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An early chapter on Sunday night before the week starts, ayyy! I hope you guys enjoy!

We stop in front of a decent sized shop that has been a wonderful aid to appease my hungry stomach since we moved here and I hum before pointing at it.

"So this is the grocery store where I usually go, it has some products I haven't been able to find anywhere else and I absolutely love them. The price is pretty good too compared to the others, the owners are lovely, I definitely recommend coming here if you need anything. If not, there's another bigger one in this direction a little further away, although on foot it's a terrible walk. Just go straight following that street, you can't miss it".

Taehyung turns his gaze to me after taking in the sweet building in front of us while Jungkook takes notes in his phone, something he has done for every single spots or shops I've been showing them, Jimin silent as a cloud besides me.

He doesn't need words when his face does all the talking. He's like a bulldog ready to snap its jaw at anyone daring to even just show their teeth.

"Do you live near here?" the deep voiced man asks all of a sudden, although it makes sense to wonder since everything I've been showing them is within walking distance from each other. I am showing them my favorites after all.

I'm about to nod when Jimin squeezes my hand in warning. "She doesn't, she lives VERY far from here, she almost never comes by here" he lets out seriously and I roll my eyes at his unnecessarily comment.

Too much is like not enough, and now they surely know that the answer is the complete opposite of what my twin brother just said. It also simply wouldn't make sense.

I was hoping for this grumpy mood of his to get better as we walked and talked with the two men, they're very easy to converse with and they're really funny, but it seems to be doing the opposite, as if every time they make me laugh is one more reason to despise them, especially the closer we get to my home.

It's not like I'm going to show them which building exactly it is, nor do I have any reasons to. That's not why we're walking around the old Rivertown today, we're here to guide them and show them the places of interest and so, that's what I'm doing, he needs to relax a little.

"To answer your question properly, Taehyung, yes I do, these are all near my apartment so it's pretty convenient for me, I don't have a car so these are within reasonable walking time, but I'm not encouraging you to come to the places I showed you just because they're nearby, they really are worth it, even Jimin only swears by them now" I tell him and he hums, eyes looking around us again while Jungkook nods.

"Well, if you ever need to get anywhere, don't hesitate to let us know, we have more than enough time during the day, I work night shifts and Taehyung's an artist, photographer and painter, his schedule varies a lot, he can adapt to the situation if needed" he informs me and my eyes widen, brain purposefully ignoring Jimin's ninth warning of squeezing my hand as I turn to stare at Taehyung, then back at Jungkook when I realize that I need to react to the offer first.

"That's very nice of you to offer, I usually ask Jimin to drive me around but if he's ever busy and can't make it, I'll let you know, thank you. And is that true? You're an artist?" I proceed to ask the subject of my interest, curious to know more about his artistic talents, heart unable to not start hoping that he might be the missing piece to my shop.

Would he want to have his work on my walls? How much I want to ask him right now, but it would be creepy right? I would definitely seem creepy.

We all hear Jimin's mumbling that him not having time for me will never happen, but we all turn a deaf ear to his words anyway, the tall man unaffected by him as he nods, eyes creasing happily at the attention he's receiving.

"I do abstract art and go more towards vintage themes when I take pictures. Black and white is appealing to me, I also tend to play with yellow filters so I got some older cameras to make it look more natural. I could show you my collection one day, if you want" he offers and I smile brightly, that is something I would love to see indeed.

Jungkook pecks his cheek with proud eyes before grinning when the latter giggles cutely, his boxy smile a delight to see and I can't even act surprised when my heart stutters in my chest. These two are too handsome to be real.

"He's really good at what he does, I can promise you that. He has yet to go ahead and sell them seriously though, the people who manage to get a hold of his work are few and lucky, but he's trying to get a system going so he can sell them more easily, he's just always off on an adventure so the progress is minimal so far" he explains for his giggling boyfriend, words that poke at my interest even more because... if that's true, then I could be of help to him.

Is it greedy of me to want to be the one to present his work to the world even without knowing what they look like? It just feels like I need to secure myself a way to stay in contact with them, a reason for us to not grow apart, as weird as it is.

Jimin grumbles under his breath and I glance at him, finding that he's frowning so much it might become a permanent face at this rate and now, that would be such a shame, wouldn't it?

I get his attention with a pull of the hand and stand in front of him before smoothing out his features softly, thumbs caressing his cheeks and under-eyes, take in the way he relaxes, lids closing to focus on my touch almost instantly, a sigh leaving his lips before he leans into my palms.

My dear brother, always so protective and on edge, it would be great if he could enjoy himself sometimes when we meet new people instead of always being on his guards for me.

Sometimes I even wonder if the whole world is trying to kill me and I just don't know it, he sees everyone as a threat, it must be so exhausting to be him, but he's always been like that, and as much as I appreciate it, I think it's also very sad.

I'm not going to leave him behind just because I make new friends, he could do with new people to spend time with as well instead of it always being the two of us and mom, even if she stayed behind in the neighboring town when we moved.

It can't always be just the three of us in our own little life. Even mom has been making more friends in her nursing home, that's part of why she insisted to stay there, so we make it a point to go visit her as often as possible instead.

Her health is fragile after all and destabilizing her too much wouldn't go in our favour, we don't know how much longer she's going to remember us for, her dementia is slow and steady for now but it's known to be unstable and could worsen anytime, which is why we try to keep a regular schedule going with her, just to allow her some consistency.

Anything to see her smile one more time when she opens her door, anything to see her remember us, to hear her call our names, to feel her arms around us. Such a precious thing they are, and we do not take for granted. We're aware that time is not on our side.

But if even mom decided to stay with her friends instead of coming with us, why can't we also do the same and allow in some good people?

I wish he could see that, give it a try, but I also don't want to push him. If he's not ready, then I respect that, as long as he doesn't keep me back as well.

The other two remain silent, a little distance away as they wait for us and I can see that it helps Jimin in calming down, because when he opens his eyes again, he already looks like he's feeling calmer, less... angry.

"Better?" I ask him in a murmur, to which he hums softly, his hands rising to his face where mine are resting to lace our fingers anew.

"Better" he murmurs, and with that said, this time he's the one pulling me forward to reach the two men, a hesitant smile on his face before he looks down at the ground.

"I'm sorry about my behavior, I can't deny that I'm extremely tense around new people, I just don't want her to get taken advantage of and we don't know you two well, it's nothing personal, I'm like that with everyone. Keep her from making friends on a regular basis, it's my thing by now" he explains with a small sigh and I squeeze his hand tightly, a frown on my face.

"That's not true, Jiminie, I could damn well make friends behind your back if I wanted to, but you know as well as I do that I don't meet enough people for that to happen. So don't worry, it's not your fault, you don't hold that much power over me" I tease him, hoping to lighten his mood, and the small huff that leaves him feels like a tiny little victory for my heart, his thankful squeeze around my fingers all I need.

Taehyung and Jungkook smile and shake their heads understandingly.

"Honestly, we understand, our friends and us two as well, we're kind of... private, we don't take to outsiders much, we're very careful when it comes to who we approach, we've met our fair share of trouble when trying to be too friendly. I do hope that you can come to trust us at some point, we would never take advantage of her, nor of you for that matter" the latter reassures my brother and the smile they all share together warms my heart.

But then something also doesn't really make a lot of sense in what he said.

"You didn't seem very careful when you first came to talk to me, it barely took you three seconds after sitting down" I blurt out before regretting it right away when Jungkook and Taehyung both grin, the two of them leaning down lightly in front of me to reach my height, a teasing glow in their eyes.

Oh damn, my heart likes that a bit too much to be safe.

"That, dear young woman, is called instincts. As much as we now know to keep away from some people, we also know when it's safe to get closer. You pulled us in without even trying, you make us that comfortable and that, we respect" Jungkook muses, eyes relishing in the blush that quickly works to coat my cheeks, embarrassment filling me.

Uncomfortable, because Taehyung is currently watching his boyfriend flirt with me, but one look at him dispels that worry in a matter of milliseconds, the heat in my face instead worsening because there he is, head angled in a way that I only see photographers do as he observes me.

What I don't expect though is when he tsks his tongue out of nowhere, a frown taking place on his ethereal face and I almost flinch back, Jimin's body unconsciously stepping forward to hide me behind him at the sudden threat, something that the two men completely ignore as they turn to each other.

"I wish I'd brought a camera today, this would've been a masterpiece worthy of being treasured by the kings" the man whines suddenly and we both freeze as Jungkook nods with a seriously disappointed look on his face, just as upset with that reality of theirs that somehow includes me, just not in the way I'd foreseen.

"Such a shame, but we can always make her blush once more when you do, Tae, it looks like it's quite easy to paint her cheeks a daisy pink" the latter claims as he turns back to my peeking head from behind Jimin with a boop to my nose, his eyes crinkling in delight when I stutter out empty words, just breathless sounds leaving my throat that have even Jimin staring at me with an amused grin.

"It is rather easy, I'll give you that. Get me to trust you and I might tell you more about how you can get a deeper shade" my traitorous brother lets out and I hide fully behind him, forehead going to bump against his back to punish him while the two men hum simultaneously, interested.

"Is that our first mission I hear there, Jungkookie?". "I think it is, Tae, I think it is".

Jimin, damn you, you unstable psychopath! How can he take their side so easily after grumbling and groaning at them for the last hour?! Where has his love for me gone to?!

"That's a deal, you better remember it, Jimin ssi" Taehyung demands with a raised eyebrow and when Jimin reaches out for an official handshake, I get the immediate feeling that my future just gained a new branch.

One that includes two boyfriends, with me as the goal.


"This is where Jimin and I work, or will work, I guess. Our first day opening to the public happens tomorrow, I hope you two could come by if you have the time, maybe bring your friends as well, who knows" I explain as I unlock the door, the guiding tour completed, as far as what can be accomplished in a single day.

"Only if you plan on buying a lot, otherwise, don't get in the way" Jimin adds and I shoot him a glare, but he only winks back at me while Jungkook and Taehyung chuckle at his words.

"We'll come by and buy a lot, sure. What is this place, anyway?" Jungkook asks and I preen at the question, already ready to blurt out all the facts I can muster out about how great this place is and how wonderful it's going to be for this city but Jimin pinches my lips shut between his fingers with a shake of the head.

"Nuh-uh. When you get started, we're in this for hours. Keep your speeches for tomorrow, when there are more people to hear you, otherwise it's just a waste of saliva" he chides softly before releasing my pouty lips, the soft skin now sensitive because of him as I rub them with my thumb to ease the pain.

He then turns to Taehyung and Jungkook. "This place will sell creations made by independent artists who usually sell their products online. This place will act as a uniting environment for everyone. If you want to know more, you're going to have to come again, but I can tell that you would find an interest in what we offer here" he tells them, by the same occasion taking the joy right from my hands.

"You meanie" I mumble, my excitement thrown to the ground and stumbled upon so easily by my other half, but I get why he did what he did. I really was planning to tell them way more than what their simple question required.

Still rubbing my lip softly, the act not as conscious as it previously was, the sting now gone, I turn my head to look at the men to find their gaze focused on my finger, and when Taehyung licks his lips, I stop everything I'm doing to turn around and open the door, about to head inside when my heart squeezes and whines that I can't possibly leave just like that.

With a sigh, I turn around, and bow, although it feels more like the string holding me up suddenly got cut, my upper body almost bouncing as I do my best to keep my newfound nervousness in check.

Why does the idea of parting from them affect me so much?

"It was a pleasure to meet you two today, it would be an honor to see you here tomorrow, although you don't have to, please don't feel forced to come if you have better things to do. I hope today's walk was enough to help you feel more familiar with the area" I let out, the sound of my voice a lot more formal than I intended.

Jungkook chuckles warmly. "Why so serious, little daisy? We will be sure to come by tomorrow, rest easy, we will be present for the grand opening. As for the guiding you two performed today, it was more than helpful, thanks to you we now have many places to show our friends, they're going to love all of them. I wish we could stay some more, but we actually have a lot of unpacking to do and Jin hyung is going to scold us all night if we don't help at least a little".

I straighten up at that, unable to hide the slight sadness on my face at the idea of seeing them leave, but I shake my head before any of them can notice, not willing to look too attached when it's barely been three hours since we met.

Taehyung smiles gently and pats my head before stepping back before Jimin bites his hand off.

"This isn't goodbye, little wolf. At what time do you open tomorrow?" he asks, and the way they both use terms of endearment so easily on me has my heart tingling happily, eyes wide with wonder as I gaze at them.

Jimin clears his throat and I snap out of the daze, a hand to my burning cheeks before I answer the question, eyes avoiding the two of them as much as possible, thankful for Jimin's presence as he's like the only stable surface I can lean on at the moment.

"A-at t-ten. We open at ten" I stutter out, to which they both hum, charmed.

"Then we will be here at ten. Your first customers shall be us".

I smile and nod, that idea pleasing me more than it probably should.

"That sounds good to me, please have a safe walk back home, I hope your friends will go easy on you two, see you soon!" I tell them and they both grin before waving the two of us goodbye, Jimin even going as far as waving back briefly before he's pushing me inside the shop to close the door behind us and after a few steps, he turns back and locks it, just to be safe.

Then his eyes fall on me and I whine before running away from him, already knowing what's going to happen and not ready to hear any of it.

"Is my little baby sister having a crush?! Are you?!" he asks as he runs after me, his feet too fast to my liking and I nearly trip in an attempt to avoid him but that only allows him to catch me, his arms quickly going to tighten around me in a strong embrace as he peeks down at me with a smirk.

"I am not" I defend myself, but I know my case is very poor with the way my whole body is burning, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

"Oh, you're not?" he echoes and I huff before pointing at him with a frown.

"What about you, huh? One minute, you're all, oh I want them gone already, then suddenly you're all, gain my trust and I'll tell you how to make it a deeper shade?! What was that?!" I screech and his face falls into a sad pout.

"I thought you wanted me to try and be friends with them? Did I misunderstand the way you looked at me earlier? I felt it so deeply in my heart though, you even thought of mom" he asks and I...

Well, there's nothing I can use to counter that.

"So are you going to try and be friends with them?" I ask and he hums. "Do you have a crush on them?".

"No, I told you, I don't!". "Then I won't try and befriend them". "What? How does that make sense? Why wouldn't you just because of that?".

"Oh? I thought we were stating lies, was I wrong?".

"You-!". "So you do have a crush on them".

I groan and turn around in his arms to stop facing him, my face so hot there's probably steam by now.

"So I might have a tiny little crush, so what! Am I not allowed to have a crush?! I know that they're already together, they're gay, it's not happening! It'll pass so give me a break!" I shout, and in the silence that follows, I can almost hear his smirk as he rests his chin on my shoulder, his chest pressed flush against my back.

"I absolutely love how oblivious you are when it comes to love, my sweet peach, it's so precious. Don't worry, I won't tell them, but I will admit... I don't hate them. I actually can see a friendship forming with these two, aren't you proud of me?" he coos and I grumble before nodding my head once.

"It is good, as long as you want this friendship... don't force yourself for me" I add after a few seconds, the ambiance softening as I relax in my brother's hold.

He shakes his head and kisses my cheek.

"I'm not forcing myself, peach. Hearing the way they spoke earlier, about how they don't let in people easily, it made me think of myself. I think the two of them... they're a lot more similar to me than I thought, and anyone who respects you... can't possibly be bad. I want to see where this goes, with you" he assures me, our bodies now comfortably swaying left and right to the silence as we've done so often.

I smile and rest my head against his shoulder, no need for any words, because he can tell exactly how I feel, his soft content humming filling the room the song of a new beginning about to start.

I'm going to love writing for this story so freaking much, oh my gosh.

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