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"So, my sweet, sweet brother" I start as we close shop and make inventory of what remains, our first day of work an obvious success, but also the most filled we will get in a while until we get regulars, until more people hear of this place.

Jimin turns to me, lips pursed because he knows he's going to get back what he made me go through yesterday, and I'm going to love seeing the faces he can make to that.

"Could someone possibly have a crush now? Hm?" I ask him with an overly cute behaviour that has him gulping before looking away, cheeks heating up without him being able to stop them.

He closes the notebook containing his observations over which products ended up getting more attention and then shrugs slightly, unsure himself of what he's currently experiencing.

"I mean..." he starts before stopping with a sigh. "I don't know? I never thought myself... well... to be interested in men, you know? But it's... not as shocking as I would've expected in other conditions? The way I feel with them... is unlike anything I've ever felt before" he lets out and I hum with a grin.

"So you do have a crush" I muse and he groans, face bright with shyness before hiding behind the cash register, something that has me laughing.

"It's okay, I swear! Yoongi and Namjoon are very handsome, they were different with you than they were with me, I think you caught their attention" I tell him and he nods shyly, he must have noticed too.

Who wouldn't when it was so obvious, the way they stared at him nearly all day? They were completely oblivious to the women twirling around them, begging for attention, like they couldn't care any less about them. Jimin was all they could focus on.

I can only hope that they will treat my brother well if they do try anything. I don't want to learn how deep Jimin can fall if this all goes to shit, because my brother has never fallen for anyone, has never showed any signs of liking someone that way before.

No, no, don't think like that, Y/N, that calls for bad luck. It's going to be fine, they don't seem like bad guys, but if they are, then I will personally take care of them if anything happens to my other half, they can be damn sure of that. This queen knows how to fight too.

"What about Taehyung and Jungkook? They made you laugh a lot today, they followed you around like pretty puppies, their attention on you as if they feared you suddenly disappearing from sight" Jimin says after a while and I hum with a small shrug, not willing to make my confusing emotions too obvious even though I know I can't hide anything from him.

"I can see that we're going to be really good friends, if that's what you want to know" I answer, see his unimpressed eyes as he stares back at me and I sigh.

"Jimin, you know as well as I do that they're gay. They like men. Do I look like a man to you? Do I have a dick?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes before crossing his arms over his chest, the sound of his foot hitting the floor a clear sign of his impatience.

"Have they personally said that they only like men? A lot of people nowadays like both men and women, you're just taking for granted that men is their preferences because that's all you've seen! It's very possible that their preference isn't only dick, and it's also possible that this plays absolutely no part in their mind, it doesn't automatically have to do with sex" he counters, words that make a lot of sense, but it causes me to hope and I don't know why I would hope for such a thing towards men I only just met.

Why is my soul pulling me towards them like that? Why am I so interested in them? This is all so new to me and I really don't understand.

Turning back to Jimin, I see him also lost in his thoughts and I walk to him before leading us both to some seats side by side so we can sit down and talk properly. He looks up to meet my eyes, just as much confusion in his orbs.

"Did you feel that way when you met them both for the first time?" he asks and I can tell right away what exactly kind of feeling he's talking about.

"Like you suddenly need them to be able to breathe?" I ask, and he nods, some frustration taking place on his pretty face.

"So it's not just me... You know how I am usually, Taehyung and Jungkook still don't have all my trust even though I'm willing to try, but then these two come in, Namjoon and Yoongi and suddenly, I feel like I can trust them with my life? What is that?" he asks, hands clenched tight, clearly this is hard to understand for us both.

"Do you think it's like that for everyone when they... well... get a crush?" I try, but he quickly shakes his head, unconvinced.

"Not a chance. Being interested in someone you don't know and feeling like you can give yourself fully to someone you just met without it feeling like a bad idea, don't you think they're very different? No, this isn't the same, this isn't normal at all..." he mumbles and I nod slowly, eyes falling to my own hands.

"Then... do you think they're like... witches? Were we victims of a spell and they're waiting for the right time to take us with them so they can make a super rare potion? Do they need a pair of twins for that?" I ask and he lets out a laugh, mood shifting from mad confused to mad amused.

"You think? I can see that being a thing, six incredibly handsome men suddenly appear in our lives and make us feel wanted? Maybe you're right peach, we should be careful until we find out more, just in case, let's not be too hasty in getting to know them" he says as he wraps an arm around my shoulders to pull me into his side.

I hum, knowing that his wish to be careful is very serious, no matter the story we might conjure up while trying to explain all this.

"Oh well, there's no point trying to understand all this now, not with so little information. We can try and make sense of this as we go, but for now, how about we just go back home, get in a good shower and then go visit mom? I'm sure she would want to know how it went today" I offer and he smiles, his free hand rising to my forehead to push my baby hair out of my eyes.

"That sounds good, peach, let's do that. Do you want to head to my place this time? I can give you of my comfy clothes for the visit, I know you love them when we go see her" he asks with a tilt of the head and I nod with a small smile.

"Please, that would be great. I like wearing your clothes, they feel like an additional protection around my heart. We never know in what state we'll find mom in, anything that belongs to you feels like emotional support to me" I tell him and he stares at me a little surprised by the revelation.

"You never told me that before, I thought you just enjoyed that they're bigger than your size" he admits, but I shake my head, feeling my heart sadden a little when I remember the way mom forgot how to use her fork last time. I rest my head on his shoulder and he hugs me gently with a sigh.

"It's going to be fine. Mom... she's doing her best to stay for us, you know that, right? She has her notes with her pictures of us, she reads them everyday, looks at our faces everyday. She's fighting the regression as much as she can" he murmurs, his fingers softly combing through my hair as he speaks, hopeful words, I want to believe that so much, but this time, for probably the first time in my life, I don't share with him my worry, my suspicion, he doesn't need to know, not now.

"You're right, Jiminie. Should we go now? We could grab some food once there to eat dinner with her, I'm sure she would love that".

He nods, but doesn't make the first move to part from me, instead giving me all the time I need to find the strength to pull myself off of him, knowing full well that I need some more seconds of his soothing.

"She loves her vegetarian pizza, we could get the one from her favourite place? She loves their garlic bread too so we need to get that. And maybe a small cake? I know it's not really recommended by the nurses there but they don't need to know? And also-" I ramble a little, just a way to gain some more time, and Jimin simply hums with a nod as I go, his fingers never straying from the calming waves they create in my hair, the gentle massaging they do to my scalp.

It should help, right? I should be happy to go see mom, but why am I so scared today?

"Do you think she remembers what she loves? If she even remembers her favourite colour?" I ask him, voice thick with unshed tears that I stubbornly try to keep in and he stills, just a little second before he resumes his playing in my hair.

He hesitates to speak up, but when he does, the words shatter my heart even if I were expecting them.

"I don't think she does, peach... I... I don't believe she does" he whispers before hugging me tighter, a hard and long kiss to the back of my head.

"But we need to be strong for her, okay? We'll remind her, and if she says she has a new favourite, then we go along with it, okay? We can remind her of the past, but we also need to follow her changing reality, we can't upset her. Can you do that, peach? Hm?" he asks in a hushed voice, the tears singing in his throat as they remain stuck there and I nod heavily, not wanting to, but knowing that it's necessary.

Her changing reality is one that takes her further away from us, from the life we spent together, and I hate that, I hate so much that we're becoming the only ones to remember who she is, who she used to be, but I know that he's right, Jimin is always right.

"I'll do my best, I promise".

With that said, he pats my waist softly and pulls the both of us up to our feet, his arms supporting me until my muscles decide to do their job.

"Let's go take a warm shower, unwind from the day we just had, we listen to great music on the way to her and then we enjoy a great night with her before coming back home. You can sleep with me tonight, I don't want you alone after meeting her, not anymore" he decides and I nod, ready to go along with anything he says at this point.

Together, we grab our belongings, switch off the lights then make our way out, door locked securely behind us before we start our short walk to my place where his car is waiting for us.

"I still don't know why you refuse to live with me" Jimin blurts out on the way and I grin at his attempt at getting me to focus on our stupid scuffle once more.

"You do know, Jiminie. I need my alone time once in a while, plus, isn't it nice to have two homes instead of just one? You can crash to mine for slumber parties, I can do the same to yours, it makes these nights even better than if we were always together" I tell him, but he simply huffs.

"We're already always together" he counters, but I shake my head. "We're not, not during the night, not all the time. That has to count for something, right?".

He pouts, one that badly hides the smile lurking underneath and just like that, with the mood lighter and less on the sad side, we swing our linked hands up to my apartment complex where we then go right in his car, no need to get inside my place to grab clothes since I'll just use his.

The drive to his home is quiet, the dozen minutes separating us always feeling so much worse than they really are.

It's like the further apart we are, the more we're pulling at the bond uniting us and the more it might snap one day, even though I know that it would never happen. Get us too far and we would turn around instantly to reach the other.

Still, it is necessary. We're so close, it's good to have some space for ourselves, for me, and for him. I made that decision at first with the wish that he could try and live his life for himself a little more, but when I went to sleep in my own bed for the first time, Jimin nowhere near my place, it felt rather nice, uncomfortable, but nice.

It helps me to stop taking him for granted. I want to always be aware that having him in my life is a miracle that very few are allowed and for that, I need to miss him.

"Alright, you can go first, I'll leave some clothes on my bed, you wear those when you're done" Jimin says as we enter his home, a small house he decided to rent in the hopes of attracting me over more often, which I won't lie, kinda works.

His place is by far fancier than my own, but I'm still keeping my head held high, he won't get me here in a permanent way. My apartment suits me now, I worked hard on making it to my taste and I'm not losing that.

"Thanks, Jiminie, I won't take too long" I tell him with a smile before heading to the bathroom where I immediately start the shower so the water can be nice and hot while I get undressed.

I set my clothes in the hamper and make sure I have a towel nearby before stepping into the glass shower, the feeling of the water on my back and shoulders exactly what I needed to process this day.

Taehyung's POV

I stare at her number in my phone, fingers hovering over it before I sigh and set it aside.

Today was really fun, we got to see a side of her in her element, in her passion and it was a sight to see, she was glowing, truly.

Hoseok and Jin didn't stay too long after they found a few things of interest, but Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook and I, we simply couldn't leave while knowing that these two where there, we just had to soak in their presence some more, we had to fill a part of us that's been unconsciously longing for them for so long.

Never would I have ever imagined that we would find our missing piece by coming here, but it's the kind of thing that makes me believe in fate. We were all meant to find each other in this city.

Jungkook sits next to me on the couch and stares at my phone, the screen still opened to our Y/N's contact page.

"You don't want to call her?" he asks, curious and I sigh again, head going to rest on his shoulder.

"I don't want to be too pushy. We already spent hours looking at her before we decided to leave, I don't want her to think that we're obsessed with her" I tell him and he hums before letting out a small huff.

"We are obsessed though. It's not something we can stop" he comments before sighing as well. "But I get your point. She doesn't need to know that she's all we can think about since we found her yesterday, it would weird her out".

I think back to Yoongi and Namjoon today, how they acted like Jimin's shadow for a good part of the day as well, their smiles and teasing smirks enough to have the man blushing on regular intervals and I let out a small laugh.

"Can't believe that Jimin was charmed so easily when we barely got his approval yesterday".

Jungkook chuckles and nods at my words.

"I know, this is favoritism for sure, we'll have to complain the next time we see them. But I have to say, I'm curious to know how our twins are processing this. Surely they must be confused by the way they're feeling, it's not considered normal to feel the way we do, although it is for us, but not for them" he says, to which I purse my lips in worry.

"Do you think it's too much for them? Would they get scared of these feelings?" I ask him and he lifts my head from his shoulder to cup my cheeks softly, his eyes warm and confident.

"I believe we're going to be fine. We just have to show them that these feelings aren't a bad thing, that we're there for them and that we will always be. We need them to associate this as something safe so that they can get used to it in a good way. Let's take it as slow as we're able to as to not overwhelm her, but let's also be constant in our pursuing her. Our goal is to become indispensable to her, we need her to need us, we need her to be dependent on us".

I nod and smile. "That we can do. You saw the way she looked at us today, she's already falling" I tell him and he grins proudly.

"That she is. Let's not be too proud though, we're not assured a happy ending yet. We have much road to cover, for now, Jimin is the most important to her. If we can't take his place, we need to reach his level and that won't be easy" he informs me as he leans back into the couch, a hand going to rub his chin in wonder.

I look in front of me, the couch in our room facing a wall with a single picture in the middle. One I took of Y/N while she wasn't looking, one of the prettiest pictures I have ever taken, but that is mostly because she is the most beautiful person to exist in the world. Any picture of her would be majestic.

"Yoongi and Namjoon will distract Jimin in their pursuing him. We can make use of the times when they keep him busy to spend time with her. They won't have it any easier, if anything, Jimin will be harder to get than it'll be for us to get Y/N. He's completely and fully obsessed with her, there's no way out of it for him, they'll need us to show him that we can keep her safe so that he can agree to spend time alone with them. We'll have to help each other out for this" I say, soul somber at how complicated this will be, but also thrilled because this is a challenge, and we love a good challenge, especially when the final prize is one as sweet as her.

How absolutely wonderful would it be to have her under my lips, my teeth engraved into her skin so that the world may know to not approach her. If only it could be that simple.

I nose at Jungkook's neck to calm myself with his scent and he runs a hand through my hair, a pleased smile on his face.

"We will have her, my love, never doubt that. She will be ours".

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