Lab accident

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They arrived outside a greenhouse mansion, Fenton was impressed.

"Wow! The prefessor sure is genius"

"You're gonna love the professor. He's a real character, he sometimes lets me do this deliveries"

"He's Way ahead of his time so I heard" Fenton says

"Yeah, he's A real visionary" Launchpad says.

"A little like myself" Fenton says

"Too bad he never lets me see his work" launchpad says.

"Maybe he's shy?"

"Yes, maybe. Professor!" He pounds on the door and they heard rumbling sounds then they see a colorful purple smoke coming out of the greenhouse.


"Oh, apparently very shy!"


Then they heard someone complaining then bursting through the doors was a chicken scientist: dr. Gyro gearloose.

He wore a lab coat, green shirt, beige pants and brown shoes, his face was covered his smoke, hair in a mess, his google were above his head leaving a burn tan from the explosion.

"What is it you great big idiot" he shouts at Launchpad and Fenton was amazed to see him.

"Evening professor, I brought the peat you asked for"

"Ugh, it's about time, you are late Just leave the peat outside."

"Yes sir" he saluted and began to unload the sacks.

Then gyro sees Fenton, "who's this?"


"Dr. Gearloose, this is Fenton crackshell carbara, you meet him before" Launchpad explains as Fenton holds his hand out to him.

"It's a pleasure to see you again professor"

"Yes whatever"


"What happened to you professor" Launchpad asked.

"Well I was working on something till you interrupted me, place come in"

"Oh! "Meet Charles, my Assistant and a Botanist." They looked down to see a proboscis monkey.

"Oh Hello, Charles" fenton greeted

"Hi" Launchpad waved.

"Now, let's get those precious bags inside.
We wouldn't want them to get wet. Right, Charles?" Gyro and Charles load the bags inside.

"Come inside you two, I wanna show you something"


"Okay" Fenton and Launchpad walk into to see the extraordinary plants and trees, it was perfect for Fenton to test out his new camera.

"Wow professor, this is amazing" Launchpad says.

"Wow! Beautiful"

"Thank you, yes it is amazing isn't it"

"Another job well done"

"All right! Ready for a quick tour?" Gyro says

"Really" Fenton says.

"Yeah, come on! Fenton You could
film it! Imagine, Your own jungle movie!
I play the brave explorer" launchpad says.

"What do you think?"

"You think I can"

"we're going to save the damsel from the dark regions of the jungle, Oh, my... Look at that monster!"

"What kind of tree is that?" Fenton asked.

"it's a sequoia" gyro says, "but that's not my most proud invention, this is, come over here"

They see him going to his lab, "over here"

"Watch this" he takes an potion then he adds a drop and small smoke appeared, "I was working on this when he interrupted, so do not use this at all cost"

"Yes sir" Launchpad says.

"this one called Atomise-a-tune."

"Atomise-a-tune. Good name!"

"I wonder what it does?" Launchpad asked.

"Watch this, Charles, over here" Charles stands next to him, he opened his and gyro sprints a little in his mouth then he starts singing in a opera voice.

"It's For a more melodious voice."

Launchpad and Fenton were impressed, "amazing professor" Fenton says

"That's incredible!" Launchpad clapped

"That is amazing isn't it, Charles, has a lovely singing voice. All right let's try this one.

"Hmm. Super fertilizer? What does it do professor?"fenton asked.

"I'm glad you asked it supposed to make a plant growth to gigantic times their sizes, I spend my days gardening it helped with with some research the only problem is, it's Unstable"

"How so?" Launchpad asked.

"Okay. Now all I need now is a little seed.From this jar, here.A tiny drop, And a drop of water then we wait"

They continue to wait, "Very disappointing, Professor"

"Your right, I don't know what's wrong it usually works in two seconds"

"Maybe it was a bad seed"

Gyro throws the seed in a pond, "Okay. Next!"

Then suddenly the pond grew a giant sunflower, Launchpad and Fenton were shocked but gyro turned around and he smiled.

"Ah! There we go, that's it, you see"

"Whoa!" Fenton was impressed as he continues to record.

"Wow!" Launchpad op-ed.

"Did you get that?" Launchpad asked Fenton

"I did! All of it!"

"God! A sunflower that big must produce tons of oil. This could cut all car's fuel budget by
10. If it actually works"

"What do you mean?" Launchpad asked.

"Well unfortunately the serum doesn't last long, the plants shrink back to their normal sizes in two or three days"

"Well I think it's pretty impressive professor" Fenton says.

But then the flower started to topple, "uh, professor?" Fenton pointed out and gyro panicked.

"Oh no, i was afraid this might happen"

They try to push the flower back, Launchpad used a rake but it slipped throw his hands, it hit two potions in the air.

"Ah, Charles" the monkey tries to catch them but he missed.

Then the two potions smashed together causing a huge explosion.

It knocked the boys out, Fenton dropped his camera, he coughed through the smokes.

But through the smiles, he saw something unusual.

"Huh? Huh? What?" It was a creature with long multiple arms, spiny body and red bedding eyes and it looked directly at him.

"AH!" Fenton screamed, then the creature jumped, bursting the glassed ceiling.

After what he just witnessed, he didn't know if he was seeing it, then he saw his camera was still filming.

He pulls something out of his pocket, a film strip.

"Launchpad? Professor? are you okay?"

Launchpad was against the tree, the explosion caused him to hit his head against the tree.

He groans, gets up and rubs his head, "Yeah. I think so"

"Oh. Good. Good" then he glazed.

" Charles! Professor? Where are they?"

"Look up." They heard gyro shouted.

"Huh? Oh!" They see he And charles were stuck in a tree.

"Hey, professor! Charles!"

"This sunflower saved us" gyro says.

"Right, good, Charles is fine. The professor is fine You're fine. I'm fine. The plants are fine. Everything's fine" Launchpad says.

"There. So, I think we'll be going now.
Good night professor, It's been a pleasure"

"Alright, Night boys, we'll be fine" gyro waved.

The boys then head to the car, but Fenton was still terrified of what he just saw.

"Launchpad? You didn't see something
strange in there, did you?"

"You mean besides a singing monkey, a 50 foot sunflower and vials of potions that almost killed us? No. You see anything strange?"

" You mean you didn't see a seven foot creature
with big red bug eyes, four arms, and spikes all over his body?"

"What? Fenton I think you have been
watching too many movies"

"You think?"

"Yes, my friend"

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