Launchpad and fenton

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Moving to the city of Paris, people were going on about their day.

Fenton was trying to keep his pants up when he had to replace his belt.

But as he head down, he sees the most beautiful girl in Paris.

Gandra gee, she wore a purple dress and was in charge of the admission stand.

She was fixing her, he sighs and blushed at her, then she was watering her orchid.

Then arriving in a busted out car, the city's greatest mechanic: Launchpad McQuack.

"Hey gandra"

"Hello, Launchpad"

"Is fenton in? I have something for him" he holds out a new film, Launchpad wasn't just a mechanical with his own shop but he was also a delivery man.

"Oh. The new Méliés film!"


"He'll be so excited, it's his idol"

Then he sees him, "Hey, Fenton!" He waved.

"Hey, Launchpad!" But as he waved he dropped his pants.

"Oh! Oh, that's embarrassing"

Gandra laughed and Launchpad rushes over and covers Fenton with the film.

"Thanks Launchpad" Fenton says, "Going somewhere, Fenton?" He picked his pants up and walked down.

"I have to go to Barbés to buy a new belt"

"So I see"

"Oh, no, no. A belt for my projector"

"Oh....hey Since when do projector wear pants?" Gandra laughed at Launchpad's joke.

"Yeah, Launchpad uh... Never mind"

"Do you need a lift? It's on my route" but forgot ing the brakes his car was running away.

"Uh Launchpad...your ride" gandra pointed out.

"Uh oh, I'll be right back, ah!" He chased a after his car.

"So, I'll see you later at the screening?" Fenton tries to talk to gandra.

"Yes. Uh, yes, you will suits"

"You know, Maud,I was wondering if...
If you don't mind...Uh, maybe... Maybe you would..."

"Yes! Of course I would"

"You would?"

"Ah, yes, yes... I would gladly take That reel to your room no problem!"

"Well, yes, of course... I mean, thank you" Fenton was disappointed.

"Uh, here. Thank you, Maud.""

"Um, anything else, Fenton?"

"Yes. Uh...I thought perhaps after the screening..."

But Launchpad interrupts, "Fenton, buddy! Let's shake a leg. I'm on a schedule here.


During the ride through the city, Fenton sighs, "You finally decided to ask her out, didn't
you?" Launchpad asked.

"Well, no, it's so complicated"

"What's so complicated? You ask her out, she swoons. She says yes, you swoon back.
Deal sealed. You're on a date"

"It's not that simple.Every time I see her, my tongue kind of gets glued to the top of my mouth"

"Well, why don't you just write her a letter The only thing you have to glue then is an envelope"

"A letter?"

"Works every-time"

"That's not a bad idea!"

"Of course that's not a bad idea. It's a great idea, I'll help you if you want I got a way with words as you know"

"Well... I do know"

"But do you know much about love, Launchpad?"

"Do I...I had 6 girlfriends before"

Then they arrived at his mechanic shop, "uh Launchpad, this isn't-why are we at your shop"

"I have a customer who's waiting to pick up his car"

"Are you Launchpad McQuack" they heard a voice then coming out of the shadows was a white mallard in a trench coat and fedora.

Fenton was frightened by him but Launchpad smiled and approached him.

"Yes are you-" he checks his clipboard, "drake Mallard"

"Detective drake mallard, yes, is my car ready"

"Yes sir, ready and she'll run"

"Thank you, i have a meeting with someone, you two have a nice evening" he takes off.

"Bye" Launchpad waved.

Launchpad was driving really fast, "ah, You drive very fast!" Fenton panicked.

"I know! Ever since Catherine runs on
sunflower oil, she really flies.that professor seems to know what he's doing"

"Yeah, he's a genius, I just wish he would let me assist him on some of his work"

"You just need to prove to him, your just as smart as he is, take charge"

"The flood of the century!
Commissioner's popularity sinks as...As fast as the water rises!" Someone was selling newspapers, Launchpad was distracted that he didn't see him.

"Uh Launchpad.."

"Oh!" The man and fenton screams.

"Huh, whoa" But Launchpad immediately turned

"Whoa! That was a close one" Launchpad says.

But fenton saw he was heading for the water fountain.

"Launchpad look-" but they already crashed.

" Thank you, Launchpad!"

"Sure thing Fenton, no problem" launchpad was going to get some lunch.

"See you later!"

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" He accidentally bumps into a robber.

"Ops sorry, my bad" Launchpad apologized.

"Here. A brand new second-hand belt" the clerk gave Fenton.

"Thank you"

"Sure thing Anything else?"

Then Fenton noticed a one of a kind camera, exactly like the one from dream.

"Uh, maybe. Mmm-hmm"

The clerk noticed Fenton, "She's a beauty, isn't she?"

"Oh, yes! I'll take it"

"Bye-bye now! Thank you"

"Thank you"

Fenton was checking it out, as he test it by recording it, a robber takes it.

"Uh, bye!"

"My camera"

"Oh, look at that!This is beautiful"

The robber ran away, "That's... That's my camera, Wait! He's running away.Thief! Thief!My camera!Hey, stop, thief!" Fenton chased after him.

Launchpad was going out of a shop when the robber was heading towards him, he bumps into Launchpad and hits a pole throwing Fenton's camera in the air.

Fenton catches it and the robber rubs away, "oops sorry" launchpad apologized.

"Launchpad! Thank you. Thank you so much!
You saved my life!"

"Uh, I did? Well your welcome"

He packed some sacks of something for plants in his car.

"Now, we are all nice and warmed up,
let's deliver those babies"

"Huh, me Uh, I don't know if I can. It's just that I don't want to be late"

"Don't worry. We're gonna get there in a

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