The monster of paris

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Gosalyn was left alone in her room, when she noticed a orchid on her dresser.

"Huh?" She picks it up then smells it.

Every night after a show, gosalyn would find a orchid on her dresser.

She smiled softly, it was a kind gesture because every men that gives her flowers are either the most expensive or a huge bouquet but a single orchid is a calling card for someone who cares about her.

Outside the building detective mallard was looong up at her window, he blew her a kiss then he walks home.

But later that night, the couple that watched gosalyn's show a female duck and a male dog were walking home in the dark.

"What a singer!" The women was amazed by her show.

"Mmm, and what a woman!" But the man was very impressed.

"What do you mean, "What a woman"?" The women was offended.

"I'm wondering. Would you be jealous?"

"Oh, dear!" Then she pulled too hard on her pearl necklace that the pearls scattered around.

"What? Oh I'll take care of that" as he picks up the peals in a dark alleyway.


Something pounced behind her, "ah"

"What's wrong?"

"Something touched me!"

"Oh! Don't worry, dear" he sees that it was a cat.

"It won't attack a larger animal"

But as the cat jumped it hissed at something much bigger then the husband.

Then the women saw and screams, "ah!"

"What?" He turns around then he frightened by the monster too.


It grabbed his coat scarf and hat, "Oh, God, no! No! Let me go!"

But the creature looks at them surprised, like he was no treat to them or anyone then the couple ran.

"Go! Run!"

Then the man ran immediately to the police.

"Oh, horrible. Seven feet tall, razor-sharp teeth.

"Yeah, of course. Sign here"


"How's it going with that sketch?"

The sketch artist drew a perfectly portrait of the man.

"Huh? Wait. Uh..."

"He's getting good, huh?"

Now detective drake was assigned with a case, then in tarus Bulba's office.

"Let's see here. What could rhyme with "great destiny"? Ah, yes, I know! "Me!"

Then he heard a knock on the door, "Come in!"

Coming it was detective drake, "detective mallard, my What a surprise"

"I just came back from my daily routine exercise"

"Good, Anything new?"

"Well, it's just a theory but..." he goes to the map and points out, "Here is where the store window was smashed"


" Here is where the children were traumatized"


"Here is where the horse was spooked and stampeded through the lingerie shop, See what I'm getting at?"

But tarus bulba paid no attention as he admires himself in the mirror.

"Uh... Actually no"

"There is a pattern, a logical progression, leading all the way to here"


"Well, I would like permission to do a more thorough investigation, Sir"

"Yes, of course, investigate away. Let the public see that we are men of action"

"Thank you, sir. Thank you"

"Yeah. Hmm But don't be too quick
at solving the case, mallard"

"But, sir, I should think the quicker the
better. We are on the verge of a catastrophe"

"Where you see catastrophe, I see
opportunity.You see, my dear Captain,
when people are frightened they need protection. They need someone that they can turn to, someone to believe in, a saviour,
a hero. In other words, they need me!"

On his desk was a picture of gosalyn, he strokes her picture.

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