Protective Anger

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It has been about 4 days, since Geno had been able to rescue Naomi from Bowser Jr's hands, and needless to say...Geno has become a little more worried about her to such an extent, that he is afraid to make her go outside by herself. Although Rosalina is here to make sure she would be okay, he still wants to make sure that nothing bad happens to his sister again. Also, Geno sort of had an awkward time with what happened to him when he touched the strange leaf, having gained Wolf Tail and Ears. It felt sort of strange, and he honestly hopes that he does not get turned into that ever again. Although his sister had fun petting him with it, he really does not want to do that again.

As Geno lied down and he looks near his sister, she sees that she is asleep for now, showing that she is a little tired. Of course, it isn't nighttime...if it even is such a time, and Geno still felt fresh, it's just that Naomi decided to do that. Geno sighed, as he stroked her hair, a frown appeared on his face, clearly upset at where his life came to. But as he looked down at his sister, he closed his eyes and spoke out.

" move come to check on Naomi again?"

He turns to see that Rosalina is shown to be coming through the door, as Rosalina nodded.

"Yes, of course. I just wanted to make sure that your sister is okay...that you are okay."

Geno snorts, as he spoke out coldly.

"I'm fine. Only just distressed at what that little brat tried to do to my sister."

Rosalina frowned a little at how harsh he sounds, but she can't blame him, as he really cares for his sister a lot. But Geno's unfriendly exterior really kind of bothers her, especially since they just met.

"Even so...I figured best to check on you both. Especially, after how you burned your hands."

Geno narrowed his eyes the ground, as if contemplating on something, as he spoke out.

"It didn't bother me that much. Had worse done to me, the burns would have healed, didn't even need it."

Rosalina's eyes widened, as she spoke out.

"What are you saying? You don't care if you are hurt or not?"

"No. Whatever hurts me...I don't care."

Geno simply said plainly, as if it's a recurring thing to happen to him. Rosalina looked sad at him, as she spoke out to him.

"Geno, thinking like this in such a way is not okay. It is never okay to think that being hurt is something to ignore."

Geno felt a little bit frustrated, as he was about to speak.

"Look, I don't even need you to-"

But as he began to speak, a Luma came in, one that seems to be a black star with blue eyes.


The Luma said, the voice deeper compared to the others, which made Geno surprised, as Rosalina spoke out.


Polari, the black Luma's name, was about to speak, but then turned to see Geno and Naomi, as he spoke out.

"Oh? Are you new guests to mother?"

Geno looked up and spoke out in a rather brooding tone.

"Guests? That's kind of a stretch."

Polari doesn't know what to say about that, but he spoke out.

"Anyway...mother...something bad is about to happen. That other man...he's coming."

Rosalina snapped her head to look at Polari, and whispered in a tone that she has never used before.


Rosalina sounds unhappy. Scratched that...she sounded very angry, yet she maintains a leveled tone. Rosalina looks down, and although gripping her wand tightly, it didn't break, as Rosalina spoke out.

"I thought that I made it clear to him...I want nothing to do with him. I want him to stay away from my home for eternity. Why is it that he cannot heed my words?"

Polari then spoke out.

"You know what that man is like, mother. He is someone that likes to manipulate and cause misery to others, with us Lumas being his target, and you being as such as well."

Rosalina's mouth twitched, as she looks up and spoke out.

"I'll be right back. Geno, stay here, and make sure that Naomi stays as well if she wakes up."


Geno whispered, as Rosalina hurried outside, ready to. Geno got curious, and even though he wants to argue back, something about Rosalina's change in demeanor was worrisome, even when compared to when Bowser Jr attacked. Geno looked confused, as Naomi then began to wake up, as she spoke out.

"Mmm...Big Brother, what is going on? Where's Rosalina?"

Geno was about to answer, when sudden...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A loud book was heard, as Naomi squeaked in shock, the entire place shake as Naomi hit the floor, well, almost did. But Geno grabbed her before she could hit the ground. Geno was shocked, and Naomi was about to go outside, but Geno grabbed onto her hand and spoke out.

"Wait, don't rush out. Let's lean against the wall to see what's up."

Geno and Naomi learned from the wall, as they looked to see Rosalina, arms crossed, as she sees a bunch of smoke coming from something...or someone, that has crash-landed here. They looked and they see a tall man, roughly at the same height as Rosalina, with black hair, darker then even the blackness of space, grey eyes, and is wearing what seems to be an outfit fit for someone of royalty, like he is an aristocrat, with a white coat, a vest, and boots that have sparkles on them, like stars. He also has a face that is more handsome then Geno, but Geno narrowed his eyes, seeing that there is something not right, about this individual. 

Rosalina looked unhappy at the sight that is before her, as she spoke out, unhappily.


The tall male smiled pleasantly, but Geno could tell that there is something that is very off about his smile. In fact, it felt strangely...wrong. In fact, something is seriously wrong about this person that had came to the Observatory.

"Ahh, hello my dear Rosalina."

His voice smelt smooth and social, but Geno oddly flinched at this, like it repulsed him, with Rosalina even reflecting on this feeling, as she spoke out calmly.

"I prefer not to be called that, Ashreen, especially after what you had tried to do to me."

Rosalina didn't love, as she continued.

"And...I am pretty sure that I have told you multiple times in the past, I want nothing to do with you, that I want you to leave me alone at peace and not cause any more of your problems in my life."

Ashreen smiled a little bit, a smug air of arrogance present, as he then spoke out to her.

"I see you are still as pleaser as ever. And why would I not be? I guess I just enjoy enjoying your presence that I do want to have."

He attempted to cup her chin, but Rosalina floats back, as she maintains her glare, as she then spoke out.

"I do not. Especially after all you have tried to make me do, having tried to corrupt and agonize my mind. You think that I am willing to care about you again?"

Ashreen, seemingly not to care, spoke out.

"With what I tried to do to your children, it isn't even that much of a deal, since it never began to happen."

Polari, having enough, spoke out.

"Something you nearly made mother do, you monster. You tried to manipulate mother's love for me and the rest of my kin, tried to make her like you, cruel and sadistic and filled with nothing but pride and poisonous superiority."

Ashreen then smiled a little bit, as his fists clenched a little bit, as the Lumas backed away, and some of the plants around the area began to die, as Rosalina spoke out.

"You will withdraw, or you will witness the consequences of your actions."

Plants near Ashreen began to die, as Ashreen spoke out.

"Seems even after all this time, the Lumas blind you to what you could hand become alongside me. I guess I will have to make you see the light, in order to make you become what I want you to be!"

He then held his hand out and attempted to attack Polari with a sharp light spear, that almost pierced him. But Rosalina waved her wand, and the spear flies off elsewhere, as Naomi and Geno hide behind the wall to avoid getting hit, as Rosalina then blocked another attack and protected one of the Lumas, who is crying due to the fact that Ashreen is deciding to attack him.

Rosalina hugged one of her Lumas at her former lover, now her hated enemy, as she made her rage known.

"You have done nothing more than cause me and my children pain and suffering. You tried to manipulate me, poison my mind in order to hurt them, all so you can have me for yourself. That is something I will not tolerate, nor will I ever accept."

Ashreen smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Oh really? And how do you plan to stop me?"

Rosalina frowned a little bit, as she spoke out to him.

"Like I always have done, like I always make sure to do, whenever you come to me."

Rosalina then waved her wand, and summoned a flowe with orange and yellow rings and eyes on a white circle, as she gripped her hand onto it. The flower disappeared, and Rosalina changed in appearance, becoming Fire Rosalina.

Rosalina's dress changed to red, as she has a ponytail, for some strange reason, on her head, as a fireball appeared floating above her hand. She launches it at Ashreen, who blocks it, and Geno is surprised, this is the first time that Rosalina attacked with immense anger, yet barely showing it for her face. Rosalina attacked Bowser Jr's troops before, but she was more on the unhappy side than the angry side. But this, Rosalina is seriously trying to hurt Ashreen due to wherever terrible stuff he tried to do before. Ashreen smiled, as he sensed something.

"Oh...I wonder what else? I sense you have some new visitors present. I shall start with the younger one."

He then goes to the part of the Comet Observatory,

but Rosalina launches a fireball at him, as she spoke out.

"Don't you dare put your hands on them."

The fireball missed Ashreen, who dodged, and it exploded, exposing Naomi present, as Ashreen stops and teleports him to her position. Rosalina got mad as she flies to stop him, but Ashreen makes a shield in front of Rosalina in order to stop her from intervening with what he'll do.

Naomi looked and sees Ashreen standing before her, as she jumped back, but Ashreen made her freeze in place a little bit, as her legs are now stuck to the ground, and she spoke out.

"Wh...who are you, what do you want?"

Ashreen smiled smoothly, as he spoke out.

"Oh, you do not need to know of me, dear girl. And for what I will do to not be will not hurt...much."

Ashreen reached out a hand towards her, as Naomi spoke out.

"No, stay away!! Leave me alone!!!"

Rosalina, for once, raised her voice as she shouted out

"No, you will not dare put a hand on her!!"

Ashreen then telepathically spoke out.

'You will not stop me, Dear Rosalina.'

He looks sadistically at Naomi, as he says to her again.

'What I want...I will get. If you will not give me what I want...I will take something from you. It is fair, after all.'

Rosalina's eyes widened, and she prepares to intervene, ready to launch a fireball, as well as turning her attention to Naomi, raising her want to try and save her, but all of a sudden...

"Wait, what are-AAUGGHHHH!!!"

Ashreen felt as though his voice is caught on something, as though he is choking, due to the sounds that he is making right now.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Naomi and Rosalina, confused and a little uneasy about this, turned to look and see the cause of why Ashreen is making such a sound, and what they saw stunned them.

To the shock of Naomi and Rosalina, and to the agony of Arsheen, someone has gripped their hands around Arsheen...and it is none other then Geno himself, who has an exceedingly enraged expression shown on his face, but it looks rather calm, similar to the way that Rosalina looks, but his eyebrows did not arch into a glare, as he spoke out.

"No one puts their hands on my sister and tries to hurt her, you son of a bitch."

He felt his breathing becoming block by Geno's hands tightening around his windpipe, as Arsheen then spoke out, painfully.

"M-My...what a...tight grip you got-AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!"

Arsheen began to gag and gasp for air, and although he cannot die from that, the way that Geno is doing it is painful, as Rosalina took Naomi and pulled her to the side in order to get her out of Arsheen's grasp, as Rosalina used her magic to mute the conversation to Naomi and her Luma's, but she made sure to keep her hearing so that she can listen to what he has to say.

"I don't know what you are planning to do with my sister, but whatever shit you are planning, that Is something that I do and will not allow to happen, you piece of shit."

Arsheen, although in pain, spoke out to him with his usual condescending smile, as he spoke out.

"And what makes you think have the power to...make me leave? You are a low human, a mere mortal, compared to me, cosmic deity who has lived for countless millennia. You cannot hurt or kill me permanently.

But Geno's demeanor changed, as the shadowy entity appeared behind him again and, seemingly under the influence of this entity, a shadow casting over his eyes and making them hidden, he spoke out to him.

"Since when is immortality a way to save you from a terrible fate? Immortality may not allow you to die...but it does not mean you can't suffer...and I plan to make you suffer so will wish for death to be a mercy instead of something to escape from."

Rosalina felt suspicious and confused, as Ashreen spoke, and this time he sounds unease, as he spoke out.

" do you plan to make me suffer, especially with what pitiful intelligence that you have inside of you?"

Geno was silent for about 2 seconds, before he then spoke out.

"I'll tell you what I will do, bastard. First, I'm gonna tear your fingers from your hands, joint by joint. Then, I'll tear your feet off from your ankles, with your tendons snapping from my grip. Next, I will tear off your hands from the wrists, and then I will tear off your arms, then your legs, and afterwords I will gouge and tear your eyes out from your face, and following that...I'm gonna make sure you are hanged, with the body systems you have inside of you, since I think some of them are useful in blocking your ability to break and causing unimaginable agony to your neck. You can try to scream, but you'll gasp and gurgle in your own blood, both from the lack of air and from your tongue that I will slice off with a knife. than you won't be able to scream, only make sounds that you cannot even tell you are making. And the worst is your immortality that will keep you alive. You won't die, nor will you cease living...but you'll wish you can, for a mercy that you will never be able to gain, a mercy that you will be denied of. And when that happens...I'll imagine what kind of sound you'll make when you are hanged with no way of blissful freedom."

Rosalina looked a little bit unease with what he is thinking while Arsheen...he is showing himself to be horrified of Geno, especially with the horrible imagination that he has in store for him of what he will do. He felt his body shake, as Geno then steps forward, pulls his face down to look at him in the eyes, and although his face shadowed, Ashreen can see him, and there is something inside of his eyes that made him scared, as Geno than spoke out.

"If you do not want to suffer, then do me a favor...leave, and don't ever come back. If you do, and you try to put a hand on my sister again...I will hold onto my threat and make it come true."

Ashreen, hearing this and definitely not wanting to experience whatever suffering and torment that he would put him through, he scrambled backwards, but looks at Geno with a viscous glare directing towards him.

" have no idea what you are messing with, child!"

Ashreen hissed out, his polite attitude gone, but Geno spoke out.

"And neither do you, old geezer. You may be immortal and a supposed god...but even gods can feel pain...even gods can suffer."

Ashreen clenched his fist, unable to argue back, as he teleports away, with Geno glaring at the spot Ashreen was at. As he looked at the spot...


Naomi charged at Geno very quickly and hits his back, making him stumble forward a little bit, although he looks and sees his sister crying onto his backside, as her arms wrap around his waist, clearly horrified at what Ashreen was about to do to her. Geno turned around and spoke out.

"It's alright, baby girl. I got you."

Naomi sniffer, as she shoes under Geno's embrace, and Geno continued to hug her. But he did not pay attention to Rosalina. She looks at Geno, a conflicted look is present onto her face. After hearing what Geno said...she is beginning to wonder something, a seed of doubt planted inside her mind. What she has seen Geno do...although he scared Ashreen away, but the way he had threatened Ashreen...she has no idea what to say about that.


Rosalina looked up at the night sky, as her hands are close together. Although her attitude became bad and became rather angry that Ashreen had came, what she saw Geno do and what he had said to Ashreen made her a little...conflicted.

The side of himself that Geno had shown today, she saw what she believes was Geno at what is possibly his darkest side yet, one where he would inflict immense torture and pain to someone. Of course, that person is to Ashreen, but even so...

"I...did...was the human I brought with me...was Geno...truly a horrible person?"

Rosalina looked down, unsure of what to think anymore. When she brought Geno, she was hoping that, in spite of how rough, distrustful, and skeptical he might be, she could find a way to get along with him. But what Geno did...what he is making her rethink that. The Brothers thar she knew of, as well as a certain fungi princess, they were good people and never threatened others, but Geno...he did.

Rosalina sighed, as she floats to where Geno and Naomi are at, back in Naomi's room, where she is sleeping in, as some Lumas went next to her, who recovered from their fear that Ashreen brought on them.

"Mama...are you alright?"

Rosalina looked and spoke out.

"Of course, my Lumas. I am alright. I am just...deep in thought about something."

The Lumas nodded their head, as Rosalina thought to herself.

'Maybe it is a mistake, maybe...maybe Geno was truly a bad person because of what he said. It may have been to Ashreen this what he thinks of me...and what about his sister? Does...does he even...'

As she continues to think to herself, Naomi's voice was heard from the other side, as she sniffed a little bit.

"Big...(sniff)...big brother!!"

Rosalina, hearing what seems to be crying, checks on Naomi out, but sees that Geno is in the room. She goes behind the wall, but does lean in a little bit from it in order to see what Geno is doing.

Rosalina looks and sees Geno consulting his sister, who is lying down inside of the bed. Her eyes are a little red from the crying she has, due to the fact that she was afraid of what that Ashreen man was going to do to him, but she is smiling, as she looks at Geno.

"B-Brother...I...I can't thank you enough, I-"

But Geno then puts a hand on her face and cups it gently, as he spoke out.

"Hey, shhh shhh shhh...I wasn't gonna let that punk do that to ya. After all, a brother's gotta watch over his younger sister, eh?"

Rosalina leans away from the wall a bit more, looking at Geno, and she gasped silently. Geno's face changed something that she has never seen before. Contrasting to the cold, harsh look he would usually give to Rosalina, with a small bit of warmth when in regard to his sister whenever Rosalina's present, although the warmth's is almost never shown to her whenever Rosalina is around his presence, his face almost the opposite of what he has. He almost looks sad and tired, but his smiled was sincere and soft and shows an almost loving face, as Naomi spoke out.

"Brother...I...I just with I could have stood up to that bad man I...if only I was strong, you wouldn't have stepped and..."

But Geno held her hand, and spoke out.

"Naomi...listen...I may not be a kind guy...but too you, I'd do anything for you in order to keep you safe and happy and make sure you live a good life. I'd even have to fight and get injured to make sure nothing bad ever happens to you. I've already lost our parents because of what happened to us back than, with a man having taken their lives away...I ain't losing you. No matter what, I'm here to do whatever it takes to help you through this, 'kay?"

Naomi smiled, her eyes watering a little bit, as she wiped her tears and spoke out.

"Thank you, Geno. You're the best big brother I couldn't have asked for."

Geno nodded his head, and felt a bit more alive at what it is that Naomi said, almost like he had regained a soul he had lost. Than, Naomi spoke out.


Geno looked down at Naomi, who has her head on the pillow from lying down, as he then spoke up.


Naomi than remained silent for a bit, as she spoke out.

"Can you...sing that song to me...the one you sang back when we were younger, that Mom sang to us back than?"

This made Geno blink a little bit, as he almost smiled wider.

"That song...haven't done that in such a long time. You haven't outgrown it, Naomi?"

Naomi smiled and shook her head, as she then spoke out to him.

"No, I haven't outgrown that...and I don't plan to ever outgrow it. I'll listen to it, no matter what, no matter what age."

Geno smiled, closing his eyes a little bit, as he sat down onto the chair, as he then spoke out.

"Hehehehehehehe...alright than...but only because your my favorite sister."

Naomi giggled a little bit at what it is that Geno said, as Geno looked down at the ground, his eyes closed again. He took a deep breath, and than, remembering what it is that his mother sang to him, than decided to sing the lyrics.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

She works the nights by the water
She's gone astray, so far away
From her father's daughter
She just wants a life for her baby
All on her own, no one will come
She's got to save him

She tells him, "Ooh, love
No one's ever gonna hurt you, love
I'm gonna give you all of my love
Nobody matters like you"

She tells him, "Your life
Ain't gonna be nothin' like my life
You're gonna grow and have a good life
I'm gonna do what I've got to do"

So rockabye, baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye, baby, don't you cry
Somebody's got you
Rockabye, baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye, baby, don't you cry

She found a love, way too early
He left with her, with more than Tears then hard to carry
They still too young, well i've fak'in
They told the truth, she chose to use
Her heart and keep it
She tells him

"Ooh, love
No one's ever gonna hurt you, love
I'm gonna give you all of my love
Nobody matters like you"

So rockabye, baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye, baby, don't you cry
Somebody's got you
Rockabye, baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye, baby, don't you cry

Now she got a six-year-old
Tryin' to keep him warm
Tryin' to keep out the cold
When he looks in her eyes
He don't know he is safe when she says

"No one's ever gonna
Hurt you, love, oh"

So rockabye, baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye, baby, don't you cry
Somebody's got you
Rockabye, baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye, baby, don't you cry

After he was done singing the song for his sister, he looks to see that Naomi is now asleep, and she is breathing steadily, as if she is having a good night sleep right now. Geno looks down at Naomi and smiled, as he brushed the back of his hand against her cheek, as he then spoke out.

"'re the bright shining spot I have, sis. Not letting ya go for anything."

As he said that, he then rests his head onto the side of the bed, as he feel asleep with his sister...and what he didn't know is that a certain cosmic princess is watching him, as she looked in awe at what she is seeing before her very eyes.

Rosalina, she had been watching Geno, all the way from beginning to end of that conversation, and with the song that he had sung all for his younger sister. And the thing is...his song also put the Lumas around her to sleep, as they are also sort of snoring a little bit from what it is that they had heard.

"Oh this what Geno is truly like? When...he never is cold to me?"

Rosalina spoke she puts a hand over her heart, and felt it pound.

Rosalina felt her face a little bit heated, but at the same time...she is smiling. She looks down, and felt herself to be...warm. She doesn't know why she is feeling this, she just is. Almost like Geno's very song had brightened her soul. She looked down, and...the way he smiled...even though he is not the most pleasant person and is cold...the way he smiled and treated his sister, he seems almost like a loving, doting parent with a kindness that no other mortal human possesses. In fact, he seems almost as kind as Rosalina herself when she raises the Lumas, who she treats as her children. In fact, Geno seems almost like cold depths of space itself, cold and present to all those he sees, but he is secretly kind and caring with no one but the one single star of his life.

Rosalina looks back at Geno, as he is resting his head onto Naomi's bed, as she spoke out.

"It really do have a soul that is as calm and soothing as the space around. have definitely shown to me...your heart is never as cold as you make it to be as, is calm and soothing...and I will give you a reason to open your heart to everything...but more open it to me."

Rosalina than waved her wand, as the Lumas were teleported back to their room, and she flied to her own room. Now having seen this hidden kind side of Geno, she now wants it open again, but this time...she wants to see it personally for her eyes and ears to be able to witness, so she can bask in his warmth again.

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