Gosalyn and drake

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Later on, Outside the cafe of l'oiseau rare, it was foggy and gosalyn was getting ready for to have a meeting with mayor Taurus bulba.

" And say hello for me" but Carlotta was making sure that she was ready.


Gosalyn was wearing a purple dress with a light violet coat and a feather hat.

"No, don't.You don't have to. No, no I mean, well, if he mentions me"

"Okay!" Gosalyn's giggles.

"Oh, let me see...Darling, wait. Stop. Let me take a look"

Gosalyn gives her a soft smile, "Oh, perfect"

"Mmm-hmm?" Gosalyn was heading to meet Taurus at a another cafe when she noticed something.

"What's that" in the wall was a papear warning citizens about the monster.

"A strange creature has been seen in the streets of Paris.The beast is seven feet high, is extremely hairy," and has two big and red eyes."Under those circumstances, we recommend all citizens" not to go out alone at night, Oh, great! Be cautious and do not panic"

But out of the fog behind her something was approaching her.

"AH!" She got scared but it turns out only to be Launchpad, carrying the case of champagne.

"Ah!" He accidentally drops It in a puddle and it splashed on her dress.

"Oh, its just you" Gosalyn was relieved, "You scared me! What are you doing here?"

"Sorry and you kinda-You scared me! And I'm just reliving the case of champagne"

"Oh good you brought them" she sees the case.

"Well, I hope nothing's broken"

"No, I'm fine" he flex's his finders.

"Uh...I was...actually talking about the champagne" she chuckles a bit.

"Huh? Oh right right, sorry" he checks the case.

"Yep, their fine"

"Aw, my dress is a mess"

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean, here let me help" he takes a rag and tries to clean her dress.

"It's good, I'll just good change again before I'm late for my meeting with the mayor"

"Uh, not a bad idea but you know Brown is definitely a good color for you"


"So the mayor, ever met him"

"No actually this is my first time meeting him"

"I heard he's a nice guy"

"Yeah he is"

"Well i should get this case of champagne inside"

Launchpad picks up the case, "oh no don't worry about that" she takes his hands, "I'll have that taken care of, you already done enough, let me, I'll get some help"

"Oh wow"

"ALBERT" She calls the waiter from inside the cafe, "come get the champagne"

"I'm in the bathroom!"


"That's so nice of you thanks, bye"

" Okay, okay!"

Gosalyn watches Launchpad goes to his car, "it's no problem, you probably have some work to do, be seeing ya"

Gosalyn heads inside when a shadow stands behind her.


"Ah!" She gets startled but turns around to see it was only detective drake.

"So the rumors are true, you have a heart made of gold"

"Oh mr. Mallad, It's Just you, you nearly gave me a heart attack"

"Sorry miss waddlemeyer, i didn't mean to startled you but I just came to give you a warning" he had a her a paper of the monster.

"There was an disturbance near your cafe, a couple was attacked by some creature"

"Yeah so I heard"

"Oh, Well That's Good, i thought you should know you need to be carefully going out at night"

"I'll be fine, I can handle myself"

She smiles softly at her, detective mallard was known to care and protect all citizens of Paris but how he went to gosalyn, how he sounded, it meant to her that he cared about her the most.

"Of course you can but in case you are in any trouble, just give me a call, you know where to find me" he turns around in the fog.

"Thank you mr. Mallard" But when she turns around to head inside.

"By the way, I love you show last night, you were amazing"

She paused and that's when she knew something.

"It was you wants it"

"What was?"

"You were the one that placed that orchid on my dresser, weren't you"

That's when she knew it, "how did you know it was my favorite flower"

"Well it seemed oblivious, the color of your dresses, and everyday I see you go to the garden and go near the orchids"

She gasped softly, "I'm sorry that sounded off, I know it sounds like I'm a stalker"

"Actually, I think it's sweet, it's good to know there is one man out there that knows me, the men that visit me, they don't know me like you do"

"You have a nice day miss waddlemeyer and the mayor is probably waiting for you"

"Yea yea, goodbye detective mallard "

Once they departed, detective drake heads to his car when he gets startled by the newspaper seller.

"There is a monster in Paris!"


"People are scared!"

"Sure, Give me one! Here. Thanks" he looks at the monster in the  headline and decided to get to work.

He arrives at dr. Gearloose greenhouse where policemen were investigating.


"How is it going up there?"

"I'm close"

"Ah!" They climb up the sunflower to get dr. Gearloose and Charles.

"You have no warrant to break in my lab"

"Sir, you lab could be the reason of an monster attack on Paris" drake says.

"I down no such thing"

"Would you just check over there..."

"Yes commissioner mallard"

"Let's see... Okay.There... Oh"

"Let's search thoroughly. Look everywhere"

"Hey, thats an invasion of private property"

"Oh! Wait a minute. What is this?" Then drake looks down to see that he was steeping on something, It's was the tags containing the bottles, then he finds something else....a strip of a movie film.

That's when he knew something, meanwhile Fenton decides to check out what he filmed.

"Oh, my God!" But that's when he realized they created the monster.

"Oh, this is a nightmare!"

"Fenton! It's a nightmare! I've lost my key to my shop, do you know where it is" Launchpad came in but when he saw the monster he was surprised.

"Wow, great monster movie Fenton, that camera is amazing"

"That's not a monster movie"

"What? Then What's that?" Launchpad pointed.

"It's the monster! The monster that we created!"

"Yes, our own monster. He's got your eyes.
And, Uh, my hairy legs! And gyro's-uh I don't know, do you think-"

"What are we going to do?" Fenton grabs him as he starts to get hysterical.

"Everything's fine. Nothing happened.
It's not our fault"

"Yeah, Besides, nobody knows we were there!
Could have been anybody!"

"You'er right, it Could've have been anybody"

Then detective drake came in, "Sorry to interrupt the show, gentlemen"

"Ah! but I think you are about to be the stars of the next feature. It's called The Interrogation!" He shows them the evidence.

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