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"What about the eyewitnesses? And all the destruction?" Fenton asked as they felt calmed to Francoeur.

"When people panic they say all sorts of things.
He may be a giant flea but he wouldn't hurt a tiny fly"

Drake stare at Francoeur, he waved at drake.

" Look at him And his voice. Have you ever heard anything so sweet?"

They remembered the day of the lab accident, "
Oh! We have, once" Fenton says.

"Yeah. And by a monkey"

Then Carlotta knocked on her door, "Oh, Honeybee?"

They panicked, "Are you ready? You're back on in two minutes"

Gosalyn hides Francoeur face behind a huge bouquet of flowers from Taurus.

"I'll be right there"

"Wonderful, sweetheart. Don't be too long" but little did they know Albert over heard.

"Well, I guess he does look pretty innocent, for a monster" Launchpad says when Francoeur smells the flowers.

"Yeah. He does, Launchpad" Fenton says.

"Okay, here's what we do" Drake says, "We introduce him to the Commissioner tomorrow at the press conference, we clear the entire thing up. What do you think?"

"What press conference?" She asked.

The next day taurus was holding a press conference about the monster.

"I will pulverise it! I will crush it! Send it back to hell from whence it came!" It caused the Audience Applaud louder.

Then a reporter gets up, "Uh, mayor Taurus How do you propose to kill it?"

"Why, with water. See fleas cannot live in water. At the moment, as fate would have it,
Paris is full of water. Which is why I have not moved more aggressively to drain the streets.
Water is my weapon of choice. When I find the beast, I will take it and drown it"

"Ugh" Fenton drake gyro and Launchpad liked at each other.

"Oh!" But it seemed to amazed the audience.

"Uh, mayor" but another asked, "Very commendable. But how are you going to drown the monster, when you can't even find it?"

But Taurus chuckles, "Oh, I Will find it all right. As a matter of fact, I am using this press conference to announce a reward for the first person to offer up any information that leads to the discovery and death of this menace to our peace and happiness"

"Uh oh" the boys said.

"Uh, sir..." then Albert gets up.


"I have information..."

"Excellent, excellent"

"Please, come up"

"Come on, let's go drake tells the guys.

"That little rat! He is the one who's gonna get drowned when I get my hands on him. Come on we need to get to gosalyn first and warn her" Drake says as he heads to his car.

"We'll never get there before the police!" Fenton says.

"Maybe not you, but I can" drake says.

Then Fenton bumps into gandra, "Oh, Fenton!"


"I heard about how brave you were!"

"You did?"

"Yeah, with a medal to prove it, huh?"

"It was nothing"

"I don't think so"

"Fenton let's go" Launchpad calls him.


"I have to go. But... For you" he gives her the letter.

"Come on dummy let's go" gyro grabs him and joining them was Charles.

"Duty calls" he shouts

"Dear Maud, I'd really like a date. Saturday 3:00 p.m." Yours affectionately, Fenton" Gandra smiled, "Saturday at 3:00 p.m., okay, but where?" She gets a clue on the letter of the Effie tower.

But Taurus came out, he looked angry and hurt and betrayed "Come on, let's go To the cabaret!"

Then drake arrived, he was pounding on gosalyn's door.

"Mr. Mallard? What are you doing here"

"I came to save you" he grabs her shoulders and walks in, then Fenton gyro Charles and Launchpad came in.

"Save me? What's with the monkey?" She asked as she looks at Charles.

"He's name is Charles"

Then monkey shakes her hand, "the mayor and police..." Drake tries to explain.

"The police what?"
Then they heard the police arriving, she hides them in her room.

"Hurry up! In here. Go!" They see Francoeur wringing a song on the piano, he waves at them and they waved back.

"Quickly hide" drake says.

The banging on the door gets loud and gosalyn opens it or see Taurus was angry.

"Mayor Taurus. What a surprise!" She tired to Ack innocent.

"For both of us. Where is he?"

"He? Who?"

"The monster!"

Then he grabs her hands, crushing them, "ow, you're hurting me"

"Not as much as you've hurt me" then he pulls her inside.

"Your words carry no weight with me any longer, my dear. Now let's stop this little charade and at least have one moment
of true honesty between us"

Taurus interrogated gosalyn as the police raided the place for Francoeur.

"Where is it?"

"Where is what?" She pulls away.

"Uh, sir? It's in there" Albert points it her dressing room.

"Oh!" Gosalyn panicked and gets in front of her door.

"First you accuse me without a shred of evidence. Then you violate my private property. If you dare to enter my dressing room, you'll have to find another singer...and another daughter"

"Consider it done" he pushes her out of the way and she fell on the floor.

But once he gets inside, all he saw was nothing, he looked around, and gosalyn was relieved.

"Damn. Not in here"

She looks to see where they were hiding then she looks up to see drake was on top of her door, he shush her to keep quiet and she smiled.

"We've searched all over, sir. Nothing!" One of his officers says.

"Really?" Taurus felt embarrassed.

"I told you!" Then Albert came in, he looked shocked.

"I'm... I'm confused. I do not know what to
say" she takes the vase form him gently.

"I do. Thank you"

"Thank you?"

"For putting the public's safety before your own. You show how you care for others safety first, Leading the charge to rid the streets
of Paris of this terrible danger, wherever it may take you. It shows that you care about me"

Angry, Taurus approach Albert, "It was right here! I heard it..."

"Arrest him!"

"What have I done?"

"What have you done? Lying to the police, bearing false witness. Malicious intent. Do you want me to go on? Take him away!"

"But wait! I didn't do anything!"

"My dear...I am mortified"

"It's ok taurus, You thought you were doing the right thing"

"I would not blame you if you did not sing at the inauguration now"

"Of course, I will sing. If for nothing else,
to show my support and admiration for all you have done for us"

"Oh. Thank you, mademoiselle"

"Oh and Taurus, about your offer to adopting me"

Drake overhears, "huh?"

"I think it would do us both some good, so...I accept to be your daughter"Drake scattered but Taurus was happy.

"Oh my dear" he takes her hand in his, "you don't know how happy this will make me, Enjoy your day"

"And to you"

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