico do you know something?" Itachi asks

Nico shrugs "I have a theory," he says not sounding confident

I squeeze his hand wanting him to continue

"I know Hunter has a big grudge against my father, it's the reason he um did what he did to know... And if he kidnaps Thanatos it causes issues in my father's domain making my dad angry and when that happens more problems happen, so my theory is Hunter is trying to make my dad go mad for issues to happen in the mortal world so that Olympus turns a blind eye to what Hunter is doing and they take it out on my father like they usually do" Nico says and Damesan thinks about this

"It makes sense...but why does Hunter hold a grudge against your father?" Damesan asks

"He put Hunter in Tartarus personal because he was a very very bad person in his past life did very bad things to women and men and my father has a very special hatred for people like him" Nico explains

That personally made me gain respect for Hades

"So let's say Nico's theory is true how would we lead to stop him," Naruto asks

"Well I would say we start would with him," Itachi says stopping me and Nico putting his hands on our shoulders and pointing ahead of us

Our heads snap ahead and we see a huge Titan bigger than Damesan blocking the entrance

How the hell are we suppose to fight him?


"About an average size titan not big compared to most if needed be pretty easy to knock out. Damesan you can say you want to join them and while you talk and distract them we can sneak in" I say as a plan quickly comes to mind Naruto and Sasuke stares at me with a strange look while Itachi thinks about the plan

"Have I mentioned that I practically do this for a living?" I say and they both have a look of realization

"Sounds reasonable honestly and if they ask why I changed my mind I can make up something pretty easily," said Damesan and I nod

"Everyone like the plan?" I ask and they nod

Ok, Damesan. Good luck" I say and he smiles at me and ruffles my hair

"Why does everyone do that" I exclaim quietly and Sasuke smirks but says nothing

Damesan walks over and we crouch behind these rocks and watch

"Damesan? what brings you here?" the titan booms and Damesan stops

"I wish to join Hunter's plan" he states and the titan looks at him

"Hunter said you were buddies with demigods what changed your mind?" He asks suspiciously

I hold my breath what did Damesan plan to say?

He looks the titan in the eye "they have been using me for shelter and yet I get nothing I'm done with it so I decided to join

I flinch hearing that, I have been trying for months to find a way to help him get out of here but he doesn't know that

" that's great you came to your senses if you want you can head in now " he goes to turn around but Damesan stops him and pulls him to face the opposite direction of us

"I have a few questions for you" Damesan and gestures for us to go while talking to the Titan

We sneak past and I have us all go to the side and with the little power I have the shadows hide us

We walk down the cave and I see only a few monsters so we could take them if needed but as we got deeper I stop and wee a familiar mop of brown hair and a god in chains  

Hunter and Thanatos

I hear Sasuke growl in the back of his throat and I put my finger to my lip and he sighs and nods

"So oh terrifying God of death. How does it feel to be trapped in your domain" Hunter says

"I go in all domains idiot I just help keep balance more in Tartarus," Thanatos says looking up at him

Dam I keep forgetting that he was the counterpart of cupid very attractive

I look at Sasuke and blush

Sasuke wins the most attractive award

Hunter rolls his eyes "you know you are annoying" He says

"Look in the mirror twit I think that title belongs to you," Thanatos says

Hunter growls and goes to hit him but my body moved on its own and I jump in front of Thanatos and grab Hunters hand before it hit my uncle



They said it at the same to you can guess who said my dead name

"Naruto! Sasuke!" I yell and they ran to my side

"Well well well," Hunter said looking annoyed

Sasuke pushed me behind him and I gave him a look and he smiles at me but goes back glaring at Hunter

"You and me right now"

They found Thanatos!

But will they set him free

And are Sasuke and Hunter gonna fight

Find out in the next chapter

Darkness In Our Eyes

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