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"Are you ready to go, peach?".

I grab my phone and my bag before joining Jimin in my living room with a nod of the head.

"I think I am. How do I look? Like the owner of My Universe or do I look like a customer?" I ask nervously as I stand in front of him, watch as his eyes soften before he's standing up to rest his hands on my shoulders.

"You look beautiful, peach, you look like the queen of the universe, everyone will know that you're the owner, be confident" he reassures me and I nod, thankful for having him by my side, as always.

"You look very good too, Jiminie, the king by my side. Wait, can siblings be king and queen?" I blurt out and he chuckles before shrugging. "Probably not without there being some incest, my dear sister".

Disgusted, I quickly shake my head and backtrack. "No king then, you are... my right hand, my best advisor, knight and friend, all in one" I decide instead and he nods proudly, shoulders pulling back to push out his chest as he straightens his posture with a dignified look on his face.

"That's me, the all in one best everything" he echoes and I giggle before pushing him towards the door so we can get going. Luckily I live near our shop, but we still have to make sure everything is perfect before we open to the public and we're running out of time.

"You are, so put on your shoes, we need to go now, wouldn't want to be late on our first day" I muse and he obeys without complaining, even going as far as setting my shoes in front of me with a reverence.

"My Queen, if I might be allowed to help you put these on your lovely feet?" he requests and I grin before shaking my head. "Very nice of you, but I can do this myself, thank you".

His smile falls, mouth gaping open and he brings a hand to his heart, a shocked expression on his face.

"Was I just rejected? Did you lie about me being your right hand man? Can I not even help with that?" he whines and I huff before putting one foot in his opened hands, not willing to lose time over this.

"Fine, go ahead then, you whiny mochi!" I let out, hear his newfound giggle as he nods happily before proceeding to make me wear my shoes like a true gentleman, the only one in my life.

Sometimes I wonder if Jimin's also trying to fill the void that our father bestowed upon me by leaving us, as if him being the only masculine presence in my life means that he needs to be the one to show me how it is that I must be treated, but what he doesn't realize is that no one can treat me as preciously as he does, no one can ever achieve his level of care towards me.

My dear brother is just that perfect, the best one anyone could ever ask for, and he's mine. My twin, my other half, I was truly blessed, there's no other way. A life without him... wouldn't be a life at all.

"There you go, my sweet peach, all ready to go" he hums and I snap my attention back to the present time, see the smile on his lips as he stands back up to cup my cheeks softly.

"Always lost in your thoughts, hm? You always seem to forget that I'm connected to you, I can almost see and hear everything that goes through your mind. You deserve being treated like a queen because you're you, I am also incredibly blessed to have you as my baby twin, I hope you know that, there's nothing that I wouldn't do for you" he murmurs, his words causing my heart to swell and melt, a waterfall threatening to rise to my eyes before I force it down, but the watery shine to my orbs doesn't go unnoticed by the man in front of me whose smile turns endeared.

I wrap my arms around him for a very needed hug and he hums in satisfaction, his arms meeting at my back to pull me tightly against him, but then he's the one stepping back first to open the door, his unlocked phone in front of my eyes to show me that indeed, time is ticking.

"Let's go, together" he muses, a hand offered to me that I gratefully accept within my own, and together, always together, we make our way to the shop.

Jungkook's POV

I observe as Taehyung tries once again a new outfit, all of them making him as sexy and handsome as the last, yet here he is, frowning at his reflection before going to try another one.

"You will look good in anything you wear, Tae, my love, you know that, right?" I ask him, but then he's turning to me with an upset expression on his face.

"I know, but I want to fit my outfit with hers! What happens if what I settle with ends up being completely different? What do I do then, bun?" he asks back and I smile before humming, eyes looking over all the clothes now spread on the bed in organized different outfits.

"Why don't you go with some neutral colours? Judging from her outfit yesterday, I'm thinking that her colour theme will be very natural. Brown, white, cream, pastel. Why don't you keep these pants but wear this T-shirt with this cardigan on top?" I offer and he nearly snatches them out of my hold before removing those he's already wearing in a hurry and I sit back to enjoy the show, a smile on my lips as I wait for him to be satisfied.

He carefully takes care of every details of his outfit so that everything is perfect and once happy with what he's achieved, he turns back to me, eyes silently asking me to praise him and tell him that he looks so handsome she might just fall in love with him the instant she sees him.

I stand up from the bed and make my way to him, settle only for his hands so that I don't ruin his hardwork and smile at him.

"You look very handsome, Tae, she will be impressed, I'm sure. She might not say it, but it will show in her eyes, she has very clear orbs, they hide nothing of what she feels" I tell him and the beautiful boxy smile that takes place on his face lets me know that we might be done in terms of clothing.

But then his face turns serious and he goes back to the walk-in closet before coming out with a few pair of glasses. "Which ones should I wear? My look today requires glasses, don't you think?" he asks and I sigh before sitting back down on the bed.

"Try them, my love, see for yourself" I tell him and he nods, very serious in the matter before proceeding to try all of them, finally settling for some thin round frames that make him look scrumptious.

"She will fall head over heels, Tae, you'll have to be careful to not overwhelm her" I chuckle and he grins, this sentence feeding his pride in huge volumes. "I will be careful, don't worry" he reassures me softly, his eyes showing how important this is to him, to us.

"Are you two ready? You said that she opens at ten, right? We should get going soon, everyone's waiting for you" Namjoon says all of a sudden before peeking into the room and when his eyes fall on us, he whistles, something that boosts my own self-love tremendously as I grin at him.

"Are you trying to get her or the whole world? Everyone will bow at your feet, she might get jealous if too many girls twirl around you" he informs us and that has me stilling, Taehyung in the same situation as we both look in the mirror in front of us.

"Maybe I should forgo the glasses? They're too much, right?" Taehyung mumbles out but Hoseok walks into the room and pulls us both out by the hands.

"You two are fine, Namjoon's just teasing you. No matter what you wear, you'll get attention, we all do. We'll try and keep any unwanted wanderers from getting too close to you so you can focus on your sweet daisy, don't worry" he says to reassure us and we both nod sheepishly behind him, thankful as we reach the others in the entrance, Namjoon following behind silently with a grin on his face.

When we proceed to put on our shoes, Namjoon's hand naturally finds Yoongi's and Jin's finds Hoseok's while mine never left Taehyung's to begin with and once sure that we have everything, we lock the house's door behind us before making our way to the nearby shop, the walk there really not as long as Taehyung and I had expected yesterday.

"You four will be nice, right? No making her uncomfortable" Taehyung asks them once more, his worry that the six of us might be too much for her a concern he's had since we told them about her, but they all smile at him, eyes soft and understanding.

"Don't worry, Tae, we'll all be very careful. Plus, you said she has her brother to protect her, I don't think there's much we could do to make her uncomfortable even if we wanted to, which is not the case. Everything will be fine" Jin coos and I nod at his words, fingers squeezing my boyfriend's to help him relax.

"He's right, Tae. Anyway, it's her grand opening today, right? I do believe that she's going to be too excited about it to really have the time to notice anything. You saw her face light up yesterday when we asked her about her shop, it's clear that it means a lot to her" I tell him, to which he hums, his tensed posture relaxing when he remembers that fact.

"I have to say, I'm curious about her brother, you said there's something about him that's similar to us, right? What gave you that vibe?" Yoongi asks us and I turn my gaze to him, notice the curiosity on his face.

It's not everyday that we find someone like us after all.

"I can't confirm, hyung, but there's that glow in his eyes when he looks at strangers that doesn't exist when he gazes at her. I got the chills the first time he glared at me, I felt that intense wave of danger flow through me before he sat down next to her. It looks like she's the only reason he's not completely lost within himself".

He nods, lips pursed as he looks up to the sky.

"He's really like us, then" he whispers.

One more bearer of this cursed persona.

Your POV

Now that it's almost time to open the door, I can't deny that my heart is beating so fast I might just end up passing out anytime now.

I'm so nervous. Excited, but extremely nervous.

I worked so hard on this during the last months, I spent entire days and nights to make today happen and now that it's here, it's like all the emotions that accompanied me until now are all flooding and swarming me all at once, weeks compiling into this day and causing my body to buzz as I make one last round around the shop while Jimin makes sure the cash register is filled and properly organized.

When his eyes fall on me, he sighs and finalizes everything before following after me until he grabs my arm, then pulls me to a chair near the counter where he makes me sit down before crouching in front of me.

"I know that the nerves are kicking in really hard right now, but you can do this, peach. You worked hard for this day, I would hate for you to look back to today and only remember how nervous you were. Why don't we put some music on, you stay right here and take it easy, okay? You've been making rounds without stop since earlier adjusting this and that, you've done enough, you're going to make yourself sick focusing so much on these tiny little details" he says softly, his warm hands on my knees giving a gentle pat before he stands up to reach the computer besides the cash register.

He searches through the available playlists I made for this shop, different styles depending on our mood and settles for a light jazz one, the happy sounds that start resounding around me in the speakers we installed in the different corners of the shop indeed helping me breathe better as the instruments make it to my soul to ease the knots forming around my heart.

"Here, better, isn't it?" he muses when he sees me smile and I nod, relieved when my heartbeat starts slowing down. "Thank you, Jiminie".

He winks at me and the last minutes are spent in comfortable silence as we listen to the music until it's time to open the door to the public, if there is any.

I know many people were interested in the event I shared online, it was also shared to a lot of people, but how do I know that they'll really come? I guess there's no way to know for sure. We can distribute the remaining free goodies left at the end of the day during the next days until there are none left, I guess.

"Ready? I'll be right behind you, let's welcome in these people" Jimin muses, but I shoot him a look with a small worried pout.

"How do you know if there are people waiting?" I ask him and he quirks an eyebrow at me before pulling me to the window. Giving me a few seconds to tilt my body, my eyes eventually fall on a small group of people chatting excitedly together as they await for the doors to open and my eyes widen.

I turn to my smiling brother, unable to believe it before I rush to the door, eager to open it and allow in these lovely people who look just as excited to see what is inside, although I did give some sneak pictures to satiate their curiosity over the last days.

"Hi everyone! Thank you for waiting, please come in!" I greet them, soul tingling in happiness when they greet me back with just as much joy, as they share with me how excited they were about coming here, that they've been here a few times just to see the building, that they couldn't wait for the grand opening.

It makes me so happy that I almost forget that there are two missing faces among the people entering the shop, but as much as my heart deflates a little in disappointment, the customers who start looking around, their eyes filled with questions quickly takes my attention and I allow myself to focus entirely on what I love doing - sharing our artists' passion in what I hope can be a new budding community.

As expected of Jimin, putting him in charge of the cash register was a good idea, seeing as some people buy things just to get a chance to talk with the handsome man whose smiles are blinding to anyone not used to them and I chuckle to myself, knowing that these aren't even half of what mom and I get from him.

I wonder if someone else other than us might be lucky enough one day to see how bright they can get when he's really comfortable and at ease.

Too busy answering questions about the bracelets available, all of them easy favorites of mine, I don't notice the group of men that enter inside until the energy in the room shifts heavily, a feeling blooming in my heart that has me looking behind me to see Jungkook and Taehyung followed by four other men.

My breath hitches in my throat as I observe the two men I do know, their handsomeness undeniable, handsome, but also sinfully sexy, especially Jungkook, his all black outfit and the leather jacket he sports dangerous to my heart.

They're like contrasts of each other, but that stops only to the outfits because their faces express the same energy of power that I've learned them to have yesterday, their eyes looking over the shop in interest, a small nod for Jimin when they meet eyes before they settle on me.

Instantly, a warm smile appears on their faces and I feel mine heat up, heart skipping a few beats when I see them head over to me, the two of them intimidating as the surrounding people can't help but give way for them, eyes unable to let go of them, but to me, this is a beautiful sight that helps me feel more complete.

It's like my soul only needed them here now to feel like this day is perfect.

I give them both a shy smile, painfully aware of my blushing, yet none of them comment on it, probably to avoid embarrassing me in front of my customers, which I appreciate.

"This place looks amazing, daisy, and so do you, you look splendid. I'm sorry we couldn't get here first like we'd said, Namjoon hyung tripped on the way and we had to stop at a clinic to get bandages" Jungkook explains and I look behind him and Taehyung to see someone sheepishly rub the back of his neck, both palms covered with square bandages.

"Are... are you okay?" I ask him, worried, it must have hurt a lot, but he kindly smiles, dimples coming alive by doing so and nods. "I am fine, thank you for asking. I'm just clumsy, that happens a lot. My name is Namjoon by the way, we were told a lot about you yesterday, it's a pleasure to meet you" he says as he walks closer, the other three behind him and when he offers me a handshake, I hesitate to return it, but his hopeful face has me carefully sliding my hand in his huge one for a tiny little squeeze that has him grinning.

"She's cute, you two were right" he muses before stepping back to give place to the others who all fight for first place before me while I remain there, an unmoving blushing mess, Jimin's gaze on our group evident without even having to look at him.

An incredibly handsome and tall man, his shoulders wider than I thought possible eventually wins the scuffle with a proud huff and also reaches out to me for a handshake.

"You may call me Jin, the eldest of the group, you could say I'm responsible of them so if Jungkook and Taehyung ever do anything to you, don't let them off the hook and come tell me, I'll take care of them" he informs me with a wink, to which I can't help but giggle with a nod, most pleased with the protective offer.

"Hyung!" Taehyung exclaims, less than happy about it but before he can whine more, I hear Jungkook stop him, something about not causing trouble when there are so many people around, people who can't resist gaping at them, hands mindlessly grabbing stuff along with their purse when their eyes go from one handsome man to the next, Jimin always being the last one they see, the pull they can't resist as they grab their money to leave with an item they'll wonder about later.

I kind of feel bad for them, but I can't blame them, not when I know I would be in a similar state in their place.

Sorry for filling my cash register, and thank you!

I don't notice when the hand holding mine changes to someone else until I look back to the front to see a man with very dark hair and feline shaped eyes and I startle, eyes blinking quickly in surprise when he lets out an amused laugh.

"Surprised you there, didn't I? Sorry about that, I'm a quiet-sneaky type of guy. My name is Yoongi, Namjoon's boyfriend, it's a pleasure to meet you and just like Jin said, don't hesitate to let me know if these two bother you, I'll put them back in place if needed" he lets out with a sweet husk to his voice that has me bashfully nodding, a little overwhelmed by all the handsome and sexy happening around me.

The last one, a man with a sun for a face playfully pushes Yoongi away to take his place and both of his hands move to grab mine before he's shaking excitedly. "My name is Hoseok but you can call me Hobi! I'm Jin's boyfriend, I hope we can be good friends" he chirps and I smile brightly at his wish, something I can see happening without a doubt.

"That would be great, Hobi, it's nice to meet you too" I muse back before feeling a hand rest on my shoulder from behind me.

I look up to see Jimin hovering behind me and the silence that fills the building makes the music playing in the background that much louder as everyone holds their breath, wondering just what the heck is about to happen.

Is he mad? I can't see that well since he's so close, all I really see is his jaw.

But then he's holding out a hand and I sigh in relief.

"Jimin, I'm Y/N's older twin brother. So you guys are the friends Taehyung and Jungkook told us about yesterday, known each other for a long time?" he asks them and I watch as the four new men stare at him in silent curiosity before Yoongi's nodding, his hand grabbing my brother's first for a handshake.

"We have, you could say we've been raised together. I'm guessing you heard our names when we introduced ourselves, but let me tell you mine again. Min Yoongi, and this one here is Kim Namjoon".

The clumsy man now turned dragon steps forward, his eyes not deviating from my brother and when I suddenly get pulled aside and away from the trio, I look up to see Jungkook and Taehyung smiling before looking at the items on the shelves.

"How about you show us what you have here? The others can handle themselves without us" the latter says, and finding nothing to say to argue because he's right, I nod, an eye kept towards the counter so I can take care of customers when I see the way Jimin remains with the two other men, something I've never seen happen before, not when I'm here.

It makes me curious, and part of me wonders if my brother could possibly be developing a crush as well, especially when I see the two men grin before Jimin's ears turn red.

Curious indeed... at least he has a chance with them, unlike me.

It's no secret that the very handsome men always end up with each other, I wouldn't be the only one falling for guys who I can never be with, but whether that's something my brother wants or not, I hope he won't let me stop him.

Bringing my attention back to my two new friends, I smile when I see Taehyung trying one of the berets, a look that suits him wonderfully. He turns his gaze to me with a light tilt of the head and I inwardly swear that he has to affect me that way.

"It looks very good on you, Taehyung, you have a head for these, not many can make that claim" I tell him, watch as he grins proudly before turning back to the mirror with a hum.

"I think I could get this one, what do you think Jungkookie?" he asks and the man nods, a content look in his eyes when he looks at his boyfriend. "I think you should, Tae, especially since you have daisy's approval".

I giggle at that, unsure of how else to react. "Are you going to buy anything I say would suit you?" I ask in a mean to tease them, but when they both nod without missing a beat, I still, eyes widening as it processes in my mind.

"Guys!" I exclaim as they both burst into laughter. "Please don't do that, that's called being taken advantage of!" I continue, hands flailing besides me at the idea that they could really be serious, but they simply smile, endeared.

"Little wolf, you could take advantage of us anytime of any day, we would be thrilled" Taehyung chirps and I slam a hand over my cheeks before rushing to the cash register to make a customer pay after she motions for me that she's ready, also a not so discreet way of fleeing the scene.

These damn men!

"Quite a day for you, isn't it?" the older lady asks with a chuckle when she takes in my embarrassed state and I shyly nod, mind processing that she looks like she might be near mom's age.

"It really is, but it's a good day, a very good day" I muse, eyes turning back to my brother to see him smile and laugh, something that makes me so incredibly happy, nothing like how he was yesterday. He seems to have taken to these two men very easily.

Seeing some movement to my right has me turning my head to see Jungkook leaning on the counter, eyebrows raising up and down and I quickly look away, cheeks puffing up in fake insult that he could dare follow me around to try and get me flustered, but I know that the crinkling to my eyes isn't fooling anyone.

"That is good to hear, dear. You can be sure that I will be back again, I have found so many things of interest and I'm very excited to see what new things will be available in the future, keep up the good work" she says after paying and I bow lowly in thanks as she exits the shop, her words meaning the world to me as I feel my heart burn with pride.

When Jungkook makes sure that I'm free, he grabs my hand and pulls me back to where Taehyung is trying on sunglasses, and before I can do or say anything, he grabs a pair that he slides over my face before doing the same thing to Jungkook and then pulls us two to stand with him in front of the mirror.

"We are... the V trio, the coolest, the prettiest, beware our beauty" he then blurts our before striking a pose, and when Jungkook does the same, I panic before doing one too, mind confused but body always proactive and the next thing I know, the flash of a camera has me stilling as I come to realize that a picture was just taken.

"Ohhhhh it looks good! I want one too, with Jinnie! Would you, Tae?" I hear Hoseok chirp from behind us and I look down at the picture that Taehyung shows me, our first, the three of us doing a silly pose that kind of reminds me of the Power rangers.

I bring a hand to my mouth, then burst into laughter, unable to believe that they got me to take part in that.

Those sneaky men!

"It really looks good! You should keep it on your counter, daisy, we'll have it printed and framed for the next time we meet" Jungkook chirps as he gazes at the picture and I hum, glasses back to where they belong just as Hoseok comes back with a confused Jin.

I get an external view of what I went through myself just seconds ago, but Hoseok has to physically handle Jin until he reaches the perfect pose before Taehyung takes the picture and I grin widely, especially when Hoseok proceeds to tickle his boyfriend, the screech that resounds in the building causing me to laugh again, tears peeking out as I observe the way they behave to one another, an easy closeness that they share together.

I can't help but believe that Jungkook and Taehyung's appearance yesterday might have been a work of fate, because there's no way Jimin and I could've ever been exposed to such bright people otherwise.

When he joins our group with Namjoon and Yoongi, it's to see him relaxed, content, and the smile he sends me as he wraps himself around me is sincere, hopeful, proud, something that makes me want to cry out of sheer happiness.

Today is a good day indeed, a very good day.

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