A Stellar Bonding

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Geno...is having the time of his life now. Ever since the visit of Ashreen...and he notices that Rosalina's now acting a little bit, different. She's now constantly hanging out with him and even drags him into her interests, for reasons that he does not understand. And more importantly, she's gotten more...warmer to him then ever before. Like, she was always warm to him, and always acted kind to him, even when he is harsh and cold to her. But...now she's constantly trying to do something with him that he doesn't seem to really understand. Always dragging her into her hobbies, which is really confusing him. Like, why the sudden desire to be assertive of him? Even when Geno tries to back down and refuse, Rosalina persists and drags him along and Naomi, but now this time, she'll drags Geno even when Naomi is somewhere else.

Today, Geno is tapping his hands onto the side of the bed, as he is beginning to think about Rosalina, as he thought to himself.

"Damn...what is going on with Rosalina...wanting to get close to me or something? Like...there is nothing for her to gain out of trying to bond with me."

Geno blinked a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Scratch that, why am I suddenly thinking about her? This isn't supposed to happen!"

He facepalmed a little bit because of what he is feeling for her. This is so strange and new to him and he does not understand why it is that he is suddenly thinking about her. He shook his head, as he stood up, and he looks to see Naomi in her, sleeping right now. She had gotten involved into one hell of an activity with Rosalina, which left her tired, and Geno had just put her to bed. As he looks down, he looked at the locket and gripped it inside of his fist. Geno looks down, as he spoke out.

"I...I really hope I am doing a good job as a brother...not sure if I am able to keep on going as such."

Geno looks and puts the back of his hand into Naomi's cheek, who smiled a little bit, as Geno himself smiled, before he retracts his hand and spoken out.

"Rest well, Naomi."

Geno then stood up and turned around, as he walked out of the room, his hands inside of his coat pockets, as his scarf waved a little bit with him. As he did, Rosalina's voice spoke out to him.

"Hello, Geno."

Geno looked up and he turned to see that Rosalina is shown to be floating down to his direction, eager for him. Geno looks at Rosalina, and spoke out in his usual cold tone.

"Oh, what do you want for me this-"

Geno then felt his arm being tugged, and he quickly looked to see that Rosalina is pulling onto him. Before he can react, Rosalina then began this drag Geno quickly.

"Come along, Geno."

She pulled Geno effortlessly, and dragged him to the garden, as he spoke out.

"Woah, what are doing? Hey!"

Geno was a little exasperated, as he does not know what it is that has gotten into Rosalina. Genie has been getting exasperated over whatever Rosalina is doing because of this sudden change in attitude, and he does not understand why it is that she is doing it.

Rosalina continues to fly, with Geno a little bit unease and a little bit surprised at what it is that she is doing. Geno cannot help but wonder why she is acting like this, as he is feet is dragged onto the ground, yet he cannot find it in his legs to try and hold it down. In fact, he doubts that holding his legs down would slow Rosalina, since she has other ways to bring him with no problem.

Rosalina and Geno then stopped at what seems to be a new section of the Comet Observatory, and Geno looked to see that the inside is...strange. Outside, it didn't look big, but the inside...the interior defies the laws of physics of the exterior. It is far bigger then outside, with the inside resembling a garden of some sort, as Geno spoke out.

"What in the world? What is this?"

Rosalina smiled, as she held her hand out, as she spoke out.

"Well, I've been wanting to make something beautiful, and I need your help with it. So...mind if you can help me make a garden I can make?

Geno, on some level, wanted to reject that offer, and he almost wanted to back down and just walk away...but something...about Rosalina this time is making him feel...strange. Like he cannot muster the nerve to refuse like before, or to argue back. Rosalina, she is somehow making him unable to feel such things, as he spoke out.


Geno began to speak out...but he felt uncertainty of what it is that he is supposed to say. After a little while, Geno lowered his head and groaned in frustration and irritation, as he then spoke out.

"Fine, I'll do it."

Rosalina smiled, as she made what seemed to be a seed appear in her hand. No...scratch that, 2 types of seeds. One with a fiery red color and the other with an icy blue color. Geno raised his eyebrows, as he spoke out.

"Umm...just one seed in this massive field?"

Rosalina shook her head, as she then made a pair of bags with of a lot of seeds inside, as Rosalina spoke out.

"No...this is just to show you what the 2 look like. I'll spread the red ones, you spread the blue ones."

Geno looked a little skeptical, but he nodded, as he took the blue bag, as Rosalina spoke out.

"You can spread them however you wish."

Geno looked at the ground, and he spoke out.

"...I can't believe I'm making a garden. Well...what's there to do now?"

Geno then grabbed a fistful of seeds, and threw them a little bit, as they sank into the dirt, before Rosalina simply dropped them, but did grab onto the same amount as Geno did. Geno and Rosalina continued to spread them, as Geno began to feel...strange around Rosalina. For some reason, whenever he looks at her, he feels like he is in some sort of trance, like he is suddenly able to admire her beautiful from a rather far distance. But Geno shook his head, as he spoke to himself.

'Damnit, Geno. What are you thinking inside of your mind? Hell, what is going on with you?'

As he shook his head, Geno felt a familiar presence, but it is not acting the same as before. Geno turned to look and see the shadowy entity, but the projection of the entity is glitching out form some reason. Come to think of it, whenever he is near Rosalina, it seems like this entity cannot seem to stand in a stable state when he is near her presence. The entity disappears, as Geno looks down and spoke silently to himself at this.

"Well, guess this is one upside to being worn here, at least."

As Geno looked down, spreading the seeds both far away and close to his feet, he didn't notice Rosalina, who has a mysterious smile present onto her face for some reason, as she thought to herself.

'This is perfect, it seems that he is beginning to open a bit more to me and beginning to have some trust in me.'

After a little bit, for what is likely an hour, Geno and Rosalina are done, as Geno felt like his mostly used and favorite arm is about to fall off from his shoulders due to how many times he had to throw seeds.

"Is...is it over now? Because I feel like my arm's gonna fall off."

Rosalina giggled at his reaction, whine Geno looks very annoyed, as she then spoke out.

"Yes, we are. Now...look at this."

Rosalina waved her wand, as mist spreads all over the field of dirt...before flowers grew up very fast. 

Geno blinked a little bit, as Rosalina smiled at the field of Fire Flowers present in this section of the Comet Observatory, with the other hand having Ice Flowers present.

Geno blinked, seeing a field of orange, yellow, and both light and dark blue flowers. Geno looks at the sight, as he is unsure of what to think. He remembers Rosalina touching them the first time, having been able to launch fireballs and all of that...Geno is not too sure if he wants to touch them. But Rosalina grabbed onto Geno's hand, and she looks at him with a smile, as she pulls Geno's hand, as Geno then touched the Fire Flower, and felt it's power coursing through him. Geno stepped back. As he sees the fires dancing around his hand, which spreads to his arm, before reaching his shoulders, and the spreads fast throughout the torso, and finally his entire body. His clothes have now changed. His coat is red, the shirt is black, the scarves is red with black lines, and his eyes are also red, his fingers and the tips of his hair tinted orange, as Geno looked down at himself. Geno blinked, as he spoke out.

"Umm...this...this feels weird."

Rosalina smiled and spoke out.

"Well...you've seen what I have done, haven't you? I'm sure you too can use the power of fire."

Geno looks at his hand, before he pressed both his thumb and middle finger together, as he snapped his fingers, and a fireball appeared above the palm of his hand, as he looks down and spoke out.

"Umm...where do I throw this?"

Geno sounds almost a little bit worried, almost like he is worried that he'll damage something. Rosalina then made a portal, as she spoke out.

"Throw this through here."

Geno, after a little bit of looking at it, threw the fireball at the portal, which then closed up after that, as Geno spoke out.

"Umm...I don't know what to say in this. Like...this isn't permanent, is it?"

Rosalina shook her head, as she then spoke out.

"Well, only as long as you don't get hurt, it stays on you."

Geno nodded, as he spoke out.

"Oh, so that means I can do this and change back?"

Geno suddenly swung a punch at his face, which hurt a lot, and his appearance flickers back to normal. Geno forced his body up, and looks at his clothes, as Rosalina looks down with a surprised expression on her face, as she spoke out.

"Hmm...I never thought you can do that as well."

Rosalina shook her head, as Geno stood up, and looked at the field, and spoke out.

"So...this is the result of our hard-work, huh?"

Rosalina nodded her head, as she looks at Geno.

"Of course. And I think having you help me in it...I think it a very amazing thing to do. You also seem like a skilled gardener as well."

Geno rubbed the back of his head, a little touched, not that he showed or said it out loud to her.

Rosalina smiled at Geno, as she spoke out.

"You know...I think there is a couple of places that you can go to. I think they will help you see the beauty in life, as it seems that you have not seen how bright and warm it can be."

Geno looks down, and a little bit unsure about this, as he spoke out.

"Don't know if I want to. Never seen anything beautiful."

Rosalina smiled a tiny bit wider, as she then spoke out to him.

"Then make this your first time."

Geno looks at her, and Rosalina smiled, as if she is urging him to come along with her, as she held her hand out. Geno looked a little bit unsure, but after a little bit, being entranced by her beauty, and her sudden assertive side, he sighed and took her hand, as he spoke out.

"Fine, let's go and-"

Suddenly, Geno flickered a little bit, as he felt something familiar. He looked, and sees a wolf tail, and he spoke out.

"What the-did you hide that leaf on the palm of your hand?! Really?! At least give me that feather in order to make me not look like a furr-"

Rosalina held her hand out, and Geno fell silent, as Rosalina spoke out with such otherworldly patience to him

"Well, it is because it will involve a lot of airborn travel where we are going, or at least, the location that we would go to."

Rosalina waved her wand, as the entire area began to glow and change, as Geno looked down, and see the ground about to disappear. Not wanting to see what happens, Geno jumps into the air, and he began to fly, as he looks around in order to see where Rosalina transported them both to, and Geno looks to see that they seem to be in an area of floating islands with plants and flowers all over, with Geno, looking around the area that Rosalina and Geno are in, as Rosalina looks to see how Geno thinks of this place.

Both Rosalina and Geno are now in the Gusty Garden Galaxy, and needless to say...even though Geno doesn't show much in his face, Rosalina could see his eyes widened, and almost looks in awe at the sight that is before him. Geno, as he looked arojne, felt his hand grabbed on by Rosalina, as he flinched a little bit at this sudden movement, before he then turned around and spoke out to her.

"Woah, what are you doing?"

Rosalina smiled, as she spoke out.

"Allow me to show you around."

Rosalina flies forward, dragging Geno with her, as the born of then flies around the area. Geno wa surprised at the sudden pull, but Geno could n testify or argue on that, as they both flied around the area, and needless to say, Geno...he looked around and he felt in awe at the beauty. His eyes are widened and his mouth opened a bit, as if he is truly taking on with what he is seeing. He almost felt ecstatic, his heart pounding from what he is feeling, but he has no way to express it. Geno looked down, and he gripped the side of his jacket, as the coattails waved behind him from the wind, with Rosalina seeing that Geno is starting tomorrow have some form of excitement within.

Rosalina lets go of Geno, who then began to fly all on his own. Geno, looking down, began to fly in onto the air, passing by the floating plants that surround him. The wind making his hair wave a little bit, as Geno began to move up into the air, as he felt like he can do anything, with Geno passing by some floating plants. Geno looked, and for once, he had an excited grin on his face, but he shook off this feeling when it began to form. But unfortunately for home Rosalina was still able to witness it, as she spoke out.

"It seems that he is having fun, almost like this is the first time he ever had any sort of fun of his own. And...I guess I am as well...he feels special to me, more so then anything I could have felt. But why?l

She looks at Geno, as she spoke out.

"I think...I figured out why."

A little while later...Geno looks down at the ground, as he now sees himself that he is sitting on top of a small island with flowers all around him. He looked down at his hands, as he is on his knees. The hands grip his pants, as he spoke out.

"What in the...why is going on with me? I...I've never acted like this before. What the hell? Am I...losing my mind?"

He held the sides of his head and smacked himself in the cheeks, as he shook his head.

"I...I'm so...this is so fucking confusing."

As Geno spoke out, he felt a presence float down behind him, as Rosalina spoke out.

"It seems that you are having a lot of fun right now."

Geno looks to see Rosalina, as he looked down and spoke out quietly.

"Something like this..."

Geno looked down and felt like he wants to lie down, but he kept himself from falling and kept remaining in the sitting position, as Rosalina looked to see Geno's face. Although he doesn't show it, she could that he needs some rest. Geno closed his eyes, as he took in the sound of the wind, but then, he felt something grab his head, and puts it down onto the lap. Geno's eyes snapped open and looks to see Rosalina, having put his head into her lap.

"Wait, what the?! What are you-"

As Geno began to speak out and tries to get up, Rosalina suddenly forced his head in place with her hands, preventing him from moving upwards.

Rosalina partially pushed, but also gently, put his head onto her lap, as he sort of struggled to get up. But Rosalina was persistent, as she then spoke out to him.

"Do not worry. This is not a terrible act. This is a comfortable one. So please...do not be worried."

Geno was a bit skeptical and unsure, but for some reason, Geno cannot help but begin to trust her in this saying. And after hearing Rosalina saying that, Geno stopped moving and laid still, as his hands are clenched and close to his chest, a little bit embarrassed of what it is that has happened and of what Rosalina is doing, as he closed his eyes a little bit to try and make himself a bit comfortable.

As Rosalina looked, she could see Geno's face of uncertainty, but after a little while of getting comfortable and starting to become a little bit sleepy, Geno finally stopped, as he finally fell asleep onto her lap, as Rosalina stroked his head in response to him suddenly resting on top of her.

"Hmm...it seems that you finally opened a little bit to me, haven't you, Geno."

Geno, however, didn't hear her, as he is too asleep to hear what she is saying. Rosalina looked down at herself, as she put a hand onto her cheek, and began to think to herself.

"This...this almost reminds of the time I had done this with Ashreen...before he had revealed to me his true self. But...for some reason...this makes me feel much more comfortable...even though what I was doing with Ashreen became shameful back then...for some reason, doing it with Geno is not as such."

Rosalina felt her cheeks heat up, as she spoke out.

"In fact...being with him...it...it makes my heart feel so...warm.

Rosalina's cheeks are a little red right now, as she tries to think of something. She looks down at the sleeping form of Geno, who is not moving due to how comfortable he is sleeping onto her lap. She brushed the back part of her hand against Geno's cheek, and it felt a little bit cool, but it's also smooth at the same time. It sort of contrast's how she once did that with Ashreen, except he felt warm, but it did not feel quite as smooth. Rosalina looks down at Geno, and smiled, as she thought to herself.

"I wonder...what is it that makes Geno so special around his eyes? Is it because of how he hides his goodness to me...or is it because of something else?"

Rosalina looks down, as she sees Geno continuing to sleep, before she then spoke out.

"Perhaps...in time, I think I will be able to understand why...so that I can understand why it is that I am feeling towards him. Besides...he seems to be very good company."


Geno and Rosalina are shown to be flying to a new location that Rosalina has decided to teleport the both of them too, due to the fact that she wants to bring him to a second place, which she considers to be beautiful as well.

Both Geno and Rosalina are at the Honeyhive Galaxy, and while not as beautiful as the Gusty Garden, this one is beautiful in its own right, especially with all of the trees and large bee hives which somehow looks beautiful.

Geno and Rosalina look, as Geno spoke out.

"Huh...kinda thought all of them would be as round as the Earth. Didn't think that so many of them are still gonna be like floating islands. And how come they have a sky?"

Geno seems almost to be a little bit flabbergasted at what he is seeing before his eyes, as Rosalina smiled a little bit at the reaction that is presently on his face. Rosalina then grabbed Geno's hand, and guides him to the ground, as Geno's Wolf Tail wags behind him, which Geno can feel.

"Okay, kinda feels weird my tail is wagging. It's not even my doing."

Rosalina spoke out.

"Do not worry about that. It will seem strange at first. But you will get used to it."

Geno looks around, and walks around with Rosalina floating beside him, as he spoke out.

"Gotta hand it to ya, Rosalina...as much as I hate to admit it, you certainly picked some very nice spots."

Rosalina nodded, as Geno learned against a tree, his hands in his coat pockets, as Rosalina stood beside him, as she then spoke out.


Geno looked up at Rosalina, who has her eyes closed, as she spoke out.

"I want to say...thank you."

This made Geno confused, as he spoke out.

"For what?"

Rosalina looks down, as she spoke out.

"For getting rid of Ashreen and forcing him to leave, which I could never do."

Geno looks down, and turns to the side, as he then spoke out.

"I...only did that because he was threatening my sister...nothing more."

Rosalina smiled, seeing that she is able to get through with him to an extent, her cheeks becoming a little bit more red then before.

"Even so...thank you."

Rosalina then moves to Geno, and it is something that Geno did not expect and was not prepared to realize in what was about to happen.

In an unexpected way; Rosalina bends down to plant her lips onto Geno's cheek, and kissed him there. This made Geno's eyes widened, as Rosalina stands straight, and Geno...he has no way to respond to this. He felt his face burning, his cheeks becoming red, as he felt a whirlpool of emotions of embarrassment, confusion, and agitation. He began to stutter and shake a bit, before he puts his hood over his head, as he then spoke out to Rosalina.

"Y-Y-Y-YOU IDIOT!!!! What was that for?!"

Rosalina giggled a little bit at his reaction, actually finding it to be a rather amusing sight before her very eyes.

"That was a thank you for making Ashreen leave."

Geno looked at her, before looking down and spoke out.


Geno felt his face burn up due to what Rosalina had decided to do. He cannot help but feel his heart flutter, but he does not know why he is feeling this way. It is very abnormal for him.

Geno shook his head, as he smiled briefly, before frowning, before he left to travel around the area in order to explore more.

Rosalina looks at Geno and smiled at him sweetly, as she then thought to herself.

'It seems that Geno...his mask that he tries to hold in front of me is starting to fall off. I am getting through with him, and I know he is starting to trust me. And yet...I sense something...special about him...something that...makes me want to get close to him.'

Rosalina touched her heart, as she smiled and closed her eyes, before watching Geno flying around the entire place, as a blissful smile is shown to be present on her.

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