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It's very important to me so I will ask of the people rereading to please avoid spoiling the experience for others in the comments too soon! I will be deleting any intentional spoilers, but I would honestly rather not have to do that, so please be mindful of what you write!

I look at my final setup and smile to myself, happy with the look I have going for my new shop.

I've put every savings I had into getting this place and I'm so excited to have it finally ready.

Tomorrow is the first day I'm opening to the public and I'm both very happy and nervous about it, because although I have an idea of what response I'm going to get, there's nothing that assures me if people are even going to stop by, the building I'm renting a little away from the main street, but still not too far.

It's maybe five minutes on foot from the river where we can get a very beautiful view and ten minutes from the other shops. I'm hoping that my customers will be of those who walk around to visit the area.

The door opens, the jingles softly ringing in the moderately large room causing my heart to squeeze in happiness because it's a sound I've always associated with good memories and when I turn around, seeing my brother and now colleague enter puts an even wider smile on my face.

"Jiminie!" I exclaim before rushing to his side to hug him, his clear and delighted laughter reaching my ears as he wraps his arms around me to spin us in circle.

"Hi there peach, I see you've already worked quite a lot on this place, it looks beautiful" he muses as he sets me down, his eyes looking around the place with pride, every little items found around trinkets made by local artists who have their own name and products, their own reputation, but no buildings to sell them at.

What I offer is a place of gathering where we can encourage our own people in a safe environment that fuels creativity and respect. The demand was there and I sought to answer it by giving life to this place after reaching out to many of them.

Their products is what surrounds us at the moment and I couldn't be more happy about it, the sight one that gives me hope.

"Thank you, honestly everything was already ready but I just can't help but work on the details again and again, you know? I really want everything to be perfect for tomorrow" I tell him, a slight blushing covering my cheeks when he coos and cups my face softly to press a kiss to my nose.

"You have nothing to worry about, this place will be loved by everyone who comes by, I can promise you that much" he reassures me, always seeing through my eagerness of perfection a need to please others and I smile at him, so relieved that we're doing this together.

To think that my dear brother quit his previous job when he heard that I was looking for an employee, an associate. He jumped in to fill the spot right away, something about how he could never let anyone take his rightful place by my side.

He's so silly, my loving brother, but I love him to bits. He's everything to me.

He steps back and starts walking around, eyes taking in everything that we're going to sell, things he already knows about, others that were last minute additions and I follow behind, always happy to tell him more about the stories behind the products, the artists' journey and how they came to decide to do what they now do.

We do have some spots to fill left, like the walls, I would very much like to find someone selling pictures, paintings, I think it would be lovely, but no one has taken that role just yet and I'm not pushing. Someone will appear when it'll be time.

Jimin turns around to stare at me, his head tilting cutely to the side as he smiles. "Are you hungry?" he asks and I nod, a hand unconsciously going to rub my stomach.

"I am, I skipped breakfast this morning to come here" I admit, watch as his eyes widen, lips forming a pout before he shakes his head in disapproval.

"My sweet sister, what am I going to do with you? Come, it's lunch time anyway, let's go somewhere together, it's my treat" he states before pulling me by the hand towards the exit once I've gathered my belongings in a hurry.

I lock the door and together, hand in hand, we make our way up the street towards the river where we know a good restaurant that offers good food and a nice view on the terrace, our favourite place since we started working on the shop.

"Honestly, every single time I come here, I find it difficult to believe that such a lovely place exists" I muse as we reach the building, the midday sun warm on our skin, the breeze caressing our hair gentle, the sounds of birds around us calming the heart.

Jimin hums softly, his eyes happy as he gazes at me.

We enter inside the restaurant and there, we're welcomed by a sweet lady who goes by Solar, a waitress who's been working here since our first visit, her eternal smile always spreading to everyone she talks with.

Her eyes sparkle brightly as she leads us to an exterior table by the window at our request, a calm corner where we can be left to enjoy our time together and after handing us the menu, she walks away with the promise of some water.

"I already know what I want, what about you?" Jimin asks, the menu set aside for me since he doesn't need it but I slide it towards the edge of the table for when Solar comes back.

"We always end up taking the same thing, I'm no different" I tell him with a giggle, to which he chuckles, because it's true.

Jimin and I are creatures of routines, of habits. That's just how we are and it's never bothered us, it's organized, familiar.

We stay in comfortable silence, eyes gazing around the area as we take in the river, the tall buildings, the flowers, the trees, the people that walk by, the atmosphere peaceful, soothing and I let out a breath, soul telling me once more that I am where I belong, that this is where I was meant to be, in this city, with my brother.

My ears suddenly hear pretty laughter, the sound so captivating, like the soft chiming of a wind bell and I turn my head towards the source, the sight of two handsome men walking by momentarily stunning me, their smiling faces blinding my eyes, melting my heart, and for some reason, to see them holding hands tightly, I feel relief.

It's so nice to see people in love, open about it, without any shame, without any need to hide and it only serves to fuel even more the way I feel about this place, that everyone can be themselves without any judging.

They come to a stop, but before I can see why, what caught their eyes, although my doubt is the pretty thing that this restaurant is, my attention goes back to Jimin when I hear him push his chair back to stand up just as Solar comes with the water.

"I need to use the restroom, but Solar, you know it by heart now, I'll take the same as usual, I'll be back soon peach" he says before walking away and I hum before looking at the waitress who grins with a shake of the head as she writes down the order on her pad without needing my help.

Her eyes fall on me, a quirk of the eyebrow and at my sheepish smile, her eyes crease before she's also writing down my order.

"You two are truly one and the same, you're like twins" she says with a good-natured laugh, not thinking her words to be true but one look at my face and she stills.

"Wait, you are?!" she exclaims, surprised and when I nod, she seems baffled by the information, something that makes me giggle. She wouldn't be the first to react that way.

"We're not identical twins, as you can see, but we were born with only a few minutes separating us. Jimin likes to say that those minutes were too long and that mom should've done a better job to push us out at the same time, says he still feels the absence of my presence from that moment and that it's why he needs to remain by my side all the time, to make up for it or something like that" I explain to her and she laughs, that part nothing she didn't expect to hear.

"That explains why he's so protective towards you then, you're literally his other half" she muses and I hum proudly at that, my love for my brother unlike anything else in the world and I know it's the same for him.

Her attention turns to the door and she finalizes writing on her note pad before smiling at me.

"Well, gotta go, some people are waiting but I'll be back with the food as soon as it's ready" she informs me before walking away with happy strides.

I turn my attention back to the river, a part of me hoping to find the two men from earlier, they were so handsome, but to my disappointment, they're already gone. I guess I won't be able to feast my eyes on them after all. Oh well.

"This table? You choose well, dear new visitors, you'll be able to get the best view from here" I hear Solar chirp and, unable to resist it, I turn around on my chair to see who she's talking to, a few faces I usually recognize, but these two, although familiar, aren't who I expected to see.

My heart skips a beat as I observe the two men from earlier sit down with a smile on their face, something about their aura that reaches out to me, the distance between our tables little and suddenly intimidating me. I wasn't expecting them so close.

"Oh, we'll have the perfect view indeed, thank you" one of them says, a deep voice that sends chills down my spine and my breath hitches in my throat when his eyes fall on me at those words, powerful orbs that contain such a... I don't know what it is, but I find myself unable to look any longer as I turn my gaze back to my table, a hand to my heart to help it calm down from this surprise attack.

Oh goodness, why was he looking at me when he said that? Why does he look so freaking hot from so close?!

And his friend/boyfriend/whatever they are, I didn't miss the side glance and the smirk that was sent my way just as I turned my back to them, his face radiating with dominance, proud and dignified.

"Can I bring you anything to drink?" Solar continues, completely oblivious to the burning feeling of their gaze I can feel on the back of my head, something that has me more fidgety by the second, because why? Why?!

"Water would be great, please" the first man with the deep voice answers while the other hums, indecisive.

"Could I have... an orange juice? I kind of need something fresh under this heat" I hear him say, his voice clear, smooth and as much as I try to will myself to not react so much to it, to not obsess, it's like my whole being has other plans for me, plans I have no say in.

"Alright! Please look at the menu and ask for me if you have any questions! I'll be back with the drinks shortly" the waitress lets them know before walking away, before abandoning me.

Now alone on the terrace with these two men, I'm starting to feel incredibly small on my seat and Jimin could not come fast enough at this point. I swear, he must be pooping or something because a pee would NOT take this long.

The overwhelming silence that follows is broken by a throat clearing that has me nearly jumping on my seat, but what follows has my heart completely coming to a stop.

A hand on my table, long fingers on a fine hand, and as my eyes follow up the arm, muscles bulging under the cloth, shoulders rippling with fascinating ease as they roll back briefly, I eventually come to look right in the eyes of the second man, his doe eyes looking nothing like the energy that seeps out of him in intense waves.

"Hi there, I'm sorry to bother you, but my boyfriend and I, we're kind of new to this place, we just moved in the area with our friends recently and the both of us decided to visit today, you know, get used to what we can find and where, but... it's a little hard finding anything on our own" he explains gently, some hesitation in his smile as he observes my reaction, understanding flashing across my face at what they're currently going through.

I twist my body so I can gaze at the both of them, see a similar sweet smile on the first man's face and I calm down a little, already feeling somewhat more comfortable.

"I went through something similar two months ago, I understand the struggle. My brother and I went on more than one walk to discover every nook and cranny this place had to offer, maybe I can guide you?" I offer, meaning no more than to verbally direct them in a direction but their eyes brighten with stars, smiles widening and I somehow get that we just entered a world of misunderstanding.

"You would?! That's so nice of you! Maybe you'd like to join us for lunch then? We could get to know each other and then leave together" the man besides me excitedly says and when his companion nods, his eyes looking just as eager, I gulp.

"Erm... well you see... what I meant was that I could... tell you where to go?" I say softly, neck lowering between my shoulders as I observe the smiles dim on their faces, sad pouts taking place that tug at my heart and step on it like broken glass and I backtrack.

"Or... I could ask my brother if he wants to go on a small adventure..?" I add, unsure of myself but unable to have someone so sad because of me and the instant smiles that come back somehow makes me feel like this was the right thing to do.

Considering Jimin would even agree. I just know that he wouldn't let me walk alone with strangers, not now, not when we're eighty and old.

"That'd be lovely, truly" the man with the deep voice says before pointing at himself. "My name is Taehyung, by the way, Kim Taehyung" he introduces himself and I smile before turning my gaze to his boyfriend who still stands maybe a bit too close, his body heat wrapping around me like a heater.

He grins, a teasing glow to his face when he does so but his eyes are sincere and kind, such a contrast really, I don't know how this is even possible.

"And my name is Jeon Jungkook, it's nice to meet you" he introduces himself as well and I hum before scratching the back of my neck, just now realizing that I need to do the same.

"Right... my name is Park Y/N, and my brother, who might be drowning in the toilet right now is named Jimin, Park Jimin. It's nice to meet you as well, welcome to Rivertown" I say, a smile sent to the both of them before a huff reaches my ears.

"Drowned in the toilet? You think like that and you don't even think about coming to check up on me?".

I turn to my brother who makes a loud case of stumping his way over, his body standing centimeters away from Jungkook before using his eyes to state that he wants to use this particular chair.

The man's jaw ticks, but he forces a smile on and steps back to allow Jimin to sit down besides me, now acting as a wall between me and the two men.

I shrug at my twin's comment. "You didn't text me for help, I figured you'd survive" I tell him and he turns to me with disbelief.

"How the heck would I text you if I'm drowning in a toilet?" he asks and I sip my water before answering.

"Jiminie, your head is too big to fit in there".

It's silent, until Taehyung snorts, which results in my brother snapping his head their way with a frown. I sigh and rub his shoulder to calm him a little, what if they're future customers? Do we want to lose customers because he was lightly laughed at? No.

"Anyway, these two are new here and... I was wondering if we could give them a sort of... tour?" I ask him and his relaxing shoulders tense up even more than before.

"Why? Can't they walk and look around by themselves? We didn't need anyone to show us where to go when we got here" he lets out arrogantly and I gape at him, not having expected that from him in the slightest.

"Jimin! What's wrong with you? You could just say no if you don't want to, there's no need to be so mean!" I scold him and he looks down immediately with a sigh.

I turn my gaze back to the two men and smile apologetically at them when I see the surprised, not in a good way glow to their eyes.

"I'm sorry... he must have kept himself from going to the toilet for too long before he went because clearly the shit raised up to his brain, don't take it personal" I tell them while squeezing Jimin's waist, his insulted yelp putting a smile on their faces before they're nodding, thankfully pleased with the apology.

My brother, on the other hand, turns to me with wide horrified eyes. "What was that for?! Such verbal abuse towards your favourite twin! Can't I protect my little sister from the men who're clearly trying to flirt with her?!" he exclaims and I bring a hand over my mouth, shocked.

"Jimin! They're already dating, why would they flirt with me! And even if they did, I'm sure it wouldn't be that way! Even you flirt with me sometimes and you're my brother! And there's a difference between being protective and mean! Mom didn't teach us to behave that way!" I counter, to which he turns to glare at the two men who are now observing us with amusement.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you! No wrong move or I take her with me and you two keep getting lost by yourselves!" he exclaims unhappily, but Jungkook and Taehyung clearly take that as a joyous victory when their bright eyes fall on me the way an excited pup would.

The sight alone causes a small laugh to bubble its way out of me and Jimin pouts slightly, though his eyes light up at the sound and he visibly calms down, much to my relief.

"Oh, am I seeing a budding friendship? That's lucky for you, newcomers, these two are the sweetest" Solar's voice suddenly resounds in the terrace and we all turn to see her coming by with the drinks that the two men had ordered.

"Sorry it took time, I had to deal with a little problem in the kitchen" she adds with a sigh and to that, Jimin shifts on his seat, to which I tilt my head in confusion. Hm?

"Did something happen?" I ask her but she simply shakes her head with a smile. "Nothing you need to concern your cute little head over. Food will be here shortly. Have you two decided on what to eat?" she asks them, henceforth closing the subject and I decide to let it be, not that it's my business anyway.

"Oh, we haven't really taken a look yet but something fresh would be great, easy to eat, not too heavy, any recommendations?" Taehyung asks and the waitress proceeds to explain to them the many available choices that could fit their preferences, her professionalism undeniable.

Once they've made a decision, one I wholeheartedly approve of because it's exactly what I chose, Solar leaves once more to go fetch Jimin and I's food, meals that should be about ready now and I pat my stomach with anticipation, hunger making itself known loudly but I don't shy away under the three men's laughter because... who can blame me when the smell of food is so strong?

As she said she would, she comes back quickly with the food and when I receive my plate, I take a moment to take in the beautiful sight, mouth already salivating as I know exactly what it tastes like.

Jungkook's eyes widen comically as he stares at what I chose.

"This is what we took! Oh man, it looks even better now that I'm seeing it like that" he lets out and I grin before taking my first bite, a content hum leaving me and I close my eyes, needing this moment for me, the taste one I could never tire of.

I swallow the bite and nod to myself before getting another one, my senses focusing entirely on my food while Jimin chuckles besides me, the caring brother that he is always waiting until I've had a few bites before starting his own meal.

"Is it good?" Taehyung asks and when I open my eyes, it's to see the two of them licking their lips, eyes fixated on my plate and I can't help but laugh at how cute they look.

Did I say intimidating earlier? They look so soft right now!

I nod, and where I think of maybe giving them a small bite to help them wait, that idea gets kicked and shredded into pieces right away because there's no way I can share this.

Anyway, it doesn't take too long before Solar comes back with their own meals, the problem that took place in the kitchen most definitely solved from how fast it was and at their first bite, I can see their face mimic exactly what I went through myself.

"Oh gosh" Jungkook moans, already on his second, then third bite while Taehyung still carefully chews on his first, head lulling from one side to the other happily before he moves to get a second, the two of them completely subjugated by the food.

Even Jimin can't resist a smile at how pleased they are as he starts eating too and that's how our meal continues, the only sounds heard those of our love for the taste spreading to our tongue with each chew up to the last one.

Observing how simple the two men on the table besides ours seem, I can tell that this afternoon might not be too bad after all. They look fun to hangout with and who knows?

Maybe we could become great friends, it would be nice to know more people around the city.

So here you go, the first chapter for this story! I'm so excited for it! What do you guys think? ☺️

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