He's not a monster

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"Mmm-hmm. Ah. Hmm" after befriending the misunderstood creature, she helped hide him by putting him in disguise.

"Wait. Wait.There.Be patient, I'm nearly done. Wait here"

Age went to get some wigs when Francoeur, the name she gave him, noticed her comb, bewildered by it, he plays it like a instrument.

"All right.This... Okay" She puts on a blonde wig.

"Mmm-hmm.No, no... Not this" then she puts on a wolverine wig, "Oh... Oh, that could work!Or not. Or not.Hmm.What about this one?
Hmm. Too eccentric.I know!"

She grabs a big hat and a white mask and puts it on him.

"Don't move. Don't move.Almost done.There you go... Sharp!

"Your arms, Francoeur" he two of his four arms together.

"There" and she puts white gloves on him.

"Perfect! The police will never recognise you now.Now, if you'll excuse me, it's my turn"

She gets dressed when she heard Francoeur stumbling back onto her sofa and a guitar fell on him.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she was concerned.

He nodded and checked out the guitar, "That's called a guitar.It's very hard to play"

Then she heard a knock on the door, worried, gosalyn shush Francoeur to stay quiet.

"It's just me!" Carlotta answered.

"Oh! There's a surprise for you out front, sweetie, a visitor"

"Oh..really? Who? Is it the mayor?"

"Oh no, It's the commissioner, detective mallard"

"mr. Mallard? I'll be right there" she closes the door and turns to Francoeur.

"Whatever you do, don't make a sound,
okay? I'll be right back"

He smiled but then he looks down at the guitar, gosalyn goes to the front to see detective drake.

"Mr. Mallard" She smiled, "What an unexpected surprised"

"I thought I come-"

"Good evening, Miss gosalyn" some people greeted her

"Good evening" she waved back.

"Commissioner mallard"

"Evening" drake tilted his hat.

"I thought I come and see your show again"

"Oh that's sweet mr. Mallard thank you, let me get you a table"

"I hope you don't mind if I brought some friends"

"Uh sure"

She turns to see dr. Gearloose, Fenton and Launchpad.

"Hey it's you again" launchpad waved.


"What are you doing here?" Launchpad asked.

"I work here remember, I preform shoes here"

"Oh right"

"What are you guys doing here"

Thrn dr. Gear loose approach her, "well My dear, we came to see your so called "show."

Gosalyn was puzzled then she turns to drake, "let's say they know the mayor now, they helped him and now they have...well, the Medal of Honor"

She noticed they were all wearing the medals of honor.

"Where-or how did you get this?" She asked as she holds Fenton's medal and looks at it.

"They're from mayor Taurus" launchpad says.

"Yeah he gave us medals after we helped him with something" Fenton says.
Hold on! Wait, what is that?

"Well anyone who is a friend of commissioner drake is friends to me, please allow me to get you the best seats in the house"

The boys looked pleased at each other, "really? Why thank you ma'am" Fenton thank her.


"What? Show these nice gentlemen to the best seat in the house"

"Why me?"

"Please Enjoy the show and Albert will bring you the best champagne in the house, Bye mr. Mallard" She waved bye.

"Bye" drake smiled at her.

The three noticed, "You two know each other?" Fenton asked.

"Oh... Yes! I'm a big fan of her show, never miss a single one, I-I always visit her"

Gosalyn heads back to her room when she hears guitar playing and Carlotta taking in her dresser.

"Oh no" she quickly panicked.

"He's such a..."

"Francoeur! What are you?" She saw Carlotta was watching Francoeur playing the guitar.

"Darling! He's brilliant!"

"I can explain"

"Genius needs no explanation, my dear.
I've never been so transported. Where did you find him?"

"He, uh... Just dropped in" she smiled nervously.

"Well he's a perfect fit for your sweet, sweet voice. I'll go inform the rest of the musicians"

"I really don't think..."

"History will be made tonight. I can feel it" Carlotta giggles and rushes out.

Gosalyn turns to Francoeur, "What part of "Don't make a sound," did you not understand?" He strums a note like he was saying "my bad or sorry"

Albert pours champagne for Fenton gyro and Launchpad, meanwhile drake was doing a quick scan around the building for the monster.

"Thank you, my good man! Thank you" gyro says.

"Don't mention it"

Launchpad sees Fenton looked nervous, Fenton Come on, buddy relax! Lose the coat!"

"Okay" he sighs nervously but then a letter fell out of his coat.

"Oh hey you dropped something" but when Launchpad picks up, "wait, What's this? Dear gandra..."

"Oh Don't... could i have that back please!"

Then Launchpad gasped, "Oh, you took my advice, that's amazing Fenton"

"Can you Give that back!" Fenton blushed.

But Launchpad continues to read, "i'd really like..."

"Shh, keep your voice down, someone will hear you and Stop reading that"

"A date?"

"Oh! Where?"

"I don't know. Please give me that back"

Launchpad tries to give it back when gyro takes the letter, he scoffs.

"It's a bout time you asked her out" he gives the letter back.

"It's Not that easy" fenton defends himself.

"Well I'm proud of you, it takes a lot of courage to ask a girl out"

Gosalyn watches the crowd, she felt Berber when Carlotta was doing introductions.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is with the greatest pleasure"

But she heard chirping, she turns around and saw Francoeur was behind her, he smiled.

"Francoeur, hurry!" She tries pushing him out of the way.

"That I give to you, the one, the only angel"

"Francoeur, move!"

"The incomparable. The beautiful. gosalyn!"

The Audience Cheered but then they gasped when they see her with Francoeur, a misunderstanding, drake saw too, he was a big concerned with a huge man like him near a small child like gosalyn, high tensions were rise up high.



"Who's that?" Gyro asked.

"Good evening! Welcome to The Rare Bird.
It's... It's so good to see you out tonight. I am delighted to introduce a brilliant new talent.
The master of the guitar, all the way from...
Somewhere new...The supreme virtuoso...
Monsieur Francoeur!"

Everyone clapped softly and he smiled, "Go on, sit with the band, you'll be fine"

He struggles to sit with band then he started playing beautifully, it amazed the audience and gosalyn.

"♪ She is resplendent ♪ So confident ♪ La Seine, La Seine, La Seine ♪ I realise ♪ I am hypnotised"

Then they started singing together, ♪ La Seine, La Seine, La Seine"

"♪ I hear the moon... ♪ ♪ Singing a tune"

"♪ La Seine, La Seine, La Seine"

"♪ Is she divine? ♪ Is it the wine?"

"♪ La Seine, La Seine, La Seine"

"♪ I don't know, don't know ♪ So don't ask me why ♪ That's how we are ♪ La Seine and I
♪ I don't know, don't know ♪ So don't ask me why♪ That's how we are ♪ La Seine and I"

Then Francoeur jumps on stage and they dance and sing together.

"♪ I feel alive ♪ When I'm beside"

"♪ La Seine, La Seine, La Seine"

"♪ From this angle ♪ Like an angel"

"♪ La Seine, La Seine, La Seine"

"♪ I don't know, don't know ♪ So don't ask me why ♪ That's how we are ♪ La Seine and I
♪ I don't know, don't know ♪ So don't ask me why ♪ That's how we are ♪ La Seine and I

Then the scene changes to the city of Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

"♪ Upon the bridge"

"♪ My heart does bid"

"♪ Between the waves"

"♪ We Will be saved"

"♪ The air we breathe"

"♪ Can you believe?"

"♪ Learn to forgive"

"♪ Upon the bridge ♪ That's how we are ♪ La Seine and I ♪ That's how we are ♪ La Seine and I ♪ That's how we are ♪ La Seine and I ♪ That's how we are ♪ La Seine and I ♪

And as white confetti flew down on them, gosalyn and Francoeur bow, the audience was blown away, even drake was impressed, despite the large unusual man.

"Losers!" Albert was jealous

Drake clapped his hands and smiled at her, then someone threw a small bouquet of pink roses.

"Come on!"

"Yeah, okay"

"You were amazing!" Gosalyn tells Francoeur.


"Oh" She gets startled by drake who has a bouquet of orchids, "for you"

"Thank you, thank you so much"

"You were amazing, you and your...strange friend" he stares at Francoeur who sniffs the red roses then Launchpad and Fenton and gyro came in.

"Yeah, thanks"

"Look, gosalyn. I just really wanted to say...I really enjoy your show tonight...I'm sorry who's this?" He points to Francoeur

Then gyro interrupts, "I felt that the high notes were high, and the low notes were, uh... Low.
And you know, the whole thing was... Was... You know, it was..."

"Magical" launchpad says.

"Yeah, exactly. It was magical, And you..." he like at Francoeur, "You...You were, uh...Huge!"

"Yes, he certainly is" drake lols at him suspiciously, "I never seen him before"

"He's new" gosalyn defends Francoeur.

LIt was really very good, Mademoiselle gosalyn!" Fenton says.

"Thank you" gosalyn says.

"Sir!" Fenton gyro and Launchpad shook all of Francoeur's arms.

But suddenly they realized they were shaking all four and soon realized that it was the monster.

"AH!" They all panicked the audience overhead behind the curtains.

"Shh, shh" Gosalyn tries to calm them down and drake pulls his gun out and aims it at Francoeur.

"No don't"

"Gosalyn move"

"What do you mean, "Shh"?"

"No, please Don't hurt him"

"Him,It's the monster" he muttered.

"He's not a monster!"

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